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Adrian Rogers - Give Him Glory
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Adrian Rogers - Give Him Glory
Adrian Rogers - Give Him Glory
Would you take God's Word and be finding the Gospel of John chapter 4, and in just a moment we're going to look at verse 24. For a month now we're going to be talking about worship. We're going to be preaching messages every Sunday morning on [...]
Adrian Rogers - When We All Get to Heaven
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Adrian Rogers - When We All Get to Heaven
Adrian Rogers - When We All Get to Heaven
Would you take your Bibles and find First John chapter 3? We're making our way through this wonderful book of First John, this epistle written by the beloved apostle, and we're calling this Bible study: "The Sweetest Fellowship this Side of [...]
Adrian Rogers - Living in the Last Days
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Adrian Rogers - Living in the Last Days
Adrian Rogers - Living in the Last Days
Be finding First John, the second chapter, and when you've found it, let me tell you that education is costly, but ignorance will cost you far, far more. And no child of God can afford to be ignorant in these dynamic days in which we're living. All [...]
Adrian Rogers - Your Friendly Enemy
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Adrian Rogers - Your Friendly Enemy
Adrian Rogers - Your Friendly Enemy
Be finding First John the second chapter, and when you've found it let me tell you something that you may not know. When you're a Christian, the Lord fills your heart with love but you are not to love everything. As a matter of fact, there are some [...]
Adrian Rogers - Birthmarks of the Believer
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Adrian Rogers - Birthmarks of the Believer
Adrian Rogers - Birthmarks of the Believer
Let me tell you this, that when you were Heaven-born, you became Heaven-bound. But when you were Heaven-born and Heaven-bound, God put some indelible marks upon you. These are traits of the twiceborn. These are the birthmarks of the believer. And [...]
Adrian Rogers - Things that Hinder Fellowship
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Adrian Rogers - Things that Hinder Fellowship
Adrian Rogers - Things that Hinder Fellowship
Would you take God's Word and be finding First John? That's back near the book of the Revelation, and we're studying the book of First John. It's a short book, only five chapters. And we're entitling this study; "The Sweetest Fellowship This [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Sweetest Fellowship This Side of Heaven
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Adrian Rogers - The Sweetest Fellowship This Side of Heaven
Adrian Rogers - The Sweetest Fellowship This Side of Heaven
Be finding First John, that's right back near the back of the Bible, almost to the book of the Revelation. First John, and find the first chapter. And we're going to be studying the book of First John, it's not a very long book, only five chapters, [...]
Adrian Rogers - Our Great Savior
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Adrian Rogers - Our Great Savior
Adrian Rogers - Our Great Savior
Take God's precious Word and open, if you will, to Matthew chapter 12. Let me tell you that we entered these new buildings in November of 1989, and we wanted God to bless in a very special way. And I thought, "What would I preach about? What [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Have Fullness of Joy
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Adrian Rogers - How to Have Fullness of Joy
Adrian Rogers - How to Have Fullness of Joy
Take your Bibles and find John chapter 15. And while you're finding it, let me say something to you. I don't know a lot about you. I certainly don't know everything about you, but I know one thing about every mother's child today. May I tell you [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Arrive at Our Destination Without a Map
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Adrian Rogers - How to Arrive at Our Destination Without a Map
Adrian Rogers - How to Arrive at Our Destination Without a Map
Find in God's Word Joshua chapter 3. There's a story of an old boat that was in the sea, in a dark and stormy night. It's always a dark and stormy night with these stories. And, the boat was chugging along and the waves were very rough, and a [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Abundant Life
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Adrian Rogers - The Abundant Life
Adrian Rogers - The Abundant Life
Take God's precious Word, if you would, and turn to John chapter 11. John chapter 11, and I want us to look at a couple of verses as we begin, and then we're going to go back and look at more verses in detail. How many of you would like to live [...]
Adrian Rogers - Five Ways You Can Encourage Others
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Adrian Rogers - Five Ways You Can Encourage Others
Adrian Rogers - Five Ways You Can Encourage Others
Take your Bibles, find the Book of Acts, A-C-T-S, right after the Gospels, and turn to the fourth chapter where we were last week. And we're going to read just two verses to get us started. In a moment, we're going to read verses 36 and 37. If I [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Be a Good Friend
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Adrian Rogers - How to Be a Good Friend
Adrian Rogers - How to Be a Good Friend
Would you turn in God's Word to Luke chapter 10? When you've found it, I want to talk to you on this subject; "How to be a good friend". And the story that we have today is in a way a familiar one. It's about a parable, perhaps the [...]
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Adrian Rogers - Making Friends Forever
Adrian Rogers - Making Friends Forever
Turn to Proverbs chapter 17 and verse 17. The Bible says, "A friend loveth at all times and a brother is born for adversity". "A friend loveth at all times". We say our church is a family of friends and a friend to the family. [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Prepare for Persecution
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Adrian Rogers - How to Prepare for Persecution
Adrian Rogers - How to Prepare for Persecution
Would you be finding please Matthew chapter 5 in your Bible? We're going to be talking about one of the signs of the last days and that is the persecution of the church. Did you know that's one of the signs that we're living in the last days? And I [...]
Adrian Rogers - Living In the Light of the Blessed Hope
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Adrian Rogers - Living In the Light of the Blessed Hope
Adrian Rogers - Living In the Light of the Blessed Hope
Take God's Word and find Titus chapter 2. We've been in a series of Bible studies on the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and this morning we come to the end of this series and today we want to see what that means to us personally. We're going to be [...]
Adrian Rogers - Waiting for Jesus
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Adrian Rogers - Waiting for Jesus
Adrian Rogers - Waiting for Jesus
Turn to First Thessalonians chapter 1. And I want you to see three of the richest verses on Bible prophecy in all of the Bible. And God has put three incredible thoughts in these short verses. Look if you will in First Thessalonians chapter 1 now [...]
Adrian Rogers - Signs of the Times
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Adrian Rogers - Signs of the Times
Adrian Rogers - Signs of the Times
Would you take God's Word and find Matthew chapter 24. We've been thinking in these days about end time prophesy and the Second Coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Now let me tell you something folks, we're not talking about something that [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Nature of the Beast
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Adrian Rogers - The Nature of the Beast
Adrian Rogers - The Nature of the Beast
Would you take God's Word and find Revelation chapter 13. We're talking about Bible prophecy and no child of God can afford to be ignorant in these pregnant days in which we are living. The sands of time are running low. The stage is set, the [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Beginning of the End
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Adrian Rogers - The Beginning of the End
Adrian Rogers - The Beginning of the End
Find in God's Word Second Thessalonians chapter 1 beginning in verse 7. Second Thessalonians chapter 1, and in a moment we begin reading in verse 7. We're thinking about the beginning of the end. The stage is set for the drama of the ages, and the [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Secret of Satisfaction
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Adrian Rogers - The Secret of Satisfaction
Adrian Rogers - The Secret of Satisfaction
Take your Bibles and open, would you please, to Exodus chapter 20 and we look now at verse 17. Exodus chapter 20 and verse 17. And while you're finding it, may I say that Madison avenue has done a job on the American people. It has given us a bad [...]
Adrian Rogers - Truth or Consequences
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Adrian Rogers - Truth or Consequences
Adrian Rogers - Truth or Consequences
Take if you will please your Bible and be finding the book of Exodus, chapter 20. And today we look at verse 16. Exodus chapter 20 and verse 16 it simply says this, "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Thou shalt not bear [...]
Adrian Rogers - Integrity: Don't Leave Home Without It
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Adrian Rogers - Integrity: Don't Leave Home Without It
Adrian Rogers - Integrity: Don't Leave Home Without It
Be finding the book of Exodus chapter 20. Our verse for today is verse 15, and you don't have to have a doctorate to understand it. It can't be much plainer. "Thou shalt not steal". If there were ever a verse that is needed, this one is. [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Key to a Magnificent Marriage
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Adrian Rogers - The Key to a Magnificent Marriage
Adrian Rogers - The Key to a Magnificent Marriage
Exodus chapter 20 and verse 14 says something clearly with no stutter, no stammer, no apology, no compromise, no equivocation. Clearly and plainly God says in His Word, "Thou shalt not commit adultery". I want to speak to you today on this [...]
Adrian Rogers - Families That Choose Life
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Adrian Rogers - Families That Choose Life
Adrian Rogers - Families That Choose Life
Would you turn now to the book of Exodus chapter 20 and we're going to begin reading in Exodus chapter 20 verse 1 through verse 13 so we'll be able to get the sweep of all of these commandments one more time? "And God spake all these words, [...]
Adrian Rogers - Has the Nuclear Family Bombed?
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Adrian Rogers - Has the Nuclear Family Bombed?
Adrian Rogers - Has the Nuclear Family Bombed?
Would you take God's Word this morning, and turn to Exodus chapter 20 and I want us to look, if you will, in verse 12. Exodus chapter 20 and verse 12, "Honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long upon the land which the Lord thy [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Make the Rest Day the Best Day
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Adrian Rogers - How to Make the Rest Day the Best Day
Adrian Rogers - How to Make the Rest Day the Best Day
Would you take God's Word now and find Exodus chapter 20. And in a moment, we're going to begin looking at verse 8 and some verses following that. And may I say that in this day when we're supposed to have so many devices to save time, I've never [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Name Above All Names
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Adrian Rogers - The Name Above All Names
Adrian Rogers - The Name Above All Names
Would you take God's Word, find Exodus chapter 20, and in just a moment we're going to read the third commandment. It's found in verse 7, but let me say that God's plan for your home is not failure but victory. God wants your home to be vital, and [...]
Adrian Rogers - Learning Family Worship
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Adrian Rogers - Learning Family Worship
Adrian Rogers - Learning Family Worship
Be finding Exodus chapter 20, when you found it look up here. We're talking today about the Ten Commandments, "A Perfect 10 for Homes that Win". God does not want your home to be a loser. Let me say this about the Ten Commandments. The Ten [...]
Adrian Rogers - It Takes God to Make a Home
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Adrian Rogers - It Takes God to Make a Home
Adrian Rogers - It Takes God to Make a Home
I want you to take God's Word today and turn to Deuteronomy chapter 5. Now the Ten Commandments are given in two places. They're given in Exodus chapter 20 and in Deuteronomy chapter 5. I've chosen Deuteronomy chapter 5 today for a specific purpose, [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Problem with Pride
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Adrian Rogers - The Problem with Pride
Adrian Rogers - The Problem with Pride
Find Proverbs chapter 16 and then verse 18. And we're going to look at that in just a moment, we're going to be speaking today on the problem with pride. How many of you have a problem with pride? All right, I'm going to be preaching to you today, [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Day Death Died
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Adrian Rogers - The Day Death Died
Adrian Rogers - The Day Death Died
Would you take God's Word and find First Corinthians chapter 15 if you would. In a moment we're going to begin reading in verse 45. But, let me just say that we are talking today about the victory that the Lord Jesus Christ has won over death. The [...]
Adrian Rogers - Magnifying Jesus Through Worship and the Word
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Adrian Rogers - Magnifying Jesus Through Worship and the Word
Adrian Rogers - Magnifying Jesus Through Worship and the Word
Would you find Isaiah chapter 53? Isaiah chapter 53, The title of today's message, "Magnifying Jesus Through Worship and the Word". If you want ice cream, you can go to Baskin Robbins and they have thirty-one different flavors. Americans, [...]
Adrian Rogers - Learning to Possess Your Possessions
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Adrian Rogers - Learning to Possess Your Possessions
Adrian Rogers - Learning to Possess Your Possessions
Would you take God's Word, turn to Romans chapter 7, and the title of our message today is, "Learning to Possess Your Possessions". Many of us are not living up to our profession in Christ. A little boy had a dog and somebody said, [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Things that Make for Peace
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Adrian Rogers - The Things that Make for Peace
Adrian Rogers - The Things that Make for Peace
Take your Bibles now and turn if you will with me to Romans chapter 14 as we're continuing through the book of Romans. A solid word for an unsure age, that's what the book of Romans is. It has been called the Constitution of Christianity and for a [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Wake-Up Call
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Adrian Rogers - The Wake-Up Call
Adrian Rogers - The Wake-Up Call
Would you take God's Word and be finding Romans chapter 13. And we left off in chapter 13 last Sunday, and we will take up again here in just a few moments, beginning in verse 11. But let me tell you what happened a long time ago in the birth of our [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Secret of Effectual Prayer
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Adrian Rogers - The Secret of Effectual Prayer
Adrian Rogers - The Secret of Effectual Prayer
Be finding please Romans chapter 11 and we're going to spend most of our time this morning in one verse, verse 36. We're talking today about, "The Secret of Effectual Prayer". Now I don't know why we like to put the word secret in our [...]
Adrian Rogers - How To Handle Conflicts
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Adrian Rogers - How To Handle Conflicts
Adrian Rogers - How To Handle Conflicts
Would you take your Bibles and open your Bibles to James chapter 1, we're going to begin reading in just a moment in verse 19. Now we've been talking about intimacy in marriage and how to achieve it. And we've been saying that we have to work at it [...]
Adrian Rogers - Communicate or Disintegrate
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Adrian Rogers - Communicate or Disintegrate
Adrian Rogers - Communicate or Disintegrate
Would you be finding First Peter chapter 2, and when you've found it, look up here. First Peter chapter 2. I heard of a woman who went to the lawyer and said, "My husband wants to divorce me". And the lawyer said to the lady, "Well, [...]
Adrian Rogers - Celebrate The Difference
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Adrian Rogers - Celebrate The Difference
Adrian Rogers - Celebrate The Difference
Would you be finding in God's Word please the book of Genesis chapter 2, and in a moment I'm going to begin reading in verse 19. Genesis chapter 2 verse 19. We're under this heading, "One Lord, One Love: Celebrate the Difference". I'm told [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Divine Design
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Adrian Rogers - The Divine Design
Adrian Rogers - The Divine Design
Would you be taking God's Word and finding First Peter chapter 3. We're talking today about intimacy in marriage, "One Lord, One Love". The title of the study today, "One Lord, One Love: The Divine Design". What has God designed [...]
Adrian Rogers - What If There Had Been No Easter?
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Adrian Rogers - What If There Had Been No Easter?
Adrian Rogers - What If There Had Been No Easter?
Take God's Word and find if you would First Corinthians chapter 15. An unthinkable question; what if there had been no Easter? What if Jesus Christ stayed in that tomb? What if death had conquered, if there'd been no Easter? Well, the apostle Paul [...]
Adrian Rogers - A Dress Rehearsal for Calvary
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Adrian Rogers - A Dress Rehearsal for Calvary
Adrian Rogers - A Dress Rehearsal for Calvary
Take God's Word, find please if you would, the book of Hebrews chapter 11 and in a few moments we're going to look at verses 17 through 19. Now as you hold your Bible in your hand may I tell you, look at me, may I tell you there is no book like the [...]
Adrian Rogers - Turning Hurts into Hallelujahs
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Adrian Rogers - Turning Hurts into Hallelujahs
Adrian Rogers - Turning Hurts into Hallelujahs
Would you be finding Romans chapter 8. In our journey through Romans we've come through chapter 8. We've called Romans the constitution of Christianity. I was in Washington, D.C., and saw the original Constitution of the United States. And in the [...]
Adrian Rogers - Let's Celebrate Passover
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Adrian Rogers - Let's Celebrate Passover
Adrian Rogers - Let's Celebrate Passover
Be finding First Corinthians chapter 5, First Corinthians chapter 5. Let me tell you what I'm going to do today. I'm going to call you today to a celebration. Let's celebrate. You know sometimes we have the idea that salvation is a funeral. It is [...]
Adrian Rogers - Five Minutes After Death
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Adrian Rogers - Five Minutes After Death
Adrian Rogers - Five Minutes After Death
Would you take your Bibles and find Luke chapter 16. And we're going to talk about an unpleasant subject today, at least unpleasant for some, and that is the subject of death. Death is a very real subject. And man is the only creature who knows that [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Days of Noah
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Adrian Rogers - The Days of Noah
Adrian Rogers - The Days of Noah
Be finding, please, Matthew chapter 24. In a moment we're going to begin reading in verse 36. Matthew chapter 24. I'm told that a man asked another man on the street, "Do you know what the two biggest problems in the world are today"? The [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Final Judgment
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Adrian Rogers - The Final Judgment
Adrian Rogers - The Final Judgment
There is coming, ladies and gentlemen, a judgment. There's coming a time when all that men have dreamed for and schemed for and sold their souls for will have turned to rust and dust and mold and corruption. There is coming a time when God will put [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Value of a Soul
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Adrian Rogers - The Value of a Soul
Adrian Rogers - The Value of a Soul
Take the Word of God. Find Mark chapter 8. In just a moment we're going to begin reading in verse 35. But let me tell you something about your most valuable possession; really about you yourself. Your soul, your human soul is of infinite worth. Your [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Deal with Depression
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Adrian Rogers - How to Deal with Depression
Adrian Rogers - How to Deal with Depression
Take God's Word and find Psalm 42. What Psalm 42 deals with is depression and what to do when you're feeling depressed. When you say, "I have fallen and I can't get up"! Not physically, but emotionally. You're down in the dumps. You're in [...]
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