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Craig Groeschel - When Your Emotions Are Out of Control
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Craig Groeschel - When Your Emotions Are Out of Control
Craig Groeschel - When Your Emotions Are Out of Control
I wonder how many of you have ever watched a movie or a TV series, and then after the whole thing, it ended with no resolution. It didn't make sense. You get to the end of it and you're like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, [...]
Craig Groeschel - God's Not Done With You
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Craig Groeschel - God's Not Done With You
Craig Groeschel - God's Not Done With You
Well, today we're in chapter two of the Book of Jonah, and I want to show you my favorite verse in the entire book of Jonah. Hang on a second. Did I say chapt..? What's chapter I say? Chapter, what chapter are we in? Three! It's been a long week. [...]
Craig Groeschel - When You're Waiting on God
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Craig Groeschel - When You're Waiting on God
Craig Groeschel - When You're Waiting on God
At all of our churches, for those of you that are believers, you're followers of Jesus, would you take a moment and raise your hand if you believe in the power of prayer? Raise your hand high if you believe in the power of prayer. Online, you can [...]
Craig Groeschel - God's Plans Are Wrecking Mine
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Craig Groeschel - God's Plans Are Wrecking Mine
Craig Groeschel - God's Plans Are Wrecking Mine
I wanna talk to those of you that are followers of Jesus and I'm curious, if you are a Christian, how many of you want to hear from God? You want God's will for your life. Great news that you do, but I gotta warn you, whenever God speaks to you, [...]
Craig Groeschel - Why Doesn't God Give Me What I Want?
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Craig Groeschel - Why Doesn't God Give Me What I Want?
Craig Groeschel - Why Doesn't God Give Me What I Want?
I wanna start today by giving you a little pop quiz. Little pop quiz. The good news is that this does not count on your final grade, so this is just for fun. We're gonna play true or false. And just to make sure at all of our churches you're working [...]
Craig Groeschel - Why Don't I Feel Like Enough
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Craig Groeschel - Why Don't I Feel Like Enough
Craig Groeschel - Why Don't I Feel Like Enough
Well, at some point, most of you will likely hit a wall. You've got too much to do. You feel like you're drowning. You feel like you just can't take it anymore. Some of you online, you might even type in the comments section, "I'm hitting a [...]
Craig Groeschel - When Self-Love Is Selfish
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Craig Groeschel - When Self-Love Is Selfish
Craig Groeschel - When Self-Love Is Selfish
I walked into a grocery store, and I was on an assignment from Amy. My assignment was simple, get a gallon of milk. But as you know, in today's culture, that's not as easy as it sounds because way back in the olden days when I was a kid, milk was [...]
Craig Groeschel - The Danger With "Your Truth"
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Craig Groeschel - The Danger With "Your Truth"
Craig Groeschel - The Danger With "Your Truth"
Today we're gonna begin a new message series. It's called "Almost True". There are so many beliefs in our culture today that sound true, feel true, and they're almost true, but they're not true. And I just wanna warn you, if you don't like [...]
Craig Groeschel - When Your Mind Is Out of Control
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Craig Groeschel - When Your Mind Is Out of Control
Craig Groeschel - When Your Mind Is Out of Control
How many of you have a difficult time slowing your mind? Raise your hands up. You had a difficult time slowing your mind. Those of you online, you can type it in the comment section if you want. I have a hard time slowing my mind. Some of you did [...]
Craig Groeschel - When You're Losing Hope
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Craig Groeschel - When You're Losing Hope
Craig Groeschel - When You're Losing Hope
What I want to do is I want to ask you about your favorite genre of movies. Those of you online, you can type in the comment section whichever one is your favorite. But those of you at all of our Life.Churches, I need you just to shout out when I [...]
Craig Groeschel - Normal Isn't Working
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Craig Groeschel - Normal Isn't Working
Craig Groeschel - Normal Isn't Working
Whenever you meet someone and you know that they're not from where you're from, one of the first questions you typically ask them is what? Where are you from? Because where you're from tells you a lot about who you are and how you think. So I'm [...]
Craig Groeschel - Your Most Important Assignment
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Craig Groeschel - Your Most Important Assignment
Craig Groeschel - Your Most Important Assignment
So if you are a follower of Jesus, I wanna ask you, what kind of a Christian are you? If you are a Christian, what kind are you? I'll give you a couple of choices, and these'll kind of be extremes. Are you one of those bold ones? I mean, you know [...]
Craig Groeschel - When You Don't Feel Good Enough
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Craig Groeschel - When You Don't Feel Good Enough
Craig Groeschel - When You Don't Feel Good Enough
So on this Mother's Day, I've got good news and I've got bad news. What do you want first? Let's start with the good news. How about that? The good news is this. No matter what you think about you, and no matter what anyone else said about you, if [...]
Craig Groeschel - When You're Tired of Being Tired
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Craig Groeschel - When You're Tired of Being Tired
Craig Groeschel - When You're Tired of Being Tired
I wonder how many of you often feel anxious or overwhelmed with all that you have to do? Would you raise your hands up right now? Anybody else like there? God bless you. You can all be saved. I see your hands everywhere. We see it all the time, [...]
Craig Groeschel - Finding Freedom From Your Worries
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Craig Groeschel - Finding Freedom From Your Worries
Craig Groeschel - Finding Freedom From Your Worries
Well, I'm curious, how many of you right now might have something that you're a little bit worried about? Raise your hand, again. Some of you go, "I got a lot that I'm worried about". I don't blame you, because there's a lot to worry about [...]
Craig Groeschel - Finding Peace in Your Thoughts
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Craig Groeschel - Finding Peace in Your Thoughts
Craig Groeschel - Finding Peace in Your Thoughts
Before we start today, I wanna ask you a question. And we'll consider this kind of like your public service reminder. Fair enough, everybody needs a little help every now and then. How many of you have a will prepared for when you die? Raise your [...]
Craig Groeschel - Hearing God's Voice
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Craig Groeschel - Hearing God's Voice
Craig Groeschel - Hearing God's Voice
Do you ever find it difficult to hear God's voice? For example, if you have a decision that you need to make and so you think, well, maybe I should pray about it. And so you pray about it and you might say, okay, God, I wanna do what You want. What [...]
Craig Groeschel - Does God Still Love Me?
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Craig Groeschel - Does God Still Love Me?
Craig Groeschel - Does God Still Love Me?
Well, today we celebrate the tomb is empty. Our Savior has risen from the dead and I wanna express my praise to God and my love to all of you. Happy Easter. You guys look better than normal. I mean, you look good. You look Easter good. Touch the [...]
Craig Groeschel - Trusting God When You Don't Understand
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Craig Groeschel - Trusting God When You Don't Understand
Craig Groeschel - Trusting God When You Don't Understand
What do you think is the most disobeyed verse in the Bible? Think about it. What do you think is the most disobeyed verse in the Bible? Now, nobody knows for sure and nobody can prove it, but one could argue that one of the most important verses is [...]
Craig Groeschel - Escaping the Porn Trap
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Craig Groeschel - Escaping the Porn Trap
Craig Groeschel - Escaping the Porn Trap
The first time I saw pornography, I was in the fifth grade. I was over at my buddy Steven's house, and he found his dad's stash of Playboy magazines, probably 75 or so of them in a big trunk. And Steven and I, in the fifth grade, memorized the [...]
Craig Groeschel - Do This to Get Closer to God
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Craig Groeschel - Do This to Get Closer to God
Craig Groeschel - Do This to Get Closer to God
If you could ask God for one thing and only one thing, what would you ask God to do for you? Think about that. If you could ask God for one thing and only one thing, and you cannot say, I know what some of you're thinking, you're thinking, "I'd [...]
Craig Groeschel - Freedom From Your Negative Thoughts
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Craig Groeschel - Freedom From Your Negative Thoughts
Craig Groeschel - Freedom From Your Negative Thoughts
I wonder how many of you have ever stopped to ask yourself, "why do you do what you do"? "Why do you do what you do"? Because chances are, in a similar situation, you often respond with similar actions. Why is it that you [...]
Craig Groeschel - Get Rid of Your Guilt
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Craig Groeschel - Get Rid of Your Guilt
Craig Groeschel - Get Rid of Your Guilt
I wanna ask you a very personal question, and I hope this isn't too direct, but how many of you have ever been caught doing something wrong? Again. Am I coming on too hot? Do I need to take you to dinner first before we get that first? You've been [...]
Craig Groeschel - When Your Mind Won't Stop
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Craig Groeschel - When Your Mind Won't Stop
Craig Groeschel - When Your Mind Won't Stop
How many of you have a difficult time slowing your mind? Raise your hands up. You had a difficult time slowing your mind. Those of you online, you can type it in the comment section if you want, "I have a hard time slowing my mind". Some [...]
Craig Groeschel - When Less Is Better
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Craig Groeschel - When Less Is Better
Craig Groeschel - When Less Is Better
Lemme just tell you honestly that this message has the potential to impact your life as much or more than any message we do this year. And I say that sincerely. It has the potential to impact your life as much or more. But at the same time, this [...]
Craig Groeschel - The Habit That Will Heal Your Heart
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Craig Groeschel - The Habit That Will Heal Your Heart
Craig Groeschel - The Habit That Will Heal Your Heart
Let me ask you a question. When you lie, who do you think you lie to the most? Can we just go ahead and start the year and get ridiculously honest? How many of you lie? Raise your hands. Go ahead and leave 'em up, leave 'em up. Go ahead and leave [...]
Craig Groeschel - You Can Make a Difference
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Craig Groeschel - You Can Make a Difference
Craig Groeschel - You Can Make a Difference
I wanna take a moment and just sincerely say thank you, like from the bottom of my heart, thank you. Thank you for being here today. You made it. And your presence, it really, really matters. Like in all the busyness of your life, you chose to [...]
Craig Groeschel - When You Don't Feel Good Enough for God
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Craig Groeschel - When You Don't Feel Good Enough for God
Craig Groeschel - When You Don't Feel Good Enough for God
Well, today we're concluding a message series on fear. 'Cause there's a lot of things to be afraid of in the world today. And we've been looking at the story of the birth of Jesus and amazingly, three different times, an angel of the Lord appears [...]
Craig Groeschel - Afraid of What People Think About Me
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Craig Groeschel - Afraid of What People Think About Me
Craig Groeschel - Afraid of What People Think About Me
All right so sometimes in church it's just good to get real, right? How many of you agree? So what I wanna do today is with your permission, I'm gonna get kind of real. Do you think you can handle a confession? I'm just gonna tell you real straight. [...]
Craig Groeschel - The Unbearable Weight of Fear
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Craig Groeschel - The Unbearable Weight of Fear
Craig Groeschel - The Unbearable Weight of Fear
Well, it seems to me like there are more things to be afraid of today than there were things to be afraid of years ago. Do any of you kind of agree with that? It seemed like there's more things that are just weighing on the hearts and the minds of [...]
Craig Groeschel - The Responsibility of Being Blessed
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Craig Groeschel - The Responsibility of Being Blessed
Craig Groeschel - The Responsibility of Being Blessed
Have you ever seen someone who's really, really rich and thought to yourself, "If I were rich, I'd be better at being rich than they are"? How many of you ever thought that? Be honest, raise your hand. Online, you can type it in the [...]
Craig Groeschel - 3 Qualities of Generous People
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Craig Groeschel - 3 Qualities of Generous People
Craig Groeschel - 3 Qualities of Generous People
Let start by asking you a question. It's a personal question, and I wanna ask you about what you're good at when it comes to your money? What are you gifted at? What are you good at when it comes to your money? I'll give you some options. I wonder [...]
Craig Groeschel - When You Don't Have Enough
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Craig Groeschel - When You Don't Have Enough
Craig Groeschel - When You Don't Have Enough
How many of you believe it's more blessed to give than to receive? Raise your hands, raise your hands. Excellent, you can type that the comment section, I believe it's more blessed to give, and I hope you believe that, you know why? Because Jesus [...]
Craig Groeschel - 3 Gifts to Give Your Children
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Craig Groeschel - 3 Gifts to Give Your Children
Craig Groeschel - 3 Gifts to Give Your Children
To those of you that are parents, what I know about you is that you wanna give your children the very best. Is that true? Raise your hands if it's true. Online, you can type in the comment section. I wanna give my kids the very best. We wanna give [...]
Craig Groeschel - Hope for Hurting Marriages
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Craig Groeschel - Hope for Hurting Marriages
Craig Groeschel - Hope for Hurting Marriages
Chris Hodges : Who's glad to be in church today? Anybody? Come on, give Jesus a praise together. Oh, yeah, it's awesome. And a big hello to all of our campuses. Let me just take just a second and say that I love you. I pray for you every day. We [...]
Craig Groeschel - How to Help Your Children Love God
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Craig Groeschel - How to Help Your Children Love God
Craig Groeschel - How to Help Your Children Love God
How many of you would agree that parenting has always been difficult? Raise your hands right now. Raise 'em up. Raise 'em up. Raise 'em up. Don't point at your own child. But raise them up in the air. Online you can type in the comment section. [...]
Craig Groeschel - The Enemy of Your Mental Health
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Craig Groeschel - The Enemy of Your Mental Health
Craig Groeschel - The Enemy of Your Mental Health
Have you ever noticed how you can be in a crowded room full of people and still feel alone? Have you ever noticed how your schedule can be really full, but your life feels kind of empty? Have you ever noticed that you can have lots and lots of [...]
Craig Groeschel - Mastering the Art of Studying the Bible
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Craig Groeschel - Mastering the Art of Studying the Bible
Craig Groeschel - Mastering the Art of Studying the Bible
"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God and the Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us". 2 Timothy 3 says, "All scripture is inspired by God and useful to teach us what is true and to [...]
Craig Groeschel - Beginner’s Guide to Studying the Bible
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Craig Groeschel - Beginner’s Guide to Studying the Bible
Craig Groeschel - Beginner’s Guide to Studying the Bible
There is no greater way to get to know God, his character, his nature, his goodness, and the life that he has for you than reading his living word. Amen. And yet most people don't do it, right? People around the world and with good reason, they [...]
Craig Groeschel - Better Than You Can Imagine
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Craig Groeschel - Better Than You Can Imagine
Craig Groeschel - Better Than You Can Imagine
Today I want to talk to those of you that might be disappointed in this season of your life. And for many of you, it's not that you don't believe in God, it is goodness you, you do believe in Him. But right now, you may not be seeing His goodness in [...]
Craig Groeschel - Choosing Your Next Chapter
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Craig Groeschel - Choosing Your Next Chapter
Craig Groeschel - Choosing Your Next Chapter
How many of you have ever seen someone and you've thought, I wish I had a life like that. Have you ever done that? You see someone and they're maybe it's just some part of their life, like you see their life on Instagram and they've got like 40 [...]
Craig Groeschel - Time to Define the Relationship
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Craig Groeschel - Time to Define the Relationship
Craig Groeschel - Time to Define the Relationship
We're going to continue our study through the Book of Ruth today. We are in chapter three, and like I promised you, things are about to get weird. Do you think you can handle some weird? Yeah. Online, just type it in the comment section. I can [...]
Craig Groeschel - 4 Signs You Might Have a Keeper
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Craig Groeschel - 4 Signs You Might Have a Keeper
Craig Groeschel - 4 Signs You Might Have a Keeper
We are continuing in our message series through the Book of Ruth. And today we're gonna watch as Boaz and Ruth actually start to get to know each other, start to date and date in a way that will prepare them for a marriage that will honor God. So [...]
Craig Groeschel - Finding the Love You Want
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Craig Groeschel - Finding the Love You Want
Craig Groeschel - Finding the Love You Want
For those of you that are committed followers of Jesus, you are all in wanting to follow Jesus and honor Him with every part of your life. If you're a committed follower of Jesus, how in the world do you meet someone and date someone and marry [...]
Craig Groeschel - When It’s Time to Walk Away
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Craig Groeschel - When It's Time to Walk Away
Craig Groeschel - When It's Time to Walk Away
Today, we are starting a new message series on an Old Testament book of the Bible. Now, to introduce this message series, we're coming out at the movies. What I wanna do is I wanna ask you about your favorite genre of movies. Those of you online, [...]
Craig Groeschel - Put an End to Negative Thinking
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Craig Groeschel - Put an End to Negative Thinking
Craig Groeschel - Put an End to Negative Thinking
How many of you would agree that unfortunately the world seems to be coming more and more negative? Raise your hands, raise your hands. Those of you online, you can type it in the comment section. The world is becoming more negative. Chronic [...]
Craig Groeschel - Lessons From My Baseball Dad
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Craig Groeschel - Lessons From My Baseball Dad
Craig Groeschel - Lessons From My Baseball Dad
Well this year marks my first Father's Day without my earthly dad here on Earth. And so what I wanna do today is something very, very different. I would normally preach a text from scripture or I would preach on a topic using God's Word to address [...]
Craig Groeschel - The Power of Positive Leadership (with Jon Gordon)
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Craig Groeschel - The Power of Positive Leadership (with Jon Gordon)
Craig Groeschel - The Power of Positive Leadership (with Jon Gordon)
It's really hard in many ways. One, there's just so much negativity, and it seems like you can't please everyone. You have to be willing to be unpopular to make the hard decision. And leadership is based on principle, not circumstance. — Get ready [...]
Craig Groeschel - The 6-Step Formula for Growing Any Organization (with Donald Miller)
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Craig Groeschel - The 6-Step Formula for Growing Any Organization (with Donald
Craig Groeschel - The 6-Step Formula for Growing Any Organization (with Donald Miller)
If you go get an MBA in business, you're not gonna learn the basics of how to make money. You're gonna learn mergers and acquisitions and you're gonna learn why Silicon Valley Bank went down. You're gonna learn about first and second round funding [...]
Craig Groeschel - Confidence and Courage in Business (with Amy Porterfield)
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Craig Groeschel - Confidence and Courage in Business (with Amy Porterfield)
Craig Groeschel - Confidence and Courage in Business (with Amy Porterfield)
When I went out on my own and became my own boss, every insecurity that could come flooding in did. I didn't feel like I was enough. I didn't think I was strategic enough. I didn't have the right answers. I didn't have enough education. I wasn't... [...]
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