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TD Jakes - Keep The Peace
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TD Jakes - Keep The Peace
TD Jakes - Keep The Peace
In other words, don't let what you're going through get to you. When Jesus was sleep on the bow of the ship, when Jesus was sleep in the bottom of the ship and the storm was raging around the ship, and Peter gets flustered and Peter lets the storm [...]
Charles Stanley - Enduring a Satanic Attack
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Charles Stanley - Enduring a Satanic Attack
Charles Stanley - Enduring a Satanic Attack
Have you ever suddenly found yourself confronted with a strong, enticing, very inviting, seemingly irresistible temptation? What did you do? Did you just suddenly walk away, or did you find yourself debating with yourself and trying to decide what [...]
Marcus Mecum - The Power of Encouragement - Part 2
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Marcus Mecum - The Power of Encouragement - Part 2
Marcus Mecum - The Power of Encouragement - Part 2
In Romans 8, there are seven questions that it says a conqueror asked. The first one was, "What shall we say in response to these things"? Referring to so much suffering. The second question was, "Who can be against us"? The [...]
Marcus Mecum - The Power of Encouragement - Part 1
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Marcus Mecum - The Power of Encouragement - Part 1
Marcus Mecum - The Power of Encouragement - Part 1
Ephesians 4. Let's look at verse 23. "And be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and that you put on the new man which was created according to God in true righteousness and holiness. Therefore, put away lying, 'let each one of you speak truth [...]
Marcus Mecum - Honor Your Faith Shields
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Marcus Mecum - Honor Your Faith Shields
Marcus Mecum - Honor Your Faith Shields
Ephesians 6 let's look at verse 13. "Therefore take up the whole armor of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Stand therefore, have girded your waist with truth, having put on the breast plate [...]
Marcus Mecum - Divine Testing For Deivine Healing
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Marcus Mecum - Divine Testing For Deivine Healing
Marcus Mecum - Divine Testing For Deivine Healing
Exodus 15:22. "So Moses brought Israel from the Red Sea, they went out into the wilderness of Shur: and they went three days into the wilderness, and found no water. Now, when they came to Marah, they could not drink the waters of Marah, for [...]
Marcus Mecum - Give God Your Home
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Marcus Mecum - Give God Your Home
Marcus Mecum - Give God Your Home
Mark 14, and as you're turning there, the Bible says in Luke 17:21, "If you ever hear someone say that the kingdom of God is over here or is over there, don't listen to them. The kingdom of God is within us". So, I wanna be clear up front [...]
Marcus Mecum - Receiving The Holy Spirit
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Marcus Mecum - Receiving The Holy Spirit
Marcus Mecum - Receiving The Holy Spirit
1 Corinthians 12:13. It says, "For by one Spirit we are all baptized into one body, whether Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free- and all have been made to drink into one Spirit". I want you to see that this text, and even if you read [...]
Marcus Mecum - Men Like You - Part 2
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Marcus Mecum - Men Like You - Part 2
Marcus Mecum - Men Like You - Part 2
June 13th, 1982, many of you might remember the plane crash that happened in Washington, DC. Flight 90 of Air Florida took off, crashed almost immediately after takeoff, crashed into the 14th street bridge, ended up in the Potomac river. So, the [...]
Marcus Mecum - Men Like You - Part 1
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Marcus Mecum - Men Like You - Part 1
Marcus Mecum - Men Like You - Part 1
Judges 8:18, "Then he asked Zebah and Zalmunna," this is Gideon speaking. "Then he asked," 'cause he's speaking to his enemy. He has overcome the Midianites. He's at the end of all of his battles and struggles. He's chased down [...]
Allen Jackson - Protection From Deception - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Protection From Deception - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Protection From Deception - Part 2
Hey, it's good to be with you today. We're gonna continue our study on protection from deception. We're gonna look at some very familiar parables which Jesus taught. You know, I think to step away from the Bible a bit and not imagine that we're [...]
Allen Jackson - Protection From Deception - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Protection From Deception - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Protection From Deception - Part 1
It's always a privilege to be together. Our topic today is Protection from Deception. It was Jesus most consistent warning when he talked to his disciples and friends about the end of the age. If Jesus warned us against deception, I think he [...]
Allen Jackson - Let's Follow Jesus - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Let's Follow Jesus - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Let's Follow Jesus - Part 2
One of the great surprises to me since 2020, and I was unprepared for this. You know, in the midst of all that confusion and chaos and the unknowing and the fear and sheltered in place and things closed down, we begin to pray that the truth would be [...]
Allen Jackson - Let's Follow Jesus - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Let's Follow Jesus - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Let's Follow Jesus - Part 1
We started a series really focused on an invitation that is consistent in Scripture and one that, with God's help, I want to present to you over these next few weeks. It's a contraction. "Let's," there's multiple invitations in Scripture [...]
Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 2
In Exodus chapter 3, God is recruiting Moses. You know, we all want to think if God recruited us, we'd go, "Well, yeah! Let's go! I'm in"! We wanna think that. Well, if I knew it was God. You know, I kind of had a thought. I had a [...]
Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Let's Choose Truth - Part 1
I wanna start a new study with you. This session we're gonna talk about "Let's Choose Truth". I know you know enough English on this one. "Let's" is just a contraction, two words: let us. It's an interesting study. We're gonna do [...]
Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 2
Let's take the balance of our time and process this in the context of Jesus's life and the role of the Holy Spirit in Jesus's life. If Jesus could not fulfill... I'll give you the cliff notes. If Jesus could not have completed his assignment on [...]
Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Holy Spirit and Power - Part 1
The topic for this session is the Holy Spirit and power. And it really has emerged out of my own prayers of late and the awareness that we need the the power of God to address what is before us. The challenges that face us, the opportunities before [...]
Allen Jackson - God Is For Us - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - God Is For Us - Part 2
Allen Jackson - God Is For Us - Part 2
Hey, it's an honor to be with you again. We're gonna complete our study we began on the fact that "God Is With Us". What an amazing idea. You know it's a biblical principle, it starts as an observation in Scripture. We find it early in [...]
Allen Jackson - God Is For Us - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - God Is For Us - Part 1
Allen Jackson - God Is For Us - Part 1
It's good to be with you again, our topic in this session is "God Is For Us". You know, I've been around church a long time, most of my life, and so often I meet Christians that think God is mad at them. I got news for you, God is far more [...]
Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 2
The question for you and me ultimately comes down to whether we will be faithful to God or we'll choose to be unfaithful. Psalm 125, I love this verse, says, "Those who trust in the Lord are like Mount Zion, which cannot be shaken but endures [...]
Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Then The End Will Come - Part 1
We've been working through a little study called "Faith Mountains". The idea is pretty simple. If you're gonna make any journey of any significance distance, you're probably gonna have to traverse mountains. And historically, some of the [...]
Allen Jackson - Against All Odds - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Against All Odds - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Against All Odds - Part 2
So I think we all have that question within us: Do I really matter? Our culture is hammering at us now. I mean, it pounds us. You know, they keep introducing all these trends and fads through social media to do bizarre things like eat a Tide pod. I [...]
Allen Jackson - Against All Odds - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Against All Odds - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Against All Odds - Part 1
I wanna pick up a theme I began this past Wednesday, talking about faith mountains. I took a little detour last night. Our reading plan... I hope you're doing the Bible reading with us. If you're not, you're really missing out on an important part [...]
Robert Barron - Surrender to the Spirit
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Robert Barron - Surrender to the Spirit
Robert Barron - Surrender to the Spirit
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to this great feast of Pentecost, the culmination of the Easter season, the feast that along with Easter and Christmas is the most important in the Church year, and it's sort of par excellence the feast of the [...]
Robert Barron - Why Did Jesus Ascend to Heaven?
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Robert Barron - Why Did Jesus Ascend to Heaven?
Robert Barron - Why Did Jesus Ascend to Heaven?
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the great Feast of the Ascension of the Lord, now right at the end of the Easter season in anticipation of Pentecost, and I'll explain that connection. I love this feast, and I think we should do a little [...]
Robert Barron - What Are the Signs of the Holy Spirit?
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Robert Barron - What Are the Signs of the Holy Spirit?
Robert Barron - What Are the Signs of the Holy Spirit?
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the Sixth Sunday of Easter, which means we're coming toward the end of the Easter season, which means coming close to the great feast of Pentecost, the coming of the Holy Spirit. So the Church gives us a kind [...]
Robert Barron - Be a Holy Priesthood
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Robert Barron - Be a Holy Priesthood
Robert Barron - Be a Holy Priesthood
Peace be with you. Friends, we continue this wonderful journey through the Acts of the Apostles during this Easter season. And the reading for today, the first reading, is from the sixth chapter of Acts. It has to do with the choosing of the first [...]
Robert Barron - How to Proclaim the Faith
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Robert Barron - How to Proclaim the Faith
Robert Barron - How to Proclaim the Faith
Peace be with you. Friends, we continue our journey through the Easter season. And for this Fourth Sunday of Easter, we have this magnificent first reading from the Acts of the Apostles. It's one of Peter's great kerygmatic speeches. The kerygma [...]
Steven Furtick - Your Breakthrough Is Close
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Steven Furtick - Your Breakthrough Is Close
Steven Furtick - Your Breakthrough Is Close
This is an excerpt from: The God of Already What I really couldn't get over about this passage… I don't know if you noticed it. It said, "…they were not far from shore, about a hundred yards". Wait. So, let's do some math. They're in the [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Turn Disappointments to Blessings, Trust God
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Peter Tan-Chi - Turn Disappointments to Blessings, Trust God
Peter Tan-Chi - Turn Disappointments to Blessings, Trust God
You are watching Great Commission Church of Christ Changing Lives for Eternity This morning I want to share with you something very important related to disappointment. How many of you have been disappointed at least once in your life? Show your [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Do Not Grab, But Grab On to God
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Peter Tan-Chi - Do Not Grab, But Grab On to God
Peter Tan-Chi - Do Not Grab, But Grab On to God
You are watching Great Commission Church of Christ Changing Lives for Eternity God uses ordinary people, turn to the person next to you Tell your neighbor: God uses ordinary people Is God using you right now? If God uses ordinary people, is God [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Broken, Be Blessed - Part 2
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Peter Tan-Chi - Be Broken, Be Blessed - Part 2
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Broken, Be Blessed - Part 2
So glad you're watching the Great Commission Church of Christ come back to change lives for eternity because I promised you this was part two of our series on brokenness and we've been talking about the deeds of some biblical characters and our [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Broken, Be Blessed - Part 1
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Peter Tan-Chi - Be Broken, Be Blessed - Part 1
Peter Tan-Chi - Be Broken, Be Blessed - Part 1
You're watching Great Commission Church of Christ Changing Lives for Eternity and we're going to talk about a topic that's very close to my heart. Look here: Be Broken, Be Blessed. This is so counter-intuitive. How can I be broken and then blessed? [...]
Adrian Rogers - Give Him Glory
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Adrian Rogers - Give Him Glory
Adrian Rogers - Give Him Glory
Would you take God's Word and be finding the Gospel of John chapter 4, and in just a moment we're going to look at verse 24. For a month now we're going to be talking about worship. We're going to be preaching messages every Sunday morning on [...]
Adrian Rogers - When We All Get to Heaven
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Adrian Rogers - When We All Get to Heaven
Adrian Rogers - When We All Get to Heaven
Would you take your Bibles and find First John chapter 3? We're making our way through this wonderful book of First John, this epistle written by the beloved apostle, and we're calling this Bible study: "The Sweetest Fellowship this Side of [...]
Adrian Rogers - Living in the Last Days
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Adrian Rogers - Living in the Last Days
Adrian Rogers - Living in the Last Days
Be finding First John, the second chapter, and when you've found it, let me tell you that education is costly, but ignorance will cost you far, far more. And no child of God can afford to be ignorant in these dynamic days in which we're living. All [...]
Adrian Rogers - Your Friendly Enemy
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Adrian Rogers - Your Friendly Enemy
Adrian Rogers - Your Friendly Enemy
Be finding First John the second chapter, and when you've found it let me tell you something that you may not know. When you're a Christian, the Lord fills your heart with love but you are not to love everything. As a matter of fact, there are some [...]
Adrian Rogers - Birthmarks of the Believer
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Adrian Rogers - Birthmarks of the Believer
Adrian Rogers - Birthmarks of the Believer
Let me tell you this, that when you were Heaven-born, you became Heaven-bound. But when you were Heaven-born and Heaven-bound, God put some indelible marks upon you. These are traits of the twiceborn. These are the birthmarks of the believer. And [...]
Adrian Rogers - Things that Hinder Fellowship
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Adrian Rogers - Things that Hinder Fellowship
Adrian Rogers - Things that Hinder Fellowship
Would you take God's Word and be finding First John? That's back near the book of the Revelation, and we're studying the book of First John. It's a short book, only five chapters. And we're entitling this study; "The Sweetest Fellowship This [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Sweetest Fellowship This Side of Heaven
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Adrian Rogers - The Sweetest Fellowship This Side of Heaven
Adrian Rogers - The Sweetest Fellowship This Side of Heaven
Be finding First John, that's right back near the back of the Bible, almost to the book of the Revelation. First John, and find the first chapter. And we're going to be studying the book of First John, it's not a very long book, only five chapters, [...]
James Merritt - Yes, God Loves You
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James Merritt - Yes, God Loves You
James Merritt - Yes, God Loves You
So I want you to take your Bibles right now, get 'em out, get your iPad, phone, whatever. I want you to turn to the book of Romans, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans. Lemme tell you about a guy you've never heard of. I didn't know about him. [...]
James Merritt - Yes, God Is
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James Merritt - Yes, God Is
James Merritt - Yes, God Is
So here's what we're gonna do today. I'm a fan, I don't know about you, but I'm a fan of detective shows. I watch "Forensic Files," I watch "Dateline". I just kind of get into that stuff. And so this story is something that [...]
James Merritt - Taking God at His Word
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James Merritt - Taking God at His Word
James Merritt - Taking God at His Word
Well, again, I wanna say good morning to those who are watching online and those here in the building. And let's just kind of get right into it today. There's an evangelistic organization known as Cru, and they ask college students all over the [...]
James Merritt - The Benefit of the Doubt
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James Merritt - The Benefit of the Doubt
James Merritt - The Benefit of the Doubt
A few years ago, the Barna Research Group conducted a poll that found that spiritual doubt is much more common among Christians than we might have considered. About 65% of Christians said they had questioned what they believed about religion and [...]
Rabbi Schneider - El Shaddai, God Almighty
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Rabbi Schneider - El Shaddai, God Almighty
Rabbi Schneider - El Shaddai, God Almighty
Genesis 17.Hear the word of God. "Now when Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, 'I am God Almighty'..." Now who's God Almighty? El Shaddai. God, El Shaddai. Almighty. Very well-known title of our Lord. I am [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Building the Right Foundation
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Rabbi Schneider - Building the Right Foundation
Rabbi Schneider - Building the Right Foundation
Welcome and shalom today, my brothers and sisters. I'm speaking now especially to moms, I'm speaking now, especially to moms, dads and grandparents. I'm looking at the book of Proverbs chapter 22 verse six, a scripture that probably most of you are [...]
Steven Furtick - 'Not Now' Is Not 'No'
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Steven Furtick - 'Not Now' Is Not 'No'
Steven Furtick - 'Not Now' Is Not 'No'
Y'all be praying for the worship team. They're going on tour this week. We want them covered and smothered in prayer. They'll be in Boca Raton on Tuesday, and other places. Where can we go to find out if there are tickets in our area, Chris? It's [...]
Kerry Shook - Fight For Connection
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Kerry Shook - Fight For Connection
Kerry Shook - Fight For Connection
Kerry Shook : Yeah. We're ready to rumble. Yeah. Chris and I are in the boxing ring because we're in this series we're calling "Fighting Fair," and conflict is inevitable in every close relationship. Whether it's a business partnership, a [...]
Kerry Shook - Embrace The Place
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Kerry Shook - Embrace The Place
Kerry Shook - Embrace The Place
Are you at a place in some area of your life that you don't wanna be? Maybe it's a place of pain that you're just ready to be out of it. Maybe it's a place that you're stuck in that's filled with the problem that you're ready to be done with. Maybe [...]
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