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James Meehan - You're Made for Greater Things
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James Meehan - You're Made for Greater Things
James Meehan - You're Made for Greater Things
How many of you know that you are actually far more than you might think you are? For me, when I was growing up, I always wanted to make a difference. I wanted to be seen as significant. I did not want to be average. And it could be because I [...]
James Meehan - How Jesus Transforms Our Pain Into Something Better
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James Meehan - How Jesus Transforms Our Pain Into Something Better
James Meehan - How Jesus Transforms Our Pain Into Something Better
Well, it's pretty common as Christians here in the US of A to talk about how blessed we are to live in a nation where we can practice our faith without the fear of persecution. Because there are actually places in the world today where public [...]
James Meehan - The Problem With Perfectionism
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James Meehan - The Problem With Perfectionism
James Meehan - The Problem With Perfectionism
Well, today, we are talking about the problem of perfectionism. But more importantly than just talking about the problem, we were talking about how the grace of God takes that crushing weight off of our shoulders and place it it gently onto His. [...]
James Meehan - Why Small Choices Change Who You Become
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James Meehan - Why Small Choices Change Who You Become
James Meehan - Why Small Choices Change Who You Become
Well, how many of you know those people who are different in all of the right ways? Like, they are kind, they are patient, they are confident, they are selfless. Like, how many of you know those kinds of people? When I think about that person in my [...]
James Meehan - The Surprising Secret Formula to a Blessed Life
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James Meehan - The Surprising Secret Formula to a Blessed Life
James Meehan - The Surprising Secret Formula to a Blessed Life
So what does it actually mean to be blessed, though? That's like a pretty important question. And I think if we were to ask like 100 people in your school, we would get a whole lot of answers that sound something like, "Blessed are those who [...]
James Meehan - Discover Your Purpose in Life as a Teenager
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James Meehan - Discover Your Purpose in Life as a Teenager
James Meehan - Discover Your Purpose in Life as a Teenager
So what are you gonna do with your life? Like what are you gonna do after you graduate high school? Are you gonna go to college or straight into the workforce? Are you gonna pursue a career in ministry? Do you think that you're going to get married [...]
James Meehan - You've Been Lied to About Finding Real Happiness
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James Meehan - You've Been Lied to About Finding Real Happiness
James Meehan - You've Been Lied to About Finding Real Happiness
You have been lied to. And the worst part is that most of us don't even realize it. And yes, this means you, watching from wherever you're watching, whether at Switch in real life or watching this video on YouTube, you have been lied to. And the [...]
James Meehan - When You Don't Like What You See in the Mirror
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James Meehan - When You Don't Like What You See in the Mirror
James Meehan - When You Don't Like What You See in the Mirror
When you look in the mirror as you are brushing your teeth in the morning, who do you see? Do you see somebody that is kind and interesting and courageous? Or do you see somebody that you wish was different, somebody that maybe isn't as kind as you [...]
James Meehan - The Wrong Way to Follow Jesus (Don't Make This Mistake)
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James Meehan - The Wrong Way to Follow Jesus (Don't Make This Mistake)
James Meehan - The Wrong Way to Follow Jesus (Don't Make This Mistake)
Quite frankly, most Christians suck at following Jesus. That includes me. Most of us don't really do a good job of actually following Jesus. We do a really good job of talking about following Jesus, and talking about Jesus-y things, but actually [...]
James Meehan - Stop Wasting Your Time on What Won't Last
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James Meehan - Stop Wasting Your Time on What Won't Last
James Meehan - Stop Wasting Your Time on What Won't Last
Over the years, I've seen countless stories of students be used by God to make a profound difference. And I've watched countless students waste their potential because they were chasing after things that promised so much, but took so much more. [...]
James Meehan - Answering the Top 10 Questions Teenagers are Afraid to Ask
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James Meehan - Answering the Top 10 Questions Teenagers are Afraid to Ask
James Meehan - Answering the Top 10 Questions Teenagers are Afraid to Ask
Well today to, close out our series, "Big Questions, Honest Answers", we're answering 10 of your questions with our best and most honest answers. So we're going to move fast because we've got a lot of ground to cover. Make sure you are [...]
James Meehan - 4 Questions Every Person Should Ask to Live a Good Life
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James Meehan - 4 Questions Every Person Should Ask to Live a Good Life
James Meehan - 4 Questions Every Person Should Ask to Live a Good Life
Well, we are in week two of our series, Big Questions, Honest Answers. And this week, we are answering the question, how do I live a good life? Now you can find answers to that question in lots of different places, but most of the answers you will [...]
James Meehan - Is Jesus Worth Following?
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James Meehan - Is Jesus Worth Following?
James Meehan - Is Jesus Worth Following?
Well, if life was a test, there would certainly be a whole lot of questions on that test, questions about like what are you gonna do for a living? Where are you gonna live? What school are you gonna go to? Who are you going to marry? Who will your [...]
James Meehan - Getting What You Want Most in Life
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James Meehan - Getting What You Want Most in Life
James Meehan - Getting What You Want Most in Life
Getting what you want most in life will almost always require you to give up the stuff that you want now. And this is true of pretty much anything that you want most in life, like if what you want most is to be a professional athlete, then you're [...]
James Meehan - Is Insecurity Keeping You from an Authentic Life?
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James Meehan - Is Insecurity Keeping You from an Authentic Life?
James Meehan - Is Insecurity Keeping You from an Authentic Life?
Well, today we are talking about how to live free from insecurity, and filled with authenticity. Because now possibly more than ever before, that is something we all desire in our lives, authenticity. We want that in our relationships. We want that [...]
James Meehan - Will God Answer My Prayers?
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James Meehan - Will God Answer My Prayers?
James Meehan - Will God Answer My Prayers?
We are talking about prayer, which is simply having a conversation with God. But the reason why we're talking about this is because how we think about prayer and how God responds to our prayers has the potential to make or break our faith. How God [...]
James Meehan - Tempted to Quit on Jesus
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James Meehan - Tempted to Quit on Jesus
James Meehan - Tempted to Quit on Jesus
Well, today we are looking at a passage of scripture that illustrates Jesus' surprising strategy for separating the crowd from the committed. Now, show of hands, how many of you would say that you have ever been confused by the Bible? Show of hands, [...]
James Meehan - How Far Would You Go for Your Friends
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James Meehan - How Far Would You Go for Your Friends?
James Meehan - How Far Would You Go for Your Friends?
How far would you go to help someone you care about get the care they need? Like what steps would you take to help someone you love, overcome whatever struggle they are going through? The friends that we're gonna read about in today's passage of [...]
James Meehan - Following Jesus Changes Everything
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James Meehan - Following Jesus Changes Everything
James Meehan - Following Jesus Changes Everything
Well, Jesus is better than anything and following him changes everything. Jesus is better than anything and following him changes everything. And as I say those words, I literally see some of you looking at me nodding your head, saying yes and Amen. [...]
James Meehan - What You Need If You Want to See God Move
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James Meehan - What You Need If You Want to See God Move
James Meehan - What You Need If You Want to See God Move
Have you ever hoped that God would show up in your life in a big way, but he didn't? Like maybe for you it was when your parents were getting divorced and you were crying out to God night after night that he would fix your family. But here you are [...]
James Meehan - How Music Affects Your Mind
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James Meehan - How Music Affects Your Mind
James Meehan - How Music Affects Your Mind
Music is a really big deal. Like, it has a huge influence on us and the world. Like, if we were just to count up the dollars that are made every year in the music industry, that would be a whole lot of dollars. If you were just to add up all of the [...]
James Meehan - How to Become Someone Great
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James Meehan - How to Become Someone Great
James Meehan - How to Become Someone Great
All of us want to become someone. We want to become someone great, someone admired, someone respected, someone loved. We wanna become someone who makes a difference, who leaves a legacy that outlasts us. And while that's like a really awesome dream [...]
James Meehan - When Can I Start Living My Calling
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James Meehan - When Can I Start Living My Calling
James Meehan - When Can I Start Living My Calling
Fulfilling your God-given purpose of loving him with your whole self and loving others as you love yourself is a really big deal. And it can be very intimidating because it is so much more than what most of us do most of our lives. It is so much [...]
James Meehan - How to Fulfill Your Purpose
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James Meehan - How to Fulfill Your Purpose
James Meehan - How to Fulfill Your Purpose
Well, my name is James Meehan and we are currently in our series, The Calling, where we are learning how to actually discover our God-given purpose. Today we're answering two big questions. How do I find my purpose and how do I fulfill my purpose? [...]
James Meehan - Finding Direction in Your Life
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James Meehan - Finding Direction in Your Life
James Meehan - Finding Direction in Your Life
So what are you gonna do with your life? Like what are you gonna do after you graduate high school? Are you gonna go to college or straight into the workforce? Are you gonna pursue a career in ministry? Do you think that you're going to get married [...]
James Meehan - News That Could Change Your Life
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James Meehan - News That Could Change Your Life
James Meehan - News That Could Change Your Life
Well, if you were to hear the greatest news on the planet and you knew that this news had the potential to change your best friend's life, how would you tell them? Like you are writing up a text right now getting ready to tell them about this thing [...]
James Meehan - Overcoming Your Life Obstacles
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James Meehan - Overcoming Your Life Obstacles
James Meehan - Overcoming Your Life Obstacles
What do you do when life gets hard? Like when you run into an obstacle in your life or in your faith and you're not sure how to move past it. Do you just throw in the towel? Or do you keep trying and moving forward? If so, how? That's exactly what [...]
James Meehan - Why Would God Let That Happen?
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James Meehan - Why Would God Let That Happen?
James Meehan - Why Would God Let That Happen?
Well, have you ever questioned God? Like have you ever heard something about what God did or read something in the Bible that just left you wondering why? Like how could a God Who is good and loving allow that? How could a God Who is good and loving [...]
James Meehan - 3 Reasons Spider-Man is One of the Greatest Super Heroes of All Time
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James Meehan - 3 Reasons Spider-Man is One of the Greatest Super Heroes of All
James Meehan - 3 Reasons Spider-Man is One of the Greatest Super Heroes of All Time
Spider-Man is one of the most successful and popular superheroes of all time, and for really good reason. Like when he was introduced, he broke the superhero mold in significant ways. And since then, he has faced off against memorable villains, had [...]
James Meehan - Is the Bible Relevant?
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James Meehan - Is the Bible Relevant?
James Meehan - Is the Bible Relevant?
Now when I think about my story with the Bible, I think about as a little kid having this mindset that the Bible was outdated and irrelevant. It was a book full of weird stories that didn't really make much sense to me and didn't seem to have [...]
James Meehan - When the Bible Contradicts Itself
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James Meehan - When the Bible Contradicts Itself
James Meehan - When the Bible Contradicts Itself
Okay, so I'm a Christian, right? But what do you do when it seems like the Bible contradicts itself? Like when it says one thing in one place and something totally different in another place. Do you just pretend like you didn't see that other thing [...]
James Meehan - One Thing Christians and Atheists Agree On
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James Meehan - One Thing Christians and Atheists Agree On
James Meehan - One Thing Christians and Atheists Agree On
Well, Christians and atheists don't agree about a lot of things, but one of the things that they do agree on for the most part is their dislike of the Book of Leviticus. Like, for many Christians, this book is a source of so many questions and so [...]
James Meehan - Did God Really Say That?
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James Meehan - Did God Really Say That?
James Meehan - Did God Really Say That?
When we stop trusting God's character and we stop obeying his commands, the devil wins. And doesn't take an expert to tell you that a whole lot of people doubt God's goodness and his existence and are blatantly disobeying his commands. So what do we [...]
James Meehan - God Is Still Good When Life Is Not
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James Meehan - God Is Still Good When Life Is Not
James Meehan - God Is Still Good When Life Is Not
Well, no book has sold more copies, been stolen more times, inspired more faith, changed more lives, and created more questions than the Bible. Some people will tell you it is the greatest work of literature ever written. Others will tell you that [...]
James Meehan - How To Have REAL Friendships
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James Meehan - How To Have REAL Friendships
James Meehan - How To Have REAL Friendships
If you are alive, if you are breathing, if you have a pulse, if you belong to the species homo sapien, which means human, then it is very likely that you have a strong desire for real, lasting, and life-giving friendships. It's very likely that you [...]
James Meehan - The Reason You Shouldn't Do Life Alone
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James Meehan - The Reason You Shouldn't Do Life Alone
James Meehan - The Reason You Shouldn't Do Life Alone
We are living in a time where there is an epidemic of loneliness. Like all around the country and the world, there are people who say that they feel lonely and isolated, more often than not. It has gotten so bad that the current U.S. Surgeon [...]
James Meehan - Learning to Love From the Most Influential Teacher in History
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James Meehan - Learning to Love From the Most Influential Teacher in History
James Meehan - Learning to Love From the Most Influential Teacher in History
So how are we gonna learn to love like Jesus? The best place that we can look is to Jesus, who is the most influential teacher in history. But he wasn't just like a regular teacher, right? He wasn't like a life coach offering tips and tricks and how [...]
James Meehan - Why Does God Play Hide and Seek?
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James Meehan - Why Does God Play Hide and Seek?
James Meehan - Why Does God Play Hide and Seek?
Well, hello, my name is James Meehan, and in this video, we're going to look at one of the most common objections to faith in Jesus that people have. This one is often called "the hiddenness of God," and it goes like this: If God is good, [...]
James Meehan - The Problem with Being Told To Be True to Yourself
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James Meehan - The Problem with Being Told To Be True to Yourself
James Meehan - The Problem with Being Told To Be True to Yourself
Problem with being told to be true to yourself is the idea of figuring out what does that even mean? Because in order to be true to yourself, you have to actually know what it is that makes you, you. Because until you know what makes you, you, you [...]
James Meehan - Is Christianity the Right Religion?
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James Meehan - Is Christianity the Right Religion?
James Meehan - Is Christianity the Right Religion?
If there are so many different religions, how can we be sure that Christianity is the right one? And if it is, what about people of other faiths who sincerely try to live for their God? Doesn't that count for something? Well, my name is James [...]
James Meehan - WHY Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
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James Meehan - WHY Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
James Meehan - WHY Do Bad Things Happen to Good People?
Why do bad things... Bite my tongue, I bit my tongue. Why do bad things happen to good people? That's what we're talking about today. Let's talk about this. Why does God allow evil and suffering? Why do bad things happen to good people? That was the [...]
James Meehan - Is Christianity Even Good?
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James Meehan - Is Christianity Even Good?
James Meehan - Is Christianity Even Good?
We live in a world where people are more isolated than ever before. Where we are overwhelmed with information, to the point where we're not even sure what to do, where consumerism is the new norm. We live in a world where honestly, people are more [...]
James Meehan - Break Free from the Prison of Porn
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James Meehan - Break Free from the Prison of Porn
James Meehan - Break Free from the Prison of Porn
We live in a world today where porn is more accessible and acceptable than it's ever been before which has led to so many young people like you getting trapped in a cycle of addiction. That's why today we're talking about three steps you can take to [...]
James Meehan - How To Create Lasting Change
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James Meehan - How To Create Lasting Change
James Meehan - How To Create Lasting Change
Have you ever wanted to make a change in your life? Like there's this thing that you're currently doing that you don't want to do anymore, or maybe there's a thing that you're not doing that you want to start doing because you think it will make [...]
James Meehan - How to Level Up Your Finances as a Teenager
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James Meehan - How to Level Up Your Finances as a Teenager
James Meehan - How to Level Up Your Finances as a Teenager
Well, today we're talking about how to level up your finances as a teenager. So, let's make it rain. Starting at level one, the simplest, but still very helpful method. It's called 10/10/80 where you give the first 10% back to God through the time. [...]
James Meehan - How To Become Incorruptible
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James Meehan - How To Become Incorruptible
James Meehan - How To Become Incorruptible
Well, what's up Bible nerds? My name is James Meehan and today we are continuing our exploration of idols what they are, why they suck, and how to tear them down in our own lives so that we can be a people of holiness and justice as a reminder an [...]
James Meehan - The Lie You Think is True
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James Meehan - The Lie You Think is True
James Meehan - The Lie You Think is True
Hello and welcome to this week of Switch. My name is James Meehan, and we are continuing in our series, "Tear Down the Idols". This week we are talking about the idol of desire. And to kick things off, I'm going to share with you some bad [...]
James Meehan - 3 Ways You Can Be Wise Online
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James Meehan - 3 Ways You Can Be Wise Online
James Meehan - 3 Ways You Can Be Wise Online
So if you wanna be wise online, here's my suggestion. First, curate, second, eliminate, and then third, evaluate. Point number one, curate what you want to see. A museum curator, their job is to decide what gets into the museum and then what's not [...]
James Meehan - What Will You Do Almost Anything For?
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James Meehan - What Will You Do Almost Anything For?
James Meehan - What Will You Do Almost Anything For?
Well, what's up, Bible Nerds? My name is James Meehan, and today we are talking about the idol of desire in conjunction with our ongoing Wednesday night message series, Tear Down the Idols. What we're going to look at today is a story from the Old [...]
James Meehan - How To Waste Your Life
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James Meehan - How To Waste Your Life
James Meehan - How To Waste Your Life
Over the years, I've seen countless stories of students be used by God to make a profound difference. And I've watched countless students waste their potential because they were chasing after things that promised so much, but took so much more. [...]
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