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Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 2
I think one of the reasons that we failed to forgive and that we failed to process it is we don't really think there's too much of a consequence for sin. You know, we just don't. We don't often see immediate judgment from God. Everybody doesn't get [...]
Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 1
We're working through a series under this general theme of "A Change of Heart". I believe that's really the only solution for the ills that face us. I think we all know by now we're in another election cycle, but as I have said many times, [...]
Allen Jackson - Transformed Lives - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Transformed Lives - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Transformed Lives - Part 2
There's a power available to us that it can orchestrate a change of heart and may that change of heart begin within those of us who gather in the church. 2 Timothy 3 and verse 5, Paul is describing a lengthy set of characteristics of human character [...]
Allen Jackson - Transformed Lives - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Transformed Lives - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Transformed Lives - Part 1
I think the greatest need for transformation is within the church. I believe that those of us who imagine ourselves to be Christ-followers, can cooperate with the Spirit of God, he would bring about the changes that would bring transformation to our [...]
Allen Jackson - A Change of Heart - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - A Change of Heart - Part 2
Allen Jackson - A Change of Heart - Part 2
If we want to be participants in this moving of the Spirit of God that we say we're so anxious for, we're gonna have to be the ones willing to embrace change. We're gonna have to have a change of heart. We're gonna have to move out of that kind of [...]
Allen Jackson - A Change of Heart - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - A Change of Heart - Part 1
Allen Jackson - A Change of Heart - Part 1
I wanna start a series of talks under the general theme of a change of heart. I am convinced that our best future is dependent upon a change of heart in the midst of the people of God. I think it's far more important than economic cycles or election [...]
Allen Jackson - Interventionists "In Training" - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Interventionists "In Training" - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Interventionists "In Training" - Part 2
Jesus has already been here once. Now, while his entry was rather inauspicious, the outcome of his coming that first time was dramatic. It was an intervention. It changed the course of human existence for time and eternity. But he's not done. He [...]
Allen Jackson - Interventionists "In Training" - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Interventionists "In Training" - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Interventionists "In Training" - Part 1
The theme for this session, and this evening as well, is about interventionist in training because it's, our story is not just what God's done for us, but what God intends to do through us. We are not just consumers of the blessings of God or [...]
Allen Jackson - Enemies We Face - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Enemies We Face - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Enemies We Face - Part 2
And the Bible says we have to learn to reckon ourselves dead to sin. Temptation starts as an idea inside of me. Selfishness, envy, jealousy, lust, those are all thoughts. So some of the challenge in our lives, the doorways that evil tries to [...]
Allen Jackson - Enemies We Face - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Enemies We Face - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Enemies We Face - Part 1
Today, to be completely candid about it is, is really about worship. I'm gonna invite you to something with me. Before we go this morning, I wanna, I wanna place a new tool in your tool kit. Worship is about learning to use our voice to acknowledge [...]
Allen Jackson - A Life That Triumphs Over Evil - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - A Life That Triumphs Over Evil - Part 2
Allen Jackson - A Life That Triumphs Over Evil - Part 2
Well, I would submit to you, we have a spiritual problem. That's far more than anything you can evaluate in the political arena. We have a fundamental spiritual problem. So, here's my invitation to you: let's decide to become a part of the spiritual [...]
Allen Jackson - A Life That Triumphs Over Evil - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - A Life That Triumphs Over Evil - Part 1
Allen Jackson - A Life That Triumphs Over Evil - Part 1
The title for this session is A Life That Triumphs Over Evil. But, to be completely candid, it's a bit different for me. I wrestled with this more than I typically do in preparing a talk. I'm sure most of you know, at least, that my mom went to [...]
Allen Jackson - Great Darkness, The Light, and The Truth - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Great Darkness, The Light, and The Truth - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Great Darkness, The Light, and The Truth - Part 2
One of the great challenges of our generation has to do with men and women. They've been pushing the narrative for so long now, we have arrived at the point of total absurdity. Women's rights have been elevated to the point that they no longer have [...]
Allen Jackson - Great Darkness, The Light, and The Truth - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Great Darkness, The Light, and The Truth - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Great Darkness, The Light, and The Truth - Part 1
I suspect most of you know my mom went to heaven this week, which is a tremendous victory for her. And the thing that helps, I think, all of us process that loss is we understand that the gain that's come to her is far greater than the loss that we [...]
Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 2
Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 2
Allen Jackson : Now, we need God's help, church. We can't hide in our church buildings and do studies on the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes and not try to process what it means to be salt and light in the midst of the world in which we [...]
Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 1
Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 1
Allen Jackson : I'm gonna introduce our guest in just a moment. I wanna read a passage of Scripture to you, it really is kind of a bit of an introduction to what we're gonna talk about some. Matthew chapter 24, Luke 21 are parallel passages, it's [...]
Allen Jackson - Time to Lead - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Time to Lead - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Time to Lead - Part 2
The Bible says that we entertain angels. And then, we're so, that our situational awareness is so lacking that we're completely unaware that we've been in the presence of an angel. There's some fun prayers you can start to pray. "God, open my [...]
Allen Jackson - Time to Lead - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Time to Lead - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Time to Lead - Part 1
The message tonight, it's really on leadership. I think, you know, just watching the events as they've unfolded in these last few days and the last couple of weeks, I think it's abundantly clear that... how important it is to have leadership. You [...]
Allen Jackson - Prayer Warriors
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Allen Jackson - Prayer Warriors
Allen Jackson - Prayer Warriors
Our theme for the year has been "Let's Pray", and for this particular portion of it, we're gonna take a couple of weeks and look at this notion of being prayer warriors. Prayers being more than a passive response to life, or an accidental [...]
Allen Jackson - Overcoming Evil and Serving God - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Overcoming Evil and Serving God - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Overcoming Evil and Serving God - Part 2
The last of the judges is Samuel, and the tribal leaders say to Samuel we want a king, and we have the beginning of the monarchy. We'll talk more about that when we get a little further into the story, but Joshua and Judges fit right into this [...]
Allen Jackson - Overcoming Evil and Serving God - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Overcoming Evil and Serving God - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Overcoming Evil and Serving God - Part 1
We began a study in a previous session on the general theme of overcoming evil. And I wanna continue it in this session. You know, I really wanted to be wedded with the idea that we overcome evil for the purpose of serving God. That our greatest [...]
Allen Jackson - Heroes Emerging
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Allen Jackson - Heroes Emerging
Allen Jackson - Heroes Emerging
The only way that our nation can flourish is to remember that we're a nation under God. That's the truth. If we imagine we're a nation under a political party or a political leader, I'm not opposed to those things, they're a part of our process, but [...]
Allen Jackson - A Price?!
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Allen Jackson - A Price?!
Allen Jackson - A Price?!
I started a little series in our previous session and I want to continue it under this general notion of "One Nation, Under God". Well, I believe that's our best pathway forward that we recognize we're a nation under God's authority. I [...]
Allen Jackson - One Nation, Under God - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - One Nation, Under God - Part 2
Allen Jackson - One Nation, Under God - Part 2
Philippians 4:13, the Apostle Paul, who happened to be the murderer Saul of Tarsus, said, "Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am". If you cut your teeth on the King James, forgive [...]
Allen Jackson - One Nation, Under God - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - One Nation, Under God - Part 1
Allen Jackson - One Nation, Under God - Part 1
We have recently celebrated Independence Day, the Fourth of July, and it gives me an opportunity to talk a little bit about God and country. I don't need much of an opportunity. You know, there are some schools of thought, and unfortunately some of [...]
Allen Jackson - Great Leaders Bring God's Blessings - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Great Leaders Bring God's Blessings - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Great Leaders Bring God's Blessings - Part 2
I gave you a couple of essential characteristics. They worked on 'em in some earlier sessions. I suggested to you in some detail, I'm not gonna take the time to recapitulate. That if I had to look for one essential characteristic, it would be [...]
Allen Jackson - Great Leaders Bring God's Blessings - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Great Leaders Bring God's Blessings - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Great Leaders Bring God's Blessings - Part 1
This little series we've been working through really started, we spent the better part of the last two weeks in the land of Israel. There were 80 of us that traveled together for, on one level, a tour, on another level, to do our best to encourage [...]
Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 2
I believe we must develop a greater awareness and dependence upon the helper whom the father has provided. I'm not suggesting something new or extra biblical. I'm suggesting a different pattern, a different type of trust, a more personal awareness. [...]
Allen Jackson - Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Great Leaders In Difficult Times - Part 1
You know, our wars are thousands of miles away and for the overwhelming majority of us, we send others. In Israel, if the balloon goes up with Hezbollah in the north, it's 75 or 80 miles from Jerusalem. It's not some great long distance away. That's [...]
Allen Jackson - Prophesy Being Fulfilled - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Prophesy Being Fulfilled - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Prophesy Being Fulfilled - Part 2
There are real expressions against what you stand for as a Christ follower that would like to remove your voice from our academic institutions and our business institutions and our governmental institutions. I mean, that's real. It's not an [...]
Allen Jackson - Prophesy Being Fulfilled - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Prophesy Being Fulfilled - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Prophesy Being Fulfilled - Part 1
But I wanna take this session and talk a bit about Israel and a vantage point. My habit, when I've returned from Israel for the last few years, has been to try to give you a bit of an update or some perspectives from what we gleaned. So I've been [...]
Allen Jackson - The Prodigal Returns - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Prodigal Returns - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Prodigal Returns - Part 2
It's good to be with you again. Our series is on America, and in this session we're talking about the prodigal's return. We're gonna look at a bit of our history. You know, there is a series of awakenings that the Spirit of God has brought to our [...]
Allen Jackson - The Prodigal Returns - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Prodigal Returns - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Prodigal Returns - Part 1
It's good to be with you again. We're working on this series that's centered in our nation and our heritage of faith. In this session we're gonna talk about the Prodigal's Return. Now, I think there's a mistake when we talk about the failures of [...]
Allen Jackson - Do Not Be Deceived - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Do Not Be Deceived - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Do Not Be Deceived - Part 2
It's good to be with you again. We're gonna complete the study we began on "Don't Be Deceived". But it's not a frightening time, it's an exciting time, we are growing up in our faith. Spiritual maturity has little to do with your age [...]
Allen Jackson - Do Not Be Deceived - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Do Not Be Deceived - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Do Not Be Deceived - Part 1
It's good to be with you again. Our topic today is, "Do Not Be Deceived". Jesus warned us when he was preparing for the end of the age that it would be a time of rampant, widespread deception, that even the elect would be deceived, he [...]
Allen Jackson - Return to God
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Allen Jackson - Return to God
Allen Jackson - Return to God
It's good to be with you again. Our title today is "America, It's Time to Return to God," and I believe that is absolutely the truth. But I'm not really imagining that the pagans or the ungodly need to change, it needs to start in the [...]
Allen Jackson - Lest We Forget - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Lest We Forget - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Lest We Forget - Part 2
It's good to be with you again. We're working on this series about America, the church in America, and in this session particularly, we can't afford to forget our heritage. We have a wonderful heritage of faith, from the people who founded our [...]
Allen Jackson - Lest We Forget - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Lest We Forget - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Lest We Forget - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you again. We're continuing our study on America and the chapters of our history and our faith that are shaping us today. In this session, I want to talk about "Lest We Forget". It's so important to understand our [...]
Allen Jackson - Blessings or Curses
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Allen Jackson - Blessings or Curses
Allen Jackson - Blessings or Curses
It's good to be with you again. We have stepped back outside for some of our worship services, so I get to welcome you into our outdoor sanctuary. It's a beautiful time of year in Tennessee, and we wanted to take advantage of this season. Our topic [...]
Allen Jackson - A Choice to Make - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - A Choice to Make - Part 2
Allen Jackson - A Choice to Make - Part 2
I would submit to you that God has placed before us an open door, an open door, and there's a decision to be made as I have said. What will we do? We're all at different life stages and different seasons, and we have different ambitions and [...]
Allen Jackson - A Choice to Make - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - A Choice to Make - Part 1
Allen Jackson - A Choice to Make - Part 1
It's good to be with you again. We're working through a series looking at our nation and what God is doing in our midst. The reality is, America, we have a choice to make, what our future is going to be. I think we've mistakenly been waiting for a [...]
Allen Jackson - Protection From Deception - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Protection From Deception - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Protection From Deception - Part 2
Hey, it's good to be with you today. We're gonna continue our study on protection from deception. We're gonna look at some very familiar parables which Jesus taught. You know, I think to step away from the Bible a bit and not imagine that we're [...]
Allen Jackson - Protection From Deception - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Protection From Deception - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Protection From Deception - Part 1
It's always a privilege to be together. Our topic today is Protection from Deception. It was Jesus most consistent warning when he talked to his disciples and friends about the end of the age. If Jesus warned us against deception, I think he [...]
Allen Jackson - Let's Follow Jesus - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Let's Follow Jesus - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Let's Follow Jesus - Part 2
One of the great surprises to me since 2020, and I was unprepared for this. You know, in the midst of all that confusion and chaos and the unknowing and the fear and sheltered in place and things closed down, we begin to pray that the truth would be [...]
Allen Jackson - Let's Follow Jesus - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Let's Follow Jesus - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Let's Follow Jesus - Part 1
We started a series really focused on an invitation that is consistent in Scripture and one that, with God's help, I want to present to you over these next few weeks. It's a contraction. "Let's," there's multiple invitations in Scripture [...]
Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 2
In Exodus chapter 3, God is recruiting Moses. You know, we all want to think if God recruited us, we'd go, "Well, yeah! Let's go! I'm in"! We wanna think that. Well, if I knew it was God. You know, I kind of had a thought. I had a [...]
Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 1
I wanna start a new study with you. This session we're gonna talk about "Let's Choose Truth". I know you know enough English on this one. "Let's" is just a contraction, two words: let us. It's an interesting study. We're gonna do [...]
Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 2
Let's take the balance of our time and process this in the context of Jesus's life and the role of the Holy Spirit in Jesus's life. If Jesus could not fulfill... I'll give you the cliff notes. If Jesus could not have completed his assignment on [...]
Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 1
The topic for this session is the Holy Spirit and power. And it really has emerged out of my own prayers of late and the awareness that we need the the power of God to address what is before us. The challenges that face us, the opportunities before [...]
Allen Jackson - God Is For Us - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - God Is For Us - Part 2
Allen Jackson - God Is For Us - Part 2
Hey, it's an honor to be with you again. We're gonna complete our study we began on the fact that "God Is With Us". What an amazing idea. You know it's a biblical principle, it starts as an observation in Scripture. We find it early in [...]
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