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James Merritt - What God Joins Together
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James Merritt - What God Joins Together
James Merritt - What God Joins Together
Now, if you’re a politician or you know anything about politics, you’re going to be familiar with this phrase. It’s called «The Third Rail». And if you’re not familiar with that, lemme just tell you, there are some things that politicians know. They [...]
Rick Warren - Fighting for an Awesome Family - Part 2
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Rick Warren - Fighting for an Awesome Family - Part 2
Rick Warren - Fighting for an Awesome Family - Part 2
God says, you need to talk about the things that are important, at home, when you're relaxing, when you're on vacation, when you're having a walk, you need to do it at bedtime conversations, you need to do breakfast conversations. He [...]
Rick Warren - Fighting for an Awesome Family - Part 1
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Rick Warren - Fighting for an Awesome Family - Part 1
Rick Warren - Fighting for an Awesome Family - Part 1
Last week, we looked at marriage. This week, I'm gonna look at: how do you have an awesome family? "Fighting for an awesome family". I chose this word intentionally, fighting, because families are not awesome by accident. By accident, [...]
Rick Warren - Fighting for an Awesome Marriage
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Rick Warren - Fighting for an Awesome Marriage
Rick Warren - Fighting for an Awesome Marriage
Whether you have never been married or you're divorced or you're separated or you're widowed or you are currently married, regardless of what state you're in, the next verse applies to all of us. Look at this verse. Hebrews 13:4, [...]
Rick Warren - Facing The Fears That Ruin Relationships - Part 2
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Rick Warren - Facing The Fears That Ruin Relationships - Part 2
Rick Warren - Facing The Fears That Ruin Relationships - Part 2
We're gonna go all the way back to the book of Genesis, the very first book of the Bible, and look at the first couple, Adam and Eve, because that's where all the problems started. Now let me read you the story. It's in Genesis [...]
Rick Warren - Facing The Fears That Ruin Relationships - Part 1
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Rick Warren - Facing The Fears That Ruin Relationships - Part 1
Rick Warren - Facing The Fears That Ruin Relationships - Part 1
This weekend, I want us to look at diffusing the fears that ruin relationships. And to do that, we're gonna go all the way back to the Book of Genesis, the very first book of the Bible, and look at the first couple, Adam and Eve, because [...]
Joyce Meyer - The People-Pleasing Disease - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - The People-Pleasing Disease - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - The People-Pleasing Disease - Part 2
I found myself doing so many favors for so many people that then I still had to do everything I needed to do to keep Joyce Meyer Ministries running and operating right. And we wanna do favors for people, but you can only do so much. And anybody that [...]
Joyce Meyer - The People-Pleasing Disease - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - The People-Pleasing Disease - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - The People-Pleasing Disease - Part 1
I wanna talk to you today about the people-pleasing disease. Anybody here tend to be a people pleaser? Well, we all are to some degree, and it's not always wrong. The Bible tells us to please people, but when we're displeasing God in order [...]
Robert Jeffress - Order In The House
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Robert Jeffress - Order In The House
Robert Jeffress - Order In The House
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". At times, does your home feel more like a battleground than a place of rest? Today, we'll discover God's blueprint for peaceful and loving relationships. In [...]
Robert Jeffress - The Most Unpopular Verse in the Bible
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Robert Jeffress - The Most Unpopular Verse in the Bible
Robert Jeffress - The Most Unpopular Verse in the Bible
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". In today's culture, few Bible verses spark more controversy than Ephesians 5:22 which instructs wives to submit to their husbands. Many see this statement as [...]
Marcus Mecum - How To Have A Spirit Filled Home - Part 2
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Marcus Mecum - How To Have A Spirit Filled Home - Part 2
Marcus Mecum - How To Have A Spirit Filled Home - Part 2
Friends will come and go. Family will come and go. People have an interesting way of being with you when you're on top, when things are going good for you. But when you struggle, and you suffer, and you're at the bottom, it's [...]
Marcus Mecum - How To Have A Spirit Filled Home - Part 1
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Marcus Mecum - How To Have A Spirit Filled Home - Part 1
Marcus Mecum - How To Have A Spirit Filled Home - Part 1
If you can find your Bibles or find in your Bibles, Ephesians 5. I'm gonna read a bunch of verses with you over the next couple minutes. Let's look at verse 17, "Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will [...]
Jack Graham - The Blessing of a Christian
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Jack Graham - The Blessing of a Christian
Jack Graham - The Blessing of a Christian
I would invite you to take God's Word and turn to Psalm number 128. The title of this message is "The Blessing of a Christian Family". The blessing and the benefits of a Christian family. Life is all about relationships. And someone [...]
Chris Hodges - Relational Healing
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Chris Hodges - Relational Healing
Chris Hodges - Relational Healing
All right, how's everybody doing today? Everybody doing good? Who's glad to be in church today? Anybody, anybody? It's good to see you guys and welcome to week number 2 of a series that we're in called, "I've Witnessed [...]
Jack Graham - Saving the Family
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Jack Graham - Saving the Family
Jack Graham - Saving the Family
There is no person that God cannot save! There is no promise that God will not keep! There is nothing that our God cannot do! Take your Bibles and open them to the book of Nehemiah chapter 4. And in this message with our faith and family series, [...]
Jack Graham - Becoming a Kingdom Family
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Jack Graham - Becoming a Kingdom Family
Jack Graham - Becoming a Kingdom Family
There is no person that God cannot save! There is no promise that God will not keep! There is nothing that our God cannot do! And I want to invite you know to take God's Word. Such a privilege each week. We never take it for granted to say, [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Live In Hope When Relationships Are Difficult
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Peter Tan-Chi - Live In Hope When Relationships Are Difficult
Peter Tan-Chi - Live In Hope When Relationships Are Difficult
Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Recently, I read an article. There is a phenomenon in Japan called jouhatsu. Jouhatsu is from a Japanese word that means evaporation. It refers to people who vanish on purpose into [...]
Andy Stanley - One Game-Changing Decision for Relationships
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Andy Stanley - One Game-Changing Decision for Relationships
Andy Stanley - One Game-Changing Decision for Relationships
Hi, everybody, welcome to "Your Move," where we help you make better decisions and live with fewer regrets. I'm Andy Stanley, and today, we're talking about what happy couples know. What happy couples know is there is one really [...]
Jack Graham - A Word to Wives
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Jack Graham - A Word to Wives
Jack Graham - A Word to Wives
There is no person that God cannot save! There is no promise that God will not keep! There is nothing that our God cannot do! Well, this is our marriage and family series called THE WAY HOME. So far, we've talked about foundations for the [...]
Andy Stanley - How Winning is Costing You Relationships
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Andy Stanley - How Winning is Costing You Relationships
Andy Stanley - How Winning is Costing You Relationships
This is the interesting thing about all conflict is we want exactly what the person we're having the conflict with wants. We actually, both parties want the very same thing. Both parties want to be heard, right? I wanna be heard, and more than [...]
Andy Stanley - The Key to Better Relationships
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Andy Stanley - The Key to Better Relationships
Andy Stanley - The Key to Better Relationships
Love. This is my favorite word. I, I, this was my word as as a parent when my kids were going through middle school and high school, that I had to learn that love absorbs that sometimes you have to sit and just take it in and just take it in, not [...]
Andy Stanley - The Art of Letting Go Gracefully
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Andy Stanley - The Art of Letting Go Gracefully
Andy Stanley - The Art of Letting Go Gracefully
To be honest, you don't have to answer this out loud, do you? Do you enjoy catching your fiance? Do you enjoy catching your girlfriend? Do you enjoy catching your spouse messing up? Is there something that's in you? It's like, okay, [...]
Andy Stanley - How to Know if Your Partner is Selfish
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Andy Stanley - How to Know if Your Partner is Selfish
Andy Stanley - How to Know if Your Partner is Selfish
Love is not self-seeking. We don't use that phrase. Here's how we say it. Love is not selfish. Love puts the interest and the needs of others first. Love puts the interest and the needs of others first. Love puts the interest. What are you [...]
Jack Graham - All You Need is Love
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Jack Graham - All You Need is Love
Jack Graham - All You Need is Love
There is no person that God cannot save! There is no promise that God will not keep! There is nothing that our God cannot do! I want you to take your Bibles and turn with me to 1 Corinthians chapter 13. This is our message series THE WAY HOME. And [...]
Chris Hodges - Love One Another
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Chris Hodges - Love One Another
Chris Hodges - Love One Another
Alright, who's glad to be in church today? Anybody? Anybody? Oh, give God all the praise, everybody! That's awesome! Oh, it's so good to see you. You look absolutely great, and I wanna say a big hello to not only all of those here at [...]
TD Jakes - Winning at Home
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TD Jakes - Winning at Home
TD Jakes - Winning at Home
TD Jakes : Because once people respect you and then found out you are human, they reject you. Am I talking good? So, winning at home implies it's a fight. You can't win if it's not a fight. And let me tell you something, I know you [...]
Marcus Mecum - Love Them Back To Life - Part 2
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Marcus Mecum - Love Them Back To Life - Part 2
Marcus Mecum - Love Them Back To Life - Part 2
So, she takes her son, she lays him in the bed of the prophet. You heard the saying, "You've made your bed now, lie in it". Well, that's what she did. She was so filled with faith because she didn't wait for the tragedy to [...]
Marcus Mecum - Love Them Back To Life - Part 1
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Marcus Mecum - Love Them Back To Life - Part 1
Marcus Mecum - Love Them Back To Life - Part 1
Verse 32, "Elisha came into the house, there was the child, lying dead on his bed. He went in therefore, shut the door behind the two of them, and prayed to the Lord. And he went up and lay on the child, and put his mouth on his mouth, his eyes [...]
Kerry Shook - Deep Connection
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Kerry Shook - Deep Connection
Kerry Shook - Deep Connection
The deeper you dive into the ocean, the more light you need to be able to see anything, because light is diffused and as you go into the ocean, that light that is diffused can't break through and it gets darker and darker, you don't have [...]
Marcus Mecum - Five Things To Consider BEFORE You Get Married
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Marcus Mecum - Five Things To Consider BEFORE You Get Married
Marcus Mecum - Five Things To Consider BEFORE You Get Married
Mark 10:9, "Therefore what God has joined," everybody say, "Joined". "Together, let no one separate". "Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate". I wanna give you these five keys before you [...]
Marcus Mecum - Winning In Relationships
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Marcus Mecum - Winning In Relationships
Marcus Mecum - Winning In Relationships
John 4, I'll start reading in verse 13. And a familiar story that maybe you've heard before, and I wanna use it to talk to you about answers for failed relationships. Answers for failed relationships. "Jesus answered, 'everyone [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Be a Good Friend
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Adrian Rogers - How to Be a Good Friend
Adrian Rogers - How to Be a Good Friend
Would you turn in God's Word to Luke chapter 10? When you've found it, I want to talk to you on this subject; "How to be a good friend". And the story that we have today is in a way a familiar one. It's about a parable, [...]
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Adrian Rogers - Making Friends Forever
Adrian Rogers - Making Friends Forever
Turn to Proverbs chapter 17 and verse 17. The Bible says, "A friend loveth at all times and a brother is born for adversity". "A friend loveth at all times". We say our church is a family of friends and a friend to the family. [...]
James Meehan - How To Have REAL Friendships
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James Meehan - How To Have REAL Friendships
James Meehan - How To Have REAL Friendships
If you are alive, if you are breathing, if you have a pulse, if you belong to the species homo sapien, which means human, then it is very likely that you have a strong desire for real, lasting, and life-giving friendships. It's very likely that [...]
Robert Barron - How to Fall in Love
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Robert Barron - How to Fall in Love
Robert Barron - How to Fall in Love
Peace be with you. Friends, our readings for this weekend are of extraordinary importance. They have to do with, to give it its technical term, Christian anthropology, that is to say, who we are in the presence of God, and the Christian [...]
Adrian Rogers - How To Handle Conflicts
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Adrian Rogers - How To Handle Conflicts
Adrian Rogers - How To Handle Conflicts
Would you take your Bibles and open your Bibles to James chapter 1, we're going to begin reading in just a moment in verse 19. Now we've been talking about intimacy in marriage and how to achieve it. And we've been saying that we have [...]
Adrian Rogers - Communicate or Disintegrate
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Adrian Rogers - Communicate or Disintegrate
Adrian Rogers - Communicate or Disintegrate
Would you be finding First Peter chapter 2, and when you've found it, look up here. First Peter chapter 2. I heard of a woman who went to the lawyer and said, "My husband wants to divorce me". And the lawyer said to the lady, [...]
Adrian Rogers - Celebrate The Difference
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Adrian Rogers - Celebrate The Difference
Adrian Rogers - Celebrate The Difference
Would you be finding in God's Word please the book of Genesis chapter 2, and in a moment I'm going to begin reading in verse 19. Genesis chapter 2 verse 19. We're under this heading, "One Lord, One Love: Celebrate the [...]
Jimmy Evans - Successful Communication in Marriage
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Jimmy Evans - Successful Communication in Marriage
Jimmy Evans - Successful Communication in Marriage
We love you. Thank you, thank you. Good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning, good morning. It is wonderful to be here with you guys. My dear friend, Pastor Chris, who I've missed seeing, last so it is wonderful to be here and to [...]
Mike Novotny - How Do I Fix My Relationship With God
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Mike Novotny - How Do I Fix My Relationship With God
Mike Novotny - How Do I Fix My Relationship With God
Today, I want you, and I want me to slow down just a bit, slow down our busy lives and open, not just our Bibles, but a dictionary as well so that we can read this holy book, this book that has the power to change everything about everything, and [...]
Robert Jeffress - Say Goodbye To Relationship Regrets
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Robert Jeffress - Say Goodbye To Relationship Regrets
Robert Jeffress - Say Goodbye To Relationship Regrets
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Few topics are more personal than the issue of forgiveness. We've all felt the sting of being wronged by another, and we all know the struggle of letting go of [...]
Robert Jeffress - Say Goodbye To Marital Regrets
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Robert Jeffress - Say Goodbye To Marital Regrets
Robert Jeffress - Say Goodbye To Marital Regrets
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". No relationship is more intimate and more sacred than the lifelong commitment you make to your spouse. And while weddings are filled with joy and celebration, most [...]
Mike Novotny - How to Deal With People
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Mike Novotny - How to Deal With People
Mike Novotny - How to Deal With People
According to a 2013 story from "The New York Times," the average American knows about 600 people. That means if you put together your family and your extended family, your friends and your acquaintances, your roommates, your neighbors, [...]
Adrian Rogers - Seven Words That Can Build a Marriage
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Adrian Rogers - Seven Words That Can Build a Marriage
Adrian Rogers - Seven Words That Can Build a Marriage
Find, please, First Peter chapter 3. I have a wonderful message on the home and I pray it will be a blessing to your heart. Love and marriage is wonderful. Actually, it is a miracle. But the great miracle is not love at first sight. Friend, the [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Lasting Relationships
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Dr. Ed Young - Lasting Relationships
Dr. Ed Young - Lasting Relationships
Let me ask you a question: Would you let someone spoke in this pulpit, this evangelical, believer in Bible, if they had been part of the persecution of many Christians in the Middle East, you would have seen a lot of people be executed and they [...]
Adrian Rogers - Cultivating Contentment in the Home
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Adrian Rogers - Cultivating Contentment in the Home
Adrian Rogers - Cultivating Contentment in the Home
Would you take God's Word and find please Psalm 128. If you're familiar with the Psalms; you know that's one of the best Psalms in the Bible on the family. We're in a series of Bible studies entitled: "Celebrating the [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Secret to a Healthy Family
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Dr. Ed Young - The Secret to a Healthy Family
Dr. Ed Young - The Secret to a Healthy Family
"All right! You want a healthy family, a healthy marriage, here's the list! Where are you failing? Try harder"! Isn't that what you expect? That's not what you're gonna get, because if you've been around for a [...]
Chris Hodges - Inseparable Relationships
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Chris Hodges - Inseparable Relationships
Chris Hodges - Inseparable Relationships
Well, good morning, everybody! How's everybody doing, today? Oh, come on, give Jesus a great handclap, if you love the Lord, today, yeah. It's good to see you. A little cloudy outside, a little sunshine on the inside. Doesn't hurt [...]
Craig Groeschel - Hope for Hurting Marriages
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Craig Groeschel - Hope for Hurting Marriages
Craig Groeschel - Hope for Hurting Marriages
Chris Hodges : Who's glad to be in church today? Anybody? Come on, give Jesus a praise together. Oh, yeah, it's awesome. And a big hello to all of our campuses. Let me just take just a second and say that I love you. I pray for you every [...]
Jimmy Evans - Building a Lasting Family
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Jimmy Evans - Building a Lasting Family
Jimmy Evans - Building a Lasting Family
Chris Hodges : Hi, everyone. Welcome, today, to week number one of a four-part series we're calling, "Family Values". And to start this new series, we have our good friend, Pastor Jimmy Evans, who's the Founder and President of [...]
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