Kenneth Copeland - Remember the Sabbath Day
— Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is Gregory Stephens, the professor in Kenneth Copeland Bible College on First Covenant Truths. And now, you were reading this. Tell us again about the Sabbath and keeping it holy.
— Well, we're getting ready to start the commandment number four. It's the longest of the commandments. And I wonder why it's the longest of the commandments. And in Exodus 20, it says, Remember the Sabbath to keep it holy. Six days thou shall labor and do all thy works, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. In it, thou shall not do any work, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, nor thy manservant, nor thy cattle, nor any stranger to within the gate for in six days... Now, here's why. For in six days, the Lord made the heaven and the earth, the sea and all that's in them, and rested on the seventh day. Wherefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day. It's blessed. It's blessed. And hallowed it. Now, the Sabbath is the verb Shabbat, means to cease, desist, and rest. He rested of all of his creation. The seventh day then honors the Creator. It's not about me. I get the benefit of it, but it honors him. And the cattle get to rest, and the land gets to rest. And so it's an acknowledgement of his authority and his rule and the creation of his hand. And I'm part of the creation of his hand. So I need to rest as well. The Sabbath is intended to be a blessing, guys, not a duty, and not a burden. It's the blessing of the Lord. The Sabbath is. In the wilderness, there was a double portion of bread, manna, and a double portion of quail for the Sabbath. So it's a double portion blessing. Now, what about that word "remember"? What does that mean, remember? The Hebrew, it's very interesting. It's zachor, that's what it means. It's not just remembering something that happened before, not remembering previous things. It is that, but it's also remembering, remembering in the present and remembering in the future. What I'm going to do is I'm going to take what happened, but I'm going to remember it now as well. Jesus will say, in that as often as you do this, do it in remembrance of me. So he brought this Sabbath into the church, if you will, to say it that way. He brought this Sabbath into the new covenant because he's the Lord of the Sabbath. Now, the religious people used to fight him over it all the time. They'd get mad at him for healing on the Sabbath. They'd get mad at him for picking grain on the Sabbath as they were walking. It's not what it is, it's the Lord of the Sabbath. So you shall call to mind, it's the climax of the week. The Sabbath is actually the climax. He had finished of all of his creation and he rested, and that was it. That was the climax. We were the final thing he created. So if our Father rests on the Sabbath, we should rest on the Sabbath. So Sunday in Hebrew is Yom Rishon, is the way you would say it. It literally means the first day toward the Sabbath, and Monday would be the second day toward the Sabbath. Everything they do is looking toward the Sabbath day, the Sabbath rest. Then there's Sabbath weeks, and there's Sabbath months, and there's Sabbath years.
— Then comes the Jubilee.
— The Jubilee, the Shemitah.
— Then Exodus 10:25 is on the Liberty Bell.
— Absolutely.
— Liberty rings throughout the land, and they rang it till they broke it.
— Till they broke it. But that was a proclamation over this country. We've gotten away from it so much. If Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath, and he said "Remember, as often as you do this, do it in remembrance of me," he's referring to the communion, what we call Holy Communion. So start seeing communion differently. Every time you take communion, you're in the Sabbath. It's a Sabbath moment. Every time I take communion is a Sabbath moment. What am I honoring? I'm honoring his creation. He created everything and rested, so therefore I'm honoring the Creator. Well now we know that all things were made by him. John will tell us. By him were all things made, speaking of Jesus, so he was part of that creation. So when I'm taking communion, the meal that heals, come on, I am honoring the Creator, the Father, who can create in me a new disk, who can create in me a new mind, who can create in me new knees, elbows, shoulders. Sabbath rest is honoring the Creator, who creates these things in me. So when I don't, if I never take a rest, Brother Copeland, I'm working against the creation, the Creator. I'm sorry, I'm working against the Creator. The creation is working against the Creator.
— I was getting on my treadmill one morning, and now I'm not bragging on me on this, but most people in their 80s don't do it, but I got on that treadmill and just all of a sudden I heard it in my spirit, "Kenneth, I sacrificed my body for yours. Now you're sacrificing your body for mine". Well yeah, had to be that way. Now let's go over here in John 14. Now we read a new commandment I give you, but we're not through with that yet. John 14:23, Jesus answered and said unto him, Judas saith unto him, Iscariot, Lord, how is it thou manifest? And then Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, he will keep my words, and my father will love him, and we will come unto him and make our abode with him. Praise God. He that loves me not, keep not my Word. Now let's come on down. Make our abode with him. The Holy Ghost, the Father will send in my name, he'll teach you all things, and bring all things into your remembrance whatsoever I have said unto you. Peace I love with you. My peace give I unto you, not as the world gives, but I give unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. And he used covenant words all through this. You are my friends, if you do whatever I command you to. Henceforth I call you not servants, for the servant knows what his Lord does, but I call you friends for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made on unto you. You have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and I've ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit. Now then, now let's turn over here in the 16th chapter. Oh, my goodness. John 16:23, And in that day you'll ask nothing, verily, verily, I will say unto you, whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you. Hereto you've asked nothing in my name, ask and you shall receive that your joy may be made full. But that's not, in my opinion, the big one. Are you ready for this? Verse 13, 16:13. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you into all truth, for he shall not speak of himself, but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak. And he will show you things to come. He shall glorify me, for he shall receive of mine and show it unto you. All things that the Father has is mine, therefore I say he'll take of mine and show it unto you.
— Yes, yes. Wow, he will take of mine and show it to you, all that the Father has. What does the Father have? The universe. He owns it, he created it.
— That's right. That's exactly right. So, this is when he said what you were just reading, whatsoever you shall ask the Father in my name, he shall give it to you. You've asked nothing in my name, that's the third commandment. Not taking the name in vain.
— Hallowed be thy name.
— That's the third commandment. People think these are punitive things. These are part of our covenant of the new covenant. Jesus is teaching it to the disciples, he's just doing it in a different way.
— Exceeding great and precious, blood backed, facts and promises.
— We see this now because we have that Spirit who shows us all things.
— So, I was there in Tulsa.
— Yes, sir.
— And I've been learning about the prayer of agreement from Brother Hagin. So, I said, "Well, Jesus is praying this, I'm going to agree". These words... Jesus, the Father, that ours come glorify thee. Son, he may glorify thee, as it giveth him power over all flesh. And I kept reading, for this is eternal life, that they may know thee. Oh, I agree, Father. I'll glorify thee in the earth. Oh, I agree, my Father. Oh, Father, glorify thou me. Oh, God, I agree. I've manifested thy name, for I have given them the words. Oh, Father, I agree. Oh, glory to God. And I have given them the Word, and I have hated them because of it. Oh, glory. I pray that you come out of this world. They are not of the world, even as I'm not of the world. Oh, Jesus. Sanctify them through thy truth. Thy word is truth. And you've sent me into the world. Even so, I sent them into the world. Oh, glory to God. And for their sakes, I sanctify myself, that they also might be sanctified through the truth. Neither pray I for these alone, but also believe on me through their word. And I said, "Oh, Gloria, that'd have to be me. That'd have to be me". That they may all be one as our Father and me in one. In us the two are one. And the glory which thou ... Whoa, whoa, whoa. Oh, whoa. No, no, no. And the glory which thou gives me ... No, no, no, no, no. No, no, no, God. Oh, God, help me here. Help me. I in them and them and me made perfect in the world. May know that thou sent me. And love them as you have loved me. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. God, how could God? I'm just... I'm a nothing. It's an old sinner. How could he love me as much as he does Jesus? I was walking, walking. I had tears in my eyes. I was shaking a little bit. Scripture illiterate, you understand? I'm walking around in there. God loves Kenneth as much as he does Jesus. God loves Kenneth as much as he does Jesus. God loves Kenneth as much as he does... Well, of course he did. Oh, God. The love of God's been shed abroad in my heart by the Holy Ghost. Oh, God. And he so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son. And he so loved Kenneth that he gave his only begotten Son so I don't have to go to hell. God loves Kenneth. And I was shaking all over. And then I got bold about it. And I began to holler, God loves me. Did you hear that, devil? God loves me just as much as he does Jesus. Now you just shut your mouth. Right that day, right that day, victory came. God is love. And I was praying and he said, "You know any other Christian will never get that unless you let me die".
— Oh, man. Try idenfication... Will you let me die. I said yes. I died on the cross, yes. But I went to hell for you. His name, through faith in his name, it made this man strong. You see, I know the faith which is given perfect soundness. Repent therefore. Converted that your sins may be blotted out and the times refreshing come in the presence of the Lord. Praise God. And he quoted David that you will not... leave my soul in hell. Neither will you let my body see corruption. 22nd Psalm. But it's also in the book of Acts. In the second chapter. Are you ready?
— Acts chapter 2.
— You men of Israel, hear these words. Jesus of Nazareth, the man proved to God among you. God did by him in the midst of you all yourselves also know, whom God hath raised up, being loose from the pains of death, because it was not possible that he should behold another. For David speaketh concerning him, I foresaw the Lord always before my face. For he's on my right hand that I should... Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad. Because you will not leave my soul in hell, neither will you suffer the Holy One to see corruption. I got into more trouble than that.
— Yeah.
— Preaching that.
— Oh, I know.
— I had guys jump me on about that. And I was up there in Hartford, Texas, in that little abandoned drugstore building up there. And there was a Methodist man there there was an alcoholic truck driver, and God got ahold of him. And so he had heard I'd been preaching that. So he came in there. So here he comes, my Lord. Oh, and he said... Turn around and walked out. He came back. Well, he said, I didn't believe in talking tongues, But he said, God stopped that when he baptized me in the Holy Ghost when I was going to chew you out. And he said, I went back to the sanctuary, and I said, "Oh, Lord, did you go to hell"? He said, "You better believe it, big boy, because if I hadn't, you would have". He started preaching it.
— Well, Jesus said to him in that upper room, Where I'm going, you can't go. Peter's like, Why can't I go? Because that's where he's going.
— Yeah, I'm going to hell.
— I've had people tell me, "Go to hell". I said, "I can't. Jesus went". Jesus went for me. Here's the thing. All on this remember the Sabbath thing, here's the evil part. And maybe I shouldn't say this, but I'm going to say it anyway. We allowed COVID government to violate that. That were not essential. And we locked our doors. And we're trying to be obedient and everything. But there comes a time when I have to say, wait a second. See, I'm glad I wasn't a pastor anymore at that point, where I had my own congregation. Because I'd have been in California, and I'd have been in jail, because we would have met. I don't care. We're going to met. I have a rabbi friend. They continued to meet. But they did it secretly the way they used to have to meet, for lack of persecution. Because he said, "I can't obey. I got to obey God, not man".
— The ministry out here, we kind of got in trouble. Now a lot of you don't realize. Anyway, I'll go into that. So we just didn't go to sanctuary. We just set the big loud speakers up. It was like a drive-in theater. And while I say, "Everybody shout hallelujah". Woha! And the neighbors said, "What is going on over there at that crazy bunch at Eagle Mountain International Church"? We can't sleep. Woha! They were sitting out. I remember my first job was at a drive-in theater. I was 14 years old. Anyway, they were sitting out on top of the cars. Amen. And the whole bunch was out there, the whole band. I'm telling you, they got a couple of Sundays where they went to church, whether they liked it or not.
— That's right. We started here in John 17, O righteous Father, the world has not known thee. First commandment. I am the Lord your God. And I've declared in thy name, third commandment. Do you see it in Jesus teaching all the way through? I have people say, "Oh, why do you guys don't teach the 10 commandments"? If you teach Jesus, you do. Because it's right there. And when you learn to be able to see it for what it is, that it is not punitive. It's not punishment. It is love. And it's blessing to bless me, to bless my life, to bless my family so that I will be a set apart. Because he said at the very beginning in Exodus 19, You'll be a chosen people, peculiar people to me. You'll be separated, set apart for me. That's what he wants to do with your life. That's what he wants to do with all of our lives. So Lord of the Sabbath, if you need healing in your body today, take communion and watch the Lord of the Sabbath show up. Honor him for who he is. You need a creative miracle in your body. He's the Creator. Let him create whatever you need in your body right now. You need a new heart. He'll create a new heart. There's an anointing right now for that. If you need a new knee, there's an anointing for knees right now in the name of Jesus. Anointing for ankles and bones and joints. Just go to the Lord of the Sabbath and believe him to create it.
— First words count. First in the morning and last at night. I love the Lord my... I love the Lord my God with all my heart, all my soul, all my mind, and all my strength. I love my neighbor. I have compassion on my neighbor the way God has compassion on me. This morning when I woke up, I said, "This is my receiving day". Glory be to God. Every day.
— Every day.
— Well, it's been a good week.
— It's a great week. It's been a great week.
— We'll be back in just a minute.