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Greg Laurie - Faith and Politics
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Greg Laurie - Faith and Politics
Greg Laurie - Faith and Politics
Now we shift gears. I said we’ll talk about politics. Let’s do that together. Now, I know the knee jerk reaction is, «No, we shouldn’t talk about politics in church, and you, as a pastor, should not talk about this subject». Well, why not? My job, [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Don't Stop Praying
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Jonathan Bernis - Don't Stop Praying
Jonathan Bernis - Don't Stop Praying
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to a special, post-election episode of Jewish Voice. Thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined once again by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. Today, we're gonna navigate the [...]
James Merritt - God and the Government
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James Merritt - God and the Government
James Merritt - God and the Government
If you're watching online for the first time or you're a guest of ours today, we are in the second part of a little mini two part series that we've called Political Correctness. Now, if you weren't here last week then I hope [...]
James Merritt - God and the Governor
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James Merritt - God and the Governor
James Merritt - God and the Governor
I just got some bad news for all of us over the next three or four months. Unless you move to the Amazon rainforest or you get into a soundproof bunker, over the next several months you're gonna be reminded again and again and again, there is a [...]
Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 2
Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 2
Allen Jackson : Now, we need God's help, church. We can't hide in our church buildings and do studies on the Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes and not try to process what it means to be salt and light in the midst of the world in [...]
Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 1
Allen Jackson - A Mission Without Borders - Part 1
Allen Jackson : I'm gonna introduce our guest in just a moment. I wanna read a passage of Scripture to you, it really is kind of a bit of an introduction to what we're gonna talk about some. Matthew chapter 24, Luke 21 are parallel [...]
Rick Warren - Having the Mind of Christ During an Election
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Rick Warren - Having the Mind of Christ During an Election
Rick Warren - Having the Mind of Christ During an Election
Hello everybody and thanks for joining us. I'm Pastor Rick, Author of the "Purpose Driven Life" and Pastor at Saddleback Church here in Southern California. You know, this next week, Americans are gonna go to the poll to vote on a [...]
John Bradshaw - What Does the Bible Say About Alcohol, The Elect, Drinking, and the False Prophet
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John Bradshaw - What Does the Bible Say About Alcohol, The Elect, Drinking, and
John Bradshaw - What Does the Bible Say About Alcohol, The Elect, Drinking, and the False Prophet
John Bradshaw : Welcome to "Line Upon Line," brought to you by It Is Written. This is where we get to answer your Bible questions. I'm John Bradshaw, with me, Pastor Wes Peppers. Wes, ready to go? Wes Peppers : Ready to go. Good to [...]
John Bradshaw - Surviving the Election
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John Bradshaw - Surviving the Election
John Bradshaw - Surviving the Election
We wanna thank you for joining us. I am your host, Joseph Ikner. Welcome to "Answers in Prophecy," brought to you by It Is Written. Wherever you are, whether you are watching this broadcast sitting in your living room, or you're in [...]
David Reagan - How Christians Should Vote with Marsha Kuhnley
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David Reagan - How Christians Should Vote with Marsha Kuhnley
David Reagan - How Christians Should Vote with Marsha Kuhnley
What should guide Christian voting? Should it be party labels? Stay tuned. David Reagan : Greetings in the name of Jesus our Blessed Hope and welcome to Christ in Prophecy. My colleague, Colonel Tim Moore and I have a very special guest in the [...]
David Reagan - Christians and Politics
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David Reagan - Christians and Politics
David Reagan - Christians and Politics
Should Christians vote? And if so, what should be their guidelines for voting? Should Christians move beyond voting to full scale participation in politics even running for office? Should Christians get involved in social issues like abortion, [...]
Robert Jeffress - How Should Christians Respond To President Biden?
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Robert Jeffress - How Should Christians Respond To President Biden?
Robert Jeffress - How Should Christians Respond To President Biden?
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome to this very special edition of, "Pathway to Victory". Just a few months ago, the citizens of our great nation cast their votes to elect the next president of the United States. The outcome of this [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Why Christians Cannot Stay Home on Election Day?
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Kenneth Copeland - Why Christians Cannot Stay Home on Election Day?
Kenneth Copeland - Why Christians Cannot Stay Home on Election Day?
Kenneth Copeland: I'm so excited about this week of broadcast, that to talk about... To talk in depth, with an investigative reporter like Stephen Strang. A man that's been doing it a long time. And has a proven record of accuracy, and [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Trump Prophecies
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Kenneth Copeland - The Trump Prophecies
Kenneth Copeland - The Trump Prophecies
Kenneth Copeland: This is the "Believer's Voice of Victory" broadcast. And I'm Kenneth Copeland, and you better pay attention 'cause I'm telling you that good stuff is happening on this whole week with Stephen Strang. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - A Great Awakening Begins With the 2020 Election
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Kenneth Copeland - A Great Awakening Begins With the 2020 Election
Kenneth Copeland - A Great Awakening Begins With the 2020 Election
Kenneth Copeland: Hello everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. Election time is here. And this is at a time in the most powerful nation the earth has ever seen since David was King of Israel. And the time, that's critical, not so much to its [...]
Kenneth Copeland - How God Is Using Donald Trump
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Kenneth Copeland - How God Is Using Donald Trump
Kenneth Copeland - How God Is Using Donald Trump
Kenneth Copeland: Welcome everybody to Tuesday's edition of the "Believer's Voice of Victory" broadcast. Father, we thank you. First of all, we thank you for Stephen Strang, the insights and ideas and concepts that you have [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Why Donald Trump Is Right for America
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Kenneth Copeland - Why Donald Trump Is Right for America?
Kenneth Copeland - Why Donald Trump Is Right for America?
Kenneth Copeland: Hello everybody, I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the "Believer's Voice of Victory" broadcast. Let's have a word of prayer. We'll get right into today's broadcasting message. Father, we thank you, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - America First vs. Globalism
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Kenneth Copeland - America First vs. Globalism
Kenneth Copeland - America First vs. Globalism
Kenneth Copeland: I have good news. We've talked a lot about a lot of bad news. And we're gonna discuss some more bad news, that they can't get away with. But glory be to Jesus. In first Corinthians, the 15th chapter verse 55. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Attempted Overthrow of America
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Kenneth Copeland - The Attempted Overthrow of America
Kenneth Copeland - The Attempted Overthrow of America
Kenneth Copeland: I'm Kenneth Copeland. Are there present day, Christian martyrs killed for their faith on purpose by someone who wants to overthrow the United States? It's just happened in Portland. Michelle Bachmann: It did, it just [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Why Platforms Matter in the 2020 Election
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Kenneth Copeland - Why Platforms Matter in the 2020 Election
Kenneth Copeland - Why Platforms Matter in the 2020 Election
Thank You, Father, in the Name of Jesus for opening the eyes of our understanding about how this government works and the behind the scenes, because of Congresswoman Michele Bachmann's experience of being behind the scene, being in classified [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Who Are the Presidential Candidates
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Kenneth Copeland - Who Are the Presidential Candidates
Kenneth Copeland - Who Are the Presidential Candidates
Kenneth Copeland: Hello, everybody. Welcome to the "Believer's Voice of Victory" broadcast. I wanna remind you of something before we get on into today's broadcast. We are not just a program. The Victory Network is both on the [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Dangers of the Equality Act
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Kenneth Copeland - The Dangers of the Equality Act
Kenneth Copeland - The Dangers of the Equality Act
Father, we thank You today. We give You praise and honor in this most important time in the life of this nation. And because so much of the world depends on the success of this nation. Then our partners all over the world are praying over this [...]
John Hagee - Bible Positions On Political Issues
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John Hagee - Bible Positions On Political Issues
John Hagee - Bible Positions On Political Issues
America was considered, by the pilgrims, the new Israel. They considered themselves crossing the ocean similar to Moses crossing the Red Sea, because our forefathers made a covenant with God that they would produce a righteous nation that would live [...]
Andy Stanley - What Is The Role of the Church in Politics?
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Andy Stanley - What Is The Role of the Church in Politics?
Andy Stanley - What Is The Role of the Church in Politics?
Question: are you familiar with this, the Fundamental Attribution Error, anybody? Just raise your hand, anybody heard of the Fundamental Attribution Error? Yes, virtually nobody, good, I like to know things you don't know, 'cause it makes [...]
Andy Stanley - How Christians Should Approach Politics
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Andy Stanley - How Christians Should Approach Politics
Andy Stanley - How Christians Should Approach Politics
So today we are in Part Two of this series called Talking Points. The subtitle is, and I came up with the subtitle, you know, so blame me, The Perfect Blend of Politics and Religion, as if there could be a perfect blend, right? This is a series to [...]
Andy Stanley - What Is Jesus' Take On Politics?
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Andy Stanley - What Is Jesus' Take On Politics?
Andy Stanley - What Is Jesus' Take On Politics?
So today we begin this three part series, designed to make you uncomfortable and hopefully, better. It's entitled, "Talking Points", and I came up with the sub title myself, "The perfect blend of politics and religion". [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - Your Vote Is Your Seed
Kenneth Copeland - Your Vote Is Your Seed
Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland, and this is "Faith for Our Nation". Praise God. Let's have a word of prayer together. Father, we thank You for this broadcast today. And we come together in behalf of our nation, which is [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - Your Vote Is Your Responsibility, Not Your Right
Kenneth Copeland - Your Vote Is Your Responsibility, Not Your Right
Hello. This is Pastor George Pearsons. Welcome to this very special edition of the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. We're talking about the election. And I want to remind you that all of the notes from these broadcasts are available [...]
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Robert Morris — Still
Robert Morris — Still
All right, turn to Isaiah 45. Isaiah 45, and I'm gonna preach a message that I entitled, "Still", S-T-I-L-L. And, you'll understand why I entitled that when we get to the points, okay? So, I understand we're living in a [...]