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Kenneth Copeland - Expect God To Fulfill His Promises
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Kenneth Copeland - Expect God To Fulfill His Promises
Kenneth Copeland - Expect God To Fulfill His Promises
— Would you join me again today in welcoming Jerry Savelle to this broadcast? Jerry, this has been a dynamite two weeks. I just have, I'm telling you. — We've got some fun, haven't we? — Oh, it's just so rich and so good. And I'm reminded again, [...]
John Bradshaw - The Promise You Can Never Keep
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John Bradshaw - The Promise You Can Never Keep
John Bradshaw - The Promise You Can Never Keep
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. Well, it's about that time, the time when people are thinking about New Year's resolutions. Now, if you don't make New Year's resolutions, that's okay. There's still plenty for you to [...]
John Bradshaw - Plagues and Promises
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John Bradshaw - Plagues and Promises
John Bradshaw - Plagues and Promises
We're so glad that you have joined us. I am your host, Joseph Ikner, and I welcome you to Answers in Prophecy, brought to us by It Is Written. Today we have a very intriguing message that John is gonna share with us: "Plagues and [...]
Craig Smith - Promise-Keeping
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Craig Smith - Promise-Keeping
Craig Smith - Promise-Keeping
Jesus may be the most frustrating man to have ever lived because he consistently challenged people to take their lives to the next level. Getting comfortable meeting the minimum standards is never an option for those who choose to follow Jesus. As [...]
TD Jakes - Children of the Promise
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TD Jakes - Children of the Promise
TD Jakes - Children of the Promise
God's promise is so strong that it doesn't matter how weak the circumstances are, that when God gets ready to make something happen, he can make that happen. Now, we brethren, as Isaac was, are the children of the promise. You've got it because [...]
Craig Groeschel - 3 Promises for 2021
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Craig Groeschel - 3 Promises for 2021
Craig Groeschel - 3 Promises for 2021
It was 25 years ago this weekend, in the middle of a snow storm that we gathered with 40 or so very passionate people. And we started in a little two-car garage. It was the roughest and ugliest to circumstances. We didn't have anything that you [...]
David Jeremiah - A Great Promise for the New Year
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David Jeremiah - A Great Promise for the New Year
David Jeremiah - A Great Promise for the New Year
In the northeastern United States, codfish are not only delectable, they are a big commercial business. There's a market for eastern cod all over, especially in sections the furthest removed from the northeast coast. But the public demand poses a [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Trusting In the Promise
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Kenneth Copeland - Trusting In the Promise
Kenneth Copeland - Trusting In the Promise
— Welcome everybody to Friday's edition of the "Believer's Voice of Victory" broadcast. I got so excited yesterday I forgot what day it was. Had to go in and, anyway. — It's Friday. — This is covenant time. I do wanna read this Greg, [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - Receive Your Covenant Promises by Listening
Kenneth Copeland - Receive Your Covenant Promises by Listening
Open your Bibles with me please to the sixth chapter of John's gospel. Very... no, let me put it this way. An extremely important message is in these few verses. Verse five, when Jesus then lifted up his eyes and saw a great company coming to him, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Receive Your Covenant Promises by the Blood of Jesus
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Kenneth Copeland - Receive Your Covenant Promises by the Blood of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - Receive Your Covenant Promises by the Blood of Jesus
Let's go to the book of Hebrews. Praise God. Hebrews chapter six, oh I tell you what, I get over into the book of Hebrews, oh my, my, my, my. Thank you Lord Jesus. What, a rich, rich, rich book, Hebrews chapter six. Now we're talking about becoming [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Become Fully Persuaded to Receive Your Covenant Promises
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Kenneth Copeland - Become Fully Persuaded to Receive Your Covenant Promises
Kenneth Copeland - Become Fully Persuaded to Receive Your Covenant Promises
Let's go back to the 4th chapter of Romans where the apostle Paul is teaching concerning what happened in the 17th chapter of Genesis. And Romans chapter 4 verse 16, therefore it is of faith that it might be by grace to the end, or the purpose of [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Receive Your Covenant Promises by Having a Willing Heart
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Kenneth Copeland - Receive Your Covenant Promises by Having a Willing Heart
Kenneth Copeland - Receive Your Covenant Promises by Having a Willing Heart
Turn with me to Isaiah chapter one please. Now we were, we were having some difficulty financially, it seemed like financially we were bottled up and, this is several years ago, and I had checked are we walking in love? Yes. I mean all these things, [...]
Kenneth Copeland – Step Into the Power Realm to Receive Your Covenant Promises
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Kenneth Copeland - Step Into the Power Realm to Receive Your Covenant Promises
Kenneth Copeland - Step Into the Power Realm to Receive Your Covenant Promises
Go over to the 12th chapter, of the book of Hebrews. And I need to get both of these in. Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and [...]
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TD Jakes - The Promise Is Not Proportional
TD Jakes - The Promise Is Not Proportional
And Jesus said, "You failed at getting the victory because you lack the faith". You failed in the physical because of something you lacked in the spiritual. You didn't fail 'cause you didn't have passion. You didn't fail 'cause it wasn't [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Five Powerful Promises To The Righteous
Joyce Meyer - Five Powerful Promises To The Righteous
The first thing we wanna do is establish: who are the righteous? Well, the righteous are not just people who go to church. They're not just people who know a little bit of the Bible or who pray a little prayer once a day. The righteous are not even [...]
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Joyce Meyer - The Power And Promise Of God's Word
Joyce Meyer - The Power And Promise Of God's Word
I just love the word. I hold my Bible. I hug my Bible. I've even been known to kiss my Bible. I love the Word of God. I love teaching the Word of God. I love to watch what the Word of God does in people's lives. And I admire you and respect you for [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - Faith And Patience Receive The Promise
Kenneth Copeland - Faith And Patience Receive The Promise
Yesterday's lesson we're talking about... For two weeks we talked extensively about the curse. In Galatians 3:13 and 14, Christ has redeemed us from the curse of law, being made a curse for us, for it is written, cursed is everyone that hangeth on [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - God Made a Promise to Uphold His Covenant
Kenneth Copeland - God Made a Promise to Uphold His Covenant
Hello everybody I'm Kenneth Copeland, and this is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Thank God for Jesus. I said thank God for Jesus. Yes. Aren't you glad Jesus is Lord and not some fool? Oh yeah, amen, glory to God. I'm really excited about [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Promises Your Prayers Will Be Answered
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Promises Your Prayers Will Be Answered
Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. Welcome to the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Aren't you glad you're here? Hallelujah. Yes, amen. As you can tell, the wild bunch is still here. Oh, these are partners that have come in from all over [...]
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John Gray - Houston, We Have a Promise
John Gray - Houston, We Have a Promise
This was, by all accounts, a very difficult and tumultuous year. On every level, from political to financial to spiritual to the national tragedies that have occurred, this was a very difficult year to navigate emotionally and spiritually, [...]
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Tony Evans - Encountering God's Promise
Tony Evans - Encountering God's Promise
God's promises come at two levels. There are the recorded promises in his Word, and then there are the applied promises in our experience. That's where he takes a principle or precept from the Word, but applies it to your unique situation. It's when [...]
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TD Jakes - Receiving Your Promise
TD Jakes - Receiving Your Promise
Somebody, holler, "Lord, make me a receiver". There was something that the Lord said in the Word that I thought was really, really interesting. When Jesus was walking the earth and he walked around people that were sick and afflicted, he [...]
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Creflo Dollar - The Covenant of Promise
Creflo Dollar - The Covenant of Promise
Let's go back and look at Abraham but, before he was Abraham, he was Abram. Genesis chapter 15. Before he was Abraham he was Abram. Let's see what Abram did to move him from being Abram to Abraham. Almost like if I take you back to see what Crefelo [...]
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Charles Stanley - The Promise
Charles Stanley - The Promise
Our Heavenly Father is a God of promise. All through the scripture He's making promises. Some of them I understand at first and some it takes me a while to understand. Sometimes I love all those promises, and every once in a while I don't like one, [...]
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Joel Osteen — The Promise is Coming
Joel Osteen — The Promise is Coming
I want to talk to you today about The Promise is Coming. We all have things we believing for, dreams God put in our heart, problems to turn around, but when it's been so long, we've made mistakes, people have come against us. All the circumstances [...]
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TD Jakes — The Principles of Promise
TD Jakes — The Principles of Promise
Hello, everybody, I'm excited to have the opportunity to share the Word of the Lord with you today. I believe this word is really gonna speak to your life in a powerful and pragmatic way. The message today is "The Principles of Promises". [...]
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Joel Osteen — The Promise is in You
Joel Osteen — The Promise is in You
I want to talk to you tonight about how the promise is in you. God has called each one of us to do something great. We were never meant to live an average, mediocre life. We were created to leave our mark on this generation. A hundred years from [...]
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Creflo Dollar — How to Respond to the Promise?
Creflo Dollar — How to Respond to the Promise?
We have spent a lot of time talking about, you know, the grace of God and how grace has made things available for our lives. We've talked about that, you know, we apprehend and appropriate these things by faith, and thank God for all that. I wanna [...]
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Steven Furtick — The Pillow and The Promise
Steven Furtick — The Pillow and The Promise
This week I'm working from Genesis 28:10-22. I wanna visit Jacob and I wanna visit him from this perspective. I wanna talk about the gate of purpose. We'll look at it together. Genesis 28:10. "Jacob left Beersheba and set out for Harran. When [...]
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Greg Laurie — The Promise of Christmas
Greg Laurie — The Promise of Christmas
The Christmas season can be a difficult time. Life is full of tragedy and sadness, and this time of year can highlight our feelings of loneliness and pain. This is a Christmas of saying goodbye for many. But there is great hope! Christmas is a [...]
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Joel Osteen — God Will Finish What He Started
Joel Osteen — God Will Finish What He Started
I want to talk to you tonight about how God will finish what he started. The moment God put a dream in your heart, the moment the promise took root, God not only started it, but he set a completion date. God is called the author and the finisher of [...]
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Joel Osteen — Focus On The Promise, Not The Problem
Joel Osteen — Focus On The Promise, Not The Problem
I want to talk to you today about focusing on the promise, not the problem. What we focus on, we magnify. We're not changing its actual size. We're simply making it bigger in our own mind. And if you stay focused on your problems, on a negative [...]
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Sid Roth — Activate God's Promises
Sid Roth — Activate God's Promises
Dr. Jim Richards is going to teach you how to activate every promise in God's Word. You can and must do it for yourself. Watch how it changes YOUR world! [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — God's Greatest Promise to His Children
Jesse Duplantis — God's Greatest Promise to His Children
It’s time to take the limits off your Savior. None of your loved ones are out of His reach. After all, they are connected to you! Get ready to experience a revelation that will impact your family to a thousand generations. [...]
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Kay Arthur — A Promise
Kay Arthur — A Promise
Yep, you did it! You married a fool and now you’re living with the fool and you are so fed up with that fool and you don’t know what to do. But you do know what the Word of God says, [“God hates divorce.”] (PARAPHRASE MALACHI 2:16) Does God allow [...]
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Sid Roth — Access the Promises!
Sid Roth — Access the Promises!
Charles Vance was supernaturally healed of cancer. When he prayed, over 70 people were healed of cancer! He wants to help you walk in divine health and learn to access the supernatural promises of God! [...]
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Sid Roth - God’s Promises for your Children
Sid Roth - God’s Promises for your Children
Sid Roth: Hello. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. I love the rarified air of Heaven. I can tell you this. I am concerned. There is a diabolical supernatural strategy to stop our children and grandchildren, and [...]
Charles Stanley - The Promise To Heal
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Charles Stanley - The Promise to Heal
Charles Stanley - The Promise to Heal
There are many promises God has given us in His Word. We love them because they are for our benefit. And so when you think about all these promises, I could ask you, Do you have a favorite one? More than likely, you would say, I do. But there's one [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Promise of Restoration
Kay Arthur — The Promise of Restoration
I was thinking about people who don’t know God, people that have no respect for God, no fear of God, no trust of God, people that do not acknowledge God. Do you realize how mean and cruel and brutal those people can be? How uncaring? Can you imagine [...]
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Charles Stanley - The Fulfillment of a Promise
Charles Stanley - The Fulfillment of a Promise
It's one thing to know a promise of the scripture; it's something else to experience it. So when we talk about the promises of God, the Bible's full of them. And we talked about many people say there are forty thousand, thirty-two thousand, eight [...]
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Joel Osteen — Sing To The Promise
Joel Osteen — Sing To The Promise
I want to talk to you today about "Sing to the promise". All of us have things we're believing for, dreams we want to accomplish, problems we're we know God put the promise in our heart, but we don't see how it can happen. Maybe the [...]
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Charles Stanley - How to Claim a Promise
Charles Stanley - How to Claim a Promise
There are many, many wonderful promises in the Bible. And a promise is simply a declaration by God of His intention to graciously bestow a gift upon us in some form or fashion. And in the scriptures, promises are a major part, all the way from the [...]
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Charles Stanley - God's Precious Promises
Charles Stanley - God's Precious Promises
What would you think about a person who was very, very wealthy and yet was always complaining about not having enough? And you look at them and you think, Wait a minute. Know that he's wealthy, but look how he dresses. Or, Look what he drives. Look [...]