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Kenneth Copeland - Honor Your Father and Mother
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Kenneth Copeland - Honor Your Father and Mother
Kenneth Copeland - Honor Your Father and Mother
— Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast, and, of course, we have the professor with us. Praise God. And we've been discussing the commandments of God. And last week, we got over into [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Remember the Sabbath Day
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Kenneth Copeland - Remember the Sabbath Day
Kenneth Copeland - Remember the Sabbath Day
— Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is Gregory Stephens, the professor in Kenneth Copeland Bible College on First Covenant Truths. And now, you were reading this. Tell us again about the Sabbath and keeping it holy. — Well, [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Honor God For Who He Is
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Peter Tan-Chi - Honor God For Who He Is
Peter Tan-Chi - Honor God For Who He Is
Today, our topic is very simple. Our topic is, «Honor God for who He is». In short, If God is somebody you do not know, it is hard to honor Him. I want to encourage you to develop a desire to keep growing, to know God. So today, I like us to look at [...]
Kerry Shook - Honoring Others
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Kerry Shook - Honoring Others
Kerry Shook - Honoring Others
In this series, we're looking at the "Power of Honor," because honor's the key that unlocks the blessings of God in our lives while dishonor blocks the blessings that God really wants to give each and every one of us. And it all [...]
Kerry Shook - Honoring God
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Kerry Shook - Honoring God
Kerry Shook - Honoring God
Now, this week we're celebrating the 29th anniversary of Woodlands Church, which is really cool. God's done so much. Today we're just thanking God for all he's done, and we're thanking him for what he's getting ready to [...]
John Bradshaw - Not Always Easy
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John Bradshaw - Not Always Easy
John Bradshaw - Not Always Easy
God wrote in the Ten Commandments, "Honor your father and your mother". Exodus 20, verse 12. I've often been asked how you do that when your father or mother was a terrible person, not someone you would think of as deserving of honor. [...]
Chris Hodges - Who We Honor and How We Honor
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Chris Hodges - Who We Honor and How We Honor
Chris Hodges - Who We Honor and How We Honor
All right, who's glad to be in church today? Anybody? I know. Me, too. And a big hello to all of our campuses. We are one church that meets in 23 locations all across our region. Love every single one of you, pray for you every single day. And [...]
Chris Hodges - Called to Live a Different Way
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Chris Hodges - Called to Live a Different Way
Chris Hodges - Called to Live a Different Way
Oh, it's so good to see all of you today in church. I want to say a big hello to all of our campuses that are watching. We are one church 23 locations all across our region. I always consider it the greatest honor to bring all that we are as a [...]
Robert Jeffress - Honor Your Parents
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Robert Jeffress - Honor Your Parents
Robert Jeffress - Honor Your Parents
Hi, I am Robert Jeffress and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". The family unit is the solid foundation upon which a healthy nation is established. When our families suffer, our community suffers. When families thrive, the entire [...]
Kenneth Copeland - What Is Biblical Honor?
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Kenneth Copeland - What Is Biblical Honor?
Kenneth Copeland - What Is Biblical Honor?
— Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland, and this is Wednesday's edition of the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Excuse me, honor, respect. There is a code of honor. Those core values, of all the things that I own. I respect [...]
James Merritt - Respectful, Honor Above All
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James Merritt - Respectful, Honor Above All
James Merritt - Respectful, Honor Above All
The earliest memory that I have of my parents, believe it or not, goes back, I don't even know how old that I was. But they taught me something early on that today might seem frivolous. In fact, to some of you frankly, which seem a little bit [...]
Matt Hagee - Giving Honor to Whom Honor is Due
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Matt Hagee - Giving Honor to Whom Honor is Due
Matt Hagee - Giving Honor to Whom Honor is Due
When you read the words of the apostle Paul in Romans, the 13 chapter it says to give honor to whom honor is due. And tonight I not only stand here as a son, but I stand here as a disciple. I stand here as a church member. I stand here as a man to [...]
John Hagee - Honor Your Father and Mother
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John Hagee - Honor Your Father and Mother
John Hagee - Honor Your Father and Mother
The fifth commandment, "Honor your father and your mother" is God's commandment to focus on the family. The fifth commandment is different from all the others. Why? Because this is the only commandment that has a promise. And the [...]
Jentezen Franklin - The Blessing of Showing Honor
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Jentezen Franklin - The Blessing of Showing Honor
Jentezen Franklin - The Blessing of Showing Honor
I want to wish a very, very happy Mother's Day to all of the wonderful mothers watching. I want to say Happy Mother's Day to my own mom, Katie Franklin. She's an amazing woman of God and mother, and to my wife, Cherise, mother of our [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Behavior and Character of the Last Day Society - Part 6
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Creflo Dollar - The Behavior and Character of the Last Day Society - Part 6
Creflo Dollar - The Behavior and Character of the Last Day Society - Part 6
It's the last days, and some people don't recognize it. It's the last days. And you're thinking, "Oh, this is just a... this just, you know, this just our generation doing something". This is the last days. Ain't [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Behavior and Character of the Last Day Society - Part 4
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Creflo Dollar - The Behavior and Character of the Last Day Society - Part 4
Creflo Dollar - The Behavior and Character of the Last Day Society - Part 4
Now what I wanna spend the time this morning talking about, I wanna show you the scriptural view of honoring your parents. Not my opinion; I can't even afford to try to even think about talking to you about my opinion. 'Cause this stuff is [...]
Craig Groeschel - Honor in a Cancel Culture
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Craig Groeschel - Honor in a Cancel Culture
Craig Groeschel - Honor in a Cancel Culture
Well, some would say that we're living in the age of perpetual offense, where we're quick to judge, quick to criticize, quick to condemn and quick to cancel anyone who offends us. Have you noticed that? Yeah. It used to be just those who [...]
Andy Stanley - The Goal of Discipline
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Andy Stanley - The Goal of Discipline
Andy Stanley - The Goal of Discipline
When our kids were young we had two rules on our home just two. Honor your mother and don't tell a lie. Honor your mother and don't tell a lie. Now, having observed a lot of families, we concluded that if our kids honored Sandra and I [...]
TD Jakes - When God Smells Honor
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TD Jakes - When God Smells Honor
TD Jakes - When God Smells Honor
Every person, I don't care how close you are to 'em, every person's got to build their own altar. I can't build your altar for you. I love you, I can't build, I can't build your altar for you. You gotta have your own [...]
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Jentezen Franklin - The Spirit Of Honor
Jentezen Franklin - The Spirit Of Honor
All right, if you have your Bible, Matthew 13:57. "And so, they were offended at Him. And Jesus said to them, 'A prophet is not without honor except in his own country and in his own house'", and I want you to notice what happens [...]
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Jentezen Franklin - How To Honor Your Mother
Jentezen Franklin - How To Honor Your Mother
Ephesians 6. "Honor your father and mother, which is the first commandment with promise", watch this, "That it may be well with you, and you may live long on the earth". The reason that it extends your life is we, the parents, [...]
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Robert Morris — The Principle of Honor
Robert Morris — The Principle of Honor
Alright, I want us to continue our series on relationship through God's top 10 list and we've covered the first four Commandments. We're going down the Ten Commandments and we're trying to look at the principle behind the [...]
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Joel Osteen — Have A Spirit Of Honor
Joel Osteen — Have A Spirit Of Honor
I want to talk to you today about having a spirit of honor. Any time you show honor you are sowing a seed. The honor you give away will always come back to you. A lady in the scripture came up to Jesus and poured a jar of expensive oil on his feet [...]
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Joel Osteen — Showing Honor
Joel Osteen — Showing Honor
I want to talk to you today about "Showing honor". Everywhere we go, we should look for opportunities to bring honor in our conversations, in the way we treat people at home, at work, at the grocery store. As believers, we are carriers of [...]