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Kenneth Copeland - Love Is On Your Side
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Kenneth Copeland - Love Is On Your Side
Kenneth Copeland - Love Is On Your Side
— Hello, everybody. We're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, and welcome to the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Let's have a word of prayer. We'll get right into today's Bible lesson. Father, we just praise You and thank You. We worship You. We [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Practice The Love Walk And Reap The Reward
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Kenneth Copeland - Practice The Love Walk And Reap The Reward
Kenneth Copeland - Practice The Love Walk And Reap The Reward
— Hello, everybody. We're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. Father, thank You for Your Word today. We are so thrilled. Oh, it's so good to know that You love us and You are so, Your mercy endures forever. And we thank You and we praise You for it in [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Walking In The Commandment of Love
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Kenneth Copeland - Walking In The Commandment of Love
Kenneth Copeland - Walking In The Commandment of Love
— Hello everybody, we're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, glory to God. And we just love you, and we love God, and we're so glad you're with us today. Father, we thank You. We give You praise and honor for these broadcasts. And we call upon You, Sir. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Have Faith In Love
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Kenneth Copeland - Have Faith In Love
Kenneth Copeland - Have Faith In Love
— Hello, everybody. We're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. Father, thank You for Your Word today. We are so thrilled. Oh, it's so good to know that You love us and You are so, Your mercy endures forever. And we thank You and we praise You for it in [...]
Kenneth Copeland - You Can't Fail When You Walk In Love
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Kenneth Copeland - You Can't Fail When You Walk In Love
Kenneth Copeland - You Can't Fail When You Walk In Love
— Hello, everybody. Welcome to the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast, broadcast, broadcast. Well, all right. Hallelujah. We're here in southwest Arkansas. Amen. I don't know, this place just does me that way. — It's a happy place. — It is a [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Love of God Brings Covenant Power
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Kenneth Copeland - The Love of God Brings Covenant Power
Kenneth Copeland - The Love of God Brings Covenant Power
— Hello, everybody. We're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, and welcome to the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast, Arkansas. Glory to God. Here at our place in southwest Arkansas where we've been blessed for so many years. As I was telling you a [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Mountain-Moving Faith Is Fueled by Love
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Kenneth Copeland - Mountain-Moving Faith Is Fueled by Love
Kenneth Copeland - Mountain-Moving Faith Is Fueled by Love
— Hello, everybody. Welcome to Friday's edition of the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Arkansas. Glory to God. We're in southwest Arkansas at our prayer cabin in a place that had been such a blessing in our lives for over 50 years now. We'd [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The God Kind of Love Brings THE BLESSING
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Kenneth Copeland - The God Kind of Love Brings THE BLESSING
Kenneth Copeland - The God Kind of Love Brings THE BLESSING
— Hello, everybody. We're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. Gloria Jean Copeland, happy anniversary today. — Is it today? — It's today. — And how long have I been married? — 55 years today. — 55 years. — Of course, you were just a young thing. — I was [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Wear THE BLESSING Daily
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Kenneth Copeland - Wear THE BLESSING Daily
Kenneth Copeland - Wear THE BLESSING Daily
— Jerry, let's go back over and read that Psalm 68:19. Now, I went through, as I read, in my Bible reading and my Bible study, I read a chapter every day. And I start that with, Father, as I read my chapter today and as I meditate on these words, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Expect Your Daily Load of Good Things
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Kenneth Copeland - Expect Your Daily Load of Good Things
Kenneth Copeland - Expect Your Daily Load of Good Things
— Join me again today in welcoming Brother Jerry Savelle to this broadcast. Jerry, we had a great time last week. — We did. — It's still just going over and over and over. He loads me up. I got up this morning and said, "I'm loaded". — [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Expect God To Fulfill His Promises
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Kenneth Copeland - Expect God To Fulfill His Promises
Kenneth Copeland - Expect God To Fulfill His Promises
— Would you join me again today in welcoming Jerry Savelle to this broadcast? Jerry, this has been a dynamite two weeks. I just have, I'm telling you. — We've got some fun, haven't we? — Oh, it's just so rich and so good. And I'm reminded again, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Choose Life, Choose BLESSING
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Kenneth Copeland - Choose Life, Choose BLESSING
Kenneth Copeland - Choose Life, Choose BLESSING
— Brother Jerry, welcome to this broadcast again today, man. You know, yesterday when we closed, I've known this, I've believed this for over 46 years, but yesterday's broadcast, it just got bigger. You were talking about when God was creating, He [...]
Kenneth Copeland - THE BLESSING from God Is Forever
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Kenneth Copeland - THE BLESSING from God Is Forever
Kenneth Copeland - THE BLESSING from God Is Forever
— Father, we thank You and praise You today for revelation from heaven. And we give You the honor and the glory for it. We take it by faith, Sir, and we thank You for it with all of our hearts. In Jesus' name, amen. Brother Jerry, get us back in [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Expectancy for THE BLESSING
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Kenneth Copeland - Expectancy for THE BLESSING
Kenneth Copeland - Expectancy for THE BLESSING
— Father, thank You so much for Your presence, for Your Word. We thank You for the life that You have given us. It is just marvelous in our eyes. We open our hearts and minds to receive revelation from heaven. We take it by faith and we give You [...]
Kenneth Copeland - THE BLESSING Brings Heaven on Earth
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Kenneth Copeland - THE BLESSING Brings Heaven on Earth
Kenneth Copeland - THE BLESSING Brings Heaven on Earth
— Father, we praise You. We worship and bless You. Today, we forget not all of Your benefits and we receive revelation on them and we give You the praise and the honor and the glory for it. Father, thank You for sending Brother Savelle to us and we [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Every Day Is a BLESSING Day
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Kenneth Copeland - Every Day Is a BLESSING Day
Kenneth Copeland - Every Day Is a BLESSING Day
— Brother Jerry, let's get right back into this thing today. Just take us right back to where you want us to start. — Let's get back to Psalm 68 again and read our foundation verse for this study on every day a blessing day. Psalm 68, verse 19, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - THE BLESSING Is Released by Giving
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Kenneth Copeland - THE BLESSING Is Released by Giving
Kenneth Copeland - THE BLESSING Is Released by Giving
— Join me again today in welcoming Jerry Savelle to this broadcast. — Thank you, sir. Good to be with you. — Hey, I noticed even today, you come driving up in a new truck. — I did. — Yeah, blessed every day. — I did, praise God. — That's the way it [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God Is Love and Love Gives
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Kenneth Copeland - God Is Love and Love Gives
Kenneth Copeland - God Is Love and Love Gives
— Would you join me today in welcoming Brother Jerry Savelle to this broadcast? — Thank you, sir. — Bless you, sir. Just right before we turned the cameras on, I asked Jerry where he wanted to start with today. And he gave me the scripture on the [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Your Healing Covenant With God
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Kenneth Copeland - Your Healing Covenant With God
Kenneth Copeland - Your Healing Covenant With God
Now over here to the 27th chapter of Deuteronomy, "Moses and the elders of Israel commanded the people saying, Keep all the commandments which I command you this day and it'll be in a day when you pass over Jordan unto the land" and so [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Healing Is God's Will for You
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Kenneth Copeland - Healing Is God's Will for You
Kenneth Copeland - Healing Is God's Will for You
So, you're supposed to be healed today. Now then, faith begins where the will of God is known. Let's turn to John. Let's see what Jesus said over here in the book of John in chapter 5. In the 30th verse, "I can of mine own self do nothing. As I [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Acting In Faith To Receive Your Healing
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Kenneth Copeland - Acting In Faith To Receive Your Healing
Kenneth Copeland - Acting In Faith To Receive Your Healing
This is healing day, and we're receiving healing, Galatians 3. "And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed. So then they [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Becoming Free From Grief and Sorrow
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Kenneth Copeland - Becoming Free From Grief and Sorrow
Kenneth Copeland - Becoming Free From Grief and Sorrow
Go to the 28th chapter of the book of Deuteronomy, "It shall come to pass if you will hearken diligently unto the voice of the Lord thy God, to observe and do all of his commandments which I command thee this day, that the Lord thy God will set [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Becoming Blood Covenant-Minded
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Kenneth Copeland - Becoming Blood Covenant-Minded
Kenneth Copeland - Becoming Blood Covenant-Minded
There is a scripture here that I want to share with you from the Classic Amplified, Proverbs chapter three. "My son, forget not my law or teaching. Let your heart keep my commandments". Not your head, your heart. Keep my commandments. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Hall of Fame of Faith
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Kenneth Copeland - The Hall of Fame of Faith
Kenneth Copeland - The Hall of Fame of Faith
So here we are now. These people are the righteousness of God. "By faith, Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved with fear or reverence, prepared an ark to the saving of his house, by the which he condemned the world and [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Accepted of God by Faith
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Kenneth Copeland - Accepted of God by Faith
Kenneth Copeland - Accepted of God by Faith
Hebrew chapter 11, we'll go to 1 Corinthians 5 first, or 2 Corinthians. "For we know that if our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building of God, a house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we [...]
Kenneth Copeland - A Faith Review
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Kenneth Copeland - A Faith Review
Kenneth Copeland - A Faith Review
We're going to have a faith review tonight. This is increased day. I want to remind you of something. Prayer does not make faith work. Faith makes prayer work. You cannot have a faith review without Mark 11:23, and 24, and 25. So, would you open [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Vision Connects You to Your Calling by Faith
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Kenneth Copeland - Vision Connects You to Your Calling by Faith
Kenneth Copeland - Vision Connects You to Your Calling by Faith
Open your Bible to Proverbs, Chapter 29, please. Verse 18, "Where there is no vision, the people perish". Now, that's serious. Where there is no vision, the people die spiritually. You perish. You finally come to a place where you just [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Has Vision
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Kenneth Copeland - Faith Has Vision
Kenneth Copeland - Faith Has Vision
Believe what that book says, not what your feelings say. We're going to have a faith review right now. Let's just go to first John. When you finally decide and learn, it took me a long time to come to this. I had to study it for a long time. In the [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Take Your Stand of Faith
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Kenneth Copeland - Take Your Stand of Faith
Kenneth Copeland - Take Your Stand of Faith
I want to read this from the Classic Amplified. We'll go back over to the book of Ephesians, please. And the 6th chapter. In this chapter, he's talking about taking a stand. Take your stand. "Children, obey your parents in the Lord as his [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer That Agrees With The Word
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Kenneth Copeland - Prayer That Agrees With The Word
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer That Agrees With The Word
The prayer of agreement is the most versatile prayer. And the 18th chapter of the book of Matthew is, in my opinion, and the way it's ministered to me over the years, so complete. It is a complete teaching compound in that one chapter. And it covers [...]
Kenneth Copeland - You Have God's Faith, Be Like Him
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Kenneth Copeland - You Have God's Faith, Be Like Him
Kenneth Copeland - You Have God's Faith, Be Like Him
Turn with me to 1 Corinthians, and we'll look in the 12th chapter, in the Amplified. "Now about spiritual gifts, the special endowments of supernatural energy, brethren, I do not want you to be misinformed". And the King James says, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer for Loved Ones To Be Saved
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Kenneth Copeland - Prayer for Loved Ones To Be Saved
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer for Loved Ones To Be Saved
So, Mark chapter 11, if you come around to the fourth verse, "They went their way and found a colt tied by the door", and so forth, just like he said. "Certain of them stood there and said, 'What do we do to loosen the colt?' And he [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Like God, Believe By Faith
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Kenneth Copeland - Like God, Believe By Faith
Kenneth Copeland - Like God, Believe By Faith
The title of my message tonight is "Like God". Like God. And it begins in the fourth chapter of the book of Romans. "What shall we say then of Abraham our father as pertaining to the flesh hath found? For if Abraham were justified by [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer That Receives Answers From God
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Kenneth Copeland - Prayer That Receives Answers From God
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer That Receives Answers From God
Welcome, everybody, to Friday's edition of the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. I'm Kenneth Copeland. And here's where I've been working all week. We'll get through this today. Now, notice here, I want you to go to the 14th verse of the 14th [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Requirement for Manifestations of the Holy Spirit
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Kenneth Copeland - The Requirement for Manifestations of the Holy Spirit
Kenneth Copeland - The Requirement for Manifestations of the Holy Spirit
Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. Once again, this is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Now, studying the manifestations of the Holy Spirit and prayer, all of the manifestations of the Spirit work together with prayer. And you'll find [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Holy Spirit Prays for You Every Day
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Kenneth Copeland - The Holy Spirit Prays for You Every Day
Kenneth Copeland - The Holy Spirit Prays for You Every Day
Welcome, everybody, to the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. For those of you that don't know, I'm Kenneth Copeland. And this is a time we're spending learning how the Holy Spirit of God manifests Himself. So let's go back over there to the 8th [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer Is a Vital Part of the Christian Life
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Kenneth Copeland - Prayer Is a Vital Part of the Christian Life
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer Is a Vital Part of the Christian Life
Hello, everybody. Now, before I start in today, it's good for you to know, but for this radio and television audience, this is what we do at Kenneth Copeland Bible College. This is what the Lord has directed us to do. The Lord said this to Gloria [...]
Kenneth Copeland - How To Access the Power of God Through Prayer
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Kenneth Copeland - How To Access the Power of God Through Prayer
Kenneth Copeland - How To Access the Power of God Through Prayer
Father, we thank You again today. We praise You for the honor and the privilege of having You to invite us to approach You on the throne of grace, to approach You in prayer and communicate with You. And we thank You and praise You for it again [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Power and Authority of the Name of Jesus
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Kenneth Copeland - The Power and Authority of the Name of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - The Power and Authority of the Name of Jesus
Now, we have learned that there's great power in the name of Jesus and that we, being born-again sons of God, and you know there's always people that are, you know, want to pick at it. Well, she's a daughter of God. Well, that's true. But it's [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Force of Prayer
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Kenneth Copeland - The Force of Prayer
Kenneth Copeland - The Force of Prayer
Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland, Thursday's edition of the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Are you getting anything out of this where you can see it? If you can see it in linear, in the way that it happened, and watch it, a wonderful [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Is the Name Above Every Name
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Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Is the Name Above Every Name
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Is the Name Above Every Name
Well, here it is, Wednesday. Praise God, time flies, doesn't it? Hallelujah. And it always interests me, the way people express themselves. Time flies. It does not. I fly. Birds fly, time doesn't. That's deep, you know it? Well, it goes fast. It's [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Pray In the Name of Jesus
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Kenneth Copeland - Pray In the Name of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - Pray In the Name of Jesus
Welcome, everyone, once again to the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. For those of you that don't know, I'm Kenneth Copeland. Let's go back to the book of Daniel, where we opened yesterday. Now, let's begin reading here at the 10th verse [...]
Kenneth Copeland - How To Be Consistent In Prayer
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Kenneth Copeland - How To Be Consistent In Prayer
Kenneth Copeland - How To Be Consistent In Prayer
Hello, everyone. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Father, we thank You and we praise You for the privilege of speaking Your words, words that are divine words from the Bible that have come down from above by [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus' Prayer of Petition
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Kenneth Copeland - Jesus' Prayer of Petition
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus' Prayer of Petition
We've talked about prayer, faith, and so forth, and we'll go back to the gospel of John, John 16:13, "Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Love Is the Motive of Prayer
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Kenneth Copeland - Love Is the Motive of Prayer
Kenneth Copeland - Love Is the Motive of Prayer
Let's go to the book of Hebrews chapter 2 verse 4. "God also bearing them witness both with signs and wonders and different miracles and gifts of the Holy Ghost according to his own will". So we could come down here, verse 8, "Thou [...]
Kenneth Copeland - How To Pray a Prayer of Intercession
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Kenneth Copeland - How To Pray a Prayer of Intercession
Kenneth Copeland - How To Pray a Prayer of Intercession
Prayers of petition and then prayers of intercession. Let's go to the book of Matthew, please. Chapter 12. And let's begin reading. Verse 31, "Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer Is Constant Communion With God
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Kenneth Copeland - Prayer Is Constant Communion With God
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer Is Constant Communion With God
Let's go to the 12th chapter of the book of Romans. "I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God that you present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And don't be conformed [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer Must Be Based on the Promises of God
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Kenneth Copeland - Prayer Must Be Based on the Promises of God
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer Must Be Based on the Promises of God
The first scripture I want to read will be from the Classic Amplified in the book of Ephesians 6. "In conclusion, be strong in the Lord, be empowered through your union with him, draw your strength from him, that strength which is boundless and [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Yes, Jesus Can and Will Heal You
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Kenneth Copeland - Yes, Jesus Can and Will Heal You
Kenneth Copeland - Yes, Jesus Can and Will Heal You
Let's open our Bibles this morning to Matthew Chapter 8, Verse 2, please. We're going to look at this, three different accounts. If you search Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, there are 19 individual healings. Now, of course, there's a lot, you know, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Resurrection Life of Jesus Makes You Whole
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Kenneth Copeland - The Resurrection Life of Jesus Makes You Whole
Kenneth Copeland - The Resurrection Life of Jesus Makes You Whole
Let's go to the third chapter of the book of Acts. Now let me remind you of this, and particularly those of you that are watching online that have maybe not heard these kind of things before. They did not realize it. They did not realize that He was [...]
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