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Rabbi Schneider - Endless Possibilities

Rabbi Schneider - Endless Possibilities
TOPICS: Rabbi Schneider: Devotions, Seeds of Revelation, Jesus

Welcome and shalom today, my beloved brothers and sisters. I love the Book of Revelation. I'm looking today in the 19th chapter, The Book of Revelation. I'm looking at the second part of verse 12, and then we're going to go into verse 13. Hear the Word of God, "He Yeshua King Jesus has a name written on Him, which no one knows except himself. He is clothed with the robe dipped in blood."

So I just think about two concepts in those short verses. The first thing is that he has a name that no one knows except himself. You know what that means to me? There is so much more of the depths of Yeshua for you and I to discover. And I know that some of you can relate to this. As I move forward in my walk with God, He reveals deeper and deeper truth to me. He reveals more and more of the realm of eternal life to me.

There's things about himself that he knows that we don't know, and it's going to continue to be like that forever. There's going to be more and more and more of Jesus that we're going to discover even in the age to come. He has a name written on him which no one knows except himself. The depths of the Lord are inexhaustible. The depths of the realm of eternal life beloved ones are inexhaustible. And he's going to continue to reveal himself to us through the Ruach HaKodesh, the Holy Spirit.

The Scripture says, "Eye is not seen and ear is not heard neither has it ever entered into the heart of man the things that God has prepared for those that love Him, and these things are revealed to us by the spirit". You know what? I'm going to pick up next time, talking about verse 13, where it goes on to say, "He is clothed with the robe dipped in blood." So make sure to join me next week for the seeds of Revelation.

And by the way, if you haven't subscribed, you can go to our website and you can subscribe to that. These seeds come to you once a week. You know you don't have to do anything. They just come directly to your email box. Until then, beloved, God bless you. This is Rabbi Schneider saying, I love you and shalom.