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Jack Graham - New Morning Mercies
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Jack Graham - New Morning Mercies
Jack Graham - New Morning Mercies
God is faithful. And the title of this message is "New Morning Mercies" from Lamentations, chapter 3. Yes, Lamentations if you can find it in your Bible. It's next to a big book called Jeremiah. It was probably, most likely written by [...]
James Merritt - Mercy Me
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James Merritt - Mercy Me
James Merritt - Mercy Me
We're in a culture right now that's into nostalgia, and they, we got people wanna go back to the 70's and the 80's and the 90's. It's really kind of a cool thing for me. And there are movies, as you know, that are [...]
Frankie Mazzapica - Echoes of Mercy
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Frankie Mazzapica - Echoes of Mercy
Frankie Mazzapica - Echoes of Mercy
Thank you for tuning in today. My name's Frankie Mazzapica. The title of today's message is "Echoes of Mercy," echoes of mercy. I'm speaking on this because oftentimes, the sins of our past, like David said, are ever before [...]
Robert Barron - King of All, Warrior of Mercy
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Robert Barron - King of All, Warrior of Mercy
Robert Barron - King of All, Warrior of Mercy
Peace be with you. Friends, we come to the great feast of Christ the King, which is always the last Sunday of the liturgical year. Think of the king coming at the end of a long procession into his palace. Well, this is Christ the King at the end of [...]
Chris Hodges - God's Twin Mercies
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Chris Hodges - God's Twin Mercies
Chris Hodges - God's Twin Mercies
All right, all right. Anybody love Jesus tonight? Oh, yeah. It's awesome. So good to see all of you, and welcome to all of our locations that are joining us now. I hope you had a fraction of the amazing night that we had in this room. If you [...]
Rick Warren - A Faith That Makes Me More Merciful and Less Judgmental
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Rick Warren - A Faith That Makes Me More Merciful and Less Judgmental
Rick Warren - A Faith That Makes Me More Merciful and Less Judgmental
Hi everybody. I'm Rick Warren, Pastor of Saddleback Church, Author of the Purpose Driven Life and speaker at the Daily Hope Broadcast. Welcome back to our special series on principles for living through a pandemic. Now, today is our 17th study [...]
John Bradshaw - God Was Merciful
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John Bradshaw - God Was Merciful
John Bradshaw - God Was Merciful
King David's many failings are recorded in the Bible with painful accuracy. He was dishonorable, an adulterer, a schemer, a murderer, a terrible father, a serial marrier, he numbered Israel, and went to the Philistines for help when he was [...]
John Bradshaw - Start With Mercy
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John Bradshaw - Start With Mercy
John Bradshaw - Start With Mercy
Most people admit that they lie and that's a problem because the Bible says that all liars shall have their part in the second death. So what do you do about that? Do you start with promising to never lie again? Full marks for intent, but [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God's Mercy Endures Forever
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Kenneth Copeland - God's Mercy Endures Forever
Kenneth Copeland - God's Mercy Endures Forever
— I want to remind you again. Well, for those of you that is now tuning in, I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is Professor Greg Stephens, and this is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast, it goes out on the Victory Channel. And these are all [...]
Chris Hodges - Blessed Are the Merciful
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Chris Hodges - Blessed Are the Merciful
Chris Hodges - Blessed Are the Merciful
Well, happy Sunday, everybody. Who loves Jesus today, anybody? Come on, would you do me a favor and just give him the best handclap of praise? It's awesome. That's awesome. And a big hello to all of our locations. We are one church that [...]
John Bradshaw - Judgment Is Easy
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John Bradshaw - Judgment Is Easy
John Bradshaw - Judgment Is Easy
Judgment is easy: you see someone break a commandment, that person is a commandment breaker simple. In fact, that person has judged themselves. But there's often far more to a situation like that than meets the eye. That person may well be [...]
Frankie Mazzapica - God's Limitless Mercy
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Frankie Mazzapica - God's Limitless Mercy
Frankie Mazzapica - God's Limitless Mercy
Thank you for tuning in today. My name is Frankie Mazzapica. The title of the message is "God's Limitless Mercy," "God's Limitless Mercy". There are two things in life that are limitless, the stupidity of mankind, and [...]
Frankie Mazzapica - God Remembers You Were Made From Dust
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Frankie Mazzapica - God Remembers You Were Made From Dust
Frankie Mazzapica - God Remembers You Were Made From Dust
Thank you for tuning in today, my name is Frankie Mazzapica. The title of today's message is "God Remembers You Are Made From Dust," he remembers that. Let me just straight away lay a scriptural foundation. In Psalms 103, verse 13, it [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Have You Accepted God's Mercy?
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Rabbi Schneider - Have You Accepted God's Mercy?
Rabbi Schneider - Have You Accepted God's Mercy?
Are you sensing that something is happening in the spiritual atmosphere that surrounds us? Beloved, we are now in the midst of the fall holy season. On the last broadcast, I talked with you about the first in the Fall Holy Days, The Feast of [...]
John Hagee - Blessed Are The Merciful
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John Hagee - Blessed Are The Merciful
John Hagee - Blessed Are The Merciful
Consider the miracle of mercy. We all love mercy, especially when we're receiving it. The story of mercy behind Psalms 57 is this: David is fleeing for his life from king Saul. David ran from king Saul almost ten years, living in caves because [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Mercy Is God's Favor
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Kenneth Copeland - Mercy Is God's Favor
Kenneth Copeland - Mercy Is God's Favor
Hello, everybody it's time for Wednesday's edition of the Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast. And we are studying what Jesus said in John 8:32. Well he said it in the eighth chapter of John, let me put it like that, because we need [...]
Levi Lusko - Your Presence is Requested
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Levi Lusko - Your Presence is Requested
Levi Lusko - Your Presence is Requested
We're glad to have you here with us as we begin this brand new collection, a brand new season in our church that we're calling The Table. And we're going to be talking about how God wants to use a spirit of hospitality to expand the [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Do You Need Mercy?
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Rabbi Schneider - Do You Need Mercy?
Rabbi Schneider - Do You Need Mercy?
We are quickly approaching the holiest day of the year on God's sacred calendar. In Hebrew, it's called Yom (meaning day) and Kippur (meaning covering). So it's called Yom Kippur, the day of covering also referred to as the Day of [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God's Healing Mercies for Long Life
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Kenneth Copeland - God's Healing Mercies for Long Life
Kenneth Copeland - God's Healing Mercies for Long Life
Let's turn to the 91st Psalm. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High, Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. He shall abide under the shadow of Shaddai, the God who is more than enough. He just got through [...]
Creflo Dollar - Understanding How Merciful God Is
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Creflo Dollar - Understanding How Merciful God Is
Creflo Dollar - Understanding How Merciful God Is
Praise the Lord. If you have your Bibles, go with me quickly to Psalms 145:8-9. We're talking about the mercy of God and the power of God's mercy, and tonight, we're going to spend most of our time in the book of Jonah to just show [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Power of God's Mercy - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - The Power of God's Mercy - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - The Power of God's Mercy - Part 2
You know, the easiest thing for us to do sometimes is to blame God for everything that hits us. That's sometimes the easiest thing to do. You know, "God, why didn't you do this"? or "God, why did you let this happen"? [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Power of God's Mercy - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - The Power of God's Mercy - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - The Power of God's Mercy - Part 1
Let's begin in Psalms 145 and verses 8 and 9. I wanna read out of the King James and then the NLT, and we'll talk about the power of God's mercy. I wanna spend most of the time tonight defining that. I need you to get this. I wanna [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Mercy of The LORD
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Kenneth Copeland - The Mercy of The LORD
Kenneth Copeland - The Mercy of The LORD
— Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. And would you, once again, welcome this beautiful couple here. Haven't they just done a wonderful job? They've done a wonderful job of [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Sin, Sacrifice, and Mercy
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Rabbi Schneider - Sin, Sacrifice, and Mercy
Rabbi Schneider - Sin, Sacrifice, and Mercy
We showed you last week that the sin offering and the trespass offering was predominately for sins that were unintentional. And yet when we read in the Book of Leviticus, we read last week that many of the sins that the offering atone for, things [...]
Craig Smith - Come Find Your Mercy
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Craig Smith - Come Find Your Mercy
Craig Smith - Come Find Your Mercy
Feel free to go ahead and grab a seat. And we’re gonna be digging into a subject today that has been called the hidden epidemic of our era. It’s not one of those out front-and-center epidemics. You can’t track it like COVID-19. There’s not daily and [...]
Craig Smith - Mercy Matters
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Craig Smith - Mercy Matters
Craig Smith - Mercy Matters
Hey, welcome to Mission Hills. So honored to have you with us today. We are three weeks deep into our Living Proof series where we’re taking a look at seven stories about seven miracles that Jesus performed that are told to us by one of the [...]
Joseph Prince - Forgiven Righteously Through Jesus Our Mercy Seat
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Joseph Prince - Forgiven Righteously Through Jesus Our Mercy Seat
Joseph Prince - Forgiven Righteously Through Jesus Our Mercy Seat
Turn to your neighbor, smile, and say, "We are in for an exciting time". "How are you doing," ask them. Tell them, "Shalom". That means health, wholeness, peace, amen. So we saw last week that the ark of the [...]
Craig Smith - Why Justice Isn't Good Enough?
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Craig Smith - Why Justice Isn't Good Enough?
Craig Smith - Why Justice Isn't Good Enough?
So, Jesus wants us to be vulnerable. He wants us to give more than is required. He wants us to serve our enemies. He wants us to practice unfailing generosity. Let me ask you this: What do all these things have in common? Join us as Craig unpacks [...]
Craig Smith - Mercy and Mission
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Craig Smith - Mercy and Mission
Craig Smith - Mercy and Mission
Good morning. Welcome to Mission Hills I’ve been super excited about today because we’re launching our six-week Easter series. Don’t worry, you still got a few weeks to buy candy and whatever else you need to do. But we wanted to get started right [...]
Billy Graham - House of Mercy
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Billy Graham - House of Mercy
Billy Graham - House of Mercy
Now I want you to turn with me tonight to the 5th chapter of John's Gospel, to the 5th chapter of John's Gospel, the 5th chapter of John's Gospel. I won't read it to you, I'll just tell you the story. And you will be able to [...]
Joel Osteen - The God Who Stoops
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Joel Osteen - The God Who Stoops
Joel Osteen - The God Who Stoops
I want to talk to you today about The God Who Stoops. We think if we can live good enough then God will bless us, if we can clean ourselves up, get rid of this bad habit, not fail anymore, then God will show us his favor. The problem is: we [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Faith In Chesed Makes You Whole
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Kenneth Copeland - Faith In Chesed Makes You Whole
Kenneth Copeland - Faith In Chesed Makes You Whole
Let's look at Matthew 15 verse 21, "Jesus went then and departed into the coast of Tyre and Sidon. Behold", that means look okay in your mind now look. "A woman of Canaan came out of the same coast and cried unto him. Saying, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Chesed Is God's Covenant Mercy
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Kenneth Copeland - Chesed Is God's Covenant Mercy
Kenneth Copeland - Chesed Is God's Covenant Mercy
Today we're going to be talking about something that is dear to my heart and has been for many, many, many, many, many years. I began studying covenant a lot of years ago, almost, well, I would say I've been in this ministry 53 years, I [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Chesed Is Reserved For God's Family
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Kenneth Copeland - Chesed Is Reserved For God's Family
Kenneth Copeland - Chesed Is Reserved For God's Family
Alright, second Chronicles chapter 20, now we will begin to see here second Chronicles 20, we begin reading with the first verse, and read this very carefully. "It came to pass after this also, that the children of Moab, and the children of [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Covenant Chesed Endures Forever
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Kenneth Copeland - Covenant Chesed Endures Forever
Kenneth Copeland - Covenant Chesed Endures Forever
Now. Then second Samuel chapter 9. Oh Lord Jesus. Oh, this is why David, a man after God's own heart, verse 1. Saul has been killed. Jonathan has been killed. Now David and Jonathan had entered into a blood covenant and they loved one another [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Chesed Is The Faithfulness Of God
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Kenneth Copeland - Chesed Is The Faithfulness Of God
Kenneth Copeland - Chesed Is The Faithfulness Of God
Let's look at Matthew chapter 15. Do you remember the Syrophoenician woman? All right. Now this is a woman with no covenant and she knew it. Well. You know, brother Copeland, she probably had never heard about Jesus and, and uh, well, I beg [...]
Robert Morris - I'll Arrange It
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Robert Morris - I'll Arrange It
Robert Morris - I'll Arrange It
Let me explain why when we talk about the justice of God, we have to talk about the mercy of God. We're talking about attributes of God, so these are two attributes that many people think are contrary to one another, but they're not. The [...]
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Jentezen Franklin - Great Mercy
Jentezen Franklin - Great Mercy
I want you to look with me to 1 Chronicles 8. I'll begin reading with verse ten. I preached last Sunday on "Great Grace". That's a biblical phrase. "Great grace was upon them all," in the book of Acts. And today, I want [...]
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Jentezen Franklin - A Place for Mercy
Jentezen Franklin - A Place for Mercy
Look with me in 1 Chronicles 28:10: "Consider now, for the Lord has chosen you to build a house for the sanctuary. Be strong and just do it. Then David gave his son Solomon the plans for the vestibule..." Listen to this, "the houses, [...]
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Andy Stanley - Undeserveable
Andy Stanley - Undeserveable
Now I know I'm naive to wonder this and you can criticize me for this later because I'm just owning the fact that this is kind of a naive, simplistic thought. But I don't know why everybody wouldn't want Christianity to be true. [...]
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Joyce Meyer - The Mercy Of God
Joyce Meyer - The Mercy Of God
Mercy is a powerful thing, isn't it? Recently we were in Thailand, so I was teaching at 10 o'clock in the morning and 2 o'clock in the afternoon, so I taught from 10 to 11, and then we had a 3-hour break, so we went to get something [...]
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Joyce Meyer - How Do I Get Mercy?
Joyce Meyer - How Do I Get Mercy?
Today, Joyce Meyer answers the question: How do I get mercy? [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Have Mercy On Us
Joyce Meyer - Have Mercy On Us
We take you into the secret world of a leprosy colony to find out how we are sharing Christ and touching lives of people the world calls "untouchable." [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Developing A Merciful Attitude
Joyce Meyer - Developing A Merciful Attitude
We all love to receive mercy, but it’s also important to give it to others! Today, learn how you can share the life-changing gift of mercy. What are the characteristics of having a merciful attitude? [...]
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TD Jakes - God's Mercy Seat
TD Jakes - God's Mercy Seat
Number one, it's the tablets of stone, the tablets of stone, the tablets of stone. "What do you mean by the tablets of stone? Do you mean God had legal pads sitting in there"? No, I mean that the Ten Commandments, not the broken ones, [...]
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TD Jakes - God's Mercy Sits Here
TD Jakes - God's Mercy Sits Here
Number one is the tablets of stone. What do you mean by the tablets of stone? Do you mean God had legal pads in there? No, I mean that the Ten Commandments, not the broken ones. Let me show you this real quick. This is something very few believers [...]
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Joel Osteen — Covered By Mercy
Joel Osteen — Covered By Mercy
I want to talk to you today about covered by mercy. We all make mistakes in life and do things that we know we shouldn't do, and it's easy to live guilty, in regrets, feeling like we're all washed up. A man said ti me recently how he [...]
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Patricia King — Mercy or Judgement?
Patricia King — Mercy or Judgement?
Patricia King examines God's mercy and judgement. Interview with Georgian Banov in New Orleans after the Katrina disaster [...]
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Beth Moore — God's Kingdom Purpose For You
Beth Moore — God's Kingdom Purpose For You
I loved -- did you see in recent weeks in this series on the kingdom when James was talking about his history as a couple with Betty and how he told her, "He is more real to me than the skin wrapped around my bones." We want you to know [...]
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Priscilla Shirer — Mercy Multiplied
Priscilla Shirer — Mercy Multiplied
After an eight year career working with juvenile delinquent girls, Nancy Alcorn became passionate about helping young women break free of many harmful, addictive behaviors and find freedom in Christ. She formed Mercy Ministries, now Mercy [...]