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Andy Stanley - The Honor Game
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Andy Stanley - The Honor Game
Andy Stanley - The Honor Game
Hey, so, as you just heard, we are starting a brand new series today, four part series. Super happy to get it kicked off. So excited to be invited to kick it off here. And the name of the series, as you just saw, is, "Games We Play". Games [...]
Andy Stanley - Broken and Grateful
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Andy Stanley - Broken and Grateful
Andy Stanley - Broken and Grateful
So today, we are starting a brand new series next week. I'm so excited about that, but this is just a week in between. So I get to talk about whatever I want to talk about, which is generally what I talk about anyway. So today, this is a message [...]
Andy Stanley - The Man From God
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Andy Stanley - The Man From God
Andy Stanley - The Man From God
Today is actually part two of a miniseries because it's only two parts, and it's specifically for men, modern men, and our ancient scripts. And if you missed part one last week, I hope you'll go back men and listen or watch or save it for your son [...]
Andy Stanley - Lion and Lamb
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Andy Stanley - Lion and Lamb
Andy Stanley - Lion and Lamb
So today's message is actually just for men. Fathers, for sure, but not just fathers, just all the men in general. So ladies, just feel free to, don't talk amongst yourselves. Maybe just text amongst yourselves, okay? Because this is for the guys, [...]
Andy Stanley - The Ultimate Expression of Faithfulness
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Andy Stanley - The Ultimate Expression of Faithfulness
Andy Stanley - The Ultimate Expression of Faithfulness
Now, I wanna talk about you for a second, even though I don't know you. One of the strangest things about you, and there are so many strange things about you. I mean, I don't know, but you just ask your closest friends, one of the strangest things [...]
Andy Stanley - Maturity
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Andy Stanley - Maturity
Andy Stanley - Maturity
So I'd like to begin today with a pop quiz, because it's been a long time since most of you have had a pop quiz that you hate pop quizzes. Now sometimes in marriage there's a pop quiz, you know, we can talk about that at a different time. But this [...]
Andy Stanley - Easter, No One Saw It Coming
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Andy Stanley - Easter, No One Saw It Coming
Andy Stanley - Easter, No One Saw It Coming
Light of the world lamb, that was slain lion who rose mighty to save the emblem of death. That became the emblem of our faith. It's unbelievable. You know, if you read the New Testament, or if you're familiar with, with the story of the gospel, [...]
Andy Stanley - The Enemy Within
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Andy Stanley - The Enemy Within
Andy Stanley - The Enemy Within
So, I don't know about you, but I had the unique, or not, it's not, not unique, but I had the privilege of having parents who prayed for me and prayed for my sister. And sometimes they would tell us what they're praying for us for. And maybe you had [...]
Andy Stanley - The Wonder of It All
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Andy Stanley - The Wonder of It All
Andy Stanley - The Wonder of It All
Years ago I had the opportunity to go to China with a group. I took my son, Andrew, he was in the ninth grade at the time, so this is many years ago. And while we were there, we had the opportunity to tour a factory, not in a large city, but in a [...]
Andy Stanley - Big and Bold
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Andy Stanley - Big and Bold
Andy Stanley - Big and Bold
Now, as most of you know, my dad was a pastor and he would often say to me when he knew I was going into ministry he would say, "Andy, if you preach from your weakness, you'll never run out of material". And I didn't know whether to take [...]
Andy Stanley - Our Turn
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Andy Stanley - Our Turn
Andy Stanley - Our Turn
So once upon a time there was a chair with your name on it. Now you didn't know it at the time, you were attending a different church or perhaps you weren't attending any church and perhaps you had no interest in church and somebody invited you to [...]
Andy Stanley - Opening Day
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Andy Stanley - Opening Day
Andy Stanley - Opening Day
I wanna welcome all of our Atlanta area churches, those of you're watching online from all over the country and all over the world. It is so great to have you with us and for those of you with us all the time, that's fantastic. And I hope that we [...]
Andy Stanley - What's in a Name?
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Andy Stanley - What's in a Name?
Andy Stanley - What's in a Name?
So it comes as no surprise that I love church. I love the local church. I love like the big C church, the universal church, the worldwide church. And I love our church. I don't know what comes to mind when you hear the word church, maybe the church [...]
Andy Stanley - The Meaning of Meaning
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Andy Stanley - The Meaning of Meaning
Andy Stanley - The Meaning of Meaning
So, if given the choice, and this is kind of a strange choice, and most of you've made it, but let's just play along for a minute. If given the choice between living a meaningful life, living a life full of meaning, or a life without meaning, a life [...]
Andy Stanley - A Full Life
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Andy Stanley - A Full Life
Andy Stanley - A Full Life
I may have told you this before about me, but I'm not much of a goal setter. I've tried to be a goal setter 'cause I think goals are important. And some of the most successful people I know, they're goal setters. And my dad was like a major goal [...]
Andy Stanley - Ask, Answer, Act
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Andy Stanley - Ask, Answer, Act
Andy Stanley - Ask, Answer, Act
So I wanna welcome all those of you joining us from all over the Atlanta area at all of our churches. Those of you down on the south side and down in Fayetteville especially. All the cool stuff you're doing down there, Hilton Heads, South Carolina, [...]
Andy Stanley - The Way of Love
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Andy Stanley - The Way of Love
Andy Stanley - The Way of Love
Now at on Christmas, we, we do our best. All of us who are parents, grandparents, we, our uncles, aunts, anybody who's got kids, you know, involved in their life. We all do our best during the Christmas season to engage the imagination of our [...]
Andy Stanley - A New Way of Life
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Andy Stanley - A New Way of Life
Andy Stanley - A New Way of Life
So one of Jesus' most controversial statements is also one of his most quoted statements. In fact, if you're not a Christian or not from our religious tradition or maybe different religious tradition, you've heard this before, even though you maybe [...]
Andy Stanley - Lost
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Andy Stanley - Lost
Andy Stanley - Lost
So today I'd like to begin with a ridiculous question. It's ridiculous because I already know the answer is kind of rhetorical, so you don't need to answer out loud or raise your hand, but to just get us all on the same page. And I know I know the [...]
Andy Stanley - Deeper and Wider
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Andy Stanley - Deeper and Wider
Andy Stanley - Deeper and Wider
So today we're wrapping up our series Homecoming, and it's just us and our online community. And it's been kind of fun these last couple of weeks to just really talk to the folks in the room and the people who consider North Point Community Church, [...]
Andy Stanley - Your Place in the Story
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Andy Stanley - Your Place in the Story
Andy Stanley - Your Place in the Story
So today I want to read what is perhaps Jesus' most well-known parable to you. And it's a parable about a homecoming. And the brilliance of this parable is lost on most of us because we've heard it so many times. It's iconic. People who weren't even [...]
Andy Stanley - For Those Who Doubt
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Andy Stanley - For Those Who Doubt
Andy Stanley - For Those Who Doubt
So if you are in the middle of a difficult season of your life, maybe something going on in your marriage, maybe there's you fear, there's something going on in your marriage. You can't quite put your finger on it, but there's just, it's just an [...]
Andy Stanley - Better Promises
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Andy Stanley - Better Promises
Andy Stanley - Better Promises
I would like to begin with public confession of an adolescent sin, and I'm gonna ask you to raise your hand in just a minute and confess. So get ready. And some of you're so nervous 'cause it's like, oh, no, no, no, not that one. No, not that one. [...]
Andy Stanley - When Life Happens
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Andy Stanley - When Life Happens
Andy Stanley - When Life Happens
If tragedy or a sudden change of circumstances, either yours or the circumstances of somebody you love has caused you to doubt God, has caused you to be angry at God, has caused you to wonder if maybe God is angry at you, caused you to lose your [...]
Andy Stanley - I Love My Church
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Andy Stanley - I Love My Church
Andy Stanley - I Love My Church
So thanks for being here and for those of you at all of our Atlanta area churches, and I think we have about 12 churches joining us live today. Thanks. Thanks for being there. And I haven't greeted everybody at North Point, so for those of you at [...]
Andy Stanley - Be Rich 2023
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Andy Stanley - Be Rich 2023
Andy Stanley - Be Rich 2023
From the beginning, our church decided to partner with nonprofit organizations that were making the biggest difference in their local communities and around the world. These organizations are run by the best of the best. They're marked by clear [...]
Andy Stanley - Chasing Humility
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Andy Stanley - Chasing Humility
Andy Stanley - Chasing Humility
So I wanna begin today with something that's common to all of us. This is actually something that we all, and this is gonna be kind of a strange way to start, something that we all have in common, not just with each other. This is something we all [...]
Andy Stanley - Loser's Club
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Andy Stanley - Loser's Club
Andy Stanley - Loser's Club
So Madonna and I, Madonna and I are the same age. I am glad you laughed. Some of you took speech in college or you took a speech class somewhere along the way. And Dr. Rifkin, when I was at Georgia State University said, now, when you start a [...]
Andy Stanley - It Won't Work
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Andy Stanley - It Won't Work
Andy Stanley - It Won't Work
For those of you who are communicators, whether it's in business or wherever you communicate, here's a little communication tip. If you speak from your weakness, you will never run out of material. Yeah, if you speak from your weakness, you'll never [...]
Andy Stanley - Practicing What I Preach
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Andy Stanley - Practicing What I Preach
Andy Stanley - Practicing What I Preach
If you've been at one of our churches or attended one of our churches for any length of time, you are familiar with these two phrases. Circles are better than rows and life is better connected. Hopefully you've bumped into these. But even if you've [...]
Andy Stanley - Has Christianity Done More Harm than Good?
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Andy Stanley - Has Christianity Done More Harm than Good?
Andy Stanley - Has Christianity Done More Harm than Good?
Andy Stanley : So would you please welcome our special guest, Dr. John Dickson. I've been so looking forward to this. We've already talked so much about all these things, but real quick, my introduction to John came through his book, "Bullies [...]
Andy Stanley - As You Go
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Andy Stanley - As You Go
Andy Stanley - As You Go
So, for the first half of my life, I was often introduced as, this is Dr. Charles Stanley's son. And honestly, that never bothered me. There were a lot of perks to being his son. And for those of you who don't know, my dad was a famous pastor on [...]
Andy Stanley - Of First Importance
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Andy Stanley - Of First Importance
Andy Stanley - Of First Importance
So today I would like to begin with a question that if you are a Christian, you may have been afraid to ask, 'cause it's like I don't, can we ask questions like that? So I'm just gonna say maybe what you were thinking, but it's also a question that [...]
Andy Stanley - Memorial Day 2023
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Andy Stanley - Memorial Day 2023
Andy Stanley - Memorial Day 2023
Hey, wanna welcome all of those of you watching online from wherever you are in the world. For those of my friends up in North Carolina, over in Highlands and South Carolina and camp grounds all over the country, get all kind of cool email from [...]
Andy Stanley - The Sin Knot
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Andy Stanley - The Sin Knot
Andy Stanley - The Sin Knot
So I wanna begin with a question that you may have pondered at some point, or maybe not, but maybe it's a question we should all ponder, especially either those of us who have been Christians for a long, long time, or for those of you who are [...]
Andy Stanley - Shadowcaster
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Andy Stanley - Shadowcaster
Andy Stanley - Shadowcaster
So, like most fathers, I have had multiple father fails through the years. And I thought I would share one with you because you would like to hear that. So here's one of my biggest ones. When my kids were little, of course they wanted to go to [...]
Andy Stanley - Hang On To Baby Jesus
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Andy Stanley - Hang On To Baby Jesus
Andy Stanley - Hang On To Baby Jesus
So today we are actually beginning a brand new series I'm super excited about, it's entitled The Fundamental List. And I love this title, I did not come up with it, but I love the title, "The Fundamental List" instead of The [...]
Andy Stanley - Easter Matters
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Andy Stanley - Easter Matters
Andy Stanley - Easter Matters
I wanna welcome all of our campuses around the city of Atlanta, around the state, around the country, and more and more around the world as people join us from all over the place. And it's so fun to see this growing network of people who understand [...]
Andy Stanley - God's Great Gamble
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Andy Stanley - God's Great Gamble
Andy Stanley - God's Great Gamble
So, I wanna begin with this question, and you don't have to raise your hand or elbow anybody, but because I think we've all experienced this. Have you ever forgiven someone without being asked? Like, you just decided, "You know what? I'm not [...]
Andy Stanley - On Message, On Mission
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Andy Stanley - On Message, On Mission
Andy Stanley - On Message, On Mission
Now, no surprise, I love the local church. I love the church for lots of reasons. I'm a preacher's kid, so it was a big part of my life growing up. And preacher's kids, we see the best of church and we see the worst of church. And any preacher's kid [...]
Andy Stanley - Count Me In for the Next Gen
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Andy Stanley - Count Me In for the Next Gen
Andy Stanley - Count Me In for the Next Gen
I think we should give the invitation now, Bill? Yeah. One of the things that I've always been so proud of is inviting, Sandra and I both, inviting people to any of the environments at our church, whether it's Sunday morning service or the other [...]
Andy Stanley - Intent Doesn't Remove the Dent
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Andy Stanley - Intent Doesn't Remove the Dent
Andy Stanley - Intent Doesn't Remove the Dent
So when our oldest son, who is now 30, was seven years old, this true story 'cause I'm in church so I wouldn't make this up, when he was seven years old, our standard babysitter, you know how have like the go-to babysitter that, you know, she's [...]
Andy Stanley - Look Who's Talking
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Andy Stanley - Look Who's Talking
Andy Stanley - Look Who's Talking
So today, I want to begin with, this is just my opinion, which you don't come for my opinion, but this part's just my opinion. I wanna begin with what I think is the most important, one of the most important, one of the most catalytic relational [...]
Andy Stanley - Way More
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Andy Stanley - Way More
Andy Stanley - Way More
Today I am beginning a brand new series, a three-series entitled "The Weight of Your Words," "The Weight of Your Words". We've all been told, or we've all heard that actions speak louder than words. And when it comes to [...]
Andy Stanley - Open Hands
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Andy Stanley - Open Hands
Andy Stanley - Open Hands
So I wanna begin by talking about your favorite person. I don't know who they are, but everybody has a favorite person, so I want you to think about your favorite person, or maybe one of your favorite people. And this is somebody you know [...]
Andy Stanley - Monitor Your Heart
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Andy Stanley - Monitor Your Heart
Andy Stanley - Monitor Your Heart
Hey, growing up in our home, and I bet your home was similar, there were certain words that were off limits in our home. And again, I grew up in a different generation than some of you, but here was one of the big ones. In fact, I, it's hard for me [...]
Andy Stanley - Surrender Your Will
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Andy Stanley - Surrender Your Will
Andy Stanley - Surrender Your Will
So, here's something we've all thought and perhaps something, at some point along the way, you have said out loud after someone was found out. Every week, somewhere in the news, or whatever your newsfeed is, or whatever you look at, there's somebody [...]
Andy Stanley - Shattering Our Excuses
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Andy Stanley - Shattering Our Excuses
Andy Stanley - Shattering Our Excuses
So, like many of you, hopefully, most of you, I absolutely love Christmas. And one of the reasons that I love Christmas and this season is because my immediate family isn't complicated, and that makes it more enjoyable, right? Hopefully you have a [...]
Andy Stanley - What God is Like
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Andy Stanley - What God is Like
Andy Stanley - What God is Like
Empathy is, it's such a powerful thing. Sympathy, not so much, but empathy. When you meet someone, and they can't solve your problem, but they have walked through similar, a similar path, experience what you've experienced, and when they go, ah, I [...]
Andy Stanley - A Blessing to the Whole World
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Andy Stanley - A Blessing to the Whole World
Andy Stanley - A Blessing to the Whole World
So good morning, everybody, and Merry Christmas. Thanks for joining us from wherever you're joining us from no doubt you have already seen or you'll soon begin to see the signs and the bumper stickers and the clings that say Jesus is the reason for [...]
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