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John Hagee - The Riches of Righteousness
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John Hagee - The Riches of Righteousness
John Hagee - The Riches of Righteousness
Let me talk to you about a fatal attraction. A fatal attraction is that which in the beginning seems attractive and irresistible, but in the end, it will totally destroy you. On one occasion, my older brother and I were out squirrel hunting in east [...]
John Hagee - The End of Days
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John Hagee - The End of Days
John Hagee - The End of Days
Will you please stand for the reading of God's word. Turn to Matthew 24. We'll read verses 1-3. As we gather here today, the headlines are screaming the message, "That Iran's supreme leader orders a direct attack on Israel". The [...]
John Hagee - The Light In A Dark Place
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John Hagee - The Light In A Dark Place
John Hagee - The Light In A Dark Place
Will you please stand for the reading of God's Word? Turn with me to 2 Peter 1:19. As we gather here today in this house of worship, there are two kingdoms fighting for your soul and the soul of America. This message is, "The Light in a Dark [...]
John Hagee - The Miracle of Provision
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John Hagee - The Miracle of Provision
John Hagee - The Miracle of Provision
Christianity begins with a fish story. The disciples had finished all night on the Sea of Galilee, had fished all night, and caught nothing. They had dragged their nets through the cold, murky waters. And each time, they pulled them up full of [...]
John Hagee - Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem
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John Hagee - Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem
John Hagee - Pray For The Peace of Jerusalem
The Bible says of Jerusalem, "It is the city of God". God has placed his name there: that it should be remembered forever. That's in the Bible. Jerusalem is the epicenter of the universe. Jerusalem is the shoreline of eternity. That means [...]
John Hagee - Seven Signs of His Coming
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John Hagee - Seven Signs of His Coming
John Hagee - Seven Signs of His Coming
The first sign of Jesus Christ' coming in the scripture is the sign of the scoffer. 2 Peter 3:3 and 4 says, "Knowing this, that there shall come in the last days", there's that phrase again, "That there shall come in the last days [...]
John Hagee - Hope for the Troubled Heart
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John Hagee - Hope for the Troubled Heart
John Hagee - Hope for the Troubled Heart
Hope is God's gift to the believer. 1 Corinthians 13 says, "Now abideth faith, hope, and love". Say that with me. "Faith, hope, and love". David writes in Psalm 42:5, "Hope thou in God". You put your faith in some [...]
John Hagee - Firstfruits Offering
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John Hagee - Firstfruits Offering
John Hagee - Firstfruits Offering
Would you please stand for the reading of the Word of God? Turn in your Bible to Exodus 34:19, as today we open the Word of God to discover the miracle and the majesty of the law of first fruits. The law of first fruits is a giant step toward [...]
John Hagee - The Two Resurrections
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John Hagee - The Two Resurrections
John Hagee - The Two Resurrections
Here is the resurrection story. Late Thursday night, 2,000 years ago, following the Passover meal with his disciples, Jesus of Nazareth was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. Just outside the Eastern walls of Jerusalem, his disciples slept as [...]
John Hagee - Israel, God's Chosen People
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John Hagee - Israel, God's Chosen People
John Hagee - Israel, God's Chosen People
In Romans 9, Paul presents eight distinctive features of Israel. First one: Romans 9:4, Paul says at the beginning of the verse, "My kinsmen, who are Israelites, to whom pertain the adoption, the glory, and the covenants". Let's go to the [...]
John Hagee - Israel, Abraham To Armageddon
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John Hagee - Israel, Abraham To Armageddon
John Hagee - Israel, Abraham To Armageddon
Turn with me to Genesis 12, as today we begin a new and exciting prophetic sermon series titled, "Israel: From Abraham to Armageddon". As we gather here today, the winds of war are blowing over the holy city Jerusalem, and the Middle East [...]
John Hagee - The Gift of Forgetting
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John Hagee - The Gift of Forgetting
John Hagee - The Gift of Forgetting
Turn in your Bible to Philippians 3:13 and 14, as we talk this morning about "The Gift of Forgetting". Did you succeed last year? Forget it. You can starve to death remembering how great you used to be. Let's learn a great lesson from the [...]
John Hagee - Is Faith Important?
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John Hagee - Is Faith Important?
John Hagee - Is Faith Important?
Is faith important for a successful life? The idea is being advanced on many fronts that faith in God is something that you can take or leave, and it makes absolutely no difference in the quality of your life. Now is that true? The Bible says, [...]
John Hagee - I Believe in Miracles (NEW)
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John Hagee - I Believe in Miracles (NEW)
John Hagee - I Believe in Miracles (NEW)
Remember, and write it down in stone, our God is a miracle-working God. In the Genesis of time, he breathed into a handful of dirt and man became a living soul. You are created in the image of God and that's a miracle. It's a miracle that no doctor [...]
John Hagee - The Power of The Blood (Absolute Power)
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John Hagee - The Power of The Blood (Absolute Power)
John Hagee - The Power of The Blood (Absolute Power)
I choose to address the most awesome power God has ever released for mankind to have, and that is the power of the blood. The blood of Jesus Christ shed for your redemption and for mine will never lose its power. Until you understand the power of [...]
John Hagee - Blessed Are The Peacemakers
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John Hagee - Blessed Are The Peacemakers
John Hagee - Blessed Are The Peacemakers
Jesus was a peacemaker. When he was born, the angels sang, "Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men"! Jesus Christ is the Prince of Peace. And you can't be a peacemaker until you have discovered the source of [...]
John Hagee - Blessed Are The Pure In Heart
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John Hagee - Blessed Are The Pure In Heart
John Hagee - Blessed Are The Pure In Heart
Note the brilliant sequence of the beatitudes. There are eight steps toward happiness and they are exact steps with exact consequences. Notice that the first four deal with man's relationship to God. And the last four deal with man's relationship to [...]
John Hagee - Blessed Are The Merciful
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John Hagee - Blessed Are The Merciful
John Hagee - Blessed Are The Merciful
Consider the miracle of mercy. We all love mercy, especially when we're receiving it. The story of mercy behind Psalms 57 is this: David is fleeing for his life from king Saul. David ran from king Saul almost ten years, living in caves because Saul [...]
John Hagee - The Meek With A Good Appetite
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John Hagee - The Meek With A Good Appetite
John Hagee - The Meek With A Good Appetite
The third beatitude, "Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth". Doesn't that sound absurd in our generation? What is "Meekness"? The meek are those who quietly submit to the authority of God. The meek are those who [...]
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John Hagee - Poverty that Makes Rich
John Hagee - Poverty that Makes Rich
Today we begin a series of sermons taken from the greatest sermon that was ever preached by the greatest preacher who ever walked the face of this earth, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The sermon on the mount represents the moral principles of the [...]
John Hagee - Freedom from Worry
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John Hagee - Freedom from Worry
John Hagee - Freedom from Worry
Why worry? Webster defines worry as to afflict with mental distress. To afflict with mental distress. A teenage son, who was away at college, sent his dad a telegram. The telegram said, "Dear dad, I've been in a serious car crash. I've broken [...]
John Hagee - How Free Is Freedom?
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John Hagee - How Free Is Freedom?
John Hagee - How Free Is Freedom?
Freedom isn't free. Fifty-six men gathered in the Pennsylvania state house to draw up "The declaration of independence". It was a fortunate hour in our nation's history, one of the those rare occasions when we had greatness to spare. These [...]
John Hagee - The Miracle of Divine Light
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John Hagee - The Miracle of Divine Light
John Hagee - The Miracle of Divine Light
The message of John 9 is that Jesus Christ is the light of the world. And if you miss that light, you have missed everything worth living in this life and in the world to come. A man saw a fisherman standing in a lake with a mirror. And he said, [...]
John Hagee - Healing and Deliverance
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John Hagee - Healing and Deliverance
John Hagee - Healing and Deliverance
If divine healing is controversial, healing and deliverance is twice controversial. And if you're visiting today, I challenge you to come back on another Sunday, because this sermon is going to be like 40 acres of garlic and two rows of onions. When [...]
John Hagee - The Power to Heal
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John Hagee - The Power to Heal
John Hagee - The Power to Heal
Most every person in this audience and most every person watching by national television needs to be healed physically, emotionally, or in their mind. Every time I go to the hospital, I thank God for health and healing. When I see people in a bed [...]
John Hagee - The Ideal Woman
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John Hagee - The Ideal Woman
John Hagee - The Ideal Woman
The mind of man has stored within it no more precious memory than the memory of a godly mother. It was her voice that could conquer every childish fear. It was her gentle touch that could give confidence. It was her very presence that could make you [...]
John Hagee - The Blessing of God's Name
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John Hagee - The Blessing of God's Name
John Hagee - The Blessing of God's Name
If you have your Bibles, turn with us please to numbers 6:27, as we continue today talking about "The blessings of God's name". God has ordained that his supernatural blessing be passed from generation to generation. How many of you would [...]
John Hagee - Streams in the Desert
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John Hagee - Streams in the Desert
John Hagee - Streams in the Desert
In Psalm 63, David was going through one of those rough times in his turbulent life when he was driven from the throne by his son, Absalom: and amasa, his nephew: and Ahithophel, a friend that has become a vicious traitor. David has fled the capital [...]
John Hagee - The Holy Spirit, Its Power and Purpose
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John Hagee - The Holy Spirit, Its Power and Purpose
John Hagee - The Holy Spirit, Its Power and Purpose
If you have your Bibles, turn with us, please, to Mark 16, and we'll begin reading at verse 15. We're beginning, tonight, a journey into the supernatural, as we talk about the power and the purpose of the Holy Spirit. Our roadmap is going to be the [...]
John Hagee - The Pursuit of Excellence
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John Hagee - The Pursuit of Excellence
John Hagee - The Pursuit of Excellence
We all possess the potential for greatness. We are all the divine creations of an all-mighty, all-powerful, all-knowing God. He is a God of excellence and he made you. And there is, within every one of you listening to me today, the divine spark of [...]
John Hagee - A Place Called Heaven
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John Hagee - A Place Called Heaven
John Hagee - A Place Called Heaven
If you have your Bibles, please turn to John 14:1 through 3, as we talk today about "A place called heaven". "Newsweek" recently carried a story that very few preachers are talking about heaven because they're reticent to talk [...]
John Hagee - The Revelation of The Rapture
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John Hagee - The Revelation of The Rapture
John Hagee - The Revelation of The Rapture
If you have your Bibles, turn please to Psalm 12, and we'll read the first two verses together, as we talk today about "The Revelation of the rapture". King David places his pen to parchment in Psalm 12, and he begins with two of the most [...]
John Hagee - From Here to Eternity
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John Hagee - From Here to Eternity
John Hagee - From Here to Eternity
We welcome you to the prophetic teaching titled "From Here to Eternity". What does the Bible say about the future of the world? What does the Bible say about the future of America? Today I want to give you the Bible reasons why we are [...]
John Hagee - He Is Risen
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John Hagee - He Is Risen
John Hagee - He Is Risen
Remain standing, please. Turn in your Bibles to Luke 24. The resurrection story is capture in three words, "He Is Risen". Christianity rises or falls on the resurrection story. If Christ did not rise from the dead, our faith is a colossal [...]
John Hagee - Message for 65th Anniversary
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John Hagee - Message for 65th Anniversary
John Hagee - Message for 65th Anniversary
On this glorious and historic day, 65 years ago, I stood behind the sacred desk to preach the first sermon at the first assembly of God church in Houston, Texas. The sermon was titled "The place called Calvary". Luke 23:33 was the text. [...]
John Hagee - The Battle For Your Mind
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John Hagee - The Battle For Your Mind
John Hagee - The Battle For Your Mind
Turn to Matthew 22:37 and 38, as we begin this sermon today, "The Battle For Your Mind". The greatest battles to be fought in the future will not be with nuclear weapons that have the power to transform planet earth into a spinning [...]
John Hagee - Stop Worrying and Start Living (Battle For Your Mind)
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John Hagee - Stop Worrying and Start Living (Battle For Your Mind)
John Hagee - Stop Worrying and Start Living (Battle For Your Mind)
Listen to saint Paul's command. Saint Paul commanded the New Testament church, "Be anxious for nothing". Say that with me, "Be anxious for nothing". That means don't worry about anything. Let me give you proof that God is in [...]
John Hagee - The Resurrection: A Living Hope
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John Hagee - The Resurrection: A Living Hope
John Hagee - The Resurrection: A Living Hope
America and our troubled world are desperately searching for answers in an hour when our nation is in severe crisis. The foundations of freedom are crumbling. The foundations of our faith are under attack. The foundations of family are simply [...]
John Hagee - The Law of First Fruits
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John Hagee - The Law of First Fruits
John Hagee - The Law of First Fruits
Learn this principle first: that God demands being first. He doesn't ask to be first: he demands being first. The Bible says, "Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all of these things shall be added unto you". Why do [...]
John Hagee - Final Exodus
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John Hagee - Final Exodus
John Hagee - Final Exodus
Joseph made this confession to his family: "I am dying". I am dying. The fact is every person in this room listening to this telecast is racing toward a rendezvous with death one day at a time. The Bible says there's an appointment that [...]
John Hagee - The Mystery of the Prayer Shawl
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John Hagee - The Mystery of the Prayer Shawl
John Hagee - The Mystery of the Prayer Shawl
The Jewish people in the time of Christ were blinded to the identify of Jesus Christ. Romans 11:8 says: they have eyes that should not see. Romans 11:10, "That their eyes be darkened", that word "Darkened" is the Greek word for [...]
John Hagee - The King of the West
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John Hagee - The King of the West
John Hagee - The King of the West
Will you please stand for the reading of God's word. Turn with me to the Book of Revelation 13, as we continue today our prophetic sermon series. "The King of the West," the beast that comes out of the sea. Bible prophecy clearly reveals [...]
John Hagee - The King of the South
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John Hagee - The King of the South
John Hagee - The King of the South
Would you stand for the reading of God's word? Turn to the book of Ezekiel 38, as we continue our prophetic series titled "The four kings: the final game of thrones". Bible prophecy clearly reveals that immediately prior to the rapture of [...]
John Hagee - To God Be The Glory
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John Hagee - To God Be The Glory
John Hagee - To God Be The Glory
Jeremiah writes, "Thus saith the Lord", read with me, "Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom. Let not the mighty man glory in his might, nor let the rich man glory in his riches. But let him who glories, glorify in this: that he [...]
John Hagee - How Jesus Dealt with Demons
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John Hagee - How Jesus Dealt with Demons
John Hagee - How Jesus Dealt with Demons
Will you please stand for the reading of the Word of God. Turn with me to the book of Mark 16:15 and following, as today we conclude or sermon series "The three heavens" taken from my latest book by the same name with this sermon "How [...]
John Hagee - Earth's Final Emperor
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John Hagee - Earth's Final Emperor
John Hagee - Earth's Final Emperor
Will you please stand for the reading of the Word of God. Turn with me to the Book of Revelation 19:19, as we continue this powerful and penetrating sermon series titled "The Coming Fourth Reich". Last Sunday, I taught you from the sacred [...]
John Hagee - The Power of the Holy Spirit
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John Hagee - The Power of the Holy Spirit
John Hagee - The Power of the Holy Spirit
Today I'm going to talk about ten benefits of the Holy Spirit in the life of the believer. When you speak of the Holy Spirit as a topic, most people turn to the Book of Acts, because they think that's where it began. Actually the Holy Spirit shows [...]
John Hagee - Success For The New Year
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John Hagee - Success For The New Year
John Hagee - Success For The New Year
Turn to Proverbs 25:28, as we talk today about the secret of success for the new year. The question is: are you going to have a happy new year, or will the social, moral and political corruption continue to destroy your peace of mind and hopes for [...]
John Hagee - Joseph, The Seduction of the Pit
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John Hagee - Joseph, The Seduction of the Pit
John Hagee - Joseph, The Seduction of the Pit
Here are things to remember when you get in the pit. First, intolerance of your condition creates your future. Say that with me. Intolerance of your condition creates your future. The problem is some start looking for ways to get accustomed to the [...]
John Hagee - Joseph: God Has Caused Me To Forget
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John Hagee - Joseph: God Has Caused Me To Forget
John Hagee - Joseph: God Has Caused Me To Forget
Turn with us to Genesis 41:51, as we talk today on the theme "God Has Caused Me to Forget". This is a teaching sermon. It is a concept presented by Joseph, who had two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. Their two names reflect the cornerstone [...]
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