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Steven Furtick - The Power of Interpretation
Steven Furtick - The Power of Interpretation
Genesis 40:5. Let's jump right into the middle of it: "And one night they both dreamed, the cupbearer and the baker of the king of Egypt, who were confined in the prison, each his own dream, and each dream with its own interpretation. When [...]
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Steven Furtick - I Lost My Confidence
Steven Furtick - I Lost My Confidence
This text is gonna help us today. The Apostle Paul is, in his own way, upset and triggered for good reason, about something that is going on to affect the believers. So the title I wanna use, I need you to announce this title to the person sitting [...]
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Steven Furtick - Why I Went Off?
Steven Furtick - Why I Went Off?
This week I want to share a character study on a Bible character who is so familiar to me, and by that I mean not only have I read this story quite a few times, but I feel like I know this guy. I feel like I've met him one time, in the mirror, [...]
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Steven Furtick — The Movie In My Mind
Steven Furtick — The Movie In My Mind
Since we're talking about this thing about anxiety and taking back our minds, I think we not only have to look at that in the deeper sense, but just in the simple everyday ways that life bumps us and bruises us and causes us to be sensitive and [...]
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Steven Furtick - The Devil In 3D
Steven Furtick - The Devil In 3D
In order to resist the enemy, we've got to recognize him, or we'll spend our whole life resisting all the wrong things. Resisting silence when, sometimes, that's where God speaks the loudest. Resisting or trying to avoid awkward [...]
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Steven Furtick - Lions and Lizards and Lies
Steven Furtick - Lions and Lizards and Lies
I wanna show you something, today, that I think will be so helpful from 1 Peter 5:5-9. I'm gonna go ahead and tell you there's only one verse in this whole passage that I actually like. I believe all of it. I know that I'm supposed to [...]