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Rabbi Schneider - The Mystery of the King

Rabbi Schneider - The Mystery of the King
TOPICS: Rabbi Schneider: Devotions, Seeds of Revelation

Shalom. My fellow believers, brothers and sisters in Messiah. I'm looking today at Revelation 19, verse number 16. John is describing Yeshua as he sees Him in heaven, and he talks about Yeshua as the one that has a name that no one knows except Himself. He talked about the fact that He's clothed in a robe, dipped in blood. And then over 16, John says, that on his thigh is a name that is written "King of Kings and Lord of Lords". And it reminds me of an old chorus, some of you remember that goes:

King of Kings and Lord of Lords
Glory Hallelujah
King of Kings and Lord of Lords
Glory Hallelujah

Jesus, Prince of Peace
Glory Hallelujah
Jesus, Prince of Peace
Glory Hallelujah

King of Kings and Lord of Lords
Glory Hallelujah
King of Kings and Lord of Lords
Glory Hallelujah

Jesus, Prince of Peace
Glory Hallelujah
Jesus, Prince of Peace
Glory Hallelujah

Yeshua we worship You today. We give our hearts to You. We give our lives to You. We honor You. We want to live solely for You. And we ask You, if there is anything within us that needs correction, we ask You to bring us into divine alignment, that all our ways and all our steps would be pleasing to You, and that our lives would be a fragrant aroma.

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