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Allen Jackson - Life Giving Word
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Allen Jackson - Life Giving Word
Allen Jackson - Life Giving Word
It will give life to you, the Word of God. I wanna start in Hebrews chapter 4, in verse 12. It says, "The word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to the dividing of soul and spirit, joints and [...]
Charles Stanley - How to Listen to the Word of God
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Charles Stanley - How to Listen to the Word of God
Charles Stanley - How to Listen to the Word of God
Why is it some people come to church on Sunday morning or go to church and they walk away uplifted and feeling confident and comforted and assured and excited about life and looking forward to the coming week and just find out what God's gonna do in [...]
Michael Youssef - How to Read the Bible
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Michael Youssef - How to Read the Bible
Michael Youssef - How to Read the Bible
As fewer Christians read the Bible daily, fewer understand what a marvelous revelation it is from God to man. It's so easy to forget as we scurry around our day-to-day lives what a profound gift Scripture is to us, 66 books weaving a tapestry of [...]
Beth Moore - Minding The Store - Part 5
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Beth Moore - Minding The Store - Part 5
Beth Moore - Minding The Store - Part 5
I want to bring to your attention Matthew chapter 13, verses 51 and 52, because they are so beautiful. Matthew chapter 13:51-52 says this, Jesus asked them, he's been telling them parables, he wants to know, do they understand what he's telling [...]
Jonathan Bernis - How To Meditate On God's Word In Hebrew
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Jonathan Bernis - How To Meditate On God's Word In Hebrew
Jonathan Bernis - How To Meditate On God's Word In Hebrew
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. Thank you for joining us today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined once again by my co-host, Ezra Benjamin. Ezra, we often use the word, Yeshua on the program and some may know who we're [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Evergreen
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Jonathan Bernis - Evergreen
Jonathan Bernis - Evergreen
Jonathan Bernis : Well, shalom, and welcome to Jewish Voice, and thank you for joining me today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and I'm joined again by my co-host Ezra Benjamin. The Bible is an ancient book written thousands of years ago by various authors. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Make God's WORD Final Authority for Your Healing
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Kenneth Copeland - Make God's WORD Final Authority for Your Healing
Kenneth Copeland - Make God's WORD Final Authority for Your Healing
8th chapter of the book of Romans. There is... verse 1, there is therefore, say it. Now, no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. How many in here are in Christ Jesus this morning? That's 100%. Who walk not after the flesh, but after the [...]
Chris Hodges - The Word of Truth
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Chris Hodges - The Word of Truth
Chris Hodges - The Word of Truth
Bless you today, thank you for joining us. It's so good to see people, it really is. God bless you, and thank you for joining us. And while they're getting things set up behind me so I can teach, the Bible today, let me look into the camera and say [...]
Kenneth Copeland - 101 Healing Scriptures
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Kenneth Copeland - 101 Healing Scriptures
Kenneth Copeland - 101 Healing Scriptures
Now, if you guys will put up the 101, please, you can download this from Keith Moore's website. And I'll tell you what he did. God's will to heal. And he has... Keith has a big book that has this in it, and that's the title God's Will To Heal. And [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Keep Your Eyes on God's WORD for Healing
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Kenneth Copeland - Keep Your Eyes on God's WORD for Healing
Kenneth Copeland - Keep Your Eyes on God's WORD for Healing
Let's go to the 10th chapter of the book of Luke. Luke, Chapter ten. "After these things the Lord appointed," one translation said, "after these things, the Lord ordained other seventy also, and sent them two and two before his face [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Word of God
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Adrian Rogers - The Word of God
Adrian Rogers - The Word of God
Be finding First Peter chapter 1, First Peter chapter 1, in a moment, we're going to read verses 23 through 25. We're continuing this series of Bible studies entitled, "Kingdom Authority". And I have been so blessed as we are discovering [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer That Agrees With God's WORD Brings God Results
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Kenneth Copeland - Prayer That Agrees With God's WORD Brings God Results
Kenneth Copeland - Prayer That Agrees With God's WORD Brings God Results
The book of Joshua. "Now after the death of Moses the servant of the Lord it came to pass, that the Lord spake unto Joshua the son of Nun, Moses' minister, saying, Moses my servant is dead; now therefore arise, go over this Jordan, thou, and [...]
Derek Prince - The Word Is Your Guide
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Derek Prince - The Word Is Your Guide
Derek Prince - The Word Is Your Guide
"My son, keep your father's commands and do not forsake your mother's teaching. Bind them upon your heart forever; fasten them around your neck. When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you awake, they [...]
Levi Lusko - Using Scripture Memorization to Pierce the Shadows
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Levi Lusko - Using Scripture Memorization to Pierce the Shadows
Levi Lusko - Using Scripture Memorization to Pierce the Shadows
If you do have a Bible, turn with me to the Book of James. That's in the New Testament, Book of James. If you have YouVersion and you can pick what version, we're going to be in the New King James version. So you want to make your way to James, [...]
Joseph Prince - The Powerful Benefits Of God's Word
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Joseph Prince - The Powerful Benefits Of God's Word
Joseph Prince - The Powerful Benefits Of God's Word
In 2 Timothy 3 it says, "But know this, that in the last days..." Are we in the last days, people? Yes, we are in the last days. We are in the last days. It's like the book opens up with the best of times and the worst of times, all right? [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Attend to God's Word
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Kenneth Copeland - Attend to God's Word
Kenneth Copeland - Attend to God's Word
Let's go to Proverbs 4:20. On that 20th verse, you note a paragraph and thought change there. "My son, attend to my words;" In Texas and Missouri and Oklahoma. We just say we tend to it. Well, yeah, I need to tend to that today. Take care [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Attending To God's WORD Leads to Abundance
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Kenneth Copeland - Attending To God's WORD Leads to Abundance
Kenneth Copeland - Attending To God's WORD Leads to Abundance
This is the account and the 17th verse of Mark ten. "When he was gone forth into the way, there came one running, and kneeled to him, and asked him, Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? And Jesus said unto him, Why [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God's WORD Promises Long Life
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Kenneth Copeland - God's WORD Promises Long Life
Kenneth Copeland - God's WORD Promises Long Life
Thank You, Lord Jesus. Father, we praise You today. And we thank You that the healer's in the House by Your Holy Spirit. The Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, is present here today. And we thank You and praise You. We praise You that You're [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Follow the Commander In Chief's Plan For a Long Life
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Kenneth Copeland - Follow the Commander In Chief's Plan For a Long Life
Kenneth Copeland - Follow the Commander In Chief's Plan For a Long Life
Welcome everybody. Here it is Friday. Praise God. And we're glad you're with us. The Lord has been leading us and guiding us. We're still talking about the healing ministry here. And all of these things have effect in the lives and in the health. [...]
Derek Prince - God's Word Exposes Us
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Derek Prince - God's Word Exposes Us
Derek Prince - God's Word Exposes Us
We're commencing this session at the beginning of Hebrews 4. This is in the middle of one of the warning passages that I pointed out to you, the longest of all of them. It began in Hebrews 3:7 and it continues through to chapter 4, verse 13. The [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Speak God's Word By Faith
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Kenneth Copeland - Speak God's Word By Faith
Kenneth Copeland - Speak God's Word By Faith
Turn with me to the book of Ephesians. Praise God. And look at the first chapter there. And then we're going to pray, in verse 19, "What is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe, according to the working of his mighty [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Insight Into God's WORD
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Kenneth Copeland - Insight Into God's WORD
Kenneth Copeland - Insight Into God's WORD
"The entire Fivefold ministry is in the house tonight in one man and his name is Brother Kenneth Copeland. Come to this pulpit here". Thank you, Pastor Terri. Say it again, Lord. There's a loud voice in the heavenlies that's being heard [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God's WORD Is His Will
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Kenneth Copeland - God's WORD Is His Will
Kenneth Copeland - God's WORD Is His Will
Let's look in the 10th chapter of the book of Matthew. Christian people have a hard time and struggle with the will of God. "I just don't know if it's his will or not". "Well ask him". "Well..." "You got a [...]
Joseph Prince - Don't Let The Enemy Rob You of God's Word
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Joseph Prince - Don't Let The Enemy Rob You of God's Word
Joseph Prince - Don't Let The Enemy Rob You of God's Word
This is an excerpt from: Healing And Restoration For Your Mind The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Jesus himself said this in John 10:10. Jesus said, "The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come [...]
Kenneth Copeland - There Is Healing in God's Word
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Kenneth Copeland - There Is Healing in God's Word
Kenneth Copeland - There Is Healing in God's Word
Let's go to Isaiah 53, "Who hath believed our report? And to whom is the arm of the Lord revealed? For he shall grow up before him as a tender plant, and as a root out of a dry ground: he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall see him, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Knowing God's WORD Makes You Free
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Kenneth Copeland - Knowing God's WORD Makes You Free
Kenneth Copeland - Knowing God's WORD Makes You Free
Well, glory to God, it's the Believer's Voice of Victory time. Amen, don't you like that? I'm Kenneth Copeland. And the Word of God is true. It is the truth. Amen. We're studying that all last week. Let's go back to our golden scriptures right here. [...]
Joyce Meyer - Get in the Word
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Joyce Meyer - Get in the Word
Joyce Meyer - Get in the Word
Get in a Bible study. Study the word. It's great to hear preachers. I'm glad you watch my program. I'm really glad you came to the conference. But I want you to study and we have things to help you. And don't use the excuse, "I can't understand [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God's Words for Prosperity
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Kenneth Copeland - God's Words for Prosperity
Kenneth Copeland - God's Words for Prosperity
So let's go back to the fourth chapter of the book of Mark, and then I want to go to the fifth chapter of Mark. Now, we began with the truth that words are spiritual containers. Jesus said that in John 6:63. He said, "My words are spirit and [...]
Joseph Prince - Lay Hold Of God's Word And See Good Success
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Joseph Prince - Lay Hold Of God's Word And See Good Success
Joseph Prince - Lay Hold Of God's Word And See Good Success
This excerpt is from: Be Occupied With The Word Not The Enemy, preached on Oct 16, 2022. God even told Joshua at the commencement of his ministry or his career as the captain of God's people to bring them into the promised land, the land flowing [...]
Joseph Prince - Be Occupied With The Word Not The Enemy
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Joseph Prince - Be Occupied With The Word Not The Enemy
Joseph Prince - Be Occupied With The Word Not The Enemy
Good morning. I wanna thank all of you for being here, especially this crowd because you braved the rain, and the fire, and the storm. Amen, that means this is the backbone of the church, amen? Solid. You all remind me of Pastor Mark. Now you all [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God's WORD Is Filled With Power
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Kenneth Copeland - God's WORD Is Filled With Power
Kenneth Copeland - God's WORD Is Filled With Power
Now, let's go to the fourth chapter of the Book of Mark. Let's go to the first verse. "And he, Jesus, began again to teach by the seaside and there was gathered unto him a great multitude so that he entered into a ship and sat in the sea," [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God's Words Contain Life
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Kenneth Copeland - God's Words Contain Life
Kenneth Copeland - God's Words Contain Life
My assignment beginning this morning, is to remind you and all the rest of us, that words are spiritual containers. All of them are. Did it ever occur to you that every human being ever to come alive on this planet speaks and a language comes out of [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Enforce God's WORD and Be Healed
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Kenneth Copeland - Enforce God's WORD and Be Healed
Kenneth Copeland - Enforce God's WORD and Be Healed
So let's go to the third chapter of the Book of Galatians please. The second verse, "This only what I learn of you receive ye the spirit of the works of the law or by hearing of faith? So foolish having done in the Spirit, are ye now made [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God's WORD Is Life to All Who Find It
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Kenneth Copeland - God's WORD Is Life to All Who Find It
Kenneth Copeland - God's WORD Is Life to All Who Find It
We will establish this morning the scriptural foundation for what we do. So, open your Bibles, first of all, to the 14th chapter of John. Now understand this. Beginning with the 12th chapter. You come to the 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th and 17th chapters [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Getting Back To God's Word
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Jentezen Franklin - Getting Back To God's Word
Jentezen Franklin - Getting Back To God's Word
Hello and welcome to Kingdom Connection Thank you so much for joining us today, and I believe that today's message that you're about to hear is a wake-up call for this nation. And everyone who's watching this all over the world, it's time for us to [...]
Matt Hagee - Daily Bread or Deadly Bread?
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Matt Hagee - Daily Bread or Deadly Bread?
Matt Hagee - Daily Bread or Deadly Bread?
There are many people in this sanctuary, watching over television, watching online this morning. And you crave the freedom, and the liberty, and the joy, and the deliverance of the relationship that you have with Jesus Christ. But right behind that [...]
Joseph Prince - Rediscover A Love For God's Word
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Joseph Prince - Rediscover A Love For God's Word
Joseph Prince - Rediscover A Love For God's Word
This excerpt is from the sermon: The Powerful Benefits Of God's Word I want to share with you about the parallels of the Land of Israel, the land of God, and the book of God, the Bible. Today, for us, this book is our inheritance. And how much you [...]
Leon Fontaine - Undisputable Truths
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Leon Fontaine - Undisputable Truths
Leon Fontaine - Undisputable Truths
You know, the Bible is a very interesting book. That's the way most people might look at it. It's interesting. But what most people need to realize is that the Bible is the authority. It is the power of God's Word. It's God's thinking, God's [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Put The WORD of God First Place
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Kenneth Copeland - Put The WORD of God First Place
Kenneth Copeland - Put The WORD of God First Place
Open your Bibles tonight with me to Philippians 2:5, "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus, who being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God, but made of himself of no reputation. He took upon Him, [...]
Derek Prince - Questioning God's Word Is Opening The Way To Satan
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Derek Prince - Questioning God's Word Is Opening The Way To Satan
Derek Prince - Questioning God's Word Is Opening The Way To Satan
This is a clip from the full sermon: Do You Realize How Valuable You Are? So Adam and Eve were created for one supreme purpose to have fellowship with God. And the record makes it clear that God came each evening into the garden it says in the wind [...]
Allen Jackson - God's Indispensable Word - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - God's Indispensable Word - Part 2
Allen Jackson - God's Indispensable Word - Part 2
It's good to be with you again. We're learning to lead with our faith. Folks, leadership isn't about titles, or desks, or positions, or where you fit in an org chart. It's about the influence of your life: your opinion, your perspectives, and [...]
Allen Jackson - God's Indispensable Word - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - God's Indispensable Word - Part 1
Allen Jackson - God's Indispensable Word - Part 1
It's good to be with you again. We're learning to lead with faith. Folks, there's a leadership shortage in our nation. I'm not talking about titles, or positions, or offices, or desks, but influence, the intentional use of your influence for a [...]
Jack Graham - Word of God Speak
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Jack Graham - Word of God Speak
Jack Graham - Word of God Speak
Psalm 19 is a profound testimony to the word of God. Psalm 19 according to C. S. Lewis is the greatest poem in the psalms, one of the greatest lyrics in the world. And Psalm 19 is a description of God's revelation of Himself, how God speaks. And so [...]
Jack Graham - The Life-Changing Power of God's Word
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Jack Graham - The Life-Changing Power of God's Word
Jack Graham - The Life-Changing Power of God's Word
You know you can read the book of James in less than 15 minutes and yet we are going to spend weeks and months talking about the truths that we discover about how life works in the book of James. It is very personal, very practical and it's [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Pray Speaking The WORD of God
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Kenneth Copeland - Pray Speaking The WORD of God
Kenneth Copeland - Pray Speaking The WORD of God
— Hello, everybody. We're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. We are here at our place in Fort Worth on Eagle Mountain Lake. As I've said before, for those of you that missed the first four days of the week, we usually do this over it at our, our place in [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Faith-Filled Prayers Change Everything
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Kenneth Copeland - Faith-Filled Prayers Change Everything
Kenneth Copeland - Faith-Filled Prayers Change Everything
— Hello, everybody. We're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. And as of this taping, today is the 14th of April. Yesterday, the 13th of April, was Gloria and my 60th wedding anniversary. Praise the Lord. — Congratulations. — Yeah, thank you very much. — We [...]
Jack Graham - The Eternal Word of God
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Jack Graham - The Eternal Word of God
Jack Graham - The Eternal Word of God
Now let me invite you to take God's Word and turn with me to the book of Isaiah chapter 40 and verse 8, which will be our primary text today. But please keep your Bibles open and be ready to turn from page to page because we're going to be looking [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Importance of God's Word
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Joyce Meyer - The Importance of God's Word
Joyce Meyer - The Importance of God's Word
Well, I am so glad that you have joined us today for the program. I've got some things to share with you today that I think are really, really important. You know, I've been studying God's word for 45 years. Now, I went to church for a long time, [...]
Joyce Meyer - Believe the Word - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Believe the Word - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Believe the Word - Part 2
Well, thank you for joining me today on "Enjoying Everyday Life". I'm talking about the power that is in the Word of God. And really encouraging people to not just read their Bible, but study the Bible. Take time to get to know the word. [...]
Joyce Meyer - Believe the Word - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Believe the Word - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Believe the Word - Part 1
Well, thank you for joining us today on "Enjoying Everyday Life". I'm talking this week about the importance of studying God's word. At least that's what I talked about yesterday, and I'm gonna be talking about it again today, and [...]
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