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Joyce Meyer - Forgiveness, Guilt, and Mercy
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Joyce Meyer - Forgiveness, Guilt, and Mercy
Joyce Meyer - Forgiveness, Guilt, and Mercy
Well, welcome to «Enjoying Everyday Life». And I do hope and pray that the things I say today will help you do that. Because Jesus wants us to enjoy our lives. You know, I really care about you. I was thinking the other day, it’s interesting the [...]
Allen Jackson - How MLK's Family Found Forgiveness
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Allen Jackson - How MLK's Family Found Forgiveness
Allen Jackson - How MLK's Family Found Forgiveness
It’s a privilege to be with you today. I’ve had the honor of meeting and interviewing Dr. Alveda King a number of times, but recently she visited our congregation and we had such a remarkable conversation that I wanted to share it with you. I [...]
Joseph Prince - Rest in the Fullness of God's Forgiveness
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Joseph Prince - Rest in the Fullness of God's Forgiveness
Joseph Prince - Rest in the Fullness of God's Forgiveness
You and I today, we are born again. «If any man be in Christ, he’s a new creation. Old things have passed away. All things have become new». And the Holy Spirit indwells you. Do you know the Holy Spirit is in you? Do you know how clean you are for [...]
Paul Daugherty - I Forgive You - Part 2
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Paul Daugherty - I Forgive You - Part 2
Paul Daugherty - I Forgive You - Part 2
That's what happens, when I don't forgive you, it hurts me more than it hurts you. It hurts me, it robs me of life, it robs me of joy, it robs me of peace. So Joseph sees them, and look at Genesis 45:1. Finally, he can't handle it any [...]
Paul Daugherty - I Forgive You - Part 1
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Paul Daugherty - I Forgive You - Part 1
Paul Daugherty - I Forgive You - Part 1
But Stephen was witnessing, He was sharing the gospel and people got angry. At the end of Acts 6, he was thrown in a circle of group called the Sanhedrin. They were looking intently at Stephen. They were frustrated, they were bitter, they were mad [...]
Marcus Mecum - The Kiss of Forgiveness
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Marcus Mecum - The Kiss of Forgiveness
Marcus Mecum - The Kiss of Forgiveness
Luke 7. I wanna talk to you about the kiss of forgiveness. Everybody say, «The kiss of forgiveness». Let’s look at our Bibles real quick and we will read Luke 7:46. I might have 'em throw it up on the screen. «You did not give me a kiss, but [...]
Kerry Shook - The Sweetness of Forgiveness
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Kerry Shook - The Sweetness of Forgiveness
Kerry Shook - The Sweetness of Forgiveness
We just started a new series that I'm calling "Lemonade," and it's all about how God brings something good out of all the sour circumstances, all the bitter disappointments, all the devastating and painful things that can come [...]
Greg Ford - Learning Forgiveness
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Greg Ford - Learning Forgiveness
Greg Ford - Learning Forgiveness
Hi, my name is Greg ford. I'm the lead pastor at One Church in Columbus, Ohio, and this is the "Power of One". Today, what I want to talk to you about is how do we learn how to forgive? I've gotta be honest and tell you, I am not [...]
John Bradshaw - Biblical Forgiveness
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John Bradshaw - Biblical Forgiveness
John Bradshaw - Biblical Forgiveness
This is "It Is Written". I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. There are not too many times in the Bible that God says, "If you do this, you will not be saved". Now, there's a place right at the very end of the [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Walking In Forgiveness Closes the Door on Fear
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Kenneth Copeland - Walking In Forgiveness Closes the Door on Fear
Kenneth Copeland - Walking In Forgiveness Closes the Door on Fear
At the beginning of the week, we began building a study outline entitled Seven Steps to Never Being Afraid Again, of anything, praise God. The process of coming to the place where there's no fear here and you can boldly announce to the devil, [...]
Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 2
I think one of the reasons that we failed to forgive and that we failed to process it is we don't really think there's too much of a consequence for sin. You know, we just don't. We don't often see immediate judgment from God. [...]
Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Forgiveness and Resentment - Part 1
We're working through a series under this general theme of "A Change of Heart". I believe that's really the only solution for the ills that face us. I think we all know by now we're in another election cycle, but as I have [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Forgiveness
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Rabbi Schneider - Forgiveness
Rabbi Schneider - Forgiveness
I want to build tonight by speaking the most simple but profound thing that I could say to you: Jesus loves you. I want to ask a question right now. I want you to be honest with God. Who's here tonight and the Lord is convicting your heart? [...]
Joyce Meyer - Forgiving Yourself
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Joyce Meyer - Forgiving Yourself
Joyce Meyer - Forgiving Yourself
Thank you for joining us today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". You know, I believe that the message that I'm gonna share today is gonna help so many people. I mean, I think that today's message for some of you is gonna be really [...]
Jack Graham - The Gift of Forgiveness
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Jack Graham - The Gift of Forgiveness
Jack Graham - The Gift of Forgiveness
Take your Bibles and turn to Genesis chapter 45, because the story of Joseph illustrates in classic form the greatest demonstration of forgiveness in all of the Bible, outside of the cross of Christ Himself. Of course, the greatest demonstration of [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Put On The Overcoat of Love
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Jentezen Franklin - Put On The Overcoat of Love
Jentezen Franklin - Put On The Overcoat of Love
I want you to open your Bibles to the New Testament to the book of Colossians 3:12. "Therefore, as the elect of God and His beloved". That's you and me. We don't see ourselves like that. That's you and me. "Therefore, [...]
Michael Youssef - Faith Fosters Forgiveness
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Michael Youssef - Faith Fosters Forgiveness
Michael Youssef - Faith Fosters Forgiveness
You cannot escape the connection between faith and forgiveness; and that is why Jesus talked about the smallness of the seed, the smallest seed in the world: mustard seed. Why? Because faith is submission to the sovereignty of God. You have the [...]
Michael Youssef - The Prodigal Son, A Journey from Recklessness to Redemption
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Michael Youssef - The Prodigal Son, A Journey from Recklessness to Redemption
Michael Youssef - The Prodigal Son, A Journey from Recklessness to Redemption
Beloved, the Bible calls parents to lead their children, not the other way around; and I could not help this week as I was writing my notes and I thought about our first grandson. He was 14 months and he was learning to walk, and he just learned [...]
Mike Novotny - I Can't Forgive Myself
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Mike Novotny - I Can't Forgive Myself
Mike Novotny - I Can't Forgive Myself
You know, when you throw a stone and it hits someone, and they're willing to leave it alone, but you just have to go and pick it up. And the self-loathing, and the regret, and the bitterness. When we retell the same story of our stupidity from [...]
Mike Novotny - I Forgave. Now How Do I Heal?
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Mike Novotny - I Forgave. Now How Do I Heal?
Mike Novotny - I Forgave. Now How Do I Heal?
What exactly does forgiveness look like? How do you heal from the deep wounds that people have caused in your past? Now that's the question in this sinful world all of us are going to have to answer. Which is why I'm so grateful the [...]
Mike Novotny - When Forgiving Feels Impossible
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Mike Novotny - When Forgiving Feels Impossible
Mike Novotny - When Forgiving Feels Impossible
I was thinking about that in my own life. I have been spared so far, 40 years in, some of the major traumatic wounds that many people have been through. My mom and my dad were good to me. I have never gone through a break-up. I married my first [...]
Mike Novotny - You Must Forgive EVERY Day
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Mike Novotny - You Must Forgive EVERY Day
Mike Novotny - You Must Forgive EVERY Day
I would like to talk to you today about forgiveness. And that is why Pastor Jim emailed me. If have not met him yet Pastor Jim is the guy on our pastoral team who is kind of known for having a really big, compassionate, empathetic heart. Most [...]
Joyce Meyer - Six Ways to Detect Unforgiveness - Part 3
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Joyce Meyer - Six Ways to Detect Unforgiveness - Part 3
Joyce Meyer - Six Ways to Detect Unforgiveness - Part 3
Well, thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life," and I pray, right now, that you're gonna really enjoy the program and get something out of it that's gonna be life-changing for you. This is the third day that [...]
Joyce Meyer - Six Ways to Detect Unforgiveness - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Six Ways to Detect Unforgiveness - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Six Ways to Detect Unforgiveness - Part 2
Well, thank you for joining us on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". Today, I'm doing the second part of a teaching that I started yesterday called, "Six ways to detect unforgiveness". And it's about the story of the prodigal [...]
Joyce Meyer - Six Ways to Detect Unforgiveness - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Six Ways to Detect Unforgiveness - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Six Ways to Detect Unforgiveness - Part 1
Well, thank you for joining me today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". And you know, that is something that God wants us to do. And I think the important thing about that is everyday life. We can all enjoy a vacation or a special day, or a [...]
Mark Batterson - LOVE, Unoffended
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Mark Batterson - LOVE, Unoffended
Mark Batterson - LOVE, Unoffended
I'm so spent. I'm so tired. It feels like I'm running on empty, just not bouncing back. My head is foggy. My heart is irritated. Lord, help me. Those were the words that I wrote in my journal November 11 of last year. I was in [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Purposeful Disobedience
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Rabbi Schneider - Purposeful Disobedience
Rabbi Schneider - Purposeful Disobedience
Jesus sat down began to teach. "The scribes and the Pharisees brought a woman caught in adultery, having set her in the center of the court, they said to Him, 'Teacher, this woman has been caught in adultery, in the very act.' Now in [...]
James Meehan - What Do You Need to Forgive?
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James Meehan - What Do You Need to Forgive?
James Meehan - What Do You Need to Forgive?
All right, I need to know by a show of hands, comment in the chat, below this video, wherever you're watching this, have you ever watch a show or a movie, and man, you've been loving it, but there's that little part of you that knows [...]
Michael Youssef - How To Receive Total Forgiveness
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Michael Youssef - How To Receive Total Forgiveness
Michael Youssef - How To Receive Total Forgiveness
Hello friends, Michael Youssef here. You know, the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead on the third day after he was buried is the clearest demonstration that he is the God of power and might. Without his resurrection, there can be no [...]
Steven Furtick - When You Don't Feel Ready To Forgive
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Steven Furtick - When You Don't Feel Ready To Forgive
Steven Furtick - When You Don't Feel Ready To Forgive
This is an excerpt from: No More Nails We all have scars. We all have dysfunction. You might have long sleeves, but if I could roll up your sleeves, you've been through something. You struggle with something. Your wife may not know it, but God [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Redemption
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Dr. Ed Young - Redemption
Dr. Ed Young - Redemption
We are wrapped up with superheroes. When I was a boy, I went to the movie almost every Saturday. Cost a dime. Can you believe that? And I watched Roy Rogers and Gene Autry and... most you've never heard of, Whip LaRue. Anybody ever heard of [...]
Michael Youssef - Forgive Quickly
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Michael Youssef - Forgive Quickly
Michael Youssef - Forgive Quickly
You know, the term forgiveness is now even used by secularists preachers on public television... I've heard it. They talk about forgiving but they don't understand the necessity and the absolute requirement for believers to forgive and to [...]
Michael Youssef - Why is Forgiveness So Important?
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Michael Youssef - Why is Forgiveness So Important?
Michael Youssef - Why is Forgiveness So Important?
You know, the term forgiveness is now even used by secularists preachers on public television, I've heard it. They talk about forgiving but they don't understand the necessity and the absolute requirement for believers to forgive and to [...]
Tony Evans - Case Dismissed
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Tony Evans - Case Dismissed
Tony Evans - Case Dismissed
I am sure that many, most, if not all, particularly if you have lived for a while, know what it is to have lost your dignity, to have done something for which you are ashamed, that you regret. And perhaps it's not only something in the past, [...]
Billy Graham - Are You Offended By The Cross?
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Billy Graham - Are You Offended By The Cross?
Billy Graham - Are You Offended By The Cross?
I want us to turn tonight to the fifth chapter of the book of Galatians. "And I brethren, if I preach works, if I preach legalism, why do I suffer persecution? Then is the offense of the cross ceased". Now we're living at a moment in [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Freedom of Forgiveness
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Adrian Rogers - The Freedom of Forgiveness
Adrian Rogers - The Freedom of Forgiveness
Find in your Bibles Ephesians chapter 4 if you will, and in just a moment we're going to look at verses 31 and 32. There are two problems that do great psychological, emotional, and spiritual damage to anyone, and perhaps to you. One is guilt [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Forgiveness
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Dr. Ed Young - Forgiveness
Dr. Ed Young - Forgiveness
Forgiveness! That's a big word, isn't it? Forgiveness. Forgiveness has about it a mystery, and I think we all wonder at times, "Has God really forgiven me? I mean, all of these times, I've gone back over and over... has He [...]
James Merritt - Debt Free
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James Merritt - Debt Free
James Merritt - Debt Free
So I want you to stand to your feet. I think church ought to be fun and I wanna have a little fun today. So just stand to your feet, stand up, yeah, stand up and I'm gonna do something I haven't done since I was a kid. I'm gonna sing. [...]
James Merritt - Forgiveness, When the Doctor Heals Himself
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James Merritt - Forgiveness, When the Doctor Heals Himself
James Merritt - Forgiveness, When the Doctor Heals Himself
I wanna welcome those who are watching today by television, those watching online, those at our Mill Creek campus, we're really glad that you came here today. From the time that you were born, immediately, you began to interact with other [...]
Derek Prince - What'll Happen When You're Not Forgiving
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Derek Prince - What'll Happen When You're Not Forgiving
Derek Prince - What'll Happen When You're Not Forgiving
This is an excerpt from: Invisible Barriers To Healing Now, we're going on with the next barrier which is closely related. It's an attitude of unforgiveness to other people. This is terribly common in the body of Christ. I want to show [...]
James Merritt - Losing Your Baggage
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James Merritt - Losing Your Baggage
James Merritt - Losing Your Baggage
It is the traveler's nightmare from hell. If it's ever happened to you, then you're going to know exactly what I'm talking about. It happened like it was yesterday, and I still remember it vividly. It was in the days before [...]
Derek Prince - A Prayer of Forgiveness For Our Wrong Attitude Towards Israel
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Derek Prince - A Prayer of Forgiveness For Our Wrong Attitude Towards Israel
Derek Prince - A Prayer of Forgiveness For Our Wrong Attitude Towards Israel
This is an excerpt from: Why Israel? Ruth and I worship in a church in Jerusalem which was established I think in 1840, the first Protestant Church in the Middle East. It is the product of the efforts and the giving and the praying of British [...]
James Merritt - Root Canal
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James Merritt - Root Canal
James Merritt - Root Canal
Bitterness is harbored hurt hidden in the heart. Let me just tell you why I'm kind of passionate about this. Of all the range of human emotions that we can enter into, fear, depression, lust, anger, whatever, the one that I'm absolutely [...]
Charles Stanley - The Cross: A Debt Paid in Full
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Charles Stanley - The Cross: A Debt Paid in Full
Charles Stanley - The Cross: A Debt Paid in Full
A debt is an obligation. And probably most people have been in debt at some point in their life or the other. And nobody likes debt because it's a pressure that seemingly increases over a period of time. And usually people will try to pay off [...]
Derek Prince - Measureless Love
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Derek Prince - Measureless Love
Derek Prince - Measureless Love
For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him. As far as the east is from the west, so far hath he removed our transgressions from us. - Psalms 103:11-12, KJV The psalmist David, there, is trying to [...]
John Hagee - Joseph: God Has Caused Me To Forget
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John Hagee - Joseph: God Has Caused Me To Forget
John Hagee - Joseph: God Has Caused Me To Forget
Turn with us to Genesis 41:51, as we talk today on the theme "God Has Caused Me to Forget". This is a teaching sermon. It is a concept presented by Joseph, who had two sons, Manasseh and Ephraim. Their two names reflect the cornerstone [...]
Allen Jackson - No More Forgiveness?
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Allen Jackson - No More Forgiveness?
Allen Jackson - No More Forgiveness?
Do you have the imagination that it's possible that you could ever arrive in a place where there's no more forgiveness? Is it possible to arrive at a place in your life as an individual, as a family, as a community, as a nation where God [...]
Gregory Dickow - A Moment With Jesus
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Gregory Dickow - A Moment With Jesus
Gregory Dickow - A Moment With Jesus
Well, welcome global family from around the world to the power to change today, and, you know, I'm about to share with you something really special. God notices you no matter what it looks like. He's speaking to you no matter what it [...]
Allen Jackson - To Forgive or Not Forgive - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - To Forgive or Not Forgive - Part 2
Allen Jackson - To Forgive or Not Forgive - Part 2
It's a privilege to be with you today. We're continuing our discussion on forgiveness, specifically we're talking about forgiving other people. I think a lot of us share this common fear that if we forgive someone of some wrong, [...]
Allen Jackson - To Forgive or Not Forgive - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - To Forgive or Not Forgive - Part 1
Allen Jackson - To Forgive or Not Forgive - Part 1
In this particular session, I wanna kinda turn to the assignment we have towards forgiveness. Previously we've looked at how God has made forgiveness available to every one of us and why that's important, and how it can be processed in our [...]
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