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Levi Lusko - The Stuff Legends Are Made Of
Levi Lusko - The Stuff Legends Are Made Of
There is no unimportant part of your body. There's no unimportant part of your body. Every single part has a value and contributes to the larger things that happen. But there are parts of your body that you can't live without. You [...]
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Charles Stanley - The Impact of the Resurrection
Charles Stanley - The Impact of the Resurrection
Now, you heard the message of the resurrection of Jesus for years and years and years. You could quote some of the Scriptures. And you could tell me, standing by the graveside of one of your loved ones, that you could tell me what it meant to you. [...]
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Joseph Prince - His Resurrection, Proof Of Your Righteousness
Joseph Prince - His Resurrection, Proof Of Your Righteousness
Praise the Lord. I'd like you to turn to at least two or three persons around you and tell them that something good is going to happen to you. Something good, I really believe it. And smile at somebody else and say, "I'm just to [...]
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David Jeremiah - The Resurrection of Russia
David Jeremiah - The Resurrection of Russia
The date was mid-August, 2015, less than 18 months after Russia seized the Crimean peninsula from its parent nation, Ukraine. Putin's ambitions for a reunited Soviet bloc took over in his life. And he not only annexed Crimea, he also [...]
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David Jeremiah - The Resurrection
David Jeremiah - The Resurrection
Michelangelo, the great artist, one day turned on his fellow artists and said, "Why do you guys keep filling up gallery after gallery with endless pictures of the one theme of Christ in weakness, Christ on the cross? And most of all, Christ [...]
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Levi Lusko - But First, Death
Levi Lusko - But First, Death
John 11 is where we're going to be this Easter weekend, as we continue and finish a series of messages that we've called Magnificent Seven. And we're going to finish it up in John chapter 11. We have an app also called Fresh Life, [...]
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David Jeremiah - Overcoming Death with Life
David Jeremiah - Overcoming Death with Life
I began this series by telling you the story of David, the greatest overcomer in the Old Testament, and I wanna conclude it by pointing you toward the greatest Overcomer of all time, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, through death, burial, and [...]
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Charles Stanley - The Stunning Impact of Christ's Resurrection
Charles Stanley - The Stunning Impact of Christ's Resurrection
The resurrection of Jesus Christ had a stunning effect upon the world of Jesus' day. Nothing ever happened to equal it, nor has anything ever happened to equal it. It is THE experience in life. It is THE moment in time that absolutely has [...]
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Charles Stanley - Risen and Mission Accomplished
Charles Stanley - Risen and Mission Accomplished
Jesus successfully challenged the most powerful force in the world, and that was the Roman Empire. They crucified Him, but they couldn't kill Him. They searched for Him, but they could not find Him. He was on a divine mission and He was going [...]
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Joseph Prince — He Is Risen
Joseph Prince — He Is Risen
God loved us and sent Jesus to die for our sins and Jesus bore our sins. He who did no sin knew no sin, in him is no sin became sin at the cross. Now, under law, God has to punish sin, amen? God says, "I'll visit your sins, even to the [...]
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TD Jakes - From Graves to Grace
TD Jakes - From Graves to Grace
Today, we want to understand that what he did on the cross and in the grave and when he rose has, first of all, been acted out in the water when he was baptized. John baptized him in the water to give us a preview of what he would do on the cross. [...]
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Joel Osteen — You Have Resurrection Power
Joel Osteen — You Have Resurrection Power
I want to talk to you today about how you have resurrection power. When you gave your life to Christ, God put a power in you greater than any power that you'll ever face. We're not supposed to go through life backing down, in fear, [...]
Joseph Prince - What Makes No Weapon Prosper Against You
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Joseph Prince - What Makes No Weapon Prosper Against You?
Joseph Prince - What Makes No Weapon Prosper Against You?
Hallelujah. Happy Resurrection Sunday. Amen, amen. We don't call it Easter, okay? Resurrection Sunday. What is Easter? What is wester? Resurrection. It's sort of clouds, you know. I mean, I understand the term by clouds. The whole scenario [...]
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Steven Furtick — Round Trip Resurrection
Steven Furtick — Round Trip Resurrection
When we look at Luke 23:44, we see the very last thing that Jesus said and we're going to read the context of it. Luke tells us, Luke 23:44, it was now about noon and darkness came over the whole land until 3:00 in the afternoon for the sun [...]
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Creflo Dollar — Transformed by the Resurrected Jesus
Creflo Dollar — Transformed by the Resurrected Jesus
When you take Communion, I want you to remember, I want you to celebrate, I want you to receive by faith that His body was broken for you and for me so we can have the healing in our bodies and wholeness in our bodies. And so when I take the bread, [...]
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Patricia King — You Can Raise The Dead
Patricia King — You Can Raise The Dead
Patricia King and James Goll discuss Jesus command to raise the dead. What does that mean? Is it for today? [...]
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Kay Arthur — The Essential Resurrection
Kay Arthur — The Essential Resurrection
We love signs. We love wonders. We love miracles. But I want to ask you a question. How many signs does it take to convince you of truth? How many wonders do you have to see? How many miracles do you have to become acquainted with before you’re [...]
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Kay Arthur — Resurrection Peace that Takes the Sting Out of Death
Kay Arthur — Resurrection Peace that Takes the Sting Out of Death
O Beloved did you go to the doctor and get a death sentence? Did they tell you that you had cancer? Did they tell you that you Lou Gehrig’s disease or Parkinson’s? Did they tell you that your future was dim that your days were limited? And how did [...]
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Kay Arthur — Resurrection Peace that Prepares You to Meet God
Kay Arthur — Resurrection Peace that Prepares You to Meet God
Have you ever been riding down the road and all of a sudden found yourself face to face with a huge billboard? It’s black and white and that’s all. And it says, “Prepare to meet your God.” Preparing to meet your God is a matter of black and white. [...]
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Kay Arthur — Resurrection Peace that Gives Us Hope
Kay Arthur — Resurrection Peace that Gives Us Hope
Are you overwhelmed my friend? Are you overwhelmed because you’re looking at the situation as it is now and there seems to be no hope? There seems to be no way out and turmoil is stirring in your breast and you think I’m not going to survive. O [...]
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Kay Arthur — Resurrection Peace that Delivers You from the Pain of Past Sins
Kay Arthur — Resurrection Peace that Delivers You from the Pain of Past Sins
O Beloved, does your past torment you? Does what you were and what you have done plague you? Is it constantly before you? Does it bring grief to your heart because you think, “I was so awful”? “How could I have done that? Why did I do that?” I [...]
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Kay Arthur — Resurrection Peace for Every Situation
Kay Arthur — Resurrection Peace for Every Situation
Are those red eyes, my dear? Have you been weeping? Why are you weeping dear Woman? And you, Sir, your lip looks swollen. You’ve been biting your lip. You’re hurting, aren’t you? You’re trying not to cry. O Beloved, male or female, young or old, I [...]
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Kay Arthur — He Is Risen!
Kay Arthur — He Is Risen!
Every Easter people, around the world, celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Many of them come to the Garden Tomb, where I’m standing, in Jerusalem. The question is: why? What is so special about the resurrection of Jesus Christ? What can it [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Not a Typical Resurrection Message
Jesse Duplantis — Not a Typical Resurrection Message
Get ready to shout as you travel back through Scripture and experience the Resurrection of Christ in a way you’ve never heard before. Jesse shares on not letting doubt or unbelief blind you to the power of God. Resurrection life is calling your name! [...]
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Patricia King — Raising the Dead Testimonies
Patricia King — Raising the Dead Testimonies
Patricia King and James Goll share testimonies about the dead being raised. Patricia King shares about raising the dead. Bobby Conner shares a testimony about how his mother is raised from the dead. [...]
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Patricia King — Raise the Dead
Patricia King — Raise the Dead
Patricia King lays the biblical foundations for the raising of the dead. Special guest Mary Goddard, Bobby Conner and Bill Johnson. [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Jesus Rose for the World, the Church, and You
Jesse Duplantis — Jesus Rose for the World, the Church, and You
Get ready to experience supernatural joy, power, and purpose as Jesse teaches on the Resurrection of Jesus Christ like you have never heard before. You'll understand why Jesus rose from the dead and, the power and position you hold as a [...]
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Greg Laurie — Death Died When Christ Rose!
Greg Laurie — Death Died When Christ Rose!
He has risen! Jesus took the final judgment of man at the cross of Calvary. Because Christ resurrected, death is powerless, and we have eternal life. Pastor Greg Laurie says, for believers, death is not the end of the road, it's only a bend in [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — The Resurrection
Jesse Duplantis — The Resurrection
The miracle of our risen Lord changed the course of human history… and it can change the course of your life, too. If a 'stone' of circumstance has put you in a tomb, the truth about Jesus can roll it away––and that’s not fiction, it’s [...]
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Steven Furtick - Reverse the Search
Steven Furtick - Reverse the Search
We're looking at the seven last words of Jesus Christ, what He said before He died and how it applies to our lives, taking some things that we might be very familiar with, or may not have been familiar with at all, but really owning them [...]
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Charles Stanley - Your Conviction About the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Charles Stanley - Your Conviction About the Resurrection of Jesus Christ
Do you really and truly believe that Jesus Christ was crucified, buried, sealed in a tomb and that somehow He arose? Do you really believe that? Some people do, some people don't. So, do you have any convictions about that? Sometimes a person [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Dead Man Walking, Live Man Rising
Jesse Duplantis — Dead Man Walking, Live Man Rising
Jesse uses scriptures and stories from his own life to reveal the miraculous nature of our God in his message on the resurrection of Lazarus. Learn how to depend on Jesus' power and RISE UP in faith—spiritually, physically, and financially! [...]
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Sid Roth — Raised from the Dead
Sid Roth — Raised from the Dead
Isaiah Reed was a pimp who was raised from the dead after being shot and stabbed. Enjoy this episode with Sid Roth and Isaiah Reed. [...]
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Charles Stanley — The Triumphant Message of the Resurrection
Charles Stanley — The Triumphant Message of the Resurrection
Most of the crowd spread their coats in the road, and others were cutting branches from the trees and spreading them in the road. The crowd is going ahead of him. And those who followed were shouting. When he had entered Jerusalem, all the city was [...]
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David Reagan — Resurrections and Judgments
David Reagan — Resurrections and Judgments
Dr. David R. Reagan and panel on the show Christ in Prophecy answer questions concerning resurrections and judgments. [...]
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Jesse Duplantis — Not A Typical Resurrection Message
Jesse Duplantis — Not A Typical Resurrection Message
Hello, ladies and gentlemen, I'm Jesse Duplantis. You know what made Christianity? The resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Think about that. We ought to be celebrating that every day of the year because the resurrection of Jesus Christ says [...]
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Bill Winston — Ressurection Is Coming To Your Life
Bill Winston — Ressurection Is Coming To Your Life
Bill Winston message of biblical financial hope by God as your source for every resource. for yourself and for those connected to you. [...]
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Charles Stanley - Right Thinking About Death And Resurrection
Charles Stanley - Right Thinking About Death And Resurrection
The night before Jesus died He said one of the most comforting things He could possibly have said to those disciples. Here's what He said in this fourteenth chapter of John, "Do not let your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe [...]
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David Jeremiah - He Really Is Alive
David Jeremiah - He Really Is Alive
I grew up in a Christian home. My father was a pastor for a number of years. He pastored two churches that I was a part of, beginning in Toledo, Ohio, and then Dayton, Ohio. And when I was in the 7th grade, my father became the president of [...]
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David Jeremiah - Easter Message: What If?
David Jeremiah - Easter Message: What If?
Some of you may know that one of the great Reformation leaders of the past, a guy by the name of Martin Luther, suffered from huge bouts of depression. For days, he would have a hard time just functioning. And he tried a lot of things, and he had a [...]
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Patricia King — Called To Raise The Dead
Patricia King — Called To Raise The Dead
Patricia King lays the biblical foundations for the raising of the dead. Special guest Mary Goddard, Bobby Conner and Bill Johnson. [...]
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