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Kay Arthur — Victory or Defeat?
Kay Arthur — Victory or Defeat?
Death, it’s not really something we really like to talk about. As a matter of fact, we want to avoid it. And yet I will tell you this: I have thought about my death. I have thought about the way I want to die. I want to die victorious. I want to die [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Wrath and the Righteousness of God
Kay Arthur — The Wrath and the Righteousness of God
You know we love to hear about the love of God, don’t we? But we don’t want to hear about His wrath. We don’t want to hear about His judgment. And yet deep inside of us don’t we realize that if God is God, if He is righteous, if He is holy that He [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Power to Live Through the Gospel
Kay Arthur — The Power to Live Through the Gospel
Do you ever get angry because what someone else has done is not right towards others? They shouldn’t have done it. They shouldn’t have acted that way. It was cruel. It was mean. It was evil. And it’s a righteous anger. It’s an anger that God can [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Power of God Unto Salvation
Kay Arthur — The Power of God Unto Salvation
You turn on the news and you hear about another tragedy. What kind of a future are we facing? And is there anything that can turn our society around? Oh my friend, there is something that can turn our society around. There is something that can come [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Nation That Turns Its Back on God
Kay Arthur — The Nation That Turns Its Back on God
What happens when a nation turns its back on God? When a nation who once had the light of God, the fear of God, the respect and trust of God, what happens when they turn their back on that knowledge, that light, and they walk away from God? You need [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Nation at the Crossroads
Kay Arthur — The Nation at the Crossroads
America is at the crossroads, Beloved. We’re in a high speed car on the top of a mountain and we don’t see the curve in the road. We are laughing. We are carrying on and we are unaware of the danger that lies before us. And if we don’t wake up, [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Much More of Our Justification
Kay Arthur — The Much More of Our Justification
Life is hard. It’s Difficult. It’s painful. And yet you know what? God says that we’re to rejoice. And you say, “What is there to rejoice about? My spirits are down, I’m in despair, I’m without hope.” Oh, Precious One, listen, if you belong to [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Life Is In the Blood
Kay Arthur — The Life Is In the Blood
You know wherever you go, wherever you study the cultures of men you always find the shedding of blood. Why? Why does there have to be a blood sacrifice? Where did that concept come from? Could it be that the life is in the blood and that the [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Judgment of God
Kay Arthur — The Judgment of God
Surely, you’ve heard someone say it, “I can not stand Christians, they are a bunch of hypocrites. They say one thing, they profess one thing and they live another way.” God says that, “Hypocrites before Him are going to be without excuse.” God’s [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Bloody Nation
Kay Arthur — The Bloody Nation
It’s about choice. I’m a woman; this is my body and I have the right to make a choice, a choice about whether I want to carry a child or whether I don’t want to carry a child. And I don’t want anybody putting condemnation or guilt on me. Precious [...]
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Kay Arthur — Ten Considerations Before You Vote
Kay Arthur — Ten Considerations Before You Vote
Who do you want to be the next President of the United States of America? Don’t tell me “I want a Republican.” Don’t tell me “I want a Democrat.” Which of those two candidates is most suited to lead America into the future, to handle any crisis that [...]
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Kay Arthur — Reconciled-What a Word!
Kay Arthur — Reconciled-What a Word!
Have you ever had a falling out with someone so much so that you didn’t want to see that person again? And yet this was your loved one. I sat down on the plane with a woman, that was on her way to see her stepdaughter, a daughter that she had [...]
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Kay Arthur — Promise, Threat and Repentance
Kay Arthur — Promise, Threat and Repentance
Israel was in great danger. Israel wanted to be like the rest of the nations and Israel had followed after idols. God was, in a sense, terrorizing them by the threat and the attacks of the Babylonians. And yet Israel would not listen. So God got His [...]
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Kay Arthur — Perseverance Pays
Kay Arthur — Perseverance Pays
Do you have friends, Beloved, that are going through a wilderness? That are in a situation where nothing seems to ever get better but only worse? They’ve gone to the doctor. You’ve prayed fervently. You find out that what the doctor said was worse [...]
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Kay Arthur — Not of the World
Kay Arthur — Not of the World
Do you realize Beloved, that Jesus requested something very special from the Father on your behalf? On your behalf as a believer in Him, He asked the Father not to take you out of the world, but to keep you from the world. In other words, God is [...]
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Kay Arthur — Measure Up to God’s Standard
Kay Arthur — Measure Up to God’s Standard
How can you expect any man to measure up to God, to measure up to His standards, to measure up to His commandments? I mean we might as well forget it. It’s impossible. The more I try to be good, the more I find out that I cannot be good so I might [...]
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Kay Arthur — Look Up!
Kay Arthur — Look Up!
Have you ever failed a test? Worse, have you ever flunked a course? I mean that is bad. I mean you have wasted the money you invested, the books that you bought, the time that you spent; it’s all for absolutely nothing. You flunked. Do you realize [...]
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Kay Arthur — Justified: What Does It Mean?
Kay Arthur — Justified: What Does It Mean?
Can you imagine, standing before God, face to face and knowing that you are as guilty as sin? And you wait for that gavel to come down. You wait for that judge to pronounce the verdict. You’re shuddering, you’re trembling and all of a sudden the [...]
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Kay Arthur — Judging the Bloody City
Kay Arthur — Judging the Bloody City
So what’s bad about abortion? I mean after all, it’s my body; it’s my choice. I have a right to do whatever I want with my body. Isn’t that what we say? What is so bad about abortion? What’s so bad about abortion is that we don’t realize that when [...]
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Kay Arthur — If a Country Sins
Kay Arthur — If a Country Sins
When calamity occurs in a nation, or occurs in a city, where’s Almighty God? I mean, after all, if He is Almighty God, if He is loving, if He cares, if He is all-powerful, then where is He? Why does He allow that calamity if He exists? Well this is [...]
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Kay Arthur — How Shall the Righteous Live
Kay Arthur — How Shall the Righteous Live
Are you ready for a change? I mean, have you looked at life and thought, you know, I’m not headed in the right direction? In fact, it’s getting worse and worse and worse. I need a change. Do you know how to change? Can you change? There can be a [...]
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Kay Arthur — Hope Beyond Your Failures
Kay Arthur — Hope Beyond Your Failures
Failures can really loom before us, can’t they? They come at the most, the most inopportune times. You’re ready to do something or you’re ready to take an adventure and all of a sudden failure comes in your face and you think, what if I fail, what [...]
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Kay Arthur — His Unseen Presence
Kay Arthur — His Unseen Presence
Are you, my friend, in a difficult difficult circumstance? Do you think it will never end? Do you feel like you’ve been in the wilderness and everything is barren and dry and you are about to shrivel and die yourself? Have you seen, have you felt, [...]
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Kay Arthur — Godly Repentance
Kay Arthur — Godly Repentance
“I sinned and I’m sorry.” What are you sorry about? Are you sorry about the consequences? Give me the answer to that and I’ll be able to tell whether you’re going to come out of the cycle of sin. You see, when we sin we need to understand whom we’ve [...]
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Kay Arthur — God’s Anointed Ruler(s)
Kay Arthur — God’s Anointed Ruler(s)
I wonder what will happen when historians look back at when America elected the next president. I wonder if it’s going to change the course of our history. I wonder what’s going to happen. I want you to know Beloved, I believe that this upcoming [...]
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Kay Arthur — God Gave Them Over to Degrading Passions
Kay Arthur — God Gave Them Over to Degrading Passions
What happens when a nation turns its back on God, when a nation doesn’t honor God as God? What happens when a nation sets its own standards? What happens when a nation calls evil good and good evil? Well you can pick up the history of the Roman [...]
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Kay Arthur — God Bless America
Kay Arthur — God Bless America
I was standing in the Cannon Building on Capitol Hill. The Cannon Building is where many, many congressmen have their offices. And I was there for the National Day of Prayer. I joined others as we stood and sang “God Bless America.” Precious One, [...]
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Kay Arthur — Don't Blow It!
Kay Arthur — Don't Blow It!
Keeping your cool isn't always easy. Laching out seems to be the first option. But as you'll see, the Holy Spirit can keep you from losing your temper and grieving God. Kay Arthur continues a series in 1st Samuel titled, "Who Are You [...]
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Kay Arthur — Divination
Kay Arthur — Divination
When things aren’t happening the way you think they ought to happen, when they’re not going according to what you want or you desire from God, are you tempted to break rules? Do you think that you can break those rules Beloved, and get away with it? [...]
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Kay Arthur — Bought From the Slave Market of Sin
Kay Arthur — Bought From the Slave Market of Sin
Have you ever felt like you were a slave? Oh, no one could see the chains, but you knew that they were there because when you tried to break free, when you tried to get out of that bondage, when you tried to stop doing what you were doing and you [...]
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Kay Arthur — Beyond Death's Door
Kay Arthur — Beyond Death's Door
Have you ever wondered, when you hear about a person committing suicide, if they really understand what happens to them when they die? I think so many people are committing suicide because they want to get rid of the pain and they do not know and [...]
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Kay Arthur — Beliefs Manifested Through Lifestyle
Kay Arthur — Beliefs Manifested Through Lifestyle
Do you realize that there is a time coming when there is going to be a fear of God before our eyes? If you believe that today, if you believe that you are accountable to God. Would it change the direction of your life, would it change the quest of [...]
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Kay Arthur — Be Right With God
Kay Arthur — Be Right With God
Oh my friend, do you think that if you’re going to ever be right with God that there’s something that you surely have to do? So many times we think that we cannot be right with God unless we do our part. How strange that is to the Word of God. We [...]
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Kay Arthur — Apart From Works, Circumcision
Kay Arthur — Apart From Works, Circumcision
Do you relate to that man in the Bible that said, I believe Lord, but help Thou my unbelief. Do you think my faith is so weak? I wish it were stronger. Precious one, listen, faith is a building, growing exercise and just the fact that you want a [...]
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Kay Arthur — Accountable to God
Kay Arthur — Accountable to God
Have you ever been so done in, and so in your frustration, in you anger you turn and you say, God that is unfair? You are unfair, God. Can you be sure without a shadow of a doubt that God will never be unfair, that He will be absolutely fair right [...]
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Kay Arthur — Abigail
Kay Arthur — Abigail
Oh, my friend, is your marriage like a wilderness? Is it dead, is it barren, is it overwhelming, do you feel just so isolated? Do you feel like you’re just going to succumb to the heat of that dry, dry desert? And at night when you should be warm [...]
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Kay Arthur — A Promise
Kay Arthur — A Promise
Yep, you did it! You married a fool and now you’re living with the fool and you are so fed up with that fool and you don’t know what to do. But you do know what the Word of God says, [“God hates divorce.”] (PARAPHRASE MALACHI 2:16) Does God allow [...]
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Kay Arthur — A Generous Heart
Kay Arthur — A Generous Heart
Have you ever stood on the sidelines and watched your friend or watched your colleague get all the applause, all the acclaim, all the honor? And you stood there and you knew that they were there because you were beside them to help them. And what [...]
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Kay Arthur — Victory is the Lord’s
Kay Arthur — Victory is the Lord’s
Is everything going absolutely great for you, Beloved? I mean can you feel the wind of the Spirit behind your back? Can you sense His power on your life? That is great. That is awesome. I am thrilled for you. But be careful, be very, very careful [...]
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Kay Arthur — Trust in the Lord
Kay Arthur — Trust in the Lord
Are you in a quandary, my friend? Do you not know what to do? You don’t whether you should say yes, or whether you should say no, whether you should buy the house, or whether you should rent, what you should do with the money, what you should do [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Enemy Looms
Kay Arthur — The Enemy Looms
Oh, Beloved, is there someone or something looming over you; I mean absolutely threatening you, causing you to fear, causing you to tremble? What are you going to do? Should you tremble? Should you be afraid? You say, “Kay, if you knew what I was [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Battle is the Lord’s
Kay Arthur — The Battle is the Lord’s
Life can be such a strain, can’t it, Beloved? I mean sometimes it seems like everything is coming down on us at once and we are bent over and bent over and bent over and we think we’ll never lift our head again, we’ll never see the light of day. O, [...]
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Kay Arthur — Signs and Wonders
Kay Arthur — Signs and Wonders
If a person stands before you and they do miracles, if they cast out demons, or if they prophesy in the name of God, does that mean that that person has a direct connection to God and that we need to pay attention to that prophecy; we need to say, [...]
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Kay Arthur — Relationships
Kay Arthur — Relationships
Let me ask you a question: if you were to die, where would you go? Would you step into the presence of God and know that you are home? Would you know that because you know that you’re beloved of God, because you’ve experienced the lovingkindness of [...]
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Kay Arthur — Principles of Warfare
Kay Arthur — Principles of Warfare
Are you in a warfare, Beloved? The question is, in this warfare are you going to know victory or are you going to be defeated? I think a lot of it has to do with understanding who your enemy is and understanding who God is. And that’s what we wanna [...]
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Kay Arthur — Priests at Nob
Kay Arthur — Priests at Nob
There’s nothing like a friend. There’s nothing like a friend that will stay closer than a brother. I pray that you have a friend like that. But there’s nothing worse than an enemy who is only interested in his own welfare, an enemy who is out to get [...]
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Kay Arthur — Mizpah, Mizpah
Kay Arthur — Mizpah, Mizpah
Has anyone ever said Mizpah to you? You say, “No, not really; what does it mean?” Well Mizpah, I heard, meant “the Lord watch between you and me.” And I thought, O, that’s neat. And then I heard it meant “the Lord watch between you and me while [...]
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Kay Arthur — Making a Covenant
Kay Arthur — Making a Covenant
Whew! I did it; I have a victory. You know, it’s wonderful to rejoice in a victory, isn’t it? But you have to be very, very careful. “Let him [that] thinks he [stand] take heed lest he fall.” (1Corinthians 10:12 NKJV) One of the things that you need [...]
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Kay Arthur — In the Wilderness
Kay Arthur — In the Wilderness
Do you feel like life has become a wilderness? That everything is barren, everything is dry, everything is dead and there’s no oasis in sight. There’s no relief in sight. What are you going to do? O Beloved, listen, God is in the wilderness. He’s [...]
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Kay Arthur — Hope Does Not Dissapoint
Kay Arthur — Hope Does Not Dissapoint
Are you, my friend, looking for a way of escape? I mean, you’ve had it; it’s too hard to be in this relationship. It’s too hard to be in this job. It’s too hard to be a parent. It’s too hard to be a husband. You need a way of escape and you’ve just [...]
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