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Allen Jackson - Protection From Deception - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Protection From Deception - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Protection From Deception - Part 2
Hey, it's good to be with you today. We're gonna continue our study on protection from deception. We're gonna look at some very familiar parables which Jesus taught. You know, I think to step away from the Bible a bit and not imagine that we're [...]
Allen Jackson - Protection From Deception - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Protection From Deception - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Protection From Deception - Part 1
It's always a privilege to be together. Our topic today is Protection from Deception. It was Jesus most consistent warning when he talked to his disciples and friends about the end of the age. If Jesus warned us against deception, I think he [...]
Allen Jackson - Let's Follow Jesus - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Let's Follow Jesus - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Let's Follow Jesus - Part 2
One of the great surprises to me since 2020, and I was unprepared for this. You know, in the midst of all that confusion and chaos and the unknowing and the fear and sheltered in place and things closed down, we begin to pray that the truth would be [...]
Allen Jackson - Let's Follow Jesus - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Let's Follow Jesus - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Let's Follow Jesus - Part 1
We started a series really focused on an invitation that is consistent in Scripture and one that, with God's help, I want to present to you over these next few weeks. It's a contraction. "Let's," there's multiple invitations in Scripture [...]
Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 2
In Exodus chapter 3, God is recruiting Moses. You know, we all want to think if God recruited us, we'd go, "Well, yeah! Let's go! I'm in"! We wanna think that. Well, if I knew it was God. You know, I kind of had a thought. I had a [...]
Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 1
I wanna start a new study with you. This session we're gonna talk about "Let's Choose Truth". I know you know enough English on this one. "Let's" is just a contraction, two words: let us. It's an interesting study. We're gonna do [...]
Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 2
Let's take the balance of our time and process this in the context of Jesus's life and the role of the Holy Spirit in Jesus's life. If Jesus could not fulfill... I'll give you the cliff notes. If Jesus could not have completed his assignment on [...]
Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 1
The topic for this session is the Holy Spirit and power. And it really has emerged out of my own prayers of late and the awareness that we need the the power of God to address what is before us. The challenges that face us, the opportunities before [...]
Allen Jackson - God Is For Us - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - God Is For Us - Part 2
Allen Jackson - God Is For Us - Part 2
Hey, it's an honor to be with you again. We're gonna complete our study we began on the fact that "God Is With Us". What an amazing idea. You know it's a biblical principle, it starts as an observation in Scripture. We find it early in [...]
Allen Jackson - God Is For Us - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - God Is For Us - Part 1
Allen Jackson - God Is For Us - Part 1
It's good to be with you again, our topic in this session is "God Is For Us". You know, I've been around church a long time, most of my life, and so often I meet Christians that think God is mad at them. I got news for you, God is far more [...]
Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 2
The question for you and me ultimately comes down to whether we will be faithful to God or we'll choose to be unfaithful. Psalm 125, I love this verse, says, "Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures [...]
Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 1
We've been working through a little study called "Faith Mountains". The idea is pretty simple. If you're gonna make any journey of any significance distance, you're probably gonna have to traverse mountains. And historically, some of the [...]
Allen Jackson - Against All Odds - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Against All Odds - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Against All Odds - Part 2
So I think we all have that question within us: Do I really matter? Our culture is hammering at us now. I mean, it pounds us. You know, they keep introducing all these trends and fads through social media to do bizarre things like eat a Tide pod. I [...]
Allen Jackson - Against All Odds - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Against All Odds - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Against All Odds - Part 1
I wanna pick up a theme I began this past Wednesday, talking about faith mountains. I took a little detour last night. Our reading plan... I hope you're doing the Bible reading with us. If you're not, you're really missing out on an important part [...]
Allen Jackson - We Have A Choice - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - We Have A Choice - Part 2
Allen Jackson - We Have A Choice - Part 2
If you're gonna be a Jesus disciple, one of the requirements is daily taking up your cross. Now, we know the cross to be jewelry. You hang it around the neck, you put it in an earring, you decorate clothing with it. In the Roman world, the cross was [...]
Allen Jackson - We Have A Choice - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - We Have A Choice - Part 1
Allen Jackson - We Have A Choice - Part 1
Working through a little study under the title of, "Let's Please God". I got a little overwhelmed a few days ago with everything that was happening and it seemed like it was, it was too much and there were too many fronts and too many [...]
Allen Jackson - Character Counts - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Character Counts - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Character Counts - Part 2
And to please God consistently, we're gonna have to understand his character. You can do it occasionally, but if you're gonna do it in a consistent way, you're gonna have to know the character of God. To do that, you're really gonna have to read [...]
Allen Jackson - Character Counts - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Character Counts - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Character Counts - Part 1
We began a new study, a couple of sessions back under the general title of "Let's Please God". Let's Please God. I'm gonna talk a little bit more about that. But this session is really gonna be focused on the fact that character counts, [...]
Allen Jackson - Let's Please God - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Let's Please God - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Let's Please God - Part 2
It is better in our lives if God is pleased. Look at 'ol Hebrews 11:5. Says, "By Faith Enoch". You meet Enoch way back in the book of Genesis. We don't know much about him, but he got a commentary in the New Testament in the Hall of Fame. [...]
Allen Jackson - Let's Please God - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Let's Please God - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Let's Please God - Part 1
The title is, "Let's Please God". How many of you have heard one of the talks on "Let's Pray". I mean, we've had a let's-pray moment outside of church. What are the rest of you doing? And then we talked about, "Let's Do [...]
Allen Jackson - Money Matters - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Money Matters - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Money Matters - Part 2
James Madison was our fourth president, often referred to as the father of our constitution. He made this statement, I want you to know how much this is a part of our heritage. We have not always been pagan to the degree we are. He said this, our [...]
Allen Jackson - Money Matters - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Money Matters - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Money Matters - Part 1
I have been talking to more people far beyond middle Tennessee for the last few days. It has been my habit for a while, talking about what's happening in our world and in our nation. I talked to a man this week in Burma who works on behalf of the [...]
Allen Jackson - Lord, We Are Listening
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Allen Jackson - Lord, We Are Listening
Allen Jackson - Lord, We Are Listening
You know, throughout scripture, the two primary characteristics of the people of God in every generation were that they listened and obeyed. Not enough just to listen, to recognize that God had said something, but to be obedient. In John 10, and [...]
Allen Jackson - What To Do In A Crisis - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - What To Do In A Crisis - Part 2
Allen Jackson - What To Do In A Crisis - Part 2
God is holy. He's Almighty. He's omnipotent. He is all knowing. He's omniscient. And the book of Leviticus presents to us a God who is sovereign. Another word that's lost on us, it really is, we have very little interest in the sovereignty of [...]
Allen Jackson - What To Do In A Crisis - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - What To Do In A Crisis - Part 1
Allen Jackson - What To Do In A Crisis - Part 1
The topic for the session is, "What To Do in a Crisis," "What To Do in a Crisis". There's more than one kind of crisis. A few weeks ago while we were having service, there was a tornado within the vicinity of the campus, and we [...]
Allen Jackson - Faith Mountains
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Allen Jackson - Faith Mountains
Allen Jackson - Faith Mountains
I don't usually start a new study on a Wednesday night, but I wanted to this week, but the title is "Mountains of Faith". Mountains on planet Earth, for the most part, are barriers. A lot of reasons around that, but they separate nations, [...]
Allen Jackson - Without and Within - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Without and Within - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Without and Within - Part 2
I mean, I'm amazed at our ability and our adeptness at dancing away from actually having to live out in obedience and intentionally the invitations of scripture. You know, the church pattern is: ready, aim, let's form a committee. We need more [...]
Allen Jackson - Without and Within - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Without and Within - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Without and Within - Part 1
Previous session, we began a study on "The Battle with Good and Evil". It doesn't take much imagination to recognize that something like that is happening around us. In fact, it's happening on a global basis. It's confusing, the speed at [...]
Allen Jackson - Battle Between Good and Evil - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Battle Between Good and Evil - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Battle Between Good and Evil - Part 2
We have to understand that when we step away from a biblical perspective, when we take a godly principle that we know to be true, and we choose not to embrace it, that we put our feet on a path that will lead us ultimately towards destruction. We've [...]
Allen Jackson - Battle Between Good and Evil - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Battle Between Good and Evil - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Battle Between Good and Evil - Part 1
I wanna begin a new series (short series, I think) on a discussion about the battle between good and evil. Have you noticed? That used to be kind of theoretical. You know, and we had to kind of scour the history books to find those blatant [...]
Allen Jackson - Earthly Consequences
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Allen Jackson - Earthly Consequences
Allen Jackson - Earthly Consequences
At birth, we entered a battlefield, and at the time of our rebirth in Christ, we were enlisted in God's army as warriors of light. You didn't have to choose it. it simply came with the birth certificate. Abraham's nephew, Lot, learned this lesson on [...]
Allen Jackson - What We Can Do - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - What We Can Do - Part 2
Allen Jackson - What We Can Do - Part 2
But the purpose of parenting, it's a sacred trust for a season. Our assignment is do everything we can to prepare them to succeed beyond us. In Proverbs 22, in verse 6 says, "Train up a child in the way he should go, And even when he's old, he [...]
Allen Jackson - What We Can Do - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - What We Can Do - Part 1
Allen Jackson - What We Can Do - Part 1
I spent a good bit of last week in preparation for Mother's Day, thinking about all the implications of that and why it was relevant to us. And I was asked a few weeks ago to tape a television program today with regard to Father's Day. In [...]
Allen Jackson - The Unwanted Parts of Motherhood - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Unwanted Parts of Motherhood - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Unwanted Parts of Motherhood - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you today. I wrote a series of messages around Mother's Day. We're gonna share a part of that with you today. This one, we're gonna focus on some of the unwanted challenges in being a mom, or just in parenting in general. [...]
Allen Jackson - The Unwanted Parts of Motherhood - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Unwanted Parts of Motherhood - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Unwanted Parts of Motherhood - Part 1
This is kind of fun. I did a Mother's Day sermon last night, and I have a different Mother's Day sermon today. This is kind of fun. You know, for many years, I preached the same message four times on the weekend. And now because of circumstances and [...]
Allen Jackson - Women, Wives, and Mothers - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Women, Wives, and Mothers - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Women, Wives, and Mothers - Part 2
We're gonna wrap up our discussion today on women, wives, and mothers, but what we're really doing is looking for a biblical perspective on our homes. Our culture isn't confused, we're rebellious. We don't want anyone telling us what to do, and we [...]
Allen Jackson - Women, Wives, and Mothers - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Women, Wives, and Mothers - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Women, Wives, and Mothers - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. I did a short series of messages around Mother's Day, and I'm gonna be sharing some of that with you. Now, there is so much cultural confusion around this. There's so much offense. Professional football player [...]
Allen Jackson - Ways To Protect Yourself
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Allen Jackson - Ways To Protect Yourself
Allen Jackson - Ways To Protect Yourself
It's good to be with you again. We're continuing our study on how to avoid deception. We can't avoid being in a world that's filled with deception, that's our reality. In fact, we've almost made it a virtue. You know, in business, if you're [...]
Allen Jackson - The Proverbs
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Allen Jackson - The Proverbs
Allen Jackson - The Proverbs
It's good to be with you today. We're gonna look at the Book of Proverbs in this session. It's a how-to guide in avoiding deception, how to find God's blessing, his best. Here's the good news: the Book of Proverbs tells you the outcome at the [...]
Allen Jackson - National Day of Prayer - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - National Day of Prayer - Part 2
Allen Jackson - National Day of Prayer - Part 2
Hey, prayer changes everything. Well, this session today was built out of a service we did a couple of weeks ago around the National Day of Prayer. I wanted to give the congregation some tools to take prayer to their workplace, or their homes, or [...]
Allen Jackson - National Day of Prayer - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - National Day of Prayer - Part 1
Allen Jackson - National Day of Prayer - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. And we just recently did a Wednesday evening service in preparation for the National Day of Prayer. And the goal was to help the people that could participate to have prayers to share with others on the National [...]
Allen Jackson - The Power To Change The Future - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Power To Change The Future - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Power To Change The Future - Part 2
Well, I wanna take the balance of our time and look at a life in scripture, the life of a king of Israel. This is Israel after there had been a civil war. Imagine that, a civil war in the midst of God's people. The nation of Israel, the covenant [...]
Allen Jackson - The Power To Change The Future - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Power To Change The Future - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Power To Change The Future - Part 1
Hey, it's always an honor to have a little bit of time together. Our topic today is the power to change the future. You know, we live in a world of really unprecedented change. It's coming at us so rapidly in significant magnitude that sometimes I [...]
Allen Jackson - Culture and Christianity
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Allen Jackson - Culture and Christianity
Allen Jackson - Culture and Christianity
It's great to be with you today. We have kind of a special program. We just hosted a conference here at the church on "Culture and Christianity". We brought in some of the best speakers on some topics that are really driving our cultural [...]
Allen Jackson - Kingdom Participation
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Allen Jackson - Kingdom Participation
Allen Jackson - Kingdom Participation
We're working through this series on the kingdom of God, and in this particular session I'd like to talk a bit about "Kingdom Participation". Our kind of default position in Christian world is we like to study, and that's a good thing. I [...]
Allen Jackson - Let's Join Him - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Let's Join Him - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Let's Join Him - Part 2
In Matthew 8 and Luke 7, there's a story of a man who comes to Jesus, he's a Roman Centurion, some of you will remember it. He needed Jesus, he was pursuing a miracle and he needed healing for someone he cared about. And he met Jesus, and Jesus [...]
Allen Jackson - Let's Join Him - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Let's Join Him - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Let's Join Him - Part 1
My intent is to get to a stopping point with this little series we've been doing on God is Moving. And this is really a session about an invitation. Let's join him. You know, I don't like to be complicated, whenever possible. You can always tell if [...]
Allen Jackson - New Heroes - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - New Heroes - Part 2
Allen Jackson - New Heroes - Part 2
We're gonna think about what it means for you and me to cooperate with God. It's going to require us, I believe, my opinion, to cultivate some new kinds of heroes. And when I say hero, I'm talking about the people whose lives we point out and go [...]
Allen Jackson - New Heroes - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - New Heroes - Part 1
Allen Jackson - New Heroes - Part 1
We've been doing a little study on the theme of "God is Moving," and I believe that. I believe the activity of God is more evident in recent months and years than at any time in my lifetime. Now, for fairness, I also have to say the [...]
Allen Jackson - Lessons in Listening - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Lessons in Listening - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Lessons in Listening - Part 2
So often when we take time in the presence of the Lord, we want him to hear about our problems and do something. But learning to listen to the Lord means I simply would like to be in your presence. I'll take some time with your Word. I'll put on [...]
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