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Jack Graham - What is a Christian?

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    Jack Graham - What is a Christian?
TOPICS: Distinctives for Disciples, Christianity

We are beginning a brand-new series of messages called DISTINCTIVES FOR DISCIPLES. And what this is about, it’s not so much a doctrinal series as to what we believe, but more why we believe and how we live out what we believe. It’s a Christian living series. It’s a basic Christianity series. When Vince Lombardy, the head coach of the champion Green Bay Packers back in the day came off a winning season again in those days, he gathered his team at the summer practice and before they did anything, he got the group together and he held up a football and he said, «Gentlemen, this is a football». And what he was saying, was he was just reminding everyone that football is about the basics, the fundamentals of blocking and tackling and running and catching, and you can do all the sizzle but, in the end, it’s all about the football.

And in the end, the church, the Lord Jesus Christ, those of us who are followers of Jesus, it’s all about the faith and what we believe. Our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. So we’re going to be talking about things that every Christian should know. For some of you who are seeking to know what it is to be a Christian, we’ll be talking about some of those things as well, but really this is about believers and what it means to belong, to believe and to battle for the Lord day after day. So take you Bible and turn with me to the book of Acts. This is where we’re going to start because our first topic is a question: «What is a Christian»? Acts chapter 26, and just hold your place there because you might find it remarkable that in all the Bible the word Christian is used only three times.

Now the followers of Jesus were called a number of things: believers, people of the Way because Jesus said, «I am the way, the truth and the life. And no one comes to the Father except by Me». They were called soldiers; they were called disciples. Various ways in which Christians were described. But rarely in the New Testament are we called Christians. Three times, but these three times are really the marks of discipleship. What it means not only to be a Christian, how to become a Christian, but then how to be a Christian.

And we’re going to take a look at these three times that the word Christian is used because we are to build this message and answer the question: What is a Christian? Now that is the most important question really that you can answer. Or to ask you the question this way: Am I a Christian? Paul said, «For to me, to live is Christ and to die is gain». So Christianity is Christ. You talk about all kinds of Christians today, mainline Christians and evangelical Christians and Presbyterian Christians and… There are many opinions, and most people believe that being a Christian is being a good person and living a good life which is commendable to all, that we would live a good and godly life, but living a good and commendable life, going to church, taking communion, being baptized, these are all important things, but being a Christian is having a relationship with God through Jesus Christ. You’re not born a Christian; you become a Christian, and there’s a big difference.

And that’s why this very first verse and time that I’m mentioning to you regarding what is a Christian is found in Acts 26 and verse 28. When Agrippa said to Paul, and this is a king, «You almost persuade me to become (what?) a Christian». So Paul is before this king Agrippa. He’s a Jewish king; he is responsible for Israel under the auspices and the authority of the Roman government. There is also a governor of the Roman’s there by the name of Festus and his wife Bernice and they were living in immorality. And Paul had already confronted them because Paul is on trial for his faith. He has been arrested for being a believer and follower of Jesus. He had preached the Gospel all over the known world, before kings and princes and powers and in small synagogues, Jewish people, synagogues, everywhere he went.

But it wasn’t always that way with the Apostle Paul. And so Paul is telling this man, this King Agrippa, about his life. He is sharing his testimony as he is on trial for his faith. And he said, «You know, I was a Jew. I was a bonified Jewish person. I even was so strong; I was a super Jew. I was on fire for my faith and a rabbi, and I was so angry at these Christians, these people that said they were followers of Jesus, that I was actually leading a terrorist organization to kill Christians». He was taking out Christians wherever he could go. And he was on his way to a place called Damascus, and once again, to imprison Christians or to kill Christians. And on that road he met Jesus Christ, the risen Lord.

Christ who is risen came into the presence to Apostle Paul, literally knocked him off his horse. He was blinded in the presence of God. And he’s telling this story to this Jewish king, Agrippa. He’s talking about what happened to him. He said, «You know, I was going in one direction and Jesus changed my life! I was going in the wrong direction. I was rabid, I was religious, but I was wrong about Jesus! And Jesus changed my life». And then he said something to this Agrippa. He said, «Agrippa, I know that you know all about this story about Jesus,» because he said, I think about verse 18 or 19, «These things weren’t done in a corner; this is public knowledge, this story of Jesus that’s going around. So you know full well this story of Jesus». He went on to say, he said, «And I know you know and believe the prophets, I know you believe the prophets».

So here’s a man, Agrippa, who knew about Jesus. He had heard about Jesus. He believed the Bible to some extent, because he believed the prophets. He was religious, but in the end, after Paul shares his faith and shares his testimony, he says, «Paul, you almost persuade me to become a Christian». He was saying, «Paul, are you trying to convert me»? Yes! Everywhere he went, Paul was trying to bring people to Jesus. That’s what Christians do. And Christians who don’t are a contradiction. So he’s saying, «Look, you almost, and just these words, you think I’m going to become a Christian»? But the point that I’m driving home to you is that this man needed to be convicted of his sins, to be converted to Jesus Christ and to become a Christian.

So what is a Christian? There is decision to make. Now God is sovereign; God works by His Holy Spirit to bring people to conviction. He works through the Word. Nobody’s here by chance or accident. Nobody’s viewing online apart from divine appointments. We believe God brings people together, His Holy Spirit. But there is a human responsibility to make a choice, a decision of your will. Jesus talked about these choices. He said, «No one can serve two masters because you will either (what?) hate the one, love the other, but you must make a decision. You can’t serve two masters».

Jesus talked about two roads, a road that is wide and broad and leads to death and destruction; and He said, another road which is narrow. And He said few are on that road and yet it leads to live. He said, «You must make a choice». Don’t be like Yogi Berra, wonderful baseball player, he had so many yogi-isms. He was talking about one restaurant. He said, «You know, that place is so crowded, nobody goes there anymore». But He also said things like this: «When you come to a fork in the road, take it».

Now when it comes to Jesus and the fork in the road, you must choose life. That’s why in the Old Testament, Moses, the prophet said, «Choose life! I set before you life and death, therefore, choose life that you must live». Joshua stood before the children of Israel and he said, «Choose today», He said, «As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord». «Choose you this day who you will serve». And there’s a choice to make; there’s a decision to make to become a Christian. You know, it’s not like you’re walking down the road one day and God just zaps you, and poof! You’re a Christian. You’re not born into the Christian family; you are born again into the family of God. You become a follower of Jesus. There is this clear line, a decision to make.

You say, «Well, how do I make that decision? What decision are you talking about»? It’s all about Jesus. That Jesus is the Son of God and God the Son who died on the cross for your sins. He was buried and on the third day He arose again. He came out of the grave. He is alive. «And if we confess with our mouths the Lord Jesus and believe in our hearts that God has raised Him from the dead we will be saved». «Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved». He doesn’t reject anyone who comes to Him. «Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved». And whoever means you, and whoever means me, as we call upon the Lord. But you must make that decision. Jesus said, «I stand at the door and knock and if anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in».

The Spirit is knocking, the Savior is knocking at your heart’s door, but you must, as an act of will, invite Christ into your life. Paul describes it as the gift of God’s grace. But to receive a gift, you must open the gift; you must take the gift. And so God has provided this gift of salvation which is the forgiveness of all of our sins and Christ lives in our lives and the hope and the promise of eternal life. It begins now and never ends because we’re going to heaven. This is salvation, to know Christ. «Christ in you is the hope of glory».

It’s not just getting us out of on earth and into heaven; it’s getting God out of heaven and into our hearts. And that’s what Christ has done for us. He lives in us and we become by faith in God’s grace. And grace is God’s hand of mercy and salvation reaching out to us and faith is when we reach up and take the gift and receive the gift. If somebody gave you a gift and you just left it on the table and never opened it, the gift is not applicable. And so Jesus offers us this gift. God says, «This is my salvation». «The wages of sin is death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord». So there’s so much that can be said about this, but I hope you’re hearing what I’m saying, that you must become a Christian. «Almost you persuade me to become a Christian».

Some of you are almost Christians but you’re not fully persuaded. Let today be the day that you are persuaded. But that’s the first mark of a believer. The second thing is turn to Acts chapter 11. Go back in the book of Acts the Acts chapter 11 and here we meet some believers at Antioch. And God was doing a great work at this place called Antioch. As a matter of fact, the center of the Christian faith is moving from Jerusalem at this point, scattered through persecution, and at Antioch God had done an incredible, powerful work and many people came to Christ. And from Antioch really it became a mission point, a launching point to the Gospel mission around the world. But it all started and described in verse 26 of Acts chapter 11.

So «when he found him, he brought him to Antioch. It was a full year that they assembled with the Church», notice the importance and the significance of the church right in the heart of this, «and taught a great many people, and the disciples were first called Christians at Antioch». First time! This is before Paul talked to Agrippa. Agrippa knew about the Christians. But they were first called Christians at this place, at this church called Antioch. How? Why? Not because they had a «let’s name the church» contest and came up with Christian. No, they were not called Christians until this day. And why were they called Christian? Because the word Christian means Christ-in-you, little Christ. Christianity is Christ in you and me. Christ in you.

Paul said, «I am crucified with Christ, nevertheless I live, yet not I, but Christ lives in me». And so they were called Christians. Why? Because they, listen up, they resembled Christ. They were reproducing Christ. They were remarkably like Jesus. People were looking at the folks and saying, «This is like Jesus. These people remind me of Jesus». So they reflected Christ; they reproduced Christ. They revealed Christ with their lives and their work because salvation doesn’t end at the cross and the tomb and the resurrection; it goes forward. «For by grace are you saved, not of yourselves, it’s a gift of God». But then it goes on to say in verse 10 of Ephesians 2: «We are His workmanship created in Jesus Christ unto good works».

Good works that God is creating for us before the beginning of time. So to be a Christian is first a decision to make, and then, get ready, therefore there is a life to live, there is a life to live. «If anyone be in Christ», 2 Corinthians 5:17, «he is a new creation. Old things are passed away. Everything becomes new». We’ve passed from darkness to light. We have this assurance because we know, we’re not what we used to be, but praise God, we’re not what we’re going to be. Because we are saved by the grace of God and Christ is living in us. And this is a growing process. And we keep growing in our faith, but we become more and more like Jesus as we grow, as we go. Because somebody looked at you, your kids, your wife, your husband, your neighbor, your co-worker and says, «You must be a Christian».

Anybody ever said that to you? There were a group of college students that were having, you know, they were having a session after, you know they had just talking philosophy and life and religion. The subject of religion came up in their conversation. I think it was in a dorm room, and so they started talking about Christianity and somebody said, «Well, I think this is Christian». And they said, «Well, what is a Christian, anyway»? And so they said, «Well, I think this is a Christian, that’s a Christian». And they were talking religion. And finally, somebody said, «Let me tell you what a Christian is. A Christian is Oscar Westover».

Funny name, but it’s going to make my point. Because you see, Oscar Westover was a guy that that guy knew who lived for Christ. He was like Christ in so many ways. There was this Christ-likeness about him. And so when the discussion was «What is a Christian?», Oscar’s a Christian. So I have to ask myself, and I have to ask you today, if a group of people were sitting around talking about Christianity and answering the question: What is a Christian? Maybe in the locker room, maybe in your class room, in your neighborhood. If there’s, you know, a neighborhood get-together and people start talking about Christianity, even your church group.

If people say «what is a Christian anyway?», would anybody mention your name? It’s a good question. We are to live for Jesus Christ so that when people think of Jesus, they see Jesus in us. His joy becomes our joy; His purpose becomes our purpose; His passion becomes our passion. And yes, there’s one other thing, His enemies become our enemies. And that’s the last time that I want to mention the word Christian today, and it’s found in 1 Peter chapter 4. Go to 1 Peter chapter 4 and look at verse 16, chapter 4, verse 16. It says: «If anyone suffers as a», what? Help me. Thank you. «If anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in this matter».

So what is Christian? There is a decision to make; there is a life to live, a life of Christ, alive in us by His Spirit, and there is a price to pay, «If anyone suffers as a Christian». The Christians that Peter was addressing here like Christians of every generation are suffering in some way. These were in the fiery trials of physical persecution, but we all live in the midst of trials and tribulations and tragedies, whether we’re suffering because of Christ, because we have faith in Christ in some way. The Bible says «All that live godly», this is 2 Timothy, «All that live godly in Jesus Christ will suffer persecution».

If you’re not being pushed or pressured or persecuted in some way, canceled in some way because you’re a Christian, it’s probably because you’re in some holy hole and don’t stick your head out or else, you’re not living a godly life in Jesus Christ. Because all who live godly in Jesus Christ will face the flack. There will be fire; you will take fire, incoming. And therefore, when you suffer because you are Christian or you suffer because of life. Some of you are suffering right now. Your kids have gone haywire; they’re not in the faith; they’re prodigals. Or your marriage is broken and you don’t know if you’re going to get back together. Or your finances are shattered, or your dreams are shattered, or you’re just going through trials and tribulations in your life.

Jesus said, «In this world you will have tribulation». Satan opposes us. Tough times come against us. So what are we going to do when we suffer? Blame God? No! Glorify God! That’s what the Scripture says. If you suffer as a Christian, don’t be ashamed of this. Be like those disciples when they were beaten within an inch of their lives; they said, «We praise God that we were counted worthy to suffer for Christ»! It takes courage and conviction to follow Jesus in every generation, including ours. And yes, if you stand up for Christ, there are people who want to sit you down and shut you up. But my view is, churches today in general, Christians in general, we are way too passive.

God has called us to take up the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God, and storm the gates of hell! We’re to «Fight the good fight of faith»! We’re to win people to Christ! We’re to get up from our knees, get up from our knees, having prayed ourselves full and then tell the world to be bold and courageous about our faith. Tell our friends, our family about Jesus. You know, some of us are way too concerned about what people say about us, rather than be concerned about what God says about us! Be concerned about what God says about you, not what people say about you. Don’t let people rebukes, their blasphemies and mockeries in our generation keep you from standing for Christ. We’re wanting to prepare ourselves in every way. There will be opposition; there will be resistance; there will be even persecution in some places. But what did Jesus say? He said, «If you’re going to follow Me, pick up your cross! Take the cross and follow Me».

Whoever said it was okay to be on the fringes? To be a Christian if it doesn’t get tough? To be a Christian if it’s not convenient? Whoever said, «Well, I’m a Christian, but, you know, I’m not one of those born-again kind of Christians». Or «I’m a Christian but, you know, I don’t say much about it» Or «I’m a Christian, but I don’t get that fired up about it». Whoever gave us the right to say «I’m a Christian but», anything? As Christians we’re to follow Christ without reserve, without regret, without retreat. To say, «Lord Jesus, I will follow You anywhere, anytime, any cost»! And let me tell you something: When you do it’s it’s worth it. That’s why he says glorify God in this. Praise God that you’re facing some fire and don’t be ashamed. Don’t be ashamed. Glorify God. So what is a Christian? There is a decision to make; there is a life to live; and there is a price to pay. Are you willing to give your life to follow Jesus whatever the cost, whatever the consequences, to say «Yes, Lord, I will follow You».