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John Bradshaw - Are Aliens Actually Demons?
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John Bradshaw - Are Aliens Actually Demons?
John Bradshaw - Are Aliens Actually Demons?
Wes Peppers : Patricia asks, "I recently heard a pastor say that aliens were probably demons or fallen angels and that they abducted people. He also said that they are the sons of God or the Nephilim in Genesis 6. Do you think there is a [...]
John Bradshaw - One Foot in the Church, One Foot in the World
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John Bradshaw - One Foot in the Church, One Foot in the World
John Bradshaw - One Foot in the Church, One Foot in the World
John Bradshaw : So when you were back, were you back or did you?... Heidi Tompkins : No, I was like one foot in the church and one foot in the world still. I joined the church choir and I decided I was going to be involved in church, but because of [...]
John Bradshaw - Why Are Young People LEAVING Church?
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John Bradshaw - Why Are Young People LEAVING Church?
John Bradshaw - Why Are Young People LEAVING Church?
Dr. Philip Samaan : Not everybody can play the piano. Uh, not everybody can do: can sing, for example, or preach. So we have to help our young people discover what their spiritual gifts are. I mean, everybody got some gifts. To focus on that, to [...]
John Bradshaw - 8 Steps To Transform Your Spiritual Life
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John Bradshaw - 8 Steps To Transform Your Spiritual Life
John Bradshaw - 8 Steps To Transform Your Spiritual Life
So let's pray and then we'll open up the Bible together. God's about to speak through his word. Let's pray: Father in heaven, we are here tonight that you might water our soul. Speak to us. Feed us with the bread of heaven. I thank you for every [...]
John Bradshaw - 10 Things That Make a Good Marriage
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John Bradshaw - 10 Things That Make a Good Marriage
John Bradshaw - 10 Things That Make a Good Marriage
In Germany, people might gather together before a wedding to break objects made of porcelain. At a Jewish wedding, the groom or the bride and groom might step on a glass inside a cloth bag and smash the glass. I attended a wedding where the [...]
John Bradshaw - Countdown to Cataclysm
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John Bradshaw - Countdown to Cataclysm
John Bradshaw - Countdown to Cataclysm
There's a total solar eclipse going to take place on April the 8th. It's a big deal. I'll tell you why. It ties directly to an important, to a vital prophecy found in the heart of the book of Revelation. You need to know about this, don't go away. [...]
John Bradshaw - Conversation with Dr. Neil Nedley - Part 2
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John Bradshaw - Conversation with Dr. Neil Nedley - Part 2
John Bradshaw - Conversation with Dr. Neil Nedley - Part 2
John Bradshaw : Dr. Neil Nedley, thank you so very much for joining me. I appreciate it. Dr. Neil Nedley : John, it's great being here. Thanks for having me. John Bradshaw : You're a physician. Has anybody ever asked you this question: Do you enjoy [...]
John Bradshaw - Conversation with Dr. Neil Nedley - Part 1
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John Bradshaw - Conversation with Dr. Neil Nedley - Part 1
John Bradshaw - Conversation with Dr. Neil Nedley - Part 1
John Bradshaw : Dr. Neil Nedley, thank you so much. I appreciate you being here. Dr. Neil Nedley : Oh, it's great being here, John. John Bradshaw : So you're a physician. You've been a physician for some years. Your specialty is internal medicine. [...]
John Bradshaw - Lessons for All Time; The Wheat and the Tares
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John Bradshaw - Lessons for All Time: The Wheat and the Tares
John Bradshaw - Lessons for All Time: The Wheat and the Tares
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. In his book "Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking," author Malcolm Gladwell shares a fascinating story. In 1985, the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles spent $10 [...]
John Bradshaw - History of CHEATING in the Olympics; How Christianity is Misunderstood
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John Bradshaw - History of CHEATING in the Olympics; How Christianity is
John Bradshaw - History of CHEATING in the Olympics; How Christianity is Misunderstood
This is "It Is Written". I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. Every four years our planet conducts an extravaganza, a festival in which are celebrated both sporting excellence and pharmacological ingenuity. Every Olympic Games in the [...]
John Bradshaw - Lightened With His Glory
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John Bradshaw - Lightened With His Glory
John Bradshaw - Lightened With His Glory
It's good to have the opportunity to open the Bible with you today. Let's pray as we begin: Our Father in heaven, thank You for Your Word, for the light that shines from its pages, and for Jesus, the light of the world. Let Your light shine into our [...]
John Bradshaw - The Temple of God
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John Bradshaw - The Temple of God
John Bradshaw - The Temple of God
I'm so glad we have this opportunity to gather around the Bible together. Before we open the Bible, we'll pray, and pray expecting God's blessing. Let's do that now: Our Father in heaven, we come to You in the name of Jesus, grateful, believing that [...]
John Bradshaw - Gracious
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John Bradshaw - Gracious
John Bradshaw - Gracious
It's good to be with you today. We are together so that we can open up the Bible. We'll go to God's Word and flip through its pages, and ask God to speak to us and expect that we'll be blessed as He does. This is special time; it's God's time. So [...]
John Bradshaw - Dog Food
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John Bradshaw - Dog Food
John Bradshaw - Dog Food
I'm glad we have this opportunity to gather around the Bible together. Before we open God's Word, let's pray: Father in heaven, we are thankful that there is a God in heaven that the Bible describes as being love. We are thankful that You so loved [...]
John Bradshaw - For Us
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John Bradshaw - For Us
John Bradshaw - For Us
Really good to be with you today. So glad we could spend this time together gathered around God's Word. My prayer is that you will be blessed. I'm certain I'm going to be blessed as we go to the Word of God together. Let's pray before we begin, and [...]
John Bradshaw - The Scottsboro Nine
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John Bradshaw - The Scottsboro Nine
John Bradshaw - The Scottsboro Nine
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. Justice. When I say that word, "justice," what do you think of? If I asked you for another word for justice, what would that word be? Fairness? That's what I think of. [...]
John Bradshaw - Black Wall Street
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John Bradshaw - Black Wall Street
John Bradshaw - Black Wall Street
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. Have you ever wondered what you're actually capable of? Now, I don't mean do you have greatness within, could you complete an Ironman, could you run a Fortune 500 company. I don't mean [...]
John Bradshaw - The Heroism of Desmond Doss
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John Bradshaw - The Heroism of Desmond Doss
John Bradshaw - The Heroism of Desmond Doss
John Bradshaw : This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me today. Across the United States, Americans are looking forward to Veterans Day, that special day that comes around once a year, on which we honor those who serve in or [...]
John Bradshaw - Who Was Desmond Doss?
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John Bradshaw - Who Was Desmond Doss?
John Bradshaw - Who Was Desmond Doss?
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. We live in a world that is plagued by war. And when you read the Bible, you make the remarkable discovery, that war actually began in heaven, where Lucifer and his angels fought [...]
John Bradshaw - The Faith of Desmond Doss
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John Bradshaw - The Faith of Desmond Doss
John Bradshaw - The Faith of Desmond Doss
John Bradshaw : This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. Right about now, Americans are preparing to celebrate a national holiday. For many people, it's the best time of the year. Thanksgiving: family, sometimes travel, [...]
John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, A Conversation on Depression
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John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, A Conversation on Depression
John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, A Conversation on Depression
John Bradshaw : This is "It Is Written". I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. Depression and anxiety continue to be major problems in first-world nations. Around the world, it appears, in fact, it very much is, that depression and [...]
John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, Understanding Depression
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John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, Understanding Depression
John Bradshaw - Clearing the Fog, Understanding Depression
John Bradshaw : This is "It Is Written". I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. For decades and decades, depression and anxiety have presented the United States and other first-world countries around the world with a major health care [...]
John Bradshaw - What Does the Bible Say About Alcohol, The Elect, Drinking, and the False Prophet
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John Bradshaw - What Does the Bible Say About Alcohol, The Elect, Drinking, and
John Bradshaw - What Does the Bible Say About Alcohol, The Elect, Drinking, and the False Prophet
John Bradshaw : Welcome to "Line Upon Line," brought to you by It Is Written. This is where we get to answer your Bible questions. I'm John Bradshaw, with me, Pastor Wes Peppers. Wes, ready to go? Wes Peppers : Ready to go. Good to be [...]
John Bradshaw - He Lost Everything, Then...
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John Bradshaw - He Lost Everything, Then...
John Bradshaw - He Lost Everything, Then...
It's a fascinating story. A millionaire lost everything he had in a stock market crash, he went to live on a remote deserted island; never a handyman, he quickly learned to become resourceful. He arrived on the island with little and not much has [...]
John Bradshaw - Sixty Gallons of Gas, Down the Drain
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John Bradshaw - Sixty Gallons of Gas, Down the Drain
John Bradshaw - Sixty Gallons of Gas, Down the Drain
A man in Sydney, Australia who stopped at a gas station to put fuel in his boat, put the fuel directly into the fishing rod holder, not the gas tank. 231 liters, more than 60 gallons, 536 Australian dollars worth of fuel, close to 400 US Dollars, it [...]
John Bradshaw - No One Expected That
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John Bradshaw - No One Expected That
John Bradshaw - No One Expected That
Right now there is someone who has no idea how God is going to get them through a trying situation, maybe that's you. God says, "Trust in me and I'll direct your paths". But there are times that you can only see a funnel cloud bearing down [...]
John Bradshaw - A Whole New Way of Looking at It
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John Bradshaw - A Whole New Way of Looking at It
John Bradshaw - A Whole New Way of Looking at It
You could look at Christianity as rights and wrongs, after all, "Thou shalt," and, "Thou shalt not," feature pretty prominently in the Bible, but the reason Jesus came into the world was to restore in humans what sin has taken [...]
John Bradshaw - You'll Be One Yourself
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John Bradshaw - You'll Be One Yourself
John Bradshaw - You'll Be One Yourself
The children of Israel were miraculously freed from Egypt, they witnessed miracle after miracle, and yet spiritually, they fell apart. As we look at why that happened, you'll find guidance for your own life. Psalm 106, verse 35 says, "But [...]
John Bradshaw - The Right Kind of Person
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John Bradshaw - The Right Kind of Person
John Bradshaw - The Right Kind of Person
What kind of person does it take to impact the world? When Gideon was chosen by God to lead Israel out from under the oppressive rule of the Midianites, his army of 32,000 was whittled all the way down to 300. Those that were left, were the right [...]
John Bradshaw - He Cut Off His Fingers
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John Bradshaw - He Cut Off His Fingers
John Bradshaw - He Cut Off His Fingers
Sir Ranulph Fiennes has been called the greatest living explorer in the world. In his 60's, he summited Mount Everest, at 59 he ran seven marathons in seven days on seven continents, the first just a few months after bypass surgery. After returning [...]
John Bradshaw - Check With God First
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John Bradshaw - Check With God First
John Bradshaw - Check With God First
The moral of the story is, check with God first. Right after the incredible victory at Jericho, scouts told Joshua it wouldn't be necessary for him to send a large army to Ai, as the people there would be a pushover. "So about three thousand [...]
John Bradshaw - They Didn't Take Offense
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John Bradshaw - They Didn't Take Offense
John Bradshaw - They Didn't Take Offense
When the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and the half tribe of Manasseh built an altar, similar to the altar used in the worship of God, their actions were misinterpreted as apostasy by the rest of Israel, and a delegation confronted them. But instead of [...]
John Bradshaw - Real Strength
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John Bradshaw - Real Strength
John Bradshaw - Real Strength
What event from the life of King David best illustrates real strength, being gracious towards King Saul, getting a revenge on the Amalekites after they destroyed his home and captured his people, the victory over Absalom perhaps? Let me give you an [...]
John Bradshaw - Do Yourself a Favor
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John Bradshaw - Do Yourself a Favor
John Bradshaw - Do Yourself a Favor
It's a strange thing that God is so misunderstood. There are 66 books in the Bible that talk very openly about God, and that paint a very clear picture of just who God is and what He's like. Far from being an irrational tyrant God himself says, [...]
John Bradshaw - Real Freedom
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John Bradshaw - Real Freedom
John Bradshaw - Real Freedom
When a person completes a prison term, they're set free. The Emancipation Proclamation decreed that enslaved Americans were freed. Freedom, wonderful! Free people able to determine their own destiny to some great extent, but as good as freedom is, [...]
John Bradshaw - No Perfect Father
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John Bradshaw - No Perfect Father
John Bradshaw - No Perfect Father
You've never met the perfect father. Imperfect dads are all through the Bible, King Saul, faithless, self-absorbed, unhinged, he tried to kill his own son, impetuous, disobedient, and he died lost. King David, often faithless, self-absorbed, [...]
John Bradshaw - God Was Merciful
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John Bradshaw - God Was Merciful
John Bradshaw - God Was Merciful
King David's many failings are recorded in the Bible with painful accuracy. He was dishonorable, an adulterer, a schemer, a murderer, a terrible father, a serial marrier, he numbered Israel, and went to the Philistines for help when he was fleeing [...]
John Bradshaw - It's Deadly
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John Bradshaw - It's Deadly
John Bradshaw - It's Deadly
It's really nice to say nice things to people, but there's a fine line between positive reinforcement and ruining a person. God warns us about that in Proverbs 29:5 where He says, "A man who flatters his neighbor spreads a net for his [...]
John Bradshaw - That's Weakness, Not Strength
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John Bradshaw - That's Weakness, Not Strength
John Bradshaw - That's Weakness, Not Strength
We call it "flying off the handle," "freaking out," "going off the deep end," "going nuts," "going ballistic," "going postal". We say someone "flipped," "lost it," [...]
John Bradshaw - You'll Be Financially Secure
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John Bradshaw - You'll Be Financially Secure
John Bradshaw - You'll Be Financially Secure
Would more money give you financial security? A lot more money? Having a lot more isn't always best; with that money comes headaches and responsibilities, and many people have earned, or come into a lot of money, only to lose it all. There's nothing [...]
John Bradshaw - Flights to Nowhere
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John Bradshaw - Flights to Nowhere
John Bradshaw - Flights to Nowhere
They called them "flights to nowhere," because of severe weather, incoming passenger aircraft weren't able to land. One had flown four hours when it turned around and flew four hours back, another made it to the destination and flew in a [...]
John Bradshaw - But He Didn't
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John Bradshaw - But He Didn't
John Bradshaw - But He Didn't
When David was fleeing Jerusalem, as his son Absalom was usurping the throne, a man named Shimei cursed David as he went, even threw stones at him. When David returned in triumph, Shimei was singing a very different song. In 2 Samuel 19:21, [...]
John Bradshaw - Advice That Can Save Your Life
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John Bradshaw - Advice That Can Save Your Life
John Bradshaw - Advice That Can Save Your Life
A former drug addict who wrote about the transformation in his life, urged other addicts to get clean like he had. He said that if he could do it, anyone could do it, which of course is true. Some advice can save your life. David spoke to his son [...]
John Bradshaw - The Road of Death
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John Bradshaw - The Road of Death
John Bradshaw - The Road of Death
Northeast of La Paz, Bolivia is a road known as the Road of Death. It heads up to the Amazon rainforest, and there's a section of it that's so dangerous it used to average 100 deaths a year, it's incredibly narrow, there are no guard rails, there's [...]
John Bradshaw - The Devil's Disinformation Campaign
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John Bradshaw - The Devil's Disinformation Campaign
John Bradshaw - The Devil's Disinformation Campaign
The BBC reported that a senior journalist at France's leading television news channel was suspended for participating in what appeared to be a significant disinformation scheme. An organization allegedly paid to have falsehoods broadcast as actual [...]
John Bradshaw - DC Sniper Attacks
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John Bradshaw - DC Sniper Attacks
John Bradshaw - DC Sniper Attacks
In October of 2002, sniper attacks in seven states, and the District of Columbia, left 17 people dead and 10 injured. Two men were responsible for the tragedies one, 41 and the other just 17. They weren't criminal masterminds, just evil. The carnage [...]
John Bradshaw - The Unabomber
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John Bradshaw - The Unabomber
John Bradshaw - The Unabomber
The man who became known as "The Unabomber" wrought havoc in the United States for 17 years, during which time he killed three people and injured 20 or so more. He was identified after a manifesto he wrote was published in the Washington [...]
John Bradshaw - You Should Not Be Surprised
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John Bradshaw - You Should Not Be Surprised
John Bradshaw - You Should Not Be Surprised
Two weeks after she missed out on qualifying for the Rio Olympics in 2016, 100 meter hurdler, Kendra Harrison, won a race in London and broke the world record without even realizing it. The timer malfunctioned; when her actual time was posted, she [...]
John Bradshaw - Too Close to the Edge
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John Bradshaw - Too Close to the Edge
John Bradshaw - Too Close to the Edge
When a 27-year-old man fell from a 70-foot cliff in Puerto Rico, and died, his brother explained that the men enjoyed uploading videos to his Tik-Tok account. He said his brother was a daredevil and I quote, "Unfortunately, he was closer to the [...]
John Bradshaw - How Would That Feel
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John Bradshaw - How Would That Feel
John Bradshaw - How Would That Feel
How would it feel, do you think, to wander in a wilderness, not physically so much but emotionally, mentally? What if you wandered in that wilderness for 40 years? Now what if you wandered in a wilderness and you knew Jesus was with you? That could [...]
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