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Allen Jackson - Satan Rules A Kingdom - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Satan Rules A Kingdom - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Satan Rules A Kingdom - Part 2
An important part of the New Testament is the discussion of evil spirits, and I don't wanna belabor the point. We'll come back to this and look at it in more detail. But I think we should make a distinction. I don't believe that the [...]
Allen Jackson - Satan Rules A Kingdom - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Satan Rules A Kingdom - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Satan Rules A Kingdom - Part 1
We've been working through a study on spiritual warfare with a particular awareness of the end of time. The Bible is a discussion of spiritual warfare from the creation narrative in the opening chapters of Genesis where Satan comes to the [...]
Sid Roth - Satan's Ultimate End-Time Attack Exposed
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Sid Roth - Satan's Ultimate End-Time Attack Exposed
Sid Roth - Satan's Ultimate End-Time Attack Exposed
Sid Roth : I was just telling my guest, the Holy Spirit is here. He is here in such a strong fashion. My guest, Rick Joyner, best-selling author of books like "The Final Quest," is known for his very accurate prophetic dreams, visions and [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Satan's Plan for Your Life
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Dr. Ed Young - Satan's Plan for Your Life
Dr. Ed Young - Satan's Plan for Your Life
How many of you have ever been to the Louvre in Paris? That fabulous art, would you lift your hand? My! What a traveling bunch! The Louvre, I don't know if it's the largest place for fine art-is collected and displayed, but it's [...]
Skip Heitzig - Falling Hard, Recovering Strong
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Skip Heitzig - Falling Hard, Recovering Strong
Skip Heitzig - Falling Hard, Recovering Strong
You and I grew up with nursery rhymes, specially Mother Goose nursery rhymes. They seem innocent enough, but if you ever stop to look at the words, when you do, you discover that some of them are macabre, downright disturbing. Jack and Jill went up [...]
Skip Heitzig - The Cosmic Crash, The Eternal Burn
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Skip Heitzig - The Cosmic Crash, The Eternal Burn
Skip Heitzig - The Cosmic Crash, The Eternal Burn
Let's turn in our Bibles to the book of Isaiah. Easy to find that book. Just open your Bible right in the middle, and a big piece of real estate is there, the book of Isaiah. 66 chapters are in it. Turn to Isaiah, Chapter 14, Isaiah, Chapter [...]
Doug Batchelor - The Villain of Revelation - Part 2
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Doug Batchelor - The Villain of Revelation - Part 2
Doug Batchelor - The Villain of Revelation - Part 2
For nine months between 1898 and 1899, two famous man-eating lions of Tsavo terrorized workers employed in the construction of a railway bridge in Uganda. As the death toll rose, construction was brought to a virtual standstill. The workers said [...]
Doug Batchelor - The Villain of Revelation - Part 1
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Doug Batchelor - The Villain of Revelation - Part 1
Doug Batchelor - The Villain of Revelation - Part 1
I don't know if you remember this notorious character from Medellin, Colombia. I did a series of meetings in Colombia, and he was something of a hero there, Pablo Escobar. He was the largest drug dealer in history. And, at one time - matter of [...]
Derek Prince - Don't Let Lucifer's Downfall Become Yours
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Derek Prince - Don't Let Lucifer's Downfall Become Yours
Derek Prince - Don't Let Lucifer's Downfall Become Yours
This is an excerpt from: War In Heaven And Earth - Part 1 Now, how did this conflict come about? What's its origin? The Bible tells us certain things, it doesn't tell us other things. It's a mistake to try to know more than the Bible [...]
Jack Graham - Dark Angel
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Jack Graham - Dark Angel
Jack Graham - Dark Angel
The most important thing we can do to begin winning life's battles, you are in a spiritual battle. If you are a believer you understand the Christian life is, you know, not just putting a flower in your hair and speaking of peace and love. We [...]
Creflo Dollar - Victory Over Satan And Demons - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - Victory Over Satan And Demons - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - Victory Over Satan And Demons - Part 2
Well, we've been talking about victory over Satan and demons, and I really want you to listen to this. There's something just really got a hold. It's the simplicity of the gospel invaded my heart today as I was looking over this. [...]
Creflo Dollar - Victory Over Satan And Demons - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - Victory Over Satan And Demons - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - Victory Over Satan And Demons - Part 1
The issue and the question tonight is, how do you really engage Satan and demons in battle? How do you engage Satan and demons in battle? So I'm gonna be talking about spiritual warfare, but spiritual warfare is not a lot of what we've [...]
Creflo Dollar - 7 Keys to Obtain Victory Over Satan
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Creflo Dollar - 7 Keys to Obtain Victory Over Satan
Creflo Dollar - 7 Keys to Obtain Victory Over Satan
We have been talking about victory over Satan and demons, and there's a reason why I decided to teach this series, is not so you can figure out how to beat the devil because the devil has already been defeated. It is so you can know how to [...]
Jack Graham - Dark Angel
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Jack Graham - Dark Angel
Jack Graham - Dark Angel
Take your Bibles, open your Bibles with me to the book of Ephesians, chapter 6. And we begin a new series today. Welcome to all of you who are watching online by the way. We have a large congregation online around the world. So we invite you to join [...]
Sid Roth - Use This Strategy to STOP Satan in His Tracks with Dawna DeSilva and Teresa Liebscher
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Sid Roth - Use This Strategy to STOP Satan in His Tracks with Dawna DeSilva and
Sid Roth - Use This Strategy to STOP Satan in His Tracks with Dawna DeSilva and Teresa Liebscher
Sid Roth: Hello, I'm Sid Roth your investigative reporter and I have two women here that move in such unusual gifts of the Spirit, Dawna DeSilva and Teresa Liebscher and we're going to have a demonstration of a very, very unique [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Reality of Satan and Demons - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - The Reality of Satan and Demons - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - The Reality of Satan and Demons - Part 2
Tonight, we're gonna talk about, just the manifestation of demon forces. People don't believe in them. Some don't even know how to recognize them, and if we have authority over demons, we gotta recognize them. So there are different [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Reality of Satan and Demons - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - The Reality of Satan and Demons - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - The Reality of Satan and Demons - Part 1
Tonight, we're going got to talk about "The Reality of Satan and Demons". "The Reality of Satan and Demons". Why would you want to talk about something like this? Well, if you look at the behavior of the world, over 2000 [...]
Derek Prince - Satan Is Not In Hell Right Now
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Derek Prince - Satan Is Not In Hell Right Now
Derek Prince - Satan Is Not In Hell Right Now
Excerpt from "Casting Down Strongholds" Now let me point out that Satan’s headquarters, as stated here, are in the heavenlies. We have a lot of language in the church which speaks about Satan as if he were in hell. Hell is a place of [...]
Derek Prince - Satan's Main Influence On Us
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Derek Prince - Satan's Main Influence On Us
Derek Prince - Satan's Main Influence On Us
That’s Satan. Wherever pride enters the human heart, for that’s the influence that caused Satan to rebel against God, pride brings us under the control of Satan. It doesn’t matter whether we are Pentecostals, Baptists, Catholics, that’s not the [...]
Derek Prince - Satan's First Sin
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Derek Prince - Satan's First Sin
Derek Prince - Satan's First Sin
And then we get the real motivation of Satan, or Lucifer. Let's call him Lucifer until he becomes Satan. Verse 17: Your heart was lifted up because of your beauty. You corrupted your wisdom because of your splendor. What was the initial [...]
Derek Prince - Leviathan is a Type of Satan
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Derek Prince - Leviathan is a Type of Satan
Derek Prince - Leviathan is a Type of Satan
We'll picture the same which you may have never have noticed, in the book of Joel chapter 41. Now the whole of this chapter deals with a creature named Leviathan. There is some kind of marine monster, and we don't know very much about [...]
Derek Prince - How Satan's Kingdom Came Into Being
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Derek Prince - How Satan's Kingdom Came Into Being
Derek Prince - How Satan's Kingdom Came Into Being
But let us consider briefly how this satanic kingdom came into being. I want to turn to Isaiah Chapter 14 and read a few verses there. These verses deal with a being called Lucifer. The word Lucifer, which is from a Latin root, means the one who [...]
Derek Prince - Fight Satan With Prayer, Praise and Proclamation
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Derek Prince - Fight Satan With Prayer, Praise and Proclamation
Derek Prince - Fight Satan With Prayer, Praise and Proclamation
Let’s move on. The next and sixth point in my outline is: We must apply the power of jubilant praise and bold proclamation. And there is one Scripture has become a favorite with me, in Jeremiah, chapter 31 and verse 7. Jeremiah 31:7 This is [...]
Sid Roth - Unmasking Satan
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Sid Roth - Unmasking Satan
Sid Roth - Unmasking Satan
Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest's father was the devil. I'm serious. He has a new father now, God. And is passion based on his former knowledge is to keep you three [...]
Robert Jeffress - When Satan Comes Knocking
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Robert Jeffress - When Satan Comes Knocking
Robert Jeffress - When Satan Comes Knocking
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. If you're a follower of Jesus Christ, then you're under an invisible attack by the devil who has a personal vendetta against every child of God. But gratefully, God [...]
David Jeremiah - The Beast From The Earth
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David Jeremiah - The Beast From The Earth
David Jeremiah - The Beast From The Earth
Welcome to the Hall of Prophecy. The prophetic book of Revelation is full of apocalyptic visions demonstrated in signs, symbols, intriguing characters, and supernatural beasts. However encrypted these events and signs may seem, the very title of the [...]
David Jeremiah - The Beast From The Sea
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David Jeremiah - The Beast From The Sea
David Jeremiah - The Beast From The Sea
The Earth. Our home. Studies tell us that from the beginning of time, approximately 108 billion people have called Earth their home, and living on our planet today: just under 7 billion. With this in mind, do you think one man could rule over all [...]
David Jeremiah - The Dragon
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David Jeremiah - The Dragon
David Jeremiah - The Dragon
Do you believe in dragons? I do. Throughout the centuries, dragons have played a role in the folklore of many of the world's ancient cultures. Dragons are legendary serpentine creatures in Chinese mythology symbolizing potent and auspicious [...]
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Sid Roth - The Final Pope and Project Lucifer
Sid Roth - The Final Pope and Project Lucifer
Sid Roth: Hello. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. Buried in the library of the Vatican was an ancient 900-year-old prophecy, which listed every pope for the next 112 popes. Well we've had 111 and every single pope [...]
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Charles Stanley - Satan's Strategy to Defeat Us
Charles Stanley - Satan's Strategy to Defeat Us
Many people will live their whole life and wonder why things don't go too well. They trusted Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, and yet, they suffer one defeat after the other. Can't quite figure out why. Do not realize they have an [...]
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Charles Stanley - Facing a Satanic Attack
Charles Stanley - Facing a Satanic Attack
When is the last time you found yourself feeling very vulnerable? In fact, the temptation was so strong that you just think, "I can't handle this". And you found yourself very, very puzzled maybe because of why you're being [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Ways The Devil Deceives Us
Joyce Meyer - Ways The Devil Deceives Us
How many of you know the devil's alive and well on the planet? And you know, it's not that I just enjoy talking about the devil but, to be honest, every once in a while, we need to because for some reason, as much as we know, we kind of [...]
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David Jeremiah - The Great Deceiver Who Seeks to Destroy
David Jeremiah - The Great Deceiver Who Seeks to Destroy
In our culture today there is an incredible rise of Satanism and demonism all throughout the world. As we look at what is happening in our culture today we should not be surprised to observe the increase of all of these things that are involved in [...]
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Creflo Dollar — The Origin of Satan
Creflo Dollar — The Origin of Satan
See, it's time for you to know your enemy. It's time for you to know who you're fighting. God is not the one that's doing things to destroy you on purpose to see if you're gonna choose good or evil. God is not killing your [...]
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David Jeremiah - The Church of Satan's City
David Jeremiah - The Church of Satan's City
The Bible tells us that the destination of this letter was to a place called Pergamos. Pergamos describes a sort of union of pagan cathedral city, a university town, and a royal residence. And if you were to follow it on the map, you would discover [...]