Welcome to the Power of One. I wanna share a message with you today from a character in the Old Testament by the name of Joseph. Joseph’s an interesting guy because we have a lot of writing about his family. We know a lot about his grandfather and [...]
Welcome to the Power of One. You know, one of the things I love about God is the way that he will bring the right message to the right person, at the right time. It’s not an accident, it’s a divine intersection. And that’s what’s about to happen [...]
Welcome to the power of one. Today, I wanna continue in our series «The Master’s Degree». We’re looking at how Jesus trained his disciples to ultimately become leaders. They were leaders that would take the work of Jesus and the power of the Holy [...]
When we love, it will lead to unity. I’m 100% confident it is at the heart and the will of God that his church be unified. Welcome to the power of one. Today, we’re gonna continue in our series of messages called, «The master’s degree». We’re [...]
We need to get good at failure for really, two big reasons I can think of. And maybe you can think of more, but I can think of two. The first is, it’s inevitable. You can run, but you can’t hide. So, you can try to, I mean, be a perfectionist and [...]
We’re gonna go back to Mark 3 today, 'Cause I wanna look at something else. We’re gonna go back to the same text we looked at, but we’re gonna look at it form a different angle. I wanna bring up verse 7 of Mark 3 real quick. Just so we have an [...]
Here we are. We’re in now Mark 3. So, we’ve gone Mark 1, Mark 2, Mark 3. We’ll keep going. It says that in verse 13, «Afterward Jesus went up on a mountain and called out the ones he wanted to go with him. And they came to him». Alright, let me [...]
Welcome to the power of one. Today, I wanna talk to you from a series of messages called «The Master’s Degree». We’re going to look at how Jesus trained the disciples to be leaders. It’s well known that Jesus spent a lot of time with people who were [...]
Welcome to the power of one. Today, I wanna talk to you about the leadership skill, the life skill nobody’s talking about. We’re gonna talk about listening. We’re gonna look at three kinds of listening. Listening to God, listening to ourselves, and [...]
Welcome to the power of one. Today, I wanna talk to you about the life skill, the leadership skill that very few people are talking about, we’re gonna talk about listening. And we’re looking at listening in three different phases, listening to God, [...]
We're gonna talk about listening to God today, which let's just be honest, it's confusing. It's not super clear. Sometimes church folk, you know, they make it over simple, you know? "Hey, I'm trying, man, I just [...]
If you turn in your Bibles with me to John 5, I'm gonna start reading in verse 1. John 5:1 says, "Afterward Jesus returned to Jerusalem for one of the Jewish holy days. Inside the city, near the sheep gate, was the pool of Bethesda, with [...]
I think I've probably gone years at a time without preaching on patience. Feels like a waste of time. Why would I preach on patience when I could do a good sermon about productivity? Why preach on patience when I could talk about being [...]
I'm gonna define contentment this way. And this is not Webster, this is me making this up for this message. I think it's gonna, at least this is what I'm aiming at. So, see if you wanna aim at it too. Contentment is living at the [...]
Here are some indicators you may struggle with destination addiction. You're always in a hurry even when you don't need to be. You always promise that next year will be less busy. Your dream home is always your next home, the next home you [...]
Hi, my name is Greg ford. I'm the lead pastor at One Church in Columbus, Ohio, and this is the Power of One. Today, I wanna talk to you about making decisions. When you think about it, our lives are a compilation of decisions. And I think we [...]
Hi, my name is Greg ford. I'm the lead pastor at One Church in Columbus, Ohio, and this is the "Power of One". Today, what I want to talk to you about is how do we learn how to forgive? I've gotta be honest and tell you, I am not [...]