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Steven Furtick - Reverse the Ripple
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Steven Furtick - Reverse the Ripple
Steven Furtick - Reverse the Ripple
We honor your presence, God. It's never an interruption to our plans to give you praise. Anytime we can make an altar and worship you, our sacrifice, it brings us joy. Lord, I thank you for a palpable sense of faith and expectation rooted in the [...]
Steven Furtick - Facing Not Enough
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Steven Furtick - Facing Not Enough
Steven Furtick - Facing Not Enough
This is an excerpt from: Navigating Not Enough Sometimes "not enough" is a fact. It is. I met a lady last weekend. She came up to me in tears. She said, "I listen to your sermons. I love God, but I need a job". We prayed on the [...]
Steven Furtick - Why Breakthrough Requires a Breakup
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Steven Furtick - Why Breakthrough Requires a Breakup
Steven Furtick - Why Breakthrough Requires a Breakup
This is an excerpt from: Breaking the Bondage of Wrong Belief You have a Midian in your life, an external enemy that you so badly want to see God drive back. He can, and he will, and he has plans to do it and to use you in the process, not just for [...]
Steven Furtick - Rescue Your Testimony
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Steven Furtick - Rescue Your Testimony
Steven Furtick - Rescue Your Testimony
How many came for a word from God today? God's got you. Remain standing for one moment. I'm going to be sharing today from Romans 5:1-9, and then I'm going to go to one other Scripture as well. Fair warning. I overstudied this week. Better than the [...]
Steven Furtick - Struggling to Trust God
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Steven Furtick - Struggling to Trust God
Steven Furtick - Struggling to Trust God
This is an excerpt from: Now Turn North How much trust you have depends on how much truth you've hidden. If you're having a hard time trusting God in an area of your life right now, it may be a sign that you have not hidden the truth in your heart [...]
Steven Furtick - What God Says Vs. What You Feel
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Steven Furtick - What God Says Vs. What You Feel
Steven Furtick - What God Says Vs. What You Feel
This is an excerpt from: Running For a Reason Isn't it confusing when God calls you one thing and your circumstances call you another? Isn't it crazy when God calls you free and your habits call you addict? Isn't it crazy when God calls you loved [...]
Steven Furtick - Stepping Out In Doubt
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Steven Furtick - Stepping Out In Doubt
Steven Furtick - Stepping Out In Doubt
This is an excerpt from: It's The Motion That Matters How many of you are dealing with uncertainty right now in an area of your life where you are trying to figure out whether the doubt you have is something you should pay attention to as caution [...]
Steven Furtick - God Is Bigger Than Your Problems
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Steven Furtick - God Is Bigger Than Your Problems
Steven Furtick - God Is Bigger Than Your Problems
This is an excerpt from: Cover The Spread Sometimes, for me, I don't know what that means to take it to the Lord in prayer. Well, Hezekiah gives us a way to go to God that I really think is going to help you with the letter you carried in here [...]
Steven Furtick - This Is What A Miracle Feels Like
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Steven Furtick - This Is What A Miracle Feels Like
Steven Furtick - This Is What A Miracle Feels Like
Thank you, Lord. We came today to praise you. We live to praise you. We breathe to praise you. We exist to glorify you and enjoy you forever. In your presence is the fullness of joy. At your right hand are pleasures forevermore. We praise you, [...]
Steven Furtick - Trust God's Timing
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Steven Furtick - Trust God's Timing
Steven Furtick - Trust God's Timing
This is an excerpt from: "Not Now" Is Not "No" How many of you have something in your life right now that's taking longer than it should if God is big? Okay. How many of you have something in your life right now that you feel [...]
Steven Furtick - Fighting Loneliness
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Steven Furtick - Fighting Loneliness
Steven Furtick - Fighting Loneliness
This is an excerpt from: He Was The One Even if I'm stuck in this narrative in my life that "I'm really no one special. I'm really no one, and I have no one," it's a lie. If I believe that I am no one and I have no one, as so many of us [...]
Steven Furtick - Think Like a Reaper
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Steven Furtick - Think Like a Reaper
Steven Furtick - Think Like a Reaper
Just put in the chat right now, if you're joining us on our eFam one thing that you thank God for today. And while you're at it, tell your neighbor here at Ballantyne one thing you thank God for. University City, one thing you thank God for. And if [...]
Steven Furtick - You Have Suffered Enough!
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Steven Furtick - You Have Suffered Enough!
Steven Furtick - You Have Suffered Enough!
Sometimes God will put you in a situation because he put something in you that that situation needs. So, all of the prayers of "God, get me out of this; God, get me through this…" There are things God wants to do as you go through them [...]
Steven Furtick - Ready For a New Perspective?
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Steven Furtick - Ready For a New Perspective?
Steven Furtick - Ready For a New Perspective?
This is an excerpt from: Try Higher It's not that I wasn't doing enough. It's not that I wasn't trying enough. It's that I wasn't trusting enough. I kept thinking if I couldn't get in the way I wanted to get in, it wasn't meant to be. No. It's not [...]
Steven Furtick - Breaking the Bondage of Wrong Belief
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Steven Furtick - Breaking the Bondage of Wrong Belief
Steven Furtick - Breaking the Bondage of Wrong Belief
It's time for the Word of God, put your hands together. Welcome eFam all around the world, let's go into the Word of God. This word God gave me today he began to speak to me on March 7, 2023. It has taken me that long to figure out how to share it [...]
Steven Furtick - Stop Blaming and Start Healing
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Steven Furtick - Stop Blaming and Start Healing
Steven Furtick - Stop Blaming and Start Healing
This is an excerpt from: Protect The Vessel God said that some of you are going today from a posture of pain to a posture of power, but it's going to be a different kind of power. It's going to be a 2 Corinthians 4 kind of power. In 2 Corinthians [...]
Steven Furtick - God Is Doing a New Thing
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Steven Furtick - God Is Doing a New Thing
Steven Furtick - God Is Doing a New Thing
This is an excerpt from: The God Of A Way What I'm trying to say to you today is if you are in a muddy situation, if you are in the muddy middle of a transition in your life, if you are in the muddy middle of beginning a recovery process, if you [...]
Steven Furtick - Running For a Reason
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Steven Furtick - Running For a Reason
Steven Furtick - Running For a Reason
How many are grateful to be in God's house today? All right, for all the early adopters who sat down, stand back up, I hadn't read my scripture yet. You jumped a gun, didn't you? Oh, man. I have a message today that I believe is going to inspire [...]
Steven Furtick - It's The Motion That Matters
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Steven Furtick - It's The Motion That Matters
Steven Furtick - It's The Motion That Matters
Come on clap those hands if you're thankful. Let's do something real quick. Let's fill the place with praise, with our testimony. We overcome by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony. Turn around and tell about three people something [...]
Steven Furtick - How To Stay Calm In Any Storm
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Steven Furtick - How To Stay Calm In Any Storm
Steven Furtick - How To Stay Calm In Any Storm
This is an excerpt from: Knock Knock One of the weird things about living with other human beings in the same house is the idiosyncrasies that you notice about them whether you want to or not. Oh, that sounded tender. External processor over here, [...]
Steven Furtick - Why The Devil Attacks You?
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Steven Furtick - Why The Devil Attacks You?
Steven Furtick - Why The Devil Attacks You?
This is an excerpt from: The God Of After If you're not paying attention to the patterns in your life, you are easy prey for the Enemy. You have to get into Spirit-led reflection where the Holy Spirit takes you back through your day and shows you [...]
Steven Furtick - God's Hand Is Over Your Life
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Steven Furtick - God's Hand Is Over Your Life
Steven Furtick - God's Hand Is Over Your Life
This is an excerpt from: The Other Hand I want you to go back in your mind. You're 16 years old. Close your eyes. You're 16. I do this when I'm preaching to the youth. Before I preach to the youth, I always put on the music I listened to when I was [...]
Steven Furtick - Your Breakthrough Is Close
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Steven Furtick - Your Breakthrough Is Close
Steven Furtick - Your Breakthrough Is Close
This is an excerpt from: The God of Already What I really couldn't get over about this passage… I don't know if you noticed it. It said, "…they were not far from shore, about a hundred yards". Wait. So, let's do some math. They're in the [...]
Steven Furtick - 'Not Now' Is Not 'No'
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Steven Furtick - 'Not Now' Is Not 'No'
Steven Furtick - 'Not Now' Is Not 'No'
Y'all be praying for the worship team. They're going on tour this week. We want them covered and smothered in prayer. They'll be in Boca Raton on Tuesday, and other places. Where can we go to find out if there are tickets in our area, Chris? It's [...]
Steven Furtick - The Devil Wants You Anxious
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Steven Furtick - The Devil Wants You Anxious
Steven Furtick - The Devil Wants You Anxious
This is an excerpt from: The Guided Mind and The Guarded Heart I want you to know you can bring any problem you ever have into the presence of God. Your problems are welcome in God's presence. You might as well bring them into the presence of God. [...]
Steven Furtick - God's Not Frustrated With You
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Steven Furtick - God's Not Frustrated With You
Steven Furtick - God's Not Frustrated With You
This is an excerpt from: The God Of Again God is into repetition, and I'm glad he is, because the fact that he's into repetition means he will keep on sustaining me and keep on blessing me over and over again. That's why I read you the Scripture I [...]
Steven Furtick - It's Going To Happen Here
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Steven Furtick - It's Going To Happen Here
Steven Furtick - It's Going To Happen Here
Glory to God. We have a very, very special album we just released this week. I also want to echo what Chris said, that it is an amazing church to be a part of that releases songs into the world. Have you thought about the fact that the songs we [...]
Steven Furtick - Remove What's Blocking You
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Steven Furtick - Remove What's Blocking You
Steven Furtick - Remove What's Blocking You
This is an excerpt from: Unlearn Your Limitations He does comfort the downcast. He'll speak words of reassurance to you when everybody else is speaking words of condemnation to you. Be sure of it. But the same God who comforts the downcast also [...]
Steven Furtick - You're Made For More
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Steven Furtick - You're Made For More
Steven Furtick - You're Made For More
This is an excerpt from: The God Of Also I believe God has called us all. I don't believe God just selects a special few to work for him and serve him. I believe God calls us all in particular ways at certain times in accordance with his purpose. [...]
Steven Furtick - God Will Open a Door
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Steven Furtick - God Will Open a Door
Steven Furtick - God Will Open a Door
This is an excerpt from: A Troubled Mind And An Open Door God has you situated. Now, Corinth was a city that was situated… It was important because it was a cosmopolitan city that also represented a seaport. It was a flourishing place in terms of [...]
Steven Furtick - Let Go of What You Thought
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Steven Furtick - Let Go of What You Thought
Steven Furtick - Let Go of What You Thought
This is an excerpt from: Dig Until God Does I think a lot of us are really confused about what we need to surrender in our lives. We don't need to surrender the desires God has put in our hearts if God put them there. What we need to surrender in [...]
Steven Furtick - Clearing Out Bad Connections
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Steven Furtick - Clearing Out Bad Connections
Steven Furtick - Clearing Out Bad Connections
This is an excerpt from: OFF MENU So, the voice I would hear in my ear would be relative to the device this instrument was paired to. The Bible says, "Walk in the Spirit, and you will not fulfill the lust of the flesh". Is the problem [...]
Steven Furtick - It's Not Too Late For You
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Steven Furtick - It's Not Too Late For You
Steven Furtick - It's Not Too Late For You
This is an excerpt from: Challenge The Shadow for everybody who's looking at something right now that looks like it's over, watch what God did for Hezekiah when Hezekiah called on him. He made the shadow go back up the steps. I thought, "God, [...]
Steven Furtick - Feel Like You Need to Escape?
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Steven Furtick - Feel Like You Need to Escape?
Steven Furtick - Feel Like You Need to Escape?
This is an excerpt from: The Way Of Escape Sometimes the place you go to escape will become the place where you are enslaved. Can I break this down? It may be that you are escaping for survival. You escape to a relationship that is really not good [...]
Steven Furtick - God, How Do I Deal With This?
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Steven Furtick - God, How Do I Deal With This?
Steven Furtick - God, How Do I Deal With This?
This is an excerpt from: A Steady Hand For A Sudden Blessing How many are standing looking at a need right now that you didn't see coming in your life? Even if it's just the surgery you might have to have, but it's freaking you out, raise your [...]
Steven Furtick - Do This If You're Under Attack
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Steven Furtick - Do This If You're Under Attack
Steven Furtick - Do This If You're Under Attack
This is an excerpt from: Cutting Room I want to give you two things you need to do. When you find yourself under attack, when you can't breathe because of it, when you can't see straight because of it… When you're so angry you want to do some stuff [...]
Steven Furtick - Why God Chose You For This
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Steven Furtick - Why God Chose You For This
Steven Furtick - Why God Chose You For This
This is an excerpt from: It Works In Reverse The thing the Lord says to Solomon through David… It's hard for us to believe God feels this way about us, but I want to put it right there in your heart today. Verse 10: "Consider now, for the Lord [...]
Steven Furtick - Blessing Is Coming
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Steven Furtick - Blessing Is Coming
Steven Furtick - Blessing Is Coming
This is an excerpt from: Places Everyone Now I want to preach to everybody who's not where they want to be yet. Now I want to preach to everybody who hasn't mastered what they want to master yet and still feel kind of yanked around by some stuff [...]
Steven Furtick - Quit Letting The Devil Play You
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Steven Furtick - Quit Letting The Devil Play You
Steven Furtick - Quit Letting The Devil Play You
This is an excerpt from: Instruments of Victory I feel God coming into somebody's weakness today. I feel God coming into somebody's dysfunction today, saying, "You are an expensive instrument, but you've been played by the Devil". Today, [...]
Steven Furtick - This Could Be Why You're Tired
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Steven Furtick - This Could Be Why You're Tired
Steven Furtick - This Could Be Why You're Tired
This is an excerpt from: Source Material I just want us to read the Bible like it's real. Here comes a violent wind. You're not shouting; you're ducking under stuff. Here come tongues of fire. The Bible doesn't say it was actual fire. Watch this. [...]
Steven Furtick - God, What Should I Do?
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Steven Furtick - God, What Should I Do?
Steven Furtick - God, What Should I Do?
This is an excerpt from: Ugly Trust To seek the Lord doesn't mean you will know exactly what he's going to do every step along the way. David said, "The best thing I can do is to escape to the land of the Philistines. Then Saul will give up [...]
Steven Furtick - God Has What You Need. Ask Him
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Steven Furtick - God Has What You Need. Ask Him
Steven Furtick - God Has What You Need. Ask Him
This is an excerpt from: Plot Hole I want to teach you a prayer called the plot hole prayer for you to pray when it makes no sense. I'm going to give this to you, and the only thing I ask in return is you use this sucker. You're like, "But I [...]
Steven Furtick - Protected By The Hand of God
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Steven Furtick - Protected By The Hand of God
Steven Furtick - Protected By The Hand of God
This is an excerpt from: Make Peace With Your Strength A word from God just came through me for somebody. You're not insignificant because you're hidden. "Nobody sees me. Nobody notices me. Nobody appreciates me". Do not confuse your [...]
Steven Furtick - Don't Let Disappointment Stop You
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Steven Furtick - Don't Let Disappointment Stop You
Steven Furtick - Don't Let Disappointment Stop You
This is an excerpt from: There's Another Door! Sometimes God lets something in your life die, but don't worry when it dies. Resurrection is who he is and what he does. If you can get the stone rolled away long enough to believe for a little while, [...]
Steven Furtick - OFF MENU
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Steven Furtick - OFF MENU
Steven Furtick - OFF MENU
"I'm praising you because…" Hey, how big is your "because"? Let me hear it right now. If you have a reason… I tell you what. Somebody is praising him today because they woke up today. That's a good start. Now listen. Some people [...]
Steven Furtick - Why God Removes Things From Your Life
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Steven Furtick - Why God Removes Things From Your Life
Steven Furtick - Why God Removes Things From Your Life
This is an excerpt from: When God Goes In That's what's wrong with states of anger and rage. It's that when you're in that state, you're crazy, and you can't remember who you are, because all you can deal with is where you are. Are you confused? [...]
Steven Furtick - Holy Spirit, Help Me Make Sense of This
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Steven Furtick - Holy Spirit, Help Me Make Sense of This
Steven Furtick - Holy Spirit, Help Me Make Sense of This
This is an excerpt from: Page Turner These are the moments, my friend, when you need the Holy Spirit, because you can do something so stupid while you are waiting 10 days that it'll take you 10 years trying to undo it. You will tell yourself a [...]
Steven Furtick - God's Calling You Out
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Steven Furtick - God's Calling You Out
Steven Furtick - God's Calling You Out
This is an excerpt from: God's Up To Something Upstream Now, I want to give you a word from Jesus. Don't doubt downstream what God showed you upstream. For that to make any sense in your life, you will need to spend more time upstream this week, [...]
Steven Furtick - You're Not Alone In This
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Steven Furtick - You're Not Alone In This
Steven Furtick - You're Not Alone In This
This is an excerpt from: Something In Between If I call on his name, and if I stay in his Word, he can change me from Simon to Peter. He can change beauty out of ashes. He can turn graves into gardens. I've got a grave, but I've got a God who can [...]
Steven Furtick - Cutting Room
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Steven Furtick - Cutting Room
Steven Furtick - Cutting Room
Welcome to our family all over the world, our eFam, our extended family. Let's take a moment at Ballantyne to clap our hands. Welcome, every location, every person watching, every family. Hey, how are you doing? Tell the kids to be quiet. Tell them [...]
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