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Derek Grier - God Cannot Fail
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Derek Grier - God Cannot Fail
Derek Grier - God Cannot Fail
Today we're gonna be in Psalms 1:25 beginning with verse one and we are going to look at the entire Psalms, only like six or seven verses. Verse one, "when the Lord brought back". Other translations read "when the Lord restored our [...]
Derek Grier - Give It To God
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Derek Grier - Give It To God
Derek Grier - Give It To God
Open your Bibles again to 2 Chronicles, chapter 20 in verse one. And verse one begins, "It happened after this". Now, if you know your Bible, you know that Jehoshaphat started strongly. When he became king after, I believe it was Asa, he [...]
Derek Grier - Getting Over Myself - Part 2
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Derek Grier - Getting Over Myself - Part 2
Derek Grier - Getting Over Myself - Part 2
How many believe God's omniscient, omnipresent and, yeah. Yeah. So omniscient means you know everything, everything. So God don't even have to think. We have to think, uh, no God knows. That's, I don't even know how to do that. I don't know what [...]
Derek Grier - Getting Over Myself - Part 1
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Derek Grier - Getting Over Myself - Part 1
Derek Grier - Getting Over Myself - Part 1
Today we're gonna talk about freedom. Harriet Tubman said, "I've freed a thousand slaves. I could have freed a thousand more, if they only knew they were slaves". So as we talk about freedom, it's a powerful assignment and we're gonna back [...]
Derek Grier - Crossing The Jordan
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Derek Grier - Crossing The Jordan
Derek Grier - Crossing The Jordan
We're gonna be in Joshua 3:1. It begins, "Then Joshua". Jesus is the Greek translation of the Hebrew name Joshua or Yeshua. And as their shared names suggest, Joshua's career here prefigures Christ's. So whatever Israel received in the [...]
Derek Grier - Coming To Him
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Derek Grier - Coming To Him
Derek Grier - Coming To Him
We're gonna be in 1 Peter 2:4. Peter says, by the Holy Spirit, "Coming to him". Peter doesn't say, "Having come to him," past tense, but, "Coming to him," which in the Greek is continuous and ongoing. Now, my wife and I [...]
Derek Grier - Biblical Prosperity
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Derek Grier - Biblical Prosperity
Derek Grier - Biblical Prosperity
All right, Nehemiah 1:1. And Nehemiah begins, by the way, I'm gonna begin a series in the book of Nehemiah. So next week, we're gonna pick up chapter two. But it begins the words of Nehemiah, son of Hacaliah. The book of Nehemiah is really an [...]
Derek Grier - Answers For Dirty People
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Derek Grier - Answers For Dirty People
Derek Grier - Answers For Dirty People
We're gonna be in Luke 8:4. This should be a relatively familiar parable but it is our assignment today. You're gonna learn some new things, some old things, and you're gonna leave here renewed, refreshed, but I also think light bulbs are going to [...]
Derek Grier - An Upside Down Kingdom
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Derek Grier - An Upside Down Kingdom
Derek Grier - An Upside Down Kingdom
We are gonna be in the Book of John, starting with chapter, well we're in chapter three, starting with verse 22. And John says by the Holy Spirit, "After these things, Jesus". Jesus had just started traveling. He had just turned water into [...]
Derek Grier - A Guy Named Kenny
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Derek Grier - A Guy Named Kenny
Derek Grier - A Guy Named Kenny
One of my favorite books in the Bible Joshua 1:1, this is an action book, Joshua makes it happen. They're no longer circling the same mountain, Joshua leads the people into the promise land. In verse one, it says, "After the death of Moses the [...]