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Rabbi Schneider - Signs and Wonders to Reach Israel
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Rabbi Schneider - Signs and Wonders to Reach Israel
Rabbi Schneider - Signs and Wonders to Reach Israel
I want to tell you about something really exciting that happened at the NRB, which stands for the National Religious Broadcasters Conference this year. It was in Nashville, Tennessee. It's the largest gathering of Christian broadcasters in the world [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear
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Rabbi Schneider - Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear
Rabbi Schneider - Perfect Love Casts Out All Fear
Many of us are familiar with Psalm 139, where David talks about how he's been fearfully and wonderfully made and how precious are the thoughts of the Lord towards him. It's such a beautiful psalm. We've got a little background noise. A lawn is [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Do Not Harden Your Heart
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Rabbi Schneider - Do Not Harden Your Heart
Rabbi Schneider - Do Not Harden Your Heart
Baruch Hashem, blessed be the name of the Lord, beloved ones. We are continuing today to give our attention to the Word of God, because the Word of God strengthens us, cleanses us, confirms us, and establishes us in Him. Romans chapter two verse [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Look up! Be Prepared
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Rabbi Schneider - Look up! Be Prepared
Rabbi Schneider - Look up! Be Prepared
Well, you can see, my friends, I'm standing right now in a very windy Jerusalem. In fact, I'm right outside Jerusalem on the Mount of Olives. You can see the old city behind me. You see the wall, you see the Temple Mount. And it's an exciting place [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Seize God's Truth
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Rabbi Schneider - Seize God's Truth
Rabbi Schneider - Seize God's Truth
Well, you might hear some humming beneath me here. I'm on an electric boat on the Sea of Galilee. I just got done filming an episode on how Yeshua walked on the water. And in my years of walking with God, you know, what I've realized is I am [...]
Rabbi Schneider - How To Drink of The Spirit
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Rabbi Schneider - How To Drink of The Spirit
Rabbi Schneider - How To Drink of The Spirit
Most of you know of the last day of the feast and the ceremony that took place during this day the water pouring ceremony, Hoshana Rabbah, written about in the Gospel of John chapter 7. And now Yeshua was in the temple. During this last great day of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - His Power is Perfected in Our Weakness
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Rabbi Schneider - His Power is Perfected in Our Weakness
Rabbi Schneider - His Power is Perfected in Our Weakness
Baruch haba b'shem Adonai. Welcome my beloved friend in the name of the Lord. I'm here in Israel, I'm actually overlooking the mount where Yeshua spoke the sermon on the Mount, and I just got done recording four episodes on the Beatitudes. You know, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Path of Sacrificial Love with King David
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Rabbi Schneider - The Path of Sacrificial Love with King David
Rabbi Schneider - The Path of Sacrificial Love with King David
One of my favorite aspects of God is His beauty. You know, the Bible tells us that we can know who the invisible God is by looking at what He created. And so when you and I look at the creation and we see the beauty, the waterfalls, the rainbows, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - I WILL NOT Be Afraid
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Rabbi Schneider - I WILL NOT Be Afraid
Rabbi Schneider - I WILL NOT Be Afraid
Beloved, As you can see, I'm on the Sea of Galilee, I'm in Israel with my team and I've talked about how Yeshua ministered so many miracles right on the Sea of Galilee. I was in the Book of Matthew during the last message that I preached. It'll be [...]
Rabbi Schneider - There's a Blessing for Boldness
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Rabbi Schneider - There's a Blessing for Boldness
Rabbi Schneider - There's a Blessing for Boldness
Baruch Hashem, beloved, I'm in Israel. This may be the spot where Yeshua preached the most famous sermon in the Bible of His, the Sermon on the Mount. Now, I don't know that this is the spot. We just know this is the general area where He preached [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Word is Your Sword
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Rabbi Schneider - The Word is Your Sword
Rabbi Schneider - The Word is Your Sword
I want to reach out to all my brothers and sisters today. I want you to know God has called you to be free. The call on your life and your destiny is to be happy. Jesus has given us his joy. This is abundant life. Jesus said, I have come to give [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Word is Your Weapon
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Rabbi Schneider - The Word is Your Weapon
Rabbi Schneider - The Word is Your Weapon
You know, I think if we explored each other's lives and did a spiritual pole of humanity, we find that everybody struggles with fear and anxiety. Why? Because the devils chief weapon that he uses against mankind is fear, doubt and hatred. So we're [...]
Rabbi Schneider - One Important Spiritual Discipline to Master
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Rabbi Schneider - One Important Spiritual Discipline to Master
Rabbi Schneider - One Important Spiritual Discipline to Master
John 8:28, "When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he, and I do nothing on my own initiative, but I speak these things as the father taught me". What I love about this is that Jesus did not live by his own [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Stand with the Jewish People
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Rabbi Schneider - Stand with the Jewish People
Rabbi Schneider - Stand with the Jewish People
Baruch Hashem, welcome today to the Seeds of Revelation. You know, all this doesn't happen without a team, okay. I mean, this is not something, it's just rabbi schneider doing all this stuff, I got an awesome anointed God-called team around me. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Supernatural Consequences
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Rabbi Schneider - Supernatural Consequences
Rabbi Schneider - Supernatural Consequences
If you and I do not abide in the Light, we find ourselves in the darkness. And when we're in the darkness, destruction can fall upon us and evil spirits can enter our lives. When we willfully sin, we open up a legal door for unclean spirits to come [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God is Holy AND Approachable
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Rabbi Schneider - God is Holy AND Approachable
Rabbi Schneider - God is Holy AND Approachable
I wonder what percentage of you right now know the answer to this question. I'm sure that it's quite a lot. I don't know if it's 70%. I don't know what the percentage is. Shortest version of the Bible. What is the shortest verse in the Bible? Tyler, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The History of Hanukkah: God's Desire For Dedication
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Rabbi Schneider - The History of Hanukkah: God's Desire For Dedication
Rabbi Schneider - The History of Hanukkah: God's Desire For Dedication
As we're getting ready to celebrate Hanukkah this year, I wanted to begin by telling you the history and then I wanted to bring it forward and show you how Yeshua was celebrating Hanukkah in the pages of the New Testament. So, first of all, what had [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Faith is the Opposite of Fear
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Rabbi Schneider - Faith is the Opposite of Fear
Rabbi Schneider - Faith is the Opposite of Fear
I want to revisit today Isaiah, chapter 41, verse ten, the grass withers and the flowers fade. But beloved, the word of God abides forever. Hear God's word. Do not fear. For I am with you. Do not anxiously look about. For I am your God. Do not [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Messianic Rabbi Breaks Down the Gospel in the Book of Romans
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Rabbi Schneider - Messianic Rabbi Breaks Down the Gospel in the Book of Romans
Rabbi Schneider - Messianic Rabbi Breaks Down the Gospel in the Book of Romans
So, if you want to understand the gospel and the message of Jesus, we've got to go to the beginning of the book of Romans. How does Paul start out his preaching through the word of God in the book of Romans? Does he just promise everybody that God's [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Be Rooted in the Old AND New Testaments
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Rabbi Schneider - Be Rooted in the Old AND New Testaments
Rabbi Schneider - Be Rooted in the Old AND New Testaments
Many believers, followers of Yeshua, of Jesus, they don't really understand the fullness of what can be received through the Hebrew Bible or the Old Testament. In fact, some people today are wanting to unhinge. That's the word that's out there. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Open Your Heart to the Truth
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Rabbi Schneider - Open Your Heart to the Truth
Rabbi Schneider - Open Your Heart to the Truth
A very important scripture comes from the Gospel of John. Chapter five, verse 39, Yeshua is saying to the Pharisees who just spend all their time studying the Scriptures. He said to them, You search the scriptures because you think in them you have [...]
Rabbi Schneider - How the Holy Spirit Can Guide You
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Rabbi Schneider - How the Holy Spirit Can Guide You
Rabbi Schneider - How the Holy Spirit Can Guide You
You see, God's Spirit is a speaking Spirit. This is why in the book of Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit, when the Ruach HaKodesh was given, in Acts 2, to the church, He manifested Himself above the disciples head as a tongue. A tongue is a speaking [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Your Job as a Christian
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Rabbi Schneider - Your Job as a Christian
Rabbi Schneider - Your Job as a Christian
When you know that the reason that you believe is because God gave you a gift to believe, when you know you believe because He gave you revelation that the rest of the world doesn't have, those that don't believe in Him, when you know that, listen, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - How to Know God Now
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Rabbi Schneider - How to Know God Now
Rabbi Schneider - How to Know God Now
One of my favorite verses in the Psalms comes from Psalm 27:13. Hear the Word of God, David is speaking here, and David is an example of all of us. This is what David said, "I would have despaired", he said, "unless I had believed [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Understanding Yom Kippur
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Rabbi Schneider - Understanding Yom Kippur
Rabbi Schneider - Understanding Yom Kippur
The most holy day, beloved one, on God's sacred calendar is called in Hebrew "Yom", which is the Hebrew word for day, and "Kippur", meaning covering. So, Yom Kippur, the Day of Covering. This was the day that the high priest of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Are You Trying?
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Rabbi Schneider - Are You Trying?
Rabbi Schneider - Are You Trying?
Sometimes when we're reading scripture, we get confused because we seem sometimes to be reading truth that contradicts itself. We know that God has no contradiction within himself, but understanding the ways of God can be compared to a multi-faceted [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Stir Up the Gift Inside You! (Shavuot 2023)
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Rabbi Schneider - Stir Up the Gift Inside You! (Shavuot 2023)
Rabbi Schneider - Stir Up the Gift Inside You! (Shavuot 2023)
We read in the Scriptures that the Apostle Paul was in a hurry to get back in Jerusalem in time for Shavuot or we call it in English, Pentecost. Shavuot or Pentecost is one of the three main pilgrim feasts in the Bible. The time that Jewish people [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Understanding Feast Weeks
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Rabbi Schneider - Understanding Feast Weeks
Rabbi Schneider - Understanding Feast Weeks
The last of the spring holy days is called "Shavuot", also referred to as "Pentecost" or the "Feast of Weeks". It follows the first three spring holy days: Passover, unleavened bread, and first fruits. And this [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Turn Off Your Auto-Pilot
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Rabbi Schneider - Turn Off Your Auto-Pilot
Rabbi Schneider - Turn Off Your Auto-Pilot
I talked about this earlier, but I want to go back to Romans 12:2 once again today, hear the word of God and do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed. By the renewing of your mind. You know what this says to me? It says to me that if [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Understanding Passover
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Rabbi Schneider - Understanding Passover
Rabbi Schneider - Understanding Passover
In the book of Leviticus, chapter 23, the Lord gives us what he calls his seven appointed holy days, in addition to shabbat which happens of course every week. The first of these holy days takes place in the spring, and it's called [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Ouch! This Might Hurt
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Rabbi Schneider - Ouch! This Might Hurt
Rabbi Schneider - Ouch! This Might Hurt
Here is a word that I pray penetrates beloved ones our hearts. I'm reading from the book of Romans Chapter 12, verse two, the words The Apostle Paul. He writes, and do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind [...]
Rabbi Schneider - He is Risen! First Fruits 2023
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Rabbi Schneider - He is Risen! First Fruits 2023
Rabbi Schneider - He is Risen! First Fruits 2023
Shalom uvracha, beloved ones, peace and blessings during this very special season of Passover, unleavened bread, first fruits which is connected to the resurrection of Messiah, all happening and converging at the same time this year, and we are in [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Don't Miss It! Passover Season 2023
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Rabbi Schneider - Don't Miss It! Passover Season 2023
Rabbi Schneider - Don't Miss It! Passover Season 2023
Shalom beloved ones! We're getting ready to celebrate Passover, it's really interesting and moving that in Judaism we have to prepare to celebrate Passover. And so there's a ritual that many Jewish homes will go through, where they'll actually go on [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Key to Unlocking Compassion
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Rabbi Schneider - The Key to Unlocking Compassion
Rabbi Schneider - The Key to Unlocking Compassion
Beloved we're looking today at one of the most practically deep revelations in the word of God. We're looking at the Book of Luke 23:34 and examining Yeshuas, words as he hung on the cross when He said, "Father, forgive them, for they know not [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Your Keys to Fulfillment
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Rabbi Schneider - Your Keys to Fulfillment
Rabbi Schneider - Your Keys to Fulfillment
Shalom, beloved. I'm looking today at 1 Peter 1:3, hear the word of God. Peter says, "Seeing that His divine power has granted to us", and I love these next words, "everything pertaining to life and Godliness". What I love about [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Mystery of the King
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Rabbi Schneider - The Mystery of the King
Rabbi Schneider - The Mystery of the King
Shalom. My fellow believers, brothers and sisters in Messiah. I'm looking today at Revelation 19, verse number 16. John is describing Yeshua as he sees Him in heaven, and he talks about Yeshua as the one that has a name that no one knows except [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Endless Possibilities
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Rabbi Schneider - Endless Possibilities
Rabbi Schneider - Endless Possibilities
Welcome and shalom today, my beloved brothers and sisters. I love the Book of Revelation. I'm looking today in the 19th chapter, The Book of Revelation. I'm looking at the second part of verse 12, and then we're going to go into verse 13. Hear the [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Greatest and Best Reward Can be Yours
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Rabbi Schneider - The Greatest and Best Reward Can be Yours
Rabbi Schneider - The Greatest and Best Reward Can be Yours
All right, beloved one, I've got another fantastic scripture for you today, from the word of God. Hebrews chapter 11:6, "The grass withers and the flowers fade, but the word of the Lord remains forever". Now, really hear this because these [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Breakthrough Birth That Changed The World
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Rabbi Schneider - The Breakthrough Birth That Changed The World
Rabbi Schneider - The Breakthrough Birth That Changed The World
Well, you know where I'm standing? I'm standing in the land that Yeshua, that Jesus our savior, was born in. I'm in the land of Israel. Now, I'm not in Bethlehem. I'm in Caesarea right now, but you know what? There is no other place on the planet [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Do You Agree?
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Rabbi Schneider - Do You Agree?
Rabbi Schneider - Do You Agree?
Shalom eleichem and Happy Hanukkah. I'm in Israel. What a great place to be talking about Hanukkah. Hanukkah is about how the ancient Maccabees, in the 160 BCE period, liberated Jerusalem and recaptured the temple and then dedicated it back to the [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Because, You Really Don't Know
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Rabbi Schneider - Because, You Really Don't Know
Rabbi Schneider - Because, You Really Don't Know
I remember back in the 1980s, I was the captain of my church's softball team. And we were playing a game one day and I kid you not, we were beating this team like 16 to one, and I got so cocky and I don't remember what exactly I said, but I made [...]
Rabbi Schneider - How Deep do You Want to Go?
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Rabbi Schneider - How Deep do You Want to Go?
Rabbi Schneider - How Deep do You Want to Go?
Shalom beloved. Another one of my favorite scriptures today, Psalm number one, verse three, the Psalmist is speaking about somebody that roots their life in God as their source. And the Psalmist gives us the promise that when God is our source, no [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Where Compromise Leads You
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Rabbi Schneider - Where Compromise Leads You
Rabbi Schneider - Where Compromise Leads You
In the book of Joshua, called in Hebrew Yahashua, chapter number 24, verse number 15, Joshua says this, "If it is disagreeable in your sight to serve the Lord, choose for yourselves today whom you will serve. But as for me and my house, we will [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Do You Know? You are a Somebody!
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Rabbi Schneider - Do You Know? You are a Somebody!
Rabbi Schneider - Do You Know? You are a Somebody!
One of my favorite books in the Bible, the book of Ephesians, maybe you have your favorite books in the Bible. I love Ephesians, the Gospel of John, The Song of Songs. Ephesians is definitely one of my favorites. Listen to the word of God in [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Where You are Looking Makes all the Difference
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Rabbi Schneider - Where You are Looking Makes all the Difference
Rabbi Schneider - Where You are Looking Makes all the Difference
In the book of Matthew chapter 14, we read about the very familiar story of Yeshua, of Jesus, walking on the water. The disciples were on the boat and they saw Jesus at night walking upon the water. And we know Peter's personality, very impetuous. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - We Really Have so Much to be Thankful For
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Rabbi Schneider - We Really Have so Much to be Thankful For
Rabbi Schneider - We Really Have so Much to be Thankful For
We are continuing today our series in the Lord's fall holy days. And today we come to the last of God's appointed days that take place in the fall season. We're in the season, beloved ones, of Sukkot, which is Hebrew for Tabernacles. We are in the [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Do You Need Mercy?
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Rabbi Schneider - Do You Need Mercy?
Rabbi Schneider - Do You Need Mercy?
We are quickly approaching the holiest day of the year on God's sacred calendar. In Hebrew, it's called Yom (meaning day) and Kippur (meaning covering). So it's called Yom Kippur, the day of covering also referred to as the Day of Atonement. We [...]
Rabbi Schneider - If He Came Back Today, Would You Be Ready?
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Rabbi Schneider - If He Came Back Today, Would You Be Ready?
Rabbi Schneider - If He Came Back Today, Would You Be Ready?
In the Book of Leviticus 23, the Lord, Yahweh, the God of Israel, and the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ gave us special days that commemorate who He is and His redemptive acts in the world. One of the holiest days in God's calendar, which [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Why You Should Not Fear the Future
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Rabbi Schneider - Why You Should Not Fear the Future
Rabbi Schneider - Why You Should Not Fear the Future
Great scripture, beloved one, something that you and I really wanna warfare into through prayer. What do I mean by warfare into, through prayer? I mean like sometimes we hear scriptures and we say it's a great scripture, but we don't really meditate [...]
Rabbi Schneider - What Is The One Thing That Is Necessary
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Rabbi Schneider - What Is The One Thing That Is Necessary?
Rabbi Schneider - What Is The One Thing That Is Necessary?
Shalom beloved. Since I'm wearing my Jewish happy face t-shirt today, you can see the peyos here and the smile. I like to wear this shirt, cause it makes me happy, the color yellow and the smiley face. And because I'm wearing my happy shirt today, [...]
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