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Chris Hodges - The Prayer of Faith
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Chris Hodges - The Prayer of Faith
Chris Hodges - The Prayer of Faith
Oh, it's so good to see all of you here today in church. Who's glad to be here, anybody? Yeah, come on, give God a great praise. Isn't he awesome? Oh, I'm fired up today. I've had three cups of coffee and a lot of prayer. Here we go, all right? It's [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God is Supernatural
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Rabbi Schneider - God is Supernatural
Rabbi Schneider - God is Supernatural
I remember a scripture that I quoted before, a congregation that I was pastoring close to 30 years ago. When I was trying to encourage them to come into the reality of having a relationship with a super natural God. You see, by nature, our walk with [...]
Allen Jackson - A Supernatural Life - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - A Supernatural Life - Part 2
Allen Jackson - A Supernatural Life - Part 2
It is such a privilege to have this time with you and to open the Word of God. We're gonna conclude our study on lessons from Peter. We're still looking at this notion of a supernatural life. There is no Jesus story apart from the supernatural. The [...]
Allen Jackson - A Supernatural Life - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - A Supernatural Life - Part 1
Allen Jackson - A Supernatural Life - Part 1
It's a privilege to be with you today. We've been walking through the study on "Lessons from Peter". Today we're gonna talk about a supernatural life as we follow Peter and his leadership of the church through those early chapters of the [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Are You Working for the Supernatural?
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Rabbi Schneider - Are You Working for the Supernatural?
Rabbi Schneider - Are You Working for the Supernatural?
Jesus is saying here, truly, truly I say to you, you seek not because you saw signs, but because you ate of the loaves and were filled. Now, this is just a simple admonition here to people that are using God to accumulate earthly things. I mean, [...]
Allen Jackson - Living a Supernatural Life - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Living a Supernatural Life - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Living a Supernatural Life - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you again. Our study is about 'Determined Faith.' I wanna complete the session on the supernatural life. And I think far too often we imagine that the spiritual journey is almost entirely encapsulated in being born again. [...]
Allen Jackson - Living a Supernatural Life - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Living a Supernatural Life - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Living a Supernatural Life - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you again. We're doing a study on "Determined Faith," and in this session I want to talk to you about a supernatural life. I think so often we think if God does a miracle in our lives that it means we can step back [...]
Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 8
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Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 8
Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 8
Now, the cure for a hardened heart is a total commitment to keep our minds stayed on the Lord. The cure for a hardened heart. Isaiah 26:3, and Psalms 4:8 through 9. The cure for a hardened heart is to keep or to have a total commitment to keep our [...]
Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 7
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Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 7
Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 7
If you have your Bibles, go with me to the Book of Mark chapter 6, verse 45 through 52. This has been our key passage for the last several weeks. I am gonna try to get a little further along down the line. But we've been talking about how to live in [...]
Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 6
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Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 6
Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 6
Mark chapter 6, verse 45 and through 52. Now, you read it on the screen or wherever you can read it from. This is important now. We can live in the supernatural. "And straightway Jesus constrained his disciples to get into the ship, and to go [...]
Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 5
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Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 5
Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 5
If you have your Bibles go with me to the book of Mark chapter 6. Mark chapter 6. We'll do a little review of last week and then pick up from where we left off. Mark chapter 6 and verse 45. We're talking about living or how to live in the [...]
Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 4
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Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 4
Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 4
The number one enemy to a supernatural manifestation is something called hardness of heart. Now, what is that? Because you're assuming something that I know you're assuming it, but it's not right. It's not just rebellion to God's Word. So, we have [...]
Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 3
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Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 3
Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 3
Today I believe it's just going to be revolutionary in your life. In this series, I have committed to making sure that I take my time because we don't want you to just know that the supernatural exists; we want you to understand how to operate in [...]
Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 2
Are y'all ready to live the supernatural life? Now, I wanna show you somethin' now. Go to 2 Corinthians chapter 4, and verse 18. Now, stay with me now. Now, we human, physically, in a physical body, we abide and live and exist in the physical realm. [...]
Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - How to Live in the Supernatural - Part 1
Romans chapter 4, this is a very good illustration here. Verse 17. "As it is written, I have made thee," we're talking about Abraham, "A father of many nations, before him whom he believed even God who quickeneth the dead, and even [...]
Sid Roth - I Can See Angels and Demons with Don Paul
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Sid Roth - I Can See Angels and Demons with Don Paul
Sid Roth - I Can See Angels and Demons with Don Paul
My guest can see into the invisible realm. He's seen demons, he's seen angels. He's prayed for people with cancer, AIDS, and they've been healed. Next on this edition of "It's Supernatural"! Sid Roth : Hello. I'm Sid Roth your [...]
Sid Roth - Woman Wakes Up from 2 Month Coma
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Sid Roth - Woman Wakes Up from 2 Month Coma
Sid Roth - Woman Wakes Up from 2 Month Coma
After a tragic accident Mary Frances Varallo's daughter was in a coma for over two months. Doctors gave up. Today her daughter functions normally, even though her brain scans show severe brain damage. The medical community, they can't explain it. [...]
Bill Winston - Faith for the Supernatural
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Bill Winston - Faith for the Supernatural
Bill Winston - Faith for the Supernatural
Transformation, for the most part, has not been taught. When I say that, I mean this, that there were two parts to it. Go ye in all the world and what? Preach the gospel to every creature. Over here in Matthew 28, he said, "Make [...]
Sid Roth - How to Discern the Unseen Realm Around You
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Sid Roth - How to Discern the Unseen Realm Around You
Sid Roth - How to Discern the Unseen Realm Around You
Sid Roth : Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. Do you know what sonar is? Sonar, we didn't have all the time and big ships would actually plow into icebergs. Why would they plow into an iceberg? Because 90 [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Supernatural
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Joyce Meyer - The Supernatural
Joyce Meyer - The Supernatural
Joyce Meyer: Welcome to, "Enjoying Everyday Life". Today, we have an interesting program for you, it's about the supernatural. Are you interested in that subject? Ginger and I will candidly talk about what we mean by the supernatural. We [...]
Sid Roth - God Instantly Downloaded the Entire Bible into Richard Booker
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Sid Roth - God Instantly Downloaded the Entire Bible into Richard Booker
Sid Roth - God Instantly Downloaded the Entire Bible into Richard Booker
Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest, some 40 years ago, was on a fast track in his career and all of a sudden God invaded his living room, flattened him to the floor and instantly [...]
Sid Roth - How to Understand the Supernatural
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Sid Roth - How to Understand the Supernatural
Sid Roth - How to Understand the Supernatural
Sid Roth: Hello Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. One of my best friends died many years ago. I taught him how to stand on the promises of God, is a medical doctor, wonderful family young, everything to live for. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Walk in the Supernatural
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Rabbi Schneider - Walk in the Supernatural
Rabbi Schneider - Walk in the Supernatural
We're talking about being able to discern the movement of God's Holy Spirit in our lives. You remember if you joined me last week, I was talking about Acts chapter 2, when the Holy Spirit was first given to the church, He was revealed as a tongue of [...]
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Sid Roth - How To Be Naturally Supernatural
Sid Roth - How To Be Naturally Supernatural
Sid: Hello. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest received an impartation from God and keys from God so that he could do the same works that Jesus did and even greater. But what's even greater than that, when he speaks, [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - You're Empowered for the Supernatural
Kenneth Copeland - You're Empowered for the Supernatural
Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast. Let's have a word of prayer, and we'll get right into today's Bible lesson. Father, we thank You today for Your presence. We honor Your presence among us. And [...]
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David Jeremiah - The Fingers of God
David Jeremiah - The Fingers of God
The story begins in the massive banquet hall of Belshazzar's palace, as he is hosting a feast for more than 1.000 attendees. Meanwhile, outside the walls of Babylon, the Persian armies have laid siege to the city, and Cyrus was about to execute his [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Supernatural Manifestation
Creflo Dollar — Supernatural Manifestation
I wanna talk to you about five elements for supernatural manifestation. We are children of the supernatural, therefore we should be experiencing the supernatural. We are not going to be limited by what can take place in the natural. We must [...]
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Sid Roth — Supernatural Gift of Faith
Sid Roth — Supernatural Gift of Faith
James Goll had cancer once, twice, three times. In desperation he had Oral Roberts pray, and he was healed. But surprise. With his healing came the supernatural gift of faith, a gift he wants to impart to you. [...]
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Sid Roth — Doorway Into the Supernatural
Sid Roth — Doorway Into the Supernatural
Hakeem Collins says that prophecy is the doorway into the supernatural. He says God used it to open his spiritual senses. You can prophesy over yourself every morning, and Hakeem says your life is going to change. [...]
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Patricia King — Understanding The Supernatural
Patricia King — Understanding The Supernatural
Dr. Clarice Fluitt is one of our ministry’s favorite people. She is an anointed and experience prophet of God, full of revelation, operating in power and presence, and walking in great faith that manifests in incredible love and joy. During this [...]
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Patricia King — Supernatural Weight Loss
Patricia King — Supernatural Weight Loss
Katie Souza joins Patricia King to share powerful revelations about weight issues and how to get free of them. She also shares amazing testimonies of supernatural weight loss when root soul issues are healed. [...]
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Patricia King — Supernatural Provision
Patricia King — Supernatural Provision
Patricia King and Charlie Robinson teach you how to trust in God for everything you need. [...]
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Patricia King — Supernatural Marriage
Patricia King — Supernatural Marriage
Dr. Dan Wilson joins Patricia King in sharing how God can bring you into a Supernatural Marriage of intimacy, fulfillment and love! [...]
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Patricia King — Supernatural Lifestyle
Patricia King — Supernatural Lifestyle
James Goll joins Patricia King to discuss how to cultivate a supernatural lifestyle of intimacy with the Lord. [...]
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Patricia King — Supernatural Healing
Patricia King — Supernatural Healing
Sid Roth and Patricia King shares amazing stories of the supernatural healing power of God and how we can grab hold of that same power. [...]
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Patricia King — Supernatural Evangelism
Patricia King — Supernatural Evangelism
When the glory shows up, it's easy to win souls, as people are drawn to the reality of God's presence. [...]
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Patricia King — Supernatural Encounters
Patricia King — Supernatural Encounters
Dr. A.L. Gill and his wife join Patricia King to talk about the supernatural power of God and how to step into that realm! [...]
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Sid Roth — Supernatural Stubborn Faith
Sid Roth — Supernatural Stubborn Faith
Zona Hayes-Morrow is the daughter of one of the "generals of the faith," Norvel Hayes. Thirteen times she faced life threatening diseases — kidney failure, heart disease and cancer. But Zona had a gift from God, supernatural stubborn faith [...]
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Sid Roth — Infused with Supernatural Hope
Sid Roth — Infused with Supernatural Hope
Hello. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. Hope. There are people that are hopeless. What if someone could tap into the frequency of Heaven that releases hope into every hopeless situation? My guest says that when you are infused [...]
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Sid Roth — School of the Supernatural
Sid Roth — School of the Supernatural
Ryan Wyatt moves in extraordinary miracles! He prayed for a woman without eardrums and she could hear! Another woman lost 65 pounds instantly! He flew to England without an airplane. Find out how you can begin operating in the supernatural just like [...]
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Sid Roth — Walk in the Supernatural Every Day!
Sid Roth — Walk in the Supernatural Every Day!
Sid Rot interview Jim Hockaday. Jim Hockaday has taught thousands the keys on how to walk in the supernatural every day! [...]
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Sid Roth — Supernatural Protection!
Sid Roth — Supernatural Protection!
Peggy Joyce Ruth heard the audible voice of God in a dream giving her the key to walking in divine protection 24/7. Tune in as Peggy shares how you can walk in supernatural protection too. [...]
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Sid Roth — Supernatural Power
Sid Roth — Supernatural Power
Nathan Morris was a young man with serious addictions and an immoral lifestyle until he watched a supernatural video. The Glory of God filled the room and he was instantly set free. Today he's appearing to millions through the media as the main [...]
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Sid Roth — Supernatural Healing!
Sid Roth — Supernatural Healing!
The blind see, the deaf hear, the crippled walk! Instant weight loss, bald heads growing hair! Find out how you can obtain everything you need to receive YOUR emotional, physical, or spiritual healing! Learn how YOU can pray for others to receive [...]
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Sid Roth — Ascending into the Supernatural
Sid Roth — Ascending into the Supernatural
When Katie Souza ministers, people are healed physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Tune in as Katie reveals how to bring heaven to earth so you can experience the miraculous in your life. [...]
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Sid Roth — Walk in the Supernatural Miracles
Sid Roth — Walk in the Supernatural Miracles
Charles Ndifon is a Nigerian who has trained thousands of ordinary people to walk in the supernatural miracles of God. Enjoy this interview with Sid Roth. [...]
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Sid Roth — Supernatural Manifestations
Sid Roth — Supernatural Manifestations
Sid Roth and Jeff Jansen on Supernatural manifestations. [...]
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Sid Roth — Moving in the Supernatural Power
Sid Roth — Moving in the Supernatural Power
Juennine Fox and Sid Roth on Moving in the supernatural of God. [...]
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Patricia King — Glory and Supernatural
Patricia King — Glory and Supernatural
Receive scriptural insight into God's glory and keys how to unlock deeper experiences of the divine realm. A continuation of insights into the glory realm, God's manifest presence, and a supernatural lifestyle. [...]
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Bill Winston — Faith and The Supernatural
Bill Winston — Faith and The Supernatural
Dr. Bill Winston preach on Faith and The Supernatural [...]
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