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Joyce Meyer - Why Would God Want Me?
Joyce Meyer - Why Would God Want Me?
You know, a couple of days ago, I was praying and just thinking about all the people that are so lost in the world today and need answers for their life. They're frustrated, stressed out, worried, concerned, afraid about what's gonna happen in the [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Why Should I Bless My Enemies?
Joyce Meyer - Why Should I Bless My Enemies?
Be a person that is determined to do what God asks you to do. And always understand that God will never ask you to do something if He doesn't give you the power and the ability to do it. Where God guides, He always provides. His grace is always [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Why Should I Be Joyful In My Trials?
Joyce Meyer - Why Should I Be Joyful In My Trials?
How many of you already know what James 1, verse 1 says? "Be wholly joyful, my brethren, whenever you are enveloped in or encounter trials of any sort or fall into various temptations." How many of you have made it to that point and you [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Why Is It Important To Acknowledge God?
Joyce Meyer - Why Is It Important To Acknowledge God?
James 4:13: Come now, you who say, 'today or tomorrow we're going to go into such and such a city and spend a year there and carry on our business and make money.' Yet you don't know the least thing about what might happen tomorrow. What is the [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Why Doesn't God Give Me What I Want?
Joyce Meyer - Why Doesn't God Give Me What I Want?
Last thing I wanna talk to ya about today is the habit of faith. You say, "The habit of faith?" I wanna tell ya somethin', believing, just simply deciding that you're gonna believe God, that you're gonna believe His Word, that you're gonna [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Why Do I Continue To Suffer?
Joyce Meyer - Why Do I Continue To Suffer?
In Isaiah 61, verses 1 through 3, there are scriptures that carried me through many of the first years of, I might say, my very confusing walk with God. Because very often we think, "Well, you know, I've got Christ now. I'm going to church. [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Why Can't I Just Fit In?
Joyce Meyer - Why Can't I Just Fit In?
Father, thank You for this conference, and for allowing us to serve Your people. And I pray that the teaching this morning would really help prepare people for whatever is ahead in their future. I pray, Lord, that everybody would be attentive to [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Why Aren't My Prayers Working?
Joyce Meyer - Why Aren't My Prayers Working?
James chapter 1, verse 5 through 8: "If any of you is deficient in wisdom," which I think is probably most of us, "Let Him ask of the giving God who gives to everyone," that includes you, "Liberally," that means way [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Where Is My Miracle?
Joyce Meyer - Where Is My Miracle?
After Adam and Eve sinned, God already had a plan for the restoration of His people. Let me tell you something, God is never without a plan. And I know that there's a lot of concern about what's going on in the world today and what's going on in our [...]
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Joyce Meyer - What Can I Give God That Will Make Me Acceptable To Him
Joyce Meyer - What Can I Give God That Will Make Me Acceptable To Him
Let's just say that I've had this purse for, like, oodles of time, lots of time. And it's like, man, the handle's fallen off, the zipper's broke, the kids got it and colored on it. It's just bad. And I heard about this store called the exchange [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Does The Bible Apply To Me?
Joyce Meyer - How Does The Bible Apply To Me?
The Word of God has power in it. The words that we're speaking when we speak God's word, they're not just ordinary words, but God's Word has power inherent in it, that means it comes with little power bullets that have the ability to change our [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Do I Stop Annoying, Looping Thoughts?
Joyce Meyer - How Do I Stop Annoying, Looping Thoughts?
Okay, a few opening comments. How much thought have you ever given to your thoughts? Do you ever think about what you're thinking about? If you find yourself in a bad mood, a low mood, emotionally you feel like you're really getting down in the [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Do I Receive God's Healing?
Joyce Meyer - How Do I Receive God's Healing?
I wanted to talk to you for a few minutes this morning about sickness and healing. You know, sadly, a lot of times people are not taught that healing of all kinds is part of the atonement. It's part of what Christ died for us to have. Why would he [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Do I Overcome Depression?
Joyce Meyer - How Do I Overcome Depression?
Ginger: Joyce, we have so many questions, always people are asking about getting over a broken heart and feeling depressed. And we know that there are a lot of rough circumstances in life, people who are desperately hurting, but we also know that [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Do I Make This Decision?
Joyce Meyer - How Do I Make This Decision?
I believe that there are people here tonight that are in between two decisions. You're trying to decide should you do this, should you do that. Should you do this? Should you do that? Is this the right thing to do? Is this the right thing to do? And [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Do I Apply God's Word To My Situation?
Joyce Meyer - How Do I Apply God's Word To My Situation?
I don't think that we have ever fully realized how amazingly powerful the Word of God is. How many of you take some kind of medicine? Okay, well, now, we don't know how it works. It's kind of amazing that you can have some super big problem, or a [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Can I Transform My Life?
Joyce Meyer - How Can I Transform My Life?
The greatest transformation, I believe, is what God does in us and how He changes us from what we were when we started to what He wants us to be. And it's a process. It's not something that happens all at once. It doesn't happen instantaneously. It [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Can I Move Beyond The Problems Of My Past?
Joyce Meyer - How Can I Move Beyond The Problems Of My Past?
You see my pit here, don't you? How many of you know about being in the pit? Some of you probably still have one somewhere. Keep it around just in case you need to go in and visit for a day or so. Our pit is where we go and feel sorry for our self, [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Can I Know I'm Hearing From God?
Joyce Meyer - How Can I Know I'm Hearing From God?
People have a great tendency to doubt that they can hear from God. "Eh, I don't know. I don't know. I thought I heard from God once, and, boy, I made a big fool out of myself, so I don't know if that's gonna work for me." You know, hearing [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Can I Have God's Peace?
Joyce Meyer - How Can I Have God's Peace?
An inheritance is something that's given to you, something someone else has earned that is given to you as a gift. And Paul said, "I pray that you would have revelation about the inheritance that is yours in Christ". And then he went on to [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Can I Deal With Doubt?
Joyce Meyer - How Can I Deal With Doubt?
You know, I think doubt, nagging doubts, you've made a decision, now here comes the nagging doubts, it's like having a bad hangnail. You just never know when it's going to go... Such a little thing, but such a huge problem. Have any of you been [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Can I Change My Spouse?
Joyce Meyer - How Can I Change My Spouse?
Today, Joyce is answering a question about marriage, so we may already have your attention. And if you're single, don't go away, she's got a few things for you too. That's coming up on "Everyday answers". You know, it's amazing how sitcoms [...]
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Joyce Meyer - God... Is That You?
Joyce Meyer - God... Is That You?
25 years, I had back trouble. And in having that back trouble, I was constantly going to the chiropractor to get adjustments. I had an MRI on my back, I did have some degenerated discs, but nothing that they felt needed surgery. My back got so bad [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Can You Help Me Find Freedom?
Joyce Meyer - Can You Help Me Find Freedom?
Well, I think there's probably a few different things that it could be. First of all, maybe there's a lack of communication skills. Maybe it's someone who just really, to be honest, is just not real comfortable being around a lot of people. That's [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Can You Help Me Do The Right Thing In Spite Of How I Feel?
Joyce Meyer - Can You Help Me Do The Right Thing In Spite Of How I Feel?
So there really is an answer for every one of these feelings that torment us. There's an answer for every one of them, whether it's fear, or rejection, or loneliness, or anxiety, or worry. Ginger: Emotions, they can be fun. They can be great. Or [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Can You Fix My Bad Attitude?
Joyce Meyer - Can You Fix My Bad Attitude?
Do you know that a good attitude can give you an above average life, and a bad attitude will always give you a below average life. Ephesians 4:22 says, "Strip yourselves of your former nature put off and discard your old unrenewed self which [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Are These The Last Days?
Joyce Meyer - Are These The Last Days?
Tonight, I'm going to teach on the last days. You're thinking, "Well, that's kind of out of the box for you, isn't it, Joyce?" But that's all right, I'll work all my regular stuff into it. Father, we thank You for the Word tonight, and all [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Why, God, Why?
Joyce Meyer - Why, God, Why?
And today, I'm going to teach on, "Why, God, why"? Seems like we spend more time when-ing and why-ing than we do anything else? So, the Bible tells us that we are not to lean to your own understanding. Proverbs 3:5-8, "Trust in the [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Why Should I Help Others?
Joyce Meyer - Why Should I Help Others?
Does helping others really help you? Well, there is a benefit to it, but it's really easy to miss when you're going through struggles of your own. Joyce will shed some new light on this today. Also, our "Help me" question is a great one: [...]
Joyce Meyer - Why Is It Hard To Finish What You Start?
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Joyce Meyer - Why Is It Hard To Finish What You Start?
Joyce Meyer - Why Is It Hard To Finish What You Start?
I'm calling this message, why is it so hard to finish what we start? Well, well, well, I wanted to call it when you try to do good, evil always comes, but I thought I'd put this title on it just so it made a little more sense later when people are [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Why Is God Silent?
Joyce Meyer - Why Is God Silent?
Do you ever feel like God is silent? Maybe you feel that way right now and there are definitely times where God seems to be still where He's expecting us to wait on Him, but today, Joyce Meyer will give us a great reason why God may be silent in [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Why Does God Keep Me Waiting?
Joyce Meyer - Why Does God Keep Me Waiting?
Time can be very exciting or very aggravating. We can't accelerate or decelerate time, all we can do is wait it out. So, check out this question, it comes from twitter, and it says, "What do you do when you've prayed for a healing miracle for [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Why Do I Do The Things I Do?
Joyce Meyer - Why Do I Do The Things I Do?
Today, Joyce Meyer answers the question: Why do I do the things I do? [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Why Can't We Get Along?
Joyce Meyer - Why Can't We Get Along?
On today's program, Joyce Meyer talks about hatred and how it can tear us apart. And don't jump right to "You don't need this". Listen, maybe you do. She'll tell us how we can defeat it. Her answer to our "Help me" question may [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Where Can I Find Hope?
Joyce Meyer - Where Can I Find Hope?
Today, Joyce Meyer answers the question: Where can I find hope? [...]
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Joyce Meyer - What Will It Cost Me To Follow Christ?
Joyce Meyer - What Will It Cost Me To Follow Christ?
Today, Pastor Joyce Meyer, Christine Caine and Ginger Stache answers the question: What will it cost me to follow Christ? [...]
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Joyce Meyer - What Is The Holy Spirit And How Do I Follow Him?
Joyce Meyer - What Is The Holy Spirit And How Do I Follow Him?
Hi, everyone. Great question for you today on "Everyday answers". This is a big one for new Christians and those of us who have been a Christian for years. The Holy Spirit. It's discussed in the Bible, you hear about it at church, but have [...]
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Joyce Meyer - What Is Salvation?
Joyce Meyer - What Is Salvation?
A simple prayer of accepting Jesus into your life, what we call salvation, is how we become a christian, but what's next? We sometimes refer to our relationship with God as a walk or it could sometimes be described as a roller coaster or cascading [...]
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Joyce Meyer - What Does The Lord's Prayer Mean To Me?
Joyce Meyer - What Does The Lord's Prayer Mean To Me?
Today, Joyce Meyer answers the question: What does the Lord's Prayer mean to me? [...]
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Joyce Meyer - What Do I Have To Do To Obey God?
Joyce Meyer - What Do I Have To Do To Obey God?
You know, we love to talk about those big things in our life that God does for us, the way He deliver us, or the miraculous answers that we get because those are the things that movies come from, that books are written about. But what about those [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Thankful... For What?
Joyce Meyer - Thankful... For What?
Today, Joyce Meyer answers the question: Thankful… For What? [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Should I Trust God When Bad Things Happen?
Joyce Meyer - Should I Trust God When Bad Things Happen?
Today, Pastor Joyce Meyer answers the question: Should I trust God when bad things happen? [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Is There Hope for Me To Change?
Joyce Meyer - Is There Hope for Me To Change?
Recently, we did a poll on twitter asking, "Do you believe that God can change you"? Well, here are the results. 96% said yes, 3% said no, and 1% said I just don't know. Well, that tell us that we believe in the power of God, which is [...]
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Joyce Meyer - I Go To Church, Why Isn't My Life Better?
Joyce Meyer - I Go To Church, Why Isn't My Life Better?
So, here's a question from our "Everyday Answers" page that we are going to tackle next. It says: "Why should I put God first in my life? I already have a relationship with Him". Well, this is a great question because you can [...]
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Joyce Meyer - I Feel Like I Am Losing My Mind Can You Help Me?
Joyce Meyer - I Feel Like I Am Losing My Mind Can You Help Me?
Today, Joyce Meyer answers the question: I feel like I'm losing my mind can you help me? [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Should I Think To Be Happy?
Joyce Meyer - How Should I Think To Be Happy?
Joyce Meyer answers the question: How should I think to be happy? [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Should I Pray?
Joyce Meyer - How Should I Pray?
Joyce Meyer answers the question: How should I pray? [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Does Eating Healthy and Exercise Affect My Spiritual Health?
Joyce Meyer - How Does Eating Healthy and Exercise Affect My Spiritual Health?
Today Joyce Meyer answers viewers question: How Does Eating Healthy and Exercise Affect My Spiritual Health? [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Do You Trust God More Than Your Feelings?
Joyce Meyer - How Do You Trust God More Than Your Feelings?
One of the most important parts of a life with God is also one of the most difficult aspects of our relationship with Him. Ask yourself this question, "Do I trust God?" Okay, I'm sure many of you probably said yes, that may not be the [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Do I Stop Wasting Time?
Joyce Meyer - How Do I Stop Wasting Time?
How much time do we waste in our life being angry about something that somebody said to us and so now we're letting them steal our time and control our joy when really we could have made the choice to just turn away from their dumbness and stay [...]
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