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Jack Graham - Men of Character
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Jack Graham - Men of Character
Jack Graham - Men of Character
I want to speak to you on the subject of character, specifically men of character. Because I know if you are a Christ man, you want to be a great dad, right? You want to be, because it's the best job you will ever have. Did you know that? The best [...]
Jack Graham - The Blessing of a Christian
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Jack Graham - The Blessing of a Christian
Jack Graham - The Blessing of a Christian
I would invite you to take God's Word and turn to Psalm number 128. The title of this message is "The Blessing of a Christian Family". The blessing and the benefits of a Christian family. Life is all about relationships. And someone added, [...]
Jack Graham - Saving the Family
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Jack Graham - Saving the Family
Jack Graham - Saving the Family
There is no person that God cannot save! There is no promise that God will not keep! There is nothing that our God cannot do! Take your Bibles and open them to the book of Nehemiah chapter 4. And in this message with our faith and family series, [...]
Jack Graham - Becoming a Kingdom Family
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Jack Graham - Becoming a Kingdom Family
Jack Graham - Becoming a Kingdom Family
There is no person that God cannot save! There is no promise that God will not keep! There is nothing that our God cannot do! And I want to invite you know to take God's Word. Such a privilege each week. We never take it for granted to say, [...]
Jack Graham - Training Ground
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Jack Graham - Training Ground
Jack Graham - Training Ground
There is no person that God cannot save! There is no promise that God will not keep! There is nothing that our God cannot do! Open your Bibles to Proverbs chapter 22. And the title of this message is "Training Ground". For the Scripture [...]
Jack Graham - A Word to Wives
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Jack Graham - A Word to Wives
Jack Graham - A Word to Wives
There is no person that God cannot save! There is no promise that God will not keep! There is nothing that our God cannot do! Well, this is our marriage and family series called THE WAY HOME. So far, we've talked about foundations for the family way [...]
Jack Graham - A Man and His Marriage
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Jack Graham - A Man and His Marriage
Jack Graham - A Man and His Marriage
There is no person that God cannot save! There is no promise that God will not keep! There is nothing that our God cannot do! Take your Bibles and turn with me to 1 Peter chapter 3. The title of this sermon is "A Man and His Marriage". If [...]
Jack Graham - All You Need is Love
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Jack Graham - All You Need is Love
Jack Graham - All You Need is Love
There is no person that God cannot save! There is no promise that God will not keep! There is nothing that our God cannot do! I want you to take your Bibles and turn with me to 1 Corinthians chapter 13. This is our message series THE WAY HOME. And [...]
Jack Graham - Marriage God's Way
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Jack Graham - Marriage God's Way
Jack Graham - Marriage God's Way
There is no person that God cannot save! There is no promise that God will not keep! There is nothing that our God cannot do! Take your Bibles and turn to Genesis chapter 2. We're going all the way back to the beginning of the Bible to lay some [...]
Jack Graham - A Know-So Salvation
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Jack Graham - A Know So Salvation
Jack Graham - A Know So Salvation
There is no person that God cannot save! There is no promise that God will not keep! There is nothing that our God cannot do! Take your Bibles and turn with me to 1 John, and we'll begin with the fifth chapter. There's a tombstone in England [...]
Jack Graham - Decide Today
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Jack Graham - Decide Today
Jack Graham - Decide Today
There is no person that God cannot save! There is no promise that God will not keep! There is nothing that our God cannot do! Take your Bibles and turn with me to Joshua, the twenty-fourth chapter. Over theses past weeks we have been in a series of [...]
Jack Graham - Semper Fi
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Jack Graham - Semper Fi
Jack Graham - Semper Fi
There is no person that God cannot save! There is no promise that God will not keep! There is nothing that our God cannot do! We're going to meet a man today in the story of Joshua whose name is Calab. Perhaps not a well-known biblical hero but he's [...]
Jack Graham - Don't Lose Your Victory
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Jack Graham - Don't Lose Your Victory
Jack Graham - Don't Lose Your Victory
There is no person that God cannot save! There is no promise that God will not keep! There is nothing that our God cannot do! Take God's Word and turn to Joshua chapter 7. What a privilege! I hope we don't take that for granted, that moment when we [...]
Jack Graham - Are You Ready for a Miracle?
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Jack Graham - Are You Ready for a Miracle?
Jack Graham - Are You Ready for a Miracle?
There is no person that God cannot save! There is no promise that God will not keep! There is nothing that our God cannot do! But take your Bibles and turn with me to the fifth chapter of Joshua. This is our message series FORWARD, a series on [...]
Jack Graham - What Do These Stones Mean?
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Jack Graham - What Do These Stones Mean?
Jack Graham - What Do These Stones Mean?
I invite you to take God's Word and turn with me in your Old Testament to the book of Joshua and the third chapter. And I have a big assignment in front of me today. But to cover two great chapters in the book of Joshua. And the theme that we have [...]
Jack Graham - God of Wonders
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Jack Graham - God of Wonders
Jack Graham - God of Wonders
Take your Bibles and turn with me to Joshua, the third chapter, Joshua chapter 3. This is our message series that we're calling FORWARD. And the title of today's message is "God of Wonders". So I want to talk to you about your opportunity, [...]
Jack Graham - Hope for the Hopeless
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Jack Graham - Hope for the Hopeless
Jack Graham - Hope for the Hopeless
There is no person that God cannot save! There is no promise that God will not keep! There is nothing that our God cannot do! Rahab was a woman that had been used and abused by men, and yet God saw her need and God knew her desire to know Him, and [...]
Jack Graham - The Bible According to You
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Jack Graham - The Bible According to You
Jack Graham - The Bible According to You
Please take your Bibles and turn with me to book of Joshua chapter 1. As the Apostle Paul said these are examples to us. We read and study the Old Testament as well as the New Testament because in the Old Testament we have examples of how we're to [...]
Jack Graham - The Joy That Never Ends
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Jack Graham - The Joy That Never Ends
Jack Graham - The Joy That Never Ends
Good morning, everyone! Happy Easter. I know as you entered the room today many greeted you with the words Happy Easter. And it is that happy Easter, that joyous day that we celebrate today that is my subject from the Gospel of John chapter 15, [...]
Jack Graham - The Gift of Forgiveness
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Jack Graham - The Gift of Forgiveness
Jack Graham - The Gift of Forgiveness
Take your Bibles and turn to Genesis chapter 45, because the story of Joseph illustrates in classic form the greatest demonstration of forgiveness in all of the Bible, outside of the cross of Christ Himself. Of course, the greatest demonstration of [...]
Jack Graham - Success God's Way
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Jack Graham - Success God's Way
Jack Graham - Success God's Way
Take your Bibles and turn with me to Genesis chapter 41, and I want to speak to you today on the subject "God's Way to Success". Now what is success? Is it title? Is it position? Is it rank? Is it celebrity? Is it fortune and fame? None of [...]
Jack Graham - Prison Break
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Jack Graham - Prison Break
Jack Graham - Prison Break
Take your Bibles and turn with me to the book of Genesis. We have been telling the story, the amazing story of Joseph. It concerns destiny; his destiny for sure, and yours as a follower of Christ as well. GOD'S FAVOR AND YOUR FUTURE. That's what the [...]
Jack Graham - Ironman
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Jack Graham - Ironman
Jack Graham - Ironman
Take your Bibles and turn with me, please, to the book of Genesis chapter 39. And I want to speak to you on the subject "Ironman". Perhaps you've heard of the Ironman competition. It is a physical feat beyond limits almost. Well, I want to [...]
Jack Graham - Light of the World
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Jack Graham - Light of the World
Jack Graham - Light of the World
Joy to the world! And Merry Christmas! I want to welcome you to a very special broadcast of PowerPoint. It is Christmas. It is a very special day because we are celebrating the greatest day in history, the day God became man and lived with us. I've [...]
James Meehan - The Worst Advice You've Ever Been Given
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James Meehan - The Worst Advice You've Ever Been Given
James Meehan - The Worst Advice You've Ever Been Given
Today, what I wanna talk about is the worst advice that we have all been given. But first I have a confession to make, the movie I have seen most in theaters is not even close to my favorite movie of all time. So my favorite movie of all time is [...]
Dr. Jack Graham - Why It Matters The Fate and Faith of Israel?
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Jack Graham - Why It Matters The Fate and Faith of Israel?
Jack Graham - Why It Matters The Fate and Faith of Israel?
Dr. Jack Graham : Welcome to a very special edition of PowerPoint, because today we are going to address the recent attacks on the nation and people of Israel and how we as believers and followers of Jesus can love the people of Israel in the [...]
Jack Graham - Why Jesus Came?
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Jack Graham - Why Jesus Came?
Jack Graham - Why Jesus Came?
We now open God's Word to the Gospel of Luke, chapter 4. This is our series called TELL ME THE STORY OF JESUS. And we're going to be connecting with the scenarios in Scripture found in the four Gospels which, of course, tell the story of Jesus. John [...]
Jack Graham - God in the Dirt
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Jack Graham - God in the Dirt
Jack Graham - God in the Dirt
Today in John chapter 1 as our primary text, we're going to meet "God in the Dirt". A bit of an unusual title I would say. "God in the Dirt". But you're going to see why in this passage of Scripture. You know, there was a group [...]
Jack Graham - Beloved Son
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Jack Graham - Beloved Son
Jack Graham - Beloved Son
Today we're going to focus on Jesus, the Son of God, the Sonship of the Lord Jesus Christ. The "Beloved Son". And this is majestic text that we find in our Bibles. It is a story about Jesus that is recorded in all four of the Gospel [...]
Jack Graham - Name Above All Names
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Jack Graham - Name Above All Names
Jack Graham - Name Above All Names
This is the beginning of something I believe is going to be epic and that is a message series on person and work of Jesus Christ. We're calling it "TELL ME THE STORY OF JESUS". Something does happen at the very mention of His name. The [...]
Jack Graham - A Life in Full
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Jack Graham - A Life in Full
Jack Graham - A Life in Full
One of the great truths of the Bible that transforms our lives is the work and witness of the Holy Spirit in us. And we've been talking about this witness, this work, this mission and ministry of the Holy Spirit in our lives over the last several [...]
Jack Graham - The Message
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Jack Graham - The Message
Jack Graham - The Message
When God's spirit fills our lives, we share our faith. We share our faith in Jesus Christ. You shall be my witnesses. That's what Jesus said when the Holy Spirit has come upon you. But I know sharing our faith, witnessing can be difficult. Maybe we [...]
Jack Graham - Transformed
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Jack Graham - Transformed
Jack Graham - Transformed
After the Cross and Resurrection, another great event took place in the life of Jesus, and that is the ascension of our Lord. When Christ elevated and ascended back to the Heavenly Father. And that took place on the Mount of Olives. And before Jesus [...]
Jack Graham - Powering Up
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Jack Graham - Powering Up
Jack Graham - Powering Up
Here's what I know about the Bible, God's word is unchanging. It is the same yesterday, today, and forever. Just like Jesus. Maybe you've heard about Throwback Thursday or Flashback Friday on social media. Well, what we do at Prestonwood and [...]
Jack Graham - He Is Lord
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Jack Graham - He Is Lord
Jack Graham - He Is Lord
And this is the day of all days. This is Resurrection Day and we’re so grateful that you have joined us, so many of you online, on PowerPoint television and radio as well as so many right here in the room today. As in most years we find ourselves in [...]
Jack Graham - For The Glory
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Jack Graham - For The Glory
Jack Graham - For The Glory
Take your Bibles and turn one last time to the book of Romans. At least at this one last time because we are concluding or wrapping up after 15 months. We could go 15 months more. But after 15 months we are concluding this series of studies in the [...]
Jack Graham - Crushing Satan
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Jack Graham - Crushing Satan
Jack Graham - Crushing Satan
Take your Bibles and turn with me to the book of Romans, chapter 16, and the title today is quite bombastic, "Crushing Satan". Who wants to crush Satan? Are you in? I do! And God has given us a prophecy and a promise that one day Satan [...]
Jack Graham - Team Jesus
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Jack Graham - Team Jesus
Jack Graham - Team Jesus
Take your Bibles and turn with me to Romans, the sixteenth chapter, Romans chapter 16. This is a passage of Scripture that so many just skim over or skip over, and yet it's one of the most beautiful and wonderful passages to me in all of God's Word. [...]
Jack Graham - The Influence of a Godly Woman
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Jack Graham - The Influence of a Godly Woman
Jack Graham - The Influence of a Godly Woman
Take your Bibles and turn with me to the book of Romans. This is our ESSENTIAL GOSPEL series and we're rounding third and coming home on this great book, the ESSENTIAL GOSPEL. And when we come to the sixteenth chapter of Romans, you might be tempted [...]
Jack Graham - Right or Wrong?
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Jack Graham - Right or Wrong?
Jack Graham - Right or Wrong?
Take your Bibles and turn with me to the book of Romans, chapter 14. This is our ESSENTIAL GOSPEL series. For some months now we have been taking a deep dive into the book of Romans passage by passage, scripture by scripture. It is the essential [...]
Jack Graham - Woke or Awake?
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Jack Graham - Woke or Awake?
Jack Graham - Woke or Awake?
I have a provocative title and a graphic text today from God’s Word. Take your Bible and turn to Romans chapter 13 as we’re going to speak on the subject "Woke or Awake"? It’s a question. Are you woke or are you awake? And it is an [...]
Jack Graham - Let It Go
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Jack Graham - Let It Go
Jack Graham - Let It Go
Take your Bibles and turn with us to Romans, the twelfth chapter. This is our ESSENTIAL GOSPEL series, the book of Romans. We have been studying Romans for some time now But this is Romans chapter 12 and we're going to be looking at verses 14 to 21. [...]
Jack Graham - God's Promise for a New Year
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Jack Graham - God's Promise for a New Year
Jack Graham - God's Promise for a New Year
Please take your Bible and turn with me to Romans chapter 8 and verse 28. And it’s always good to look out and to see so many of you opening the Scriptures with us, turning the pages of God’s Word, marking and underlining your Bibles. Well, as we [...]
Jack Graham - Christmas: New Birth, New Life
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Jack Graham - Christmas: New Birth, New Life
Jack Graham - Christmas: New Birth, New Life
Freshly fallen snow, the smell of pine trees and smoke in a nearby fireplace. Just the beauty of this place reminds me that Christmas is here. I love being in Colorado and I'm getting really excited about Christmas, already playing the Christmas [...]
Jack Graham - Immanuel
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Jack Graham - Immanuel
Jack Graham - Immanuel
Take your Bibles and turn with me to Matthew's Gospel and the very first chapter, Matthew's Gospel. And today the title is "Immanuel". Christmas is a wonderful time of the year for so many people. And yet others find this season to be sad [...]
Jack Graham - A Cosmic Christmas
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Jack Graham - A Cosmic Christmas
Jack Graham - A Cosmic Christmas
Take your Bibles and turn with me to Revelation, chapter 12, the book of Revelation. And what you're about to hear I truly believe is the most unique and unusual Christmas text that I've ever taken and the most different Christmas message that I [...]
Jack Graham - Are You Ready for Christmas?
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Jack Graham - Are You Ready for Christmas?
Jack Graham - Are You Ready for Christmas?
Take your Bibles and turn with me to Luke’s Gospel, chapter 2. Are You Ready for Christmas? Are you ready for Christmas? Advent, these days leading up to the celebration of Christ at Christmas is a time of preparation and reflection and personal [...]
Jack Graham - The Gifts that Keep on Giving
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Jack Graham - The Gifts that Keep on Giving
Jack Graham - The Gifts that Keep on Giving
We talked the last time about the filling of the Spirit, how we're to live and walk in the Spirit, under the control of the Holy Spirit who is resident in our lives, that He is real in our lives and therefore, He should be always relevant day after [...]
Jack Graham - Go Tell It on the Mountain
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Jack Graham - Go Tell It on the Mountain
Jack Graham - Go Tell It on the Mountain
We have been talking about the ministry of the dear Holy Spirit, who is the Spirit of Christmas. Now I just wonder, how many of you are experiencing not a spirit-filled Christmas, but a stress-filled Christmas. Well, apparently a lot of people, it's [...]
Jack Graham - Born In Us Today
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Jack Graham - Born In Us Today
Jack Graham - Born In Us Today
Take your Bibles, please, turn with me to John's Gospel, the fourteenth chapter. And this is the beginning of a message series at Christmas called "THE SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS". And it is our desire in this message series to invite you to [...]
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