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Derek Grier - Reverse The Curse
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Derek Grier - Reverse The Curse
Derek Grier - Reverse The Curse
Open your bibles to Genesis 3:8. "And they heard the sound of the Lord God walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and Adam and his wife hid themselves". This is tragic because in the past, when they heard God, they ran to meet him. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Things the Lord Hates
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Rabbi Schneider - Things the Lord Hates
Rabbi Schneider - Things the Lord Hates
Yahweh is a person, and we can grieve Him and hurt Him. And I want to continue down this trail today by taking a deep look in Scripture, according to Yahweh Himself, about the things that humankind can do that hurt Him. "There are six things [...]
Rabbi Schneider - A Reminder to Rejoice
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Rabbi Schneider - A Reminder to Rejoice
Rabbi Schneider - A Reminder to Rejoice
Beloved, we're in the season of rejoicing. We say in Hebrew, the Hebrew word for joy is "simcha". And Simcha, my sister, changed her name actually to Simcha. It used to be Susie, and she changed it to Simcha. She just loved the meaning of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Are You Truly Dedicated to the Lord?
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Rabbi Schneider - Are You Truly Dedicated to the Lord?
Rabbi Schneider - Are You Truly Dedicated to the Lord?
You know, the scripture tells us in Romans 12:1 that we should present our bodies as a living sacrifice to the Lord. And when we present our bodies as a living sacrifice to the Lord, you know what happens? The glory falls. When the temple was [...]
Derek Prince - What Do We Have to Do to Stay Saved?
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Derek Prince - What Do We Have to Do to Stay Saved?
Derek Prince - What Do We Have to Do to Stay Saved?
Now I want to turn the tables on you. I want to ask you the final question. And I won't embarrass you, I really want a response. I'm not trying to draw you out; I just want to know as a matter of interest. The second question was will the church be [...]
Derek Prince - What Did God Love In Jacob and Hate In Esau?
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Derek Prince - What Did God Love In Jacob and Hate In Esau?
Derek Prince - What Did God Love In Jacob and Hate In Esau?
So now I don't know how we are doing but, Please ask Brother Derek to deal with the two closing questions on Page 20 of the study guide. These are my responsibilities, I put them in. I'm beginning to wonder whether I should have done it. Question [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Work Matters
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Peter Tan-Chi - Work Matters
Peter Tan-Chi - Work Matters
Now, today we will start a new series: Work Matters. Why does work matter? Do you know why work matters? Just look at your own life. How many hours do you spend when you are, I call this waking hours, okay; daylight waking hours. How many hours do [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Love God With All Your Heart
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Peter Tan-Chi - Love God With All Your Heart
Peter Tan-Chi - Love God With All Your Heart
If you have one opportunity to ask Jesus one question, what will that question be? Think about it. One opportunity to ask Jesus any question you want, what will that be? Well, one day, there was a lawyer, a scribe, who is expert in the law of the [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - What Are You Known For?
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Peter Tan-Chi - What Are You Known For?
Peter Tan-Chi - What Are You Known For?
Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! We all long and look for love. Many of us have been disillusioned, discouraged, disappointed Because we look for love in the wrong place, we misunderstand what true love is. You [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Breaking Bad Habits
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Peter Tan-Chi - Breaking Bad Habits
Peter Tan-Chi - Breaking Bad Habits
Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Because it is hindering you, it is side-tracking you, it is stopping you from becoming the person that God wants you to be? Is it too much screen time? Is it social media? Is it [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Build Keystone Habits
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Peter Tan-Chi - Build Keystone Habits
Peter Tan-Chi - Build Keystone Habits
Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I am so excited to be with all of us, again as we go to the part two of our new series: Today, our title is The word "keystone" usually describe a foundational stone that [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Develop The Habit of Prayer
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Peter Tan-Chi - Develop The Habit of Prayer
Peter Tan-Chi - Develop The Habit of Prayer
Our title for this coming series is Why do we connect habits with life transformation? I'm reminded of this quotation from Craig Groeschel. This is what he said: Do you notice the keyword: successful people do consistently, habitually, regularly, [...]
Jack Graham - Men of Character
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Jack Graham - Men of Character
Jack Graham - Men of Character
I want to speak to you on the subject of character, specifically men of character. Because I know if you are a Christ man, you want to be a great dad, right? You want to be, because it's the best job you will ever have. Did you know that? The best [...]
Joyce Meyer - Obedience
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Joyce Meyer - Obedience
Joyce Meyer - Obedience
Well, thank you so much for joining me today on "Enjoying Everyday Life". And you know, I believe that the only way we can really enjoy our life is if we have Jesus Christ in our life and if we learn how to follow his word, which means to [...]
Joseph Prince - Blessings Flow When You Follow Jesus
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Joseph Prince - Blessings Flow When You Follow Jesus
Joseph Prince - Blessings Flow When You Follow Jesus
You know how the Gospel of John ends? All the four gospels, because Jesus is the King of the Jews, he ends off by giving them, "Go into all the world and observe all my commandments". Those are commandments of the New Covenant, loving one [...]
Joseph Prince - Protect Your Thoughts, Protect Your Peace
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Joseph Prince - Protect Your Thoughts, Protect Your Peace
Joseph Prince - Protect Your Thoughts, Protect Your Peace
The reason you can believe for a good in your future, for a confident expectation of good, for a happy anticipation of good in your future is because at the cross. Jesus bore all your sins and cancelled out all the effects of those sins and the [...]
Joseph Prince - Discover Your True Self In Christ
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Joseph Prince - Discover Your True Self In Christ
Joseph Prince - Discover Your True Self In Christ
God looks at you and God puts his righteousness on you. The moment you believe on Jesus, God treats you like Jesus, amen? Your actions are not yet perfect, your thoughts are not perfect, amen? But until then, God does not look at you in your error, [...]
Joseph Prince - God's Answer For Life's Highs And Lows
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Joseph Prince - God's Answer For Life's Highs And Lows
Joseph Prince - God's Answer For Life's Highs And Lows
They say that stress, when you're under stress, okay, it affects your body, especially chronic stress. It can cause cardiovascular problems, sickness, disease, and all kinds of conditions. Chronic stress, so what is that? It's trying to describe [...]
Joseph Prince - Unlock The Secret To Contentment
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Joseph Prince - Unlock The Secret To Contentment
Joseph Prince - Unlock The Secret To Contentment
One reason why people give up on their life or they take their own life is because they see all kinds of imperfection in themselves, they see all kinds of darkness in their mind, but it's all a lie. Are you listening? A lot of Christians are [...]
David Jeremiah - The End of War
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David Jeremiah - The End of War
David Jeremiah - The End of War
Vladimir Putin called it a special military operation, and the rest of the world called it the largest ground invasion in Europe since World War II. In the early hours of February 24, explosions erupted across Ukraine. Russian airborne forces [...]
Steven Furtick - Overwhelmed By Life's Demands
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Steven Furtick - Overwhelmed By Life's Demands
Steven Furtick - Overwhelmed By Life's Demands
This is an excerpt from: Overwhelmed... But Not Outnumbered How many are grateful that the first thing he wanted you to know was, "I am not only your provider; I am your provision"? "If I'm just your provider, then you need what [...]
Steven Furtick - God Knows What's Next For You
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Steven Furtick - God Knows What's Next For You
Steven Furtick - God Knows What's Next For You
This is an excerpt from: God Knows You Don't A lot of times, when we talk about the promises of God, what we mean is the positive outcomes we want. So, we'll say, "God never breaks a promise. God always keeps his promises," but in our [...]
Charles Stanley - How to Deal With Temptation Wisely
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Charles Stanley - How to Deal With Temptation Wisely
Charles Stanley - How to Deal With Temptation Wisely
When you face temptation, what is your first response? Is it immediately to rationalize what you know you're about to do and that is you're about to yield? Or is it to resist in the power of the Holy Spirit? When you think about the things that [...]
Charles Stanley - Wisdom for Good Health
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Charles Stanley - Wisdom for Good Health
Charles Stanley - Wisdom for Good Health
How do you view your physical body? Well, you may say, "Well, that's really none of your business". I do understand that. If you had the power to change anything about it, would you change it? What would you change? If you could change [...]
Charles Stanley - Peace With Ourselves
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Charles Stanley - Peace With Ourselves
Charles Stanley - Peace With Ourselves
Our Heavenly Father desires that all of us have peace. In fact, He desires that we have a three-fold peace: peace with Him, which is the result of having the gift of eternal life and knowing it; peace with others, which is the capacity to have a [...]
Allen Jackson - Leading a Dimensional Life - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Leading a Dimensional Life - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Leading a Dimensional Life - Part 2
Before Jesus goes the first time into a synagogue to stand and speak, Satan has already challenged him. Satan has begun a series of temptations in an attempt to disrupt God's purposes. I would submit to you, I believe God provides every generation [...]
Allen Jackson - Leading a Dimensional Life - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Leading a Dimensional Life - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Leading a Dimensional Life - Part 1
We're gonna continue a theme we began in some previous sessions. I've invited you to read with me through the Gospel of Luke. It's only 24 chapters. I know it's extracurricular activity, it's beyond the scope of your Bible reading. The nerve. But [...]
Allen Jackson - I Choose Life - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - I Choose Life - Part 2
Allen Jackson - I Choose Life - Part 2
Do you happen to remember who wrote the Book of Revelation? It's not a trick question. The apostle John, the one that Jesus recruited. By the time we get to the Book of Revelation, John is near the end of his life. By at least church tradition, all [...]
Allen Jackson - I Choose Life - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - I Choose Life - Part 1
Allen Jackson - I Choose Life - Part 1
The goal is really simple. I want to encourage you to read your Bibles. We're a Bible reading church. It's become a part of the fabric of who we are as a people. Not randomly, but in an intentional, systematic way we read through our Bibles every [...]
Allen Jackson - Life Giving Word
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Allen Jackson - Life Giving Word
Allen Jackson - Life Giving Word
It will give life to you, the Word of God. I wanna start in Hebrews chapter 4, in verse 12. It says, "The word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to the dividing of soul and spirit, joints and [...]
Allen Jackson - The Cost of Silence - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Cost of Silence - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Cost of Silence - Part 2
Our enemy, the devil, wants you to believe that you're not significant. That to be important, you have to be an influencer. I would submit, you have influence with the Creator of all things. Let's decide the simple part of this, that our life [...]
Allen Jackson - The Cost of Silence - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Cost of Silence - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Cost of Silence - Part 1
I started a new series in the previous session. I wanna take a few sessions and talk with you about the Gospel of Luke. In fact, I wanna ask you, if you will accept it, to take a little homework assignment. I know we already do daily Bible reading [...]
Allen Jackson - A Dimensional Life - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - A Dimensional Life - Part 2
Allen Jackson - A Dimensional Life - Part 2
It makes me smile when I see all these kids that fill our stage or all these babies that we dedicate, I step across and I see all the children when they're here throughout the week, or whenever it may be, to know that God has plans for those young [...]
Allen Jackson - A Dimensional Life - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - A Dimensional Life - Part 1
Allen Jackson - A Dimensional Life - Part 1
Now the title for this session is "A Dimensional Life". I'll come back to that in a minute, but what I really wanna begin is a study with you on the Gospel of Luke. Luke is written by the one author of the New Testament who's not Jewish. [...]
Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 5
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Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 5
Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 5
That the real essence of prophecy isn't about foretelling, it is about God's perspective on the season in which you're living. And then the beautiful part of scripture is that it is addressive literature, what causes the Word of God to be a living [...]
Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 4
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Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 4
Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 4
There's a lot of discussion in our world today about globalization and the impact of the international community and how we don't live alone on an island in the world any longer. In fact, this week, we've all kind of watched, with some anxiety I [...]
Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 3
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Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 3
Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 3
Our topic this weekend has to do with prophecy, specifically in discerning what is next from the scripture. Is it possible to anticipate the season that we're living in, to anticipate what God is about so that we might cooperate with him? I believe [...]
Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 2
Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 2
When God says, pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I don't believe he means just pray for an absence of military conflict. I believe he's telling us to pray for the peace of the people in the land and their relationship between God and himself. It's a [...]
Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 1
Allen Jackson - God Is Watching Over Us - Part 1
All right, our title for these three weeks is "Discerning What is Next," and the real objective is to understand that God is watching over us. We live in an unusual season in history, and I believe God is shaking the earth, and to be [...]
Allen Jackson - Things Forgotten and Remembered - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Things Forgotten and Remembered - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Things Forgotten and Remembered - Part 2
Well, worship is about another dimension. It's not grounded in time and space. It has little to do with how I feel or whether I want to or whether it's pleasing to me. We are worshiping, as I have said, an eternal, omnipotent, and omniscient God. We [...]
Allen Jackson - Things Forgotten and Remembered - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Things Forgotten and Remembered - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Things Forgotten and Remembered - Part 1
The topic for this session is "Things Forgotten and Remembered" and it's something that's been bouncing around in my heart for a bit, and I felt like it was valuable enough to share in a broader way. There are things that are forgotten. [...]
Marcus Mecum - How To Have A Spirit Filled Home - Part 2
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Marcus Mecum - How To Have A Spirit Filled Home - Part 2
Marcus Mecum - How To Have A Spirit Filled Home - Part 2
Friends will come and go. Family will come and go. People have an interesting way of being with you when you're on top, when things are going good for you. But when you struggle, and you suffer, and you're at the bottom, it's interesting how people, [...]
Marcus Mecum - How To Have A Spirit Filled Home - Part 1
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Marcus Mecum - How To Have A Spirit Filled Home - Part 1
Marcus Mecum - How To Have A Spirit Filled Home - Part 1
If you can find your Bibles or find in your Bibles, Ephesians 5. I'm gonna read a bunch of verses with you over the next couple minutes. Let's look at verse 17, "Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is". I [...]
Kerry Shook - Rubble Trouble
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Kerry Shook - Rubble Trouble
Kerry Shook - Rubble Trouble
You know, this weekend we're concluding our series on how God sparks divine and lasting change in our lives. Now, when we are making positive changes in our lives, like putting in a new habit or trying to get rid of a destructive habit, normally, [...]
Kerry Shook - Round 1
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Kerry Shook - Round 1
Kerry Shook - Round 1
Conflict is something that's just tearing up Christian families and marriages and churches today because a lot of Christ's followers have no idea how to resolve conflict and that conflict is so important in our lives because you have to have [...]
Kerry Shook - Room At The Table
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Kerry Shook - Room At The Table
Kerry Shook - Room At The Table
We're in a series I'm calling "Dinner with Jesus," because there's so many times in the Gospel that we see Jesus eating dinner with people. Why is that? Because with Jesus, it's all about relationships, and Christianity is all about [...]
Kerry Shook - River of Life
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Kerry Shook - River of Life
Kerry Shook - River of Life
Well, this weekend, we're concluding this series, "Rivers in the Desert," as we're looking at how God wants to bring a river of blessing right to us in the middle of life's problems and pressures, and it's based on this passage, Psalm [...]
Kerry Shook - River of Blessing
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Kerry Shook - River of Blessing
Kerry Shook - River of Blessing
Kerry Shock : You know, a while back, Chris and I had the opportunity to visit the Negev Desert in Southern Israel, and while we were in the desert, Chris was determined to go on a camel ride. And we heard there was this Bedouin who had camels and [...]
Kerry Shook - Raising Giant Killers
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Kerry Shook - Raising Giant Killers
Kerry Shook - Raising Giant Killers
I get to talk this weekend about something Chris and I are so passionate about. In fact, it's really our life's passion, and that is to live our lives and to live out our faith in such a way that our kids and their kids see that God is real and they [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Finding Gratitude in the Feast of Tabernacles
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Rabbi Schneider - Finding Gratitude in the Feast of Tabernacles
Rabbi Schneider - Finding Gratitude in the Feast of Tabernacles
Welcome. Baruch Haba B'Shem Adonai. Welcome in the name of the Lord. I am in a spot right now. I wish you could be here. I'm in the deep forest of Colorado. In fact, I got some survival training here. And the guy that I brought over here from the [...]
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