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James Merritt - Yes, God Loves You
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James Merritt - Yes, God Loves You
James Merritt - Yes, God Loves You
So I want you to take your Bibles right now, get 'em out, get your iPad, phone, whatever. I want you to turn to the book of Romans, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans. Lemme tell you about a guy you've never heard of. I didn't know about him. [...]
James Merritt - Yes, God Is
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James Merritt - Yes, God Is
James Merritt - Yes, God Is
So here's what we're gonna do today. I'm a fan, I don't know about you, but I'm a fan of detective shows. I watch "Forensic Files," I watch "Dateline". I just kind of get into that stuff. And so this story is something that [...]
James Merritt - Taking God at His Word
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James Merritt - Taking God at His Word
James Merritt - Taking God at His Word
Well, again, I wanna say good morning to those who are watching online and those here in the building. And let's just kind of get right into it today. There's an evangelistic organization known as Cru, and they ask college students all over the [...]
James Merritt - The Benefit of the Doubt
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James Merritt - The Benefit of the Doubt
James Merritt - The Benefit of the Doubt
A few years ago, the Barna Research Group conducted a poll that found that spiritual doubt is much more common among Christians than we might have considered. About 65% of Christians said they had questioned what they believed about religion and [...]
James Merritt - Taking Care of Business
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James Merritt - Taking Care of Business
James Merritt - Taking Care of Business
Lemme tell you what I learned. You know, you get to look back when you do your daily days and you realize that one of the greatest and hardest jobs that parents have is to teach kids to take things seriously. Because one of the things that would [...]
James Merritt - Carpe Diem Praying
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James Merritt - Carpe Diem Praying
James Merritt - Carpe Diem Praying
Not long ago, I came across this statement and it convicted me. You see how you respond to it. You could tell what a person likes by what they do, you could tell what a person thinks by what they say, but you can tell what a person is by how they [...]
James Merritt - Growing Up in Your Going Up
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James Merritt - Growing Up in Your Going Up
James Merritt - Growing Up in Your Going Up
You know, if you were a child, you know this, and every child knows this, you get asked a question, you get asked it so many times, you get tired of hearing it, and everybody asks you the question your parents will ask you, your grandparents will [...]
James Merritt - Know God
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James Merritt - Know God
James Merritt - Know God
I am just glad that you're here. Just before World War II, a school fire broke out in the town of Itasca, Texas. It killed 263 children. It was the only school in town. And because of the war, the town went without any school for seven years. Then [...]
James Merritt - Gender Reveal
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James Merritt - Gender Reveal
James Merritt - Gender Reveal
Well, in 2008, a mother named Jenna did what many expectant mothers do. So she had an ultrasound to discover the gender of her unborn baby. But after she discovered the baby's sex, she decided to do something at the time that was novel, no one had [...]
James Merritt - Pro-Life for Life
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James Merritt - Pro-Life for Life
James Merritt - Pro-Life for Life
Every year, the Oxford English dictionary declares a word of the year. It's a word that they say, and I'm quoting, has lasting potential as a word of cultural significance. Well, in 2016, the Oxford English dictionary declared that the word of the [...]
James Merritt - Model Marriage
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James Merritt - Model Marriage
James Merritt - Model Marriage
There there are some things that I'm sure sometimes I say them and you think I make them up and I'm not making this up. Believe it or not, even as I was putting the finishing touches on this sermon a few weeks ago, the United States Senate took a [...]
James Merritt - Wed Before Bed
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James Merritt - Wed Before Bed
James Merritt - Wed Before Bed
We're starting a series today, and I've told you before, it's not for the faint of heart. But I wanna begin by saying something, and I hope you'll hear. This is really important. We're not primarily a church that likes to talk about what we're [...]
James Merritt - A Line In the Sand
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James Merritt - A Line In the Sand
James Merritt - A Line In the Sand
How many of you, just curious, how many of you love history? Some people don't even like history. Okay, I'm a history buff. I love history. You can count on one thing: I keep a lot of books going at one time, but I'm always reading about history. I [...]
James Merritt - Heart to Heart
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James Merritt - Heart to Heart
James Merritt - Heart to Heart
What we've heard today, and I've gotta preach quick. What we've heard today reminds me of a little poem that I heard a long time ago, and I hope you'll take it to heart. "You have only one life, and it will soon be past, and only what's done [...]
James Merritt - Role Model
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James Merritt - Role Model
James Merritt - Role Model
We are in a series we're calling generational discipleship. If you're joining us for the first time, and we're telling you and saying to you there are four elements in that process. Last week we talked about teaching, that it all begins with [...]
James Merritt - It All Begins Here
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James Merritt - It All Begins Here
James Merritt - It All Begins Here
I wanna see how many of you know exactly who you are and where you belong. And if you don't know, you may not realize which category you're in, I'm gonna put these up on the screen, don't need to raise your hand, but let's just see kinda where [...]
James Merritt - Staying Faithful
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James Merritt - Staying Faithful
James Merritt - Staying Faithful
Let me begin by asking you a question. Who's the one person that affects your life every day? I'm talking about a human. Who's the one person that you'd say affects your life every day? Maybe it's your spouse. Maybe it's one of your children. Maybe [...]
James Merritt - My House, God's House
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James Merritt - My House, God's House
James Merritt - My House, God's House
I'm gonna take you back about 120 years to a man that you don't know. If you had lived back in the day, you would've known him. He was very well known. He was kind of maybe, and not in a leadership sense, but more in a philosophical sense, he was [...]
James Merritt - Who Have You Been With?
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James Merritt - Who Have You Been With?
James Merritt - Who Have You Been With?
About a century ago, when the tobacco industry was booming in America, you had a choice, every person had a choice. You could either be a smoker or a non-smoker. Very easy to, you know, decide what you want to do. But beginning in 1965, researchers [...]
James Merritt - Casting a Long Shadow
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James Merritt - Casting a Long Shadow
James Merritt - Casting a Long Shadow
We are thrilled to have you here in the building today. It is a beautiful day. I wanna go back to a date, before I was born, July the 16th, 1945. The place was Alamogordo, New Mexico. Something happened on that day that affects all of us, everybody [...]
James Merritt - As God Sees Fit
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James Merritt - As God Sees Fit
James Merritt - As God Sees Fit
Let me kind of prepare you for the message today, it's gonna be different. Normally I give kind of a brief introduction and then we get right into the major points I want you to learn. We're not gonna do that today, and you'll see why. Today, I want [...]
James Merritt - Graduation Day
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James Merritt - Graduation Day
James Merritt - Graduation Day
Alright, what a great day to be here this morning. You know, when you live as long as I have, you really learn a lot about people. And I've learned there are only two kinds of people that go to school. There are people who like going to school and [...]
James Merritt - Don't Go There
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James Merritt - Don't Go There
James Merritt - Don't Go There
How many of you are married or you're dating someone and sometimes you have conflict? Just curious. Okay. You know, some people think that I sleep in three-piece pajamas and have a hotline to God and all that. I'm just like you, I shop at Walmart [...]
James Merritt - Your Day in Court
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James Merritt - Your Day in Court
James Merritt - Your Day in Court
I'm grateful that you're here. I'm grateful those of you're watching online today. And today's one of those days when there's two books in the Bible that a pastor loves to preach from, simply because there's no excuse not to find it. You know, [...]
James Merritt - Last Breath
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James Merritt - Last Breath
James Merritt - Last Breath
There are two dates that are very important to me, personally. They mean a lot to me. And individually, one is December the 22nd, 1952. The reason that date is so important, that's the date of my birth. And I'm at the age and stage of my life where [...]
James Merritt - Laodicea, Spiritually Bankrupt
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James Merritt - Laodicea, Spiritually Bankrupt
James Merritt - Laodicea, Spiritually Bankrupt
Let me tell you a story, true story. It is one of the greatest things that ever happened in my life, and I'm being serious, and you'll know why. From the time I started school, my first day before I went to school, my dad told me, he said, [...]
James Merritt - Philadelphia, Forever Faithful
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James Merritt - Philadelphia, Forever Faithful
James Merritt - Philadelphia, Forever Faithful
2000 years ago, there was a church in a city in Turkey called Philadelphia. And this song could have been their theme song, because in the midst of all that church was going through and all that church was under, that church stood like a rock. If [...]
James Merritt - Sardis, The Walking Dead
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James Merritt - Sardis, The Walking Dead
James Merritt - Sardis, The Walking Dead
Well, I wanna say good morning to those of you who are watching online, those of you are in the room. And if you're glad to be here, if you really are, just turn to your neighbor right now and just say, "I am glad to be here". Would you [...]
James Merritt - Thyatira, Failing The Tolerance Test
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James Merritt - Thyatira, Failing The Tolerance Test
James Merritt - Thyatira, Failing The Tolerance Test
Well, I got a question, November the 16th, big day, how many of you know why it's a big day? Anybody here know the significance of November the 16th, anybody? Because if you do, you're smarter than I am and you're certainly smarter than a fifth [...]
James Merritt - Pergamum, Dealing With The Devil
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James Merritt - Pergamum, Dealing With The Devil
James Merritt - Pergamum, Dealing With The Devil
Well, how many of you either have heard the story or saw the Brad Pitt movie, Troy? How many of you even read the book or, all right, how many of you don't know anything about that at all? All right, I'm talking to you. When I was a boy the first [...]
James Merritt - Smyrna, Grace Under Pressure
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James Merritt - Smyrna, Grace Under Pressure
James Merritt - Smyrna, Grace Under Pressure
Well, I wanna say good morning to those of you who may be watching online, or watching on TV, around the world For those of you who are in the building, and I just wanna begin by asking a question. Everybody kind of laugh when I ask it at the 9:15 [...]
James Merritt - Ephesus, You've Lost That Loving Feeling
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James Merritt - Ephesus, You've Lost That Loving Feeling
James Merritt - Ephesus, You've Lost That Loving Feeling
Whenever you fly on a commercial airline was on a plane last week, you could always count on hearing five words over the intercom every single time I heard it last week. This is your captain speaking. Have you ever wondered why they do that? Have [...]
James Merritt - Grave Significance
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James Merritt - Grave Significance
James Merritt - Grave Significance
New York Times bestselling author Malcolm Gladwell wrote a book called "The Tipping Point", sold over 2 million copies. Great book. The basis of the book is really simple. Here's what Gladwell said. He said, "Drastic change happens at [...]
James Merritt - Aren't Church People Super Judgmental?
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James Merritt - Aren't Church People Super Judgmental?
James Merritt - Aren't Church People Super Judgmental?
So let me begin by telling you today about a man named David that is in heaven, but Teresa and I met him back when we were young. In fact, we had only been married a couple of years. I was in seminary full-time and I was pastoring full-time. I'd [...]
James Merritt - Are Church People Bigoted?
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James Merritt - Are Church People Bigoted?
James Merritt - Are Church People Bigoted?
I love so many things about my wife Teresa. If you go to our church, you know that I talk all the time about how even we've been married four decades. I'm more in love with her today than than I've ever been. She's my best friend. She is absolutely [...]
James Merritt - Doesn't Science Disprove God?
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James Merritt - Doesn't Science Disprove God?
James Merritt - Doesn't Science Disprove God?
If Christianity is so wonderful, and I think it is, and it's so true as we believe it is, then that has to raise a question. Why isn't everybody a Christian? I mean, I call the Gospel the best news that's ever been heard. Well, if the gospel is the [...]
James Merritt - Aren't All Church People Hypocrites?
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James Merritt - Aren't All Church People Hypocrites?
James Merritt - Aren't All Church People Hypocrites?
Well, I wanna say good morning. And first of all, I want you to be encouraged today. You know, there's a lot of discouraging news out there and you kind of get up every morning and you think to yourself, what's next? I just wanna remind you again [...]
James Merritt - Is God Really Good?
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James Merritt - Is God Really Good?
James Merritt - Is God Really Good?
In case you haven't heard the latest. With everything else that's going on, our society is growing less and less religious by the day. In fact, one of the fastest growing segments of our population is what's called the nones. And what I mean the [...]
James Merritt - What's the One Job Every Believer Should Do?
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James Merritt - What's the One Job Every Believer Should Do?
James Merritt - What's the One Job Every Believer Should Do?
I'm a big leader of leadership books. I'm a leader and I try to be a better leader. I don't think you can learn too much about leadership. And since the modern era began, there's been about a 15,000 books just written on leadership. But every now [...]
James Merritt - What Does Sanctification Mean?
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James Merritt - What Does Sanctification Mean?
James Merritt - What Does Sanctification Mean?
I wanna ask you a question, but don't answer it too quickly because you're not gonna understand what I'm asking, until I finish and the question is, "Why are you here"? Now, I don't mean why did you come today? I don't mean why are you in [...]
James Merritt - What Does Conversion Mean?
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James Merritt - What Does Conversion Mean?
James Merritt - What Does Conversion Mean?
So how many of you are old enough to remember where you were on that day? How many of you remember where you were? I was the president of the Southern Baptist Convention and I was supposed to fly to Nashville that afternoon and I was working out [...]
James Merritt - What Does Repentance Mean?
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James Merritt - What Does Repentance Mean?
James Merritt - What Does Repentance Mean?
I want to begin by, first of all welcoming those who are online, thank you for coming, appreciate you being here. I'm a golfer. Many of you know, I love to play golf. Golf can do one of two things, it'll help you better your religion, or make you [...]
James Merritt - What Does Regeneration Mean?
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James Merritt - What Does Regeneration Mean?
James Merritt - What Does Regeneration Mean?
We're in a series that I'm gonna talk about in a moment, but I want you to think about something, Communication without clarification brings consternation. Now, if you're a parent with children you understand what I'm saying, communication without [...]
James Merritt - What Does the Bible Say About Fasting?
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James Merritt - What Does the Bible Say About Fasting?
James Merritt - What Does the Bible Say About Fasting?
Today I'm gonna talk about a topic that all the years growing up in church, I never heard addressed one time, never heard it in a sermon, never heard it in a sentence, mom and dad never talked about it, never thought about it. And I frankly kind of [...]
James Merritt - Get Off the Guilt Trip
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James Merritt - Get Off the Guilt Trip
James Merritt - Get Off the Guilt Trip
Let me help you out on something this morning. I'm gonna mention a book, and most of you won't know where it is, but it's one of the easiest books in the Bible to find. It's the Book of Zechariah. If you go to Matthew and turn left two books, you'll [...]
James Merritt - Is There Anything God Can't Do?
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James Merritt - Is There Anything God Can't Do?
James Merritt - Is There Anything God Can't Do?
So today I'm talking about the can-do God. And year after year, the biggest religious polling companies in America like Gallup poll, they always ask a question every single year, and they do it, and they've done it since I think for the last 50 or [...]
James Merritt - Are You Ready to Share the Gospel?
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James Merritt - Are You Ready to Share the Gospel?
James Merritt - Are You Ready to Share the Gospel?
Well, I want you to imagine, and I want you to kinda do something. We're gonna kinda do a Disney-esque thing this morning. You know Walt Disney understood the power of imagination. So I want you to imagine something. I want you to imagine that it's [...]
James Merritt - Poster Child
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James Merritt - Poster Child
James Merritt - Poster Child
Just about the time you think you've seen it all, and you think you've heard it all, you haven't. I mean, after all, children having disagreements and disputes with their parents, goes all the way back to the first parents, it goes all the way back [...]
James Merritt - Model Moms
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James Merritt - Model Moms
James Merritt - Model Moms
Well, again, I wanna say good morning to those of you who are watching online or by television around the world. Those of you in our building today, thank you for being here so very much. We are in a series, if this is your first time here for [...]
James Merritt - Father Figure
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James Merritt - Father Figure
James Merritt - Father Figure
Well, today we are in a series that you probably know about that we're calling "Family Ties". Now I wanna tell you a story. About 22 years ago, I took the plunge, I took up golf. And the reason I took up golf, even though I was in my late [...]
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