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Kenneth Copeland - The Ten Commandments Reveal the Love of God
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Kenneth Copeland - The Ten Commandments Reveal the Love of God
Kenneth Copeland - The Ten Commandments Reveal the Love of God
— Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland, and this is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. And the professor is back with us again. Whoa, hey. Greg, I don't remember the last time, because it's been so long, that the Lord [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Believe the Love of God and Cast Your Care
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Kenneth Copeland - Believe the Love of God and Cast Your Care
Kenneth Copeland - Believe the Love of God and Cast Your Care
The Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast, I’m Kenneth Copeland, and as I’ve told the class, this ministry started 24th of January, 1967. So, and you know, I was 30 years old. Well, let me do the math. Now, I’m 88. Gloria is 5 years younger than [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Father Understands Our Weaknesses
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Rabbi Schneider - Father Understands Our Weaknesses
Rabbi Schneider - Father Understands Our Weaknesses
I’ve got a verse for you, beloved. This verse should blow our minds. I’m reading from Psalm number 103, verse number 11. I want this really — Holy Spirit, I pray that You just give us revelation of the weight of what is written. Hear the Word of [...]
Joseph Prince - Faith Is Knowing Jesus Loves You
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Joseph Prince - Faith Is Knowing Jesus Loves You
Joseph Prince - Faith Is Knowing Jesus Loves You
You ready for the Word, amen? So this is the way Jesus showed himself. Whatever it is, he’s about to show himself in a way the Holy Spirit is warning you, all right, giving you a little insight that this chapter is full of revelation about Jesus [...]
Joseph Prince - Your Mistakes Don't Change God's Love for You
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Joseph Prince - Your Mistakes Don't Change God's Love for You
Joseph Prince - Your Mistakes Don't Change God's Love for You
The law was given by Moses. Grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. The law was given by a servant. Grace and truth came by the Son. We are not under Moses. We are under Christ. We are not under law, we are under grace. We are not under demand, we are [...]
Joseph Prince - Find Acceptance in God’s Unconditional Love
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Joseph Prince - Find Acceptance in God’s Unconditional Love
Joseph Prince - Find Acceptance in God’s Unconditional Love
I really think that we are really blessed and privileged to be in this generation, amen. Even if you are in the Acts of the apostles, you know, that is the church in its infancy, amen. They ride on donkeys to bring the gospel somewhere. They travel [...]
Joseph Prince - The Power of Knowing You're Heard and Loved
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Joseph Prince - The Power of Knowing You're Heard and Loved
Joseph Prince - The Power of Knowing You're Heard and Loved
Praise God. All right, turn to your Bibles to the Word of God in Romans chapter 3, Romans chapter 3. It is important for us to remember that there cannot be forgiveness, there cannot be remission of sins, «remission» means «sending away». Literally, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God Has Always Loved You
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Rabbi Schneider - God Has Always Loved You
Rabbi Schneider - God Has Always Loved You
One of my favorite Psalms is Psalm number 103. There's so much in Psalm 103. I can't cover it all in one short devotional. So I want to highlight today for us verses eight and ten. Listen to the Word of God. "The Lord is compassionate [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Believe God's Love and Receive Your Healing
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Kenneth Copeland - Believe God's Love and Receive Your Healing
Kenneth Copeland - Believe God's Love and Receive Your Healing
Let’s go on over to the 4th chapter of the book of Proverbs. I’m going to read it here from the Classic Amplified in the 4th chapter, verse 20. «My son, attend to my words. Consent and submit to my sayings. Let them not depart from your sight. Keep [...]
Joseph Prince - The Freedom of Knowing You're Accepted in Christ
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Joseph Prince - The Freedom of Knowing You're Accepted in Christ
Joseph Prince - The Freedom of Knowing You're Accepted in Christ
Of all the sins that Jesus publicly rebukes and exposes in the gospels, it is not, you know, you can never find, you can never read anywhere, «He rebuked the tax collectors, the social outcasts, the prostitutes of his day». You cannot find anywhere [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Walking in Perfect Freedom
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Rabbi Schneider - Walking in Perfect Freedom
Rabbi Schneider - Walking in Perfect Freedom
A very deep and profound verse in the Word of God is found in 1st John, John's first letter, chapter four, verse 18. And what John wrote there was that perfect love casteth out all fear. When you and I are strengthened by the Ruach HaKodesh, [...]
Louie Giglio - The Mighty, Miraculous, Overwhelming, Prevailing Love of God
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Louie Giglio - The Mighty, Miraculous, Overwhelming, Prevailing Love of God
Louie Giglio - The Mighty, Miraculous, Overwhelming, Prevailing Love of God
Today we’re coming to the end of «Epicenter» and I saw someone this morning, walking in, they just got to Passion City Church and so they didn’t know anything about what’s going on. And the reason why we’re calling this collection of talks [...]
Craig Groeschel - Feeling Unworthy of God's Love
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Craig Groeschel - Feeling Unworthy of God's Love
Craig Groeschel - Feeling Unworthy of God's Love
Well, today, we celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I wanna wish you a Merry Christmas to every single one of you. All of our Life Church locations, those of you around the world at church, online, on behalf of my family, to all [...]
Louie Giglio - Let God Love You
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Louie Giglio - Let God Love You
Louie Giglio - Let God Love You
The message today comes out of the greatest story ever told. And when I say that, I don't know what comes to mind for you. But for me, this story that Jesus told is the greatest one of all. And when the curtain falls on this story, we [...]
Robert Barron - Face Your Fears
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Robert Barron - Face Your Fears
Robert Barron - Face Your Fears
Peace be with you. Friends, we come now to the Fourth Sunday of Lent, and I mentioned before, the readings are so rich for Lent, they always are. And we're meant to have kind of a heightened attention as we attend to these. And the reading for [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Live Fearlessly Through the Power of God's Love
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Kenneth Copeland - Live Fearlessly Through the Power of God's Love
Kenneth Copeland - Live Fearlessly Through the Power of God's Love
Now, 1 John 2:5, 1 John 4:12, 1 John 4.15-18, perfecting the love of God, casteth out fear. Now, look in the fifth chapter. Let's look at 4:21, Verse 21 of the fourth chapter. "This commandment have we from him, that he who loveth God [...]
Kenneth Copeland - A Fearless Lifestyle Shows God's Love to Others
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Kenneth Copeland - A Fearless Lifestyle Shows God's Love to Others
Kenneth Copeland - A Fearless Lifestyle Shows God's Love to Others
We want to go back into our seven steps to never being afraid again. And we were down through the fifth step. The first one, come to the absolute understanding that we are already delivered from fear. Fear has no right nor authority over us. Hebrews [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Yield to God's Love and Resist Fear
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Kenneth Copeland - Yield to God's Love and Resist Fear
Kenneth Copeland - Yield to God's Love and Resist Fear
At the beginning of the week, we began building a study outline entitled, Seven Steps to Never Being Afraid Again of Anything. Praise God. The process of coming to the place where there's no fear here and you can boldly announce to the devil, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Believe God's Love for You and Live Fearlessly
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Kenneth Copeland - Believe God's Love for You and Live Fearlessly
Kenneth Copeland - Believe God's Love for You and Live Fearlessly
We've been delivered from fear. We're not trying to come to the place where in some strange way we can cope with fear. We don't cope with fear. We attack it. We've been delivered from it. Now turn over there to the eighth chapter [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Disconnect from Fear Through Faith in God's Love
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Kenneth Copeland - Disconnect from Fear Through Faith in God's Love
Kenneth Copeland - Disconnect from Fear Through Faith in God's Love
There are two spiritual laws. Well, actually, there's only one. One of them's running one way, and the other's running opposite to it. It's like the directions of a compass. In one way, they're all the same because they are [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Staying Connected to God's Love Casts Out All Fear
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Kenneth Copeland - Staying Connected to God's Love Casts Out All Fear
Kenneth Copeland - Staying Connected to God's Love Casts Out All Fear
Turn over to the book of Hebrew chapter 2 and we'll read that. Verse 14, "For as much then as the children are partakers of flesh and blood, he, Jesus, also himself likewise took part of the same". Now let's begin tonight with [...]
TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 2
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TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 2
TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 2
Loving somebody gives them the power to hurt you. It means I give you my shield. I have no defense against your words. When David and Jonathan meet together in the palace and David gives Jonathan his shield, I mean, Jonathan gives David his shield [...]
TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 1
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TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 1
TD Jakes - Bruised Love - Part 1
When John the Writer writes here about God, he says that God so loved. It would be enough to say that God loved because God is love. But he says that God so loved. He had to put an adjective in front of it to modify the noun to make you understand [...]
Derek Prince - The Ultimate Demonstration of God's Love
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Derek Prince - The Ultimate Demonstration of God's Love
Derek Prince - The Ultimate Demonstration of God's Love
This is an excerpt from: The Cross At The Center - Part 2 We come to the third reason in this session, the sixth if we consider the first section, for making the cross central. I hope I've excited you. If I haven't excited you I [...]
James Merritt - Yes, God Loves You
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James Merritt - Yes, God Loves You
James Merritt - Yes, God Loves You
So I want you to take your Bibles right now, get 'em out, get your iPad, phone, whatever. I want you to turn to the book of Romans, Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Acts, Romans. Lemme tell you about a guy you've never heard of. I didn't [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Love of God Brings Covenant Power
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Kenneth Copeland - The Love of God Brings Covenant Power
Kenneth Copeland - The Love of God Brings Covenant Power
— Hello, everybody. We're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, and welcome to the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast, Arkansas. Glory to God. Here at our place in southwest Arkansas where we've been blessed for so many years. As I was [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The God Kind of Love Brings THE BLESSING
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Kenneth Copeland - The God Kind of Love Brings THE BLESSING
Kenneth Copeland - The God Kind of Love Brings THE BLESSING
— Hello, everybody. We're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. Gloria Jean Copeland, happy anniversary today. — Is it today? — It's today. — And how long have I been married? — 55 years today. — 55 years. — Of course, you were just a young thing. [...]
Gregory Dickow - Grace, The Story Of God's Love
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Gregory Dickow - Grace, The Story Of God's Love
Gregory Dickow - Grace, The Story Of God's Love
I know it sounds so simple, but Jesus came to obliterate every misconception that man had accumulated about God over 4000 years of human history. Four thousand years of human history, man had come up with all these beliefs and distorted views of [...]
Robert Barron - God Is Crazy in Love with You
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Robert Barron - God Is Crazy in Love with You
Robert Barron - God Is Crazy in Love with You
Peace be with you. Friends, the last several weeks, we've been reading from this section of Luke that talks about the demands of discipleship, the radicality of what it means to follow Jesus. But let me tell you something now. Here's a [...]
Charles Stanley - God's Loving Desire for You
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Charles Stanley - God's Loving Desire for You
Charles Stanley - God's Loving Desire for You
Do you realize that God has a very specific plan for your life that He has not just left you here to flounder through life and wander around trying to figure out what you're going to do or how you're going to spend your life? You see most [...]
James Meehan - Where Does Love Come From?
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James Meehan - Where Does Love Come From?
James Meehan - Where Does Love Come From?
All right, show of hands, how many of you have ever been in love? If your hand is not up, then maybe today is the day you meet that special someone. The first time I met that special someone, I was in sixth grade. She was in my history class. Her [...]
Craig Groeschel - Does God Still Love Me?
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Craig Groeschel - Does God Still Love Me?
Craig Groeschel - Does God Still Love Me?
Well, today we celebrate the tomb is empty. Our Savior has risen from the dead and I wanna express my praise to God and my love to all of you. Happy Easter. You guys look better than normal. I mean, you look good. You look Easter good. Touch the [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - God's Love Is Unchanging; Receive It, Give It
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Peter Tan-Chi - God's Love Is Unchanging; Receive It, Give It
Peter Tan-Chi - God's Love Is Unchanging; Receive It, Give It
You know, I was looking up the word "love" on Google, and the results surprised me. Do you know that the most asked question this year, the most asked question on Google this year is: What is love? Do you know this? what is love? This [...]
Billy Graham - September 11 and the Love of God
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Billy Graham - September 11 and the Love of God
Billy Graham - September 11 and the Love of God
George Beverly Shea... Then the other person that was with me standing here was my son, Franklin, and Franklin will be... He just finished a mission in Recife, Brazil, and the last night they had 81,000 people. and then he flew to New York and he [...]
Mike Novotny - Why Does God Love Liars?
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Mike Novotny - Why Does God Love Liars?
Mike Novotny - Why Does God Love Liars?
If there is one thing that soccer lovers and soccer haters can agree on, it's that lying is bad. And no one on planet earth lies more than a bunch of soccer players in an important game. Does anyone know what I'm talking about? Diving, the [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Amazing Love of God
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Dr. Ed Young - The Amazing Love of God
Dr. Ed Young - The Amazing Love of God
In 1878 some archaeologists were digging around in the sands of Egypt, and they ran into an obelisk with hieroglyphics written on it, and they translated the hieroglyphics and they discovered a civilization, a culture, a nation, that heretofore [...]
Frankie Mazzapica - Inexhaustible Love
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Frankie Mazzapica - Inexhaustible Love
Frankie Mazzapica - Inexhaustible Love
Thank you for tuning in today, my name is Frankie Mazzapica. The title of the message is, "Inexhaustible Love". The love of God is inexhaustible and I wanna just kind of springboard into this, using a few verses out of the Bible. [...]
John Bradshaw - How Do You Know God Loves You?
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John Bradshaw - How Do You Know God Loves You?
John Bradshaw - How Do You Know God Loves You?
How do you know God loves? You got a raise, your kids are healthy, your parents stayed together, your spouse responded well to treatment, there was a miracle that car didn't hit you, your dog got well, sure sure, but no. I mean, yes those [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer Begins With God's Love
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Kenneth Copeland - Prayer Begins With God's Love
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer Begins With God's Love
I have a prayer assignment. And concerning the different kinds of prayer. So two things that the Lord has instructed me to do. First of all, Jesus had a lot to say about prayer. So let's go to the Gospel of John, please. And I'll remind [...]
Michael Youssef - God's Overwhelming Love
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Michael Youssef - God's Overwhelming Love
Michael Youssef - God's Overwhelming Love
I have been privileged to come to the Holy Land. Many things that immediately come rushing into my mind. one of those things is when I go by Mount Moriah when Abraham was about to sacrifice his son in obedience to the call of God. God did not want [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Love Makes Faith Work
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Kenneth Copeland - Love Makes Faith Work
Kenneth Copeland - Love Makes Faith Work
Hello, everybody. This is Kenneth Copeland. And another edition of the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. And we started this study this week on faith and how it works. Let's look here at the fifth chapter of the book of Galatians. And [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Shavuot, God's Love and Provision
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Jonathan Bernis - Shavuot, God's Love and Provision
Jonathan Bernis - Shavuot, God's Love and Provision
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. I'm Jonathan Bernis. This week we're celebrating Pentecost or Shavuot in Hebrew. My co-host, Ezra Benjamin, and I are believing for an outpouring of God's spirit today in your [...]
Kenneth Copeland - You Are Redeemed by Love
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Kenneth Copeland - You Are Redeemed by Love
Kenneth Copeland - You Are Redeemed by Love
So now the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus. No condemnation. Free from the law of sin and death. Walk not after the flesh. The Spirit that raised up Christ. He's the same yesterday, today and forever. Now, then, cursed is everyone [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God Is Attracted to You
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Rabbi Schneider - God Is Attracted to You
Rabbi Schneider - God Is Attracted to You
Let me ask you a question. Do you think in your own life perhaps you've not been able to receive love and develop the type of intimate relationships that God has for you because you yourself, beloved, are dealing with shame, and a bad [...]
Rabbi Schneider - A Study of God's Divine Love
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Rabbi Schneider - A Study of God's Divine Love
Rabbi Schneider - A Study of God's Divine Love
On last week's broadcast I talked about the fact that I don't believe that Solomon, when he wrote the Song of Songs, knew that he was actually prophesying of the Holy Spirit's love for the church. But we need to remember, as I pointed [...]
Are You Receiving the Lord's Love?
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Joseph Prince - Are You Receiving the Lord's Love?
Joseph Prince - Are You Receiving the Lord's Love?
This is an excerpt from: Unveiling Jesus' Heart To Serve You Are you troubled about many things? We say that it is our right to be troubled about many things. But Jesus says, "Martha, Martha, you are careful and troubled about many [...]
Rabbi Schneider - God's Song Over Us
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Rabbi Schneider - God's Song Over Us
Rabbi Schneider - God's Song Over Us
We're going to what is oftentimes referred to as the song of Solomon, but which is more accurately referred to as the Song of Songs. Now, why would I say that it's more accurately referred to as the Song of Songs? Well, let's look at [...]
Levi Lusko - God's Love Language
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Levi Lusko - God's Love Language
Levi Lusko - God's Love Language
We're going to be in Hebrews chapter 11. That's where we're going to be. You can just turn there every single week because that's where we're focused on in this Pioneer series. We begin with a photo. This is Johannes [...]
Doug Batchelor - Ultimate Sacrifice
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Doug Batchelor - Ultimate Sacrifice
Doug Batchelor - Ultimate Sacrifice
Blood is the liquid of life, and Jesus poured out His blood to take away the sin of the world. You know, in the Bible we read about one of the great patriarchs. His name was Abraham. And our lesson tonight is called the Ultimate Sacrifice and [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Let God's Love Take Over
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Kenneth Copeland - Let God's Love Take Over
Kenneth Copeland - Let God's Love Take Over
Let's turn over there at the 13th Chapter of John. Just moments before Jesus was to go to the cross. These are his final moments. And of course, we read this last night and Jesus saw to it, you know the scripture said he knew who would betray [...]
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