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Joyce Meyer - Defying a Culture of Rejection - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Defying a Culture of Rejection - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Defying a Culture of Rejection - Part 2
Ginger Stache : Hey, everyone. Rejection is rampant in our culture today. And it's one of the number one tools that satan uses to keep people from fulfilling the call of God on their life. It's not a question of if you'll face rejection, but when. [...]
Joyce Meyer - Defying a Culture of Rejection - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Defying a Culture of Rejection - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Defying a Culture of Rejection - Part 1
Ginger Stache : Welcome. We're so glad you're here with us today. How do you handle rejection? Rejection can be incredibly painful. We all want to be accepted and when we are not, it can take us down some very difficult roads. And it's universal. [...]
Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Peace - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Peace - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Peace - Part 2
Well, thank you for joining me on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". I'm excited about sharing God's word with you today and I hope you're excited about hearing it. I started yesterday talking about ways to increase your peace. It's so important [...]
Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Peace - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Peace - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Peace - Part 1
Thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". I really am glad that you've decided to spend this time with me studying God's word. I believe it always helps us every single time we hear it. And I think you're gonna have a [...]
Joyce Meyer - Be at Peace with Yourself
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Joyce Meyer - Be at Peace with Yourself
Joyce Meyer - Be at Peace with Yourself
Well, thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". The last two days I've been talking about ways that you can increase your peace. Peace is so wonderful, and turmoil and anger and frustration and upset are just so awful. [...]
Joyce Meyer - You Can't Play in the Mud and Not Get Dirty - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - You Can't Play in the Mud and Not Get Dirty - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - You Can't Play in the Mud and Not Get Dirty - Part 2
Temptation comes to everybody. But you can cut it off right at the head. I want you to think about what goes on inside of you. That's really the main message I wanna get across to you tonight is start paying attention to what goes on in you because [...]
Joyce Meyer - You Can't Play in the Mud and Not Get Dirty - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - You Can't Play in the Mud and Not Get Dirty - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - You Can't Play in the Mud and Not Get Dirty - Part 1
The title of my message tonight is, "You Can't Play With Mud and Not Get Dirty". I like that, "You cannot play with mud and not get dirty". I think today, our moral standards have slipped. Sometimes to the point where we have [...]
Joyce Meyer - Questions, Doubts and Answers About Faith - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Questions, Doubts and Answers About Faith - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Questions, Doubts and Answers About Faith - Part 2
Christine Caine : At the end of the day, the linchpin of the Christian faith is that Jesus Christ rose from the dead. None of us were there. So, 2,000 years ago, a Jewish man was dead and then rose again. Our entire faith is predicated on that. So, [...]
Joyce Meyer - Questions, Doubts and Answers About Faith - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Questions, Doubts and Answers About Faith - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Questions, Doubts and Answers About Faith - Part 1
Ginger Stache : And I'm so glad everyone's here with us, because I know this is something that all of us at one time or another in our life deal with, and that is just questions about our faith. It's those big questions that might come up at [...]
Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 3
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Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 3
Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 3
Well, welcome to "Enjoying Everyday Life". I'm so glad that you have joined me today. It's so important that we don't just live selfish, self-centered lives, expecting everybody to do something for us all the time, when we really don't [...]
Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 2
Thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". It's always my prayer that you will receive what you need to hear on this particular day. We started talking yesterday about "Generosity and the power of serving other [...]
Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Generosity and the Power of Serving Others - Part 1
For the next couple of days, I wanna be talking to you about the power of serving others. Now, probably you're thinking, "Uh, uh, uh, I already do enough for other people". Well, you know, sometimes we do things for other people, we do it [...]
Joyce Meyer - Forgiving Yourself
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Joyce Meyer - Forgiving Yourself
Joyce Meyer - Forgiving Yourself
Thank you for joining us today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". You know, I believe that the message that I'm gonna share today is gonna help so many people. I mean, I think that today's message for some of you is gonna be really [...]
Joyce Meyer - Asking God for Bigger - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Asking God for Bigger - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Asking God for Bigger - Part 2
Ginger Stache : Hi friends, welcome to, "Enjoying Everyday Life". Today we continue our discussion about praying big prayers on our talk it out podcast where Joyce discusses some very important aspects of prayer together with me and Erin [...]
Joyce Meyer - Asking God for Bigger - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Asking God for Bigger - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Asking God for Bigger - Part 1
Ginger Stache : Hi, everybody. Thanks for joining us today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". I have a question for you. How big are your prayers? Are you boldly asking God to do big things in your life or are you praying just barely enough to [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Search for Self-Worth
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Joyce Meyer - The Search for Self-Worth
Joyce Meyer - The Search for Self-Worth
Well, thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". You know, we do wanna enjoy our lives. And in order to do that, you have to have a good relationship with, you may be surprised, yourself. I don't think sometimes we [...]
Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Joy - Part 3
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Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Joy - Part 3
Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Joy - Part 3
Well, thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". I appreciate that you're taking this time to spend with me in the Word of God. It may be the best 30 minutes that you've spent, because you may learn something today that's [...]
Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Joy - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Joy - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Joy - Part 2
Well, thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life," where I will be teaching you the Word of God. One of the most important things that you can know is the word. You know, every time you hear the word, it helps renew your [...]
Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Joy - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Joy - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Ways to Increase Your Joy - Part 1
Well, thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". And actually, what I'm gonna be teaching on today goes right along with the name of our show. I'm gonna be talking to you about "Ways that you can increase your [...]
Joyce Meyer - Your Life is What You Make It - Part 6
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Joyce Meyer - Your Life is What You Make It - Part 6
Joyce Meyer - Your Life is What You Make It - Part 6
You know, there's an interesting thing about God. He never asks us to give away anything that he hasn't given us first. He loves us so we can love other people. He's merciful to us so we can be merciful to other people. He forgives us, so we can [...]
Joyce Meyer - Your Life is What You Make It - Part 5
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Joyce Meyer - Your Life is What You Make It - Part 5
Joyce Meyer - Your Life is What You Make It - Part 5
Well, we're talking about "Your life is what you make it," and everybody can have a good life because God is no respecter of persons. He says he's got a good plan for you, and you, and you, and you, and you, and there's nobody left out. [...]
Joyce Meyer - Your Life is What You Make It - Part 4
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Joyce Meyer - Your Life is What You Make It - Part 4
Joyce Meyer - Your Life is What You Make It - Part 4
Your attitude determines the quality of your life. Your attitude is your outlook on life, especially the way you look at problems. A good attitude, a positive attitude equals an enjoyable life. Not necessarily one that's trouble free, but one that's [...]
Joyce Meyer - Your Life is What You Make It - Part 3
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Joyce Meyer - Your Life is What You Make It - Part 3
Joyce Meyer - Your Life is What You Make It - Part 3
A few weeks ago, God said to me, on a day, when I was about to have a bad mood... How many of you can tell when you're about to have a bad mood? Well, you know, when you...that's the time to do something about it. Don't wait till you've been in a [...]
Joyce Meyer - Your Life is What You Make It - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Your Life is What You Make It - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Your Life is What You Make It - Part 2
You are in charge of your life now: you oversee your life. And you can have a good life if you want to. And I hope I'm shaking some things loose in some of you that, you know, you've just, man, I don't want you to just settle in and say, "Well, [...]
Joyce Meyer - Your Life is What You Make It - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Your Life is What You Make It - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Your Life is What You Make It - Part 1
Several weeks ago, I got up one morning and it was just one of those days where I kinda felt like if I wasn't careful, I might just be in a bad mood. And as I drank my coffee that morning, I started to have little, tiny thoughts of self-pity. [...]
Joyce Meyer - How Your Thoughts Affect Your Marriage - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - How Your Thoughts Affect Your Marriage - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - How Your Thoughts Affect Your Marriage - Part 2
Ginger Stache : Hi friends, and welcome to "Enjoying Everyday Life". Well, we had a lot of fun on the set of the talk it out podcast yesterday hearing about Dave and Joyce's thoughts and their thought process on marriage. And today, we [...]
Joyce Meyer - How Your Thoughts Affect Your Marriage - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - How Your Thoughts Affect Your Marriage - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - How Your Thoughts Affect Your Marriage - Part 1
Ginger Stache : Hi, and welcome to, "Enjoying Everyday Life". Today, we have a special show for you. It is the man, the myth, the legend, Dave Meyer. And he is joining us today on the set of the talk it out podcast to discuss how your [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Big Questions for Women - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - The Big Questions for Women - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - The Big Questions for Women - Part 2
Ginger Stache : Well, here's another question that came in on social media, as most of these did. And I think this is a great one. And it's hard for men too, but it's especially hard for women. "How do you deal with criticism in your roles and [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Big Questions for Women - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - The Big Questions for Women - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - The Big Questions for Women - Part 1
Ginger Stache : Hi, everyone. Come on in here. We are going to talk it out. This is where my friends and I get real about life and God's word. And I'll tell ya, you'll hear stuff here that you may not hear anywhere else. So, we're so glad that you [...]
Joyce Meyer - Matthew 5 - Part 3
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Joyce Meyer - Matthew 5 - Part 3
Joyce Meyer - Matthew 5 - Part 3
Thank you for joining us today on "Enjoying Everyday Life". Why do I call this program "Enjoying Everyday Life"? Because I wasn't enjoying mine, and I found out from the Word of God that Jesus died so we could have and enjoy our [...]
Joyce Meyer - Matthew 5 - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Matthew 5 - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Matthew 5 - Part 2
Well, thank you for joining me today on "Enjoying Everyday Life". I love God's word. I love to teach God's word. And I hope that you really love God's word too. Because if we abide in his word, we will have a life that is beyond anything [...]
Joyce Meyer - Matthew 5 - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Matthew 5 - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Matthew 5 - Part 1
Well, thank you for joining me today on "Enjoying Everyday Life". You know, the more of God's word that you know and put into practice, the more you will enjoy every day of your life. Today, I'm going to begin a teaching out of Matthew [...]
Joyce Meyer - Finding God's Will for Your Life - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Finding God's Will for Your Life - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Finding God's Will for Your Life - Part 2
God's will is that you serve him with gladness, that you serve him with contentment, that you know how to be the same in every kind of situation. Because there is no temptation that can come to you that God will not provide a way out. And so, when [...]
Joyce Meyer - Finding God's Will for Your Life - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Finding God's Will for Your Life - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Finding God's Will for Your Life - Part 1
I wanna talk to you today about finding God's will for your life. A lot of people worry about that. They're always wondering if they're in God's will or what is God's will. And so, the first thing I wanna say is just calm down. Because if you want [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Fall of Joyce Meyer, Literally - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - The Fall of Joyce Meyer, Literally - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - The Fall of Joyce Meyer, Literally - Part 2
Ginger Stache : Hi, everyone. Welcome to "Enjoying Everyday Life". We are so happy to have you with us today. Last year, Joyce went through a surgery which led to complications, and then, she fell and broke her leg. One problem after the [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Fall of Joyce Meyer, Literally - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - The Fall of Joyce Meyer, Literally - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - The Fall of Joyce Meyer, Literally - Part 1
Ginger Stache : Hey everybody, welcome to talk it out. We are back and we are thrilled to be here. This is where all of us girlfriends, we sit down, we talk about life and God's word and how it applies to everything that we're going through. We [...]
Joyce Meyer - Who is the Holy Spirit? - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Who is the Holy Spirit? - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Who is the Holy Spirit? - Part 2
Hi, and welcome to "Enjoying Everyday Life". Today, the second part of our discussion on the Holy Spirit that we began yesterday. It's a practical, eye-opening look into something that can be a bit confusing and sometimes even divisive, [...]
Joyce Meyer - Who is the Holy Spirit? - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Who is the Holy Spirit? - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Who is the Holy Spirit? - Part 1
Did you know that when Jesus left the earth after his resurrection he said that it is a good thing because he was leaving behind someone even better? Really? This must be someone we need to meet, right? Well, today, on the program, we are exploring [...]
Joyce Meyer - Dressed for Battle - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Dressed for Battle - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Dressed for Battle - Part 2
The Bible talks about "Wearing your shoes of peace". You wanna do some high-powered, spiritual warfare, you just enter the rest of God and stay in peace when the devil's trying to stir a bunch of stuff up. My morning was so crazy, I [...]
Joyce Meyer - Dressed for Battle - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Dressed for Battle - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Dressed for Battle - Part 1
We're doing a little series this weekend on the devil. I know you're all happy about hearing about the devil. Some people don't believe the devil's real, but I'm sorry to tell you that he is. And if you don't believe that all you gotta do is look [...]
Joyce Meyer - Is the Devil Real? - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Is the Devil Real? - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Is the Devil Real? - Part 2
Names of the devil that you'll see in the Bible, and this is just a small smathering. Prince of darkness, Beelzebub, Lord of the flies, the antichrist, the evil one, prince of the power of the air, ruler of this world's system. He's not the ruler of [...]
Joyce Meyer - Is the Devil Real? - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Is the Devil Real? - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Is the Devil Real? - Part 1
Father, we thank you for the word tonight. Believe it's gonna come out just exactly how you want it to, in Jesus' name. Is the devil real? Well, yes, I'm glad you agree that he is. It's very hard for me to believe the statistic that I read, but [...]
Joyce Meyer - Righteousness - Part 3
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Joyce Meyer - Righteousness - Part 3
Joyce Meyer - Righteousness - Part 3
Well, thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". I'm gonna be talking to you today about the importance of stability. If you have the right foundation in your life, how you can be stable in any kind of a circumstance or [...]
Joyce Meyer - Righteousness - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Righteousness - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Righteousness - Part 2
Thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". We're so glad that you tuned in. And I believe that you're gonna enjoy the program. Today, I wanna talk to you about the search for self-worth. And I think most of us do spend at [...]
Joyce Meyer - Tests and Rewards - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Tests and Rewards - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Tests and Rewards - Part 2
If, when you have trouble, you will do things God's way, you will always rise victorious. You will always come out triumphant. But you can't have a trouble and act like an unbeliever and expect to come out with God's reward. So, we gotta get honest [...]
Joyce Meyer - Tests and Rewards - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Tests and Rewards - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Tests and Rewards - Part 1
There was a time in my life when I had had so many bad things happen to me for so long that I got to the point where I was afraid of trouble. The Bible calls it "Evil forebodings". And it says that "All of our days are made anxious by [...]
Joyce Meyer - Righteousness - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Righteousness - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Righteousness - Part 1
Thank you for joining me today on "Enjoying Everyday Life". And you know, that's exactly what God wants you to do. But the subject I'm gonna be talking about actually today, and for the next couple of days, if you don't really have this as [...]
Joyce Meyer - Goodbye Loneliness
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Joyce Meyer - Goodbye Loneliness
Joyce Meyer - Goodbye Loneliness
Ginger Stache : Hi, friends. Thanks for tuning in to "Enjoying Everyday Life". You know, loneliness is something that we can all relate to. And today, Joyce, Erin Cluley, and I are saying, "Goodbye, loneliness," with God's help, [...]
Joyce Meyer - What Is Love? - Part 4
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Joyce Meyer - What Is Love? - Part 4
Joyce Meyer - What Is Love? - Part 4
Now, I don't know if you believe me or not, if you think this'll work, but I tell you what, I made a list of 65 things that I wanted to see happen in my life, and I said all of them were a reality and not one of them was a reality. And right now, I [...]
Joyce Meyer - Excellence - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Excellence - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Excellence - Part 2
An excellent person exceeds the requirements. They always go the extra mile. They go above and beyond, and they always do more than enough. They always do a superior job. John Maxwell said that one of his goals, every time he goes to speak, is to [...]
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