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Allen Jackson - Christianity and Antisemitism - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Christianity and Antisemitism - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Christianity and Antisemitism - Part 2
I want to take two or three passages. How much time have I got? I got a bit. It’s a confusing topic, and I’m going to take just a minute. It’s a less formal service. I said one time to a group of people with whom I was traveling to Israel that the [...]
Allen Jackson - Christianity and Antisemitism - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Christianity and Antisemitism - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Christianity and Antisemitism - Part 1
No, I’m grateful you’re here. I wanna extend the invitation from the video personally to read the gospels with us. I’m really inviting you to read the Bible, but I wanna ask you to begin the year, if you’ve never done the Bible reading with us [...]
Jack Graham - What is a Christian?
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Jack Graham - What is a Christian?
Jack Graham - What is a Christian?
We are beginning a brand-new series of messages called DISTINCTIVES FOR DISCIPLES. And what this is about, it’s not so much a doctrinal series as to what we believe, but more why we believe and how we live out what we believe. It’s a Christian [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Lord's Assignment
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Rabbi Schneider - The Lord's Assignment
Rabbi Schneider - The Lord's Assignment
Greetings in Messiah, shalom, and love, beloved ones. The Scripture says that without vision the people perish. And we need vision in our life, even individually. And a lot of times what this means is that we're receiving new vision and fresh [...]
James Meehan - Is Christianity the Right Religion?
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James Meehan - Is Christianity the Right Religion?
James Meehan - Is Christianity the Right Religion?
If there are so many different religions, how can we be sure that Christianity is the right one? And if it is, what about people of other faiths who sincerely try to live for their God? Doesn't that count for something? Well, my name is James [...]
James Meehan - Is Christianity Even Good?
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James Meehan - Is Christianity Even Good?
James Meehan - Is Christianity Even Good?
We live in a world where people are more isolated than ever before. Where we are overwhelmed with information, to the point where we're not even sure what to do, where consumerism is the new norm. We live in a world where honestly, people are [...]
Robert Barron - What Christianity Is All About
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Robert Barron - What Christianity Is All About
Robert Barron - What Christianity Is All About
Peace be with you. Friends, our Gospel for this fourth Sunday of Lent contains one of the most important lines in the entire Bible. And I'll get there. But first, I want to provide a little context. Our reading is taken from that marvelous [...]
James Meehan - When Christians Make Christianity Unbelievable
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James Meehan - When Christians Make Christianity Unbelievable
James Meehan - When Christians Make Christianity Unbelievable
We're in part four of our Questions For God series, and today we're wrestling with the question, why would anyone believe in God when so many Christians are judgmental hypocrites? Now this is probably the issue that I believe most breaks [...]
James Meehan - Three Reasons to Believe Christianity Is True
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James Meehan - Three Reasons to Believe Christianity Is True
James Meehan - Three Reasons to Believe Christianity Is True
So all throughout my teenage years, I had this same opinion of God that I did of Santa Claus, right? I had the idea, the belief in my mind that God and Santa Claus were both made up by people in positions of authority to try to get people to behave [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Christianity Simplified
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Dr. Ed Young - Christianity Simplified
Dr. Ed Young - Christianity Simplified
Now, the book of Romans is different from all the other letters that Paul penned. It's radically different. All the other works of Paul were generally answering questions that he had been asked. He was trying to deal with problems in the [...]
Mike Novotny - Christianity WILL Cost You
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Mike Novotny - Christianity WILL Cost You
Mike Novotny - Christianity WILL Cost You
And if you want self-control in your life, if you drink too much or you get angry too quickly, then get a group. Let us help you connect with other Christians who can know you and pray for you. They can encourage you, they can hold you accountable, [...]
Michael Youssef - Saving Christianity?
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Michael Youssef - Saving Christianity?
Michael Youssef - Saving Christianity?
Jane Robelot : And welcome this special edition of "Leading the Way with Dr. Michael Youssef". We are going to address that falsehood today. You know, when Madison Avenue wants to market something to us, they label it as "new" [...]
Michael Youssef - Is Christianity Вeclining in America?
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Michael Youssef - Is Christianity Declining in America?
Michael Youssef - Is Christianity Declining in America?
Now for those who say Christianity is declining, they don't know the history of Christianity. I have in the book, "Saving Christianity" some historical accounts of how this deception goes way back in our culture and our society. [...]
Michael Youssef - How Shall We Live Now? - Part 6
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Michael Youssef - How Shall We Live Now? - Part 6
Michael Youssef - How Shall We Live Now? - Part 6
Queen Mary of Scotland was Catholic, and she was schooled in France, and Mary believed that the sovereign, the king or the queen, had the absolute power over the consciences of the subjects. John Knox was a reformed Presbyterian preacher. Knox on [...]
Michael Youssef - How Shall We Live Now? - Part 5
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Michael Youssef - How Shall We Live Now? - Part 5
Michael Youssef - How Shall We Live Now? - Part 5
One of the great challenges for believers in the 21st century is how do we live in the city of man, wherever we are, with all of its problems, with all of its difficulties, with all of its challenges, and all of its distractions, but keep our eyes [...]
Michael Youssef - How Shall We Live Now? - Part 4
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Michael Youssef - How Shall We Live Now? - Part 4
Michael Youssef - How Shall We Live Now? - Part 4
Have you ever experienced the overruling of God's hand in your life? When you have completely blown it, you know what that means? All by your little self, nobody helped you, and then you are sitting on a pile of mess. You rushed and made wrong [...]
Michael Youssef - How Shall We Live Now? - Part 3
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Michael Youssef - How Shall We Live Now? - Part 3
Michael Youssef - How Shall We Live Now? - Part 3
We're smack in the middle of a series of messages entitled, "How Shall We Live Now"? We have been tracing the biblical account of the two humanities that were created right after Eden, the two humanities that were forming. Two cities, [...]
Michael Youssef - How Shall We Live Now? - Part 2
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Michael Youssef - How Shall We Live Now? - Part 2
Michael Youssef - How Shall We Live Now? - Part 2
Anger and discontentment and restlessness has been from the very beginning of humanity, back all the way in Genesis, when man chose to be in the city of man instead of being in the city of God. From that time on, humanity has been either running [...]
Michael Youssef - How Shall We Live Now? - Part 1
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Michael Youssef - How Shall We Live Now? - Part 1
Michael Youssef - How Shall We Live Now? - Part 1
This is the question that I have been hearing from people all over, the young, the old, and the in-between, "How shall we live now"? I hear it from non-believers. How shall we live now, as we watch our culture disintegrating before our own [...]
Andy Stanley - Has Christianity Done More Harm than Good?
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Andy Stanley - Has Christianity Done More Harm than Good?
Andy Stanley - Has Christianity Done More Harm than Good?
Andy Stanley : So would you please welcome our special guest, Dr. John Dickson. I've been so looking forward to this. We've already talked so much about all these things, but real quick, my introduction to John came through his book, [...]
Adrian Rogers - Counterfeit Christianity
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Adrian Rogers - Counterfeit Christianity
Adrian Rogers - Counterfeit Christianity
Be finding the Book of Acts, chapter eight. We've been going through the Book of Acts, "Living supernaturally". But we know also that, when God works, Satan works also. Here's a question, true or false: Satan is against religion. [...]
Dr. Ed Young - The Idol of Christianity
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Dr. Ed Young - The Idol of Christianity
Dr. Ed Young - The Idol of Christianity
How do you add 1/2 and 1/3? Oh, come, we've got one literate mathematician in the group. You get a common denominator. The common denominator, the lowest would be 6. So 1/2, we'd turn it into 3/6, and 2/6. You'd have 5/6, right. Not [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Myths About Christianity
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Dr. Ed Young - Myths About Christianity
Dr. Ed Young - Myths About Christianity
In our Scripture today, we have four of the apostles asking Jesus questions. Why are they asking these questions? It's because that Jesus has said to them, "I am leaving". They knew that He was going to the Cross. They knew that He [...]
Allen Jackson - Christianity or Paganism
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Allen Jackson - Christianity or Paganism
Allen Jackson - Christianity or Paganism
We are a nation with a Christian heritage. That's our story as a people. Our most celebrated buildings in Washington, DC, our nation's capital, have verses of scripture carved in them. It's true in our capital building, it's true [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Destination of Christianity
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Rabbi Schneider - The Destination of Christianity
Rabbi Schneider - The Destination of Christianity
I want to talk with you today about one of the deepest things that you and I as human beings can ever comprehend. And that is knowing the Father's love. You see, oftentimes we place so much emphasis on Jesus that we forget the fact that Jesus [...]
Robert Jeffress - Why Every Other Religion Is Wrong?
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Robert Jeffress - Why Every Other Religion Is Wrong?
Robert Jeffress - Why Every Other Religion Is Wrong?
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. No one likes to admit to being wrong. Sometimes our mistakes are relatively harmless, like when we misquote a fact, or when our memory of an event gets a little fuzzy. But [...]
Robert Jeffress - Wimp-Free Christianity
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Robert Jeffress - Wimp-Free Christianity
Robert Jeffress - Wimp-Free Christianity
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. We live in a day when Christians are pressured to tone down our moral convictions. Secular media paints biblical truth as "Backwards," "Oppressive," and [...]
Jack Graham - Christianity and Socialism
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Jack Graham - Christianity and Socialism
Jack Graham - Christianity and Socialism
Take your Bibles and turn to Genesis chapter 1. I'm going to be preaching on the subject Christianity and socialism. And I don't know in all these years that I've preached a message quite like this one. But today I'm delivering a [...]
Allen Jackson - Occult Influence - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Occult Influence - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Occult Influence - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you again. We're continuing our discussion on escaping our descent into paganism. It's happening all around us. Don't get hung up on the words. Paganism and hedonism are very, very closely aligned. [...]
Allen Jackson - Occult Influence - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Occult Influence - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Occult Influence - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you. We're continuing our study on "Escaping the Descent into Paganism". The Christian West, both Europe and North America, have thrown off our Christian heritage. Our values, our worldview, the things [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Has God Replaced Israel with the Church?
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Jonathan Bernis - Has God Replaced Israel with the Church?
Jonathan Bernis - Has God Replaced Israel with the Church?
Did you know that Jesus was Jewish? You might be asking, "What does that mean for your christian faith"? Watch today and discover how understanding the Jewish roots of your faith, and your connection to Israel and the Jewish people can [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Christian Anti-Semitism
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Jonathan Bernis - Christian Anti-Semitism
Jonathan Bernis - Christian Anti-Semitism
I think we all know that antisemitism has continued to raise its ugly head in our world, but were you aware that perhaps some of the most dangerous people behind this movement might be in your church? The fact is it's true, and most Christians [...]
Jack Graham - Are All Religions the Same?
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Jack Graham - Are All Religions the Same?
Jack Graham - Are All Religions the Same?
Whatever you believe, whatever you think about life, about religion, that's okay. And that's what you hear people say every day in the place where you live. So how do we answer that question: Are all religions the same? How do we respond [...]
Sid Roth - The Conspiracy to Erase Christianity's Origins, Part 2
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Sid Roth - The Conspiracy to Erase Christianity's Origins, Part 2
Sid Roth - The Conspiracy to Erase Christianity's Origins, Part 2
Sid Roth : Hello Sid Roth right here. Last week if you were here, well, I'll tell you it was an exciting show. We found out all about the conspiracy within Christianity to denude the church of its Hebraic Jewish roots and it really was a [...]
Sid Roth - The Conspiracy to Erase Christianity's Origins, Part 1
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Sid Roth - The Conspiracy to Erase Christianity's Origins, Part 1
Sid Roth - The Conspiracy to Erase Christianity's Origins, Part 1
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth here. Let me tell you something. I have a question for you. My question is, now normally you ask me questions. But my question for you is, how did something so Jewish, that took place in a Jewish land, that involved just [...]
Sid Roth - Traditional Judaism VS Traditional Christianity
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Sid Roth - Traditional Judaism VS Traditional Christianity
Sid Roth - Traditional Judaism VS Traditional Christianity
Look, I want to think for myself. I know you want to think for yourself. So the question is which religion is better, traditional Judaism or traditional Christianity? My guest says both have been supernaturally tampered with and there's [...]
David Reagan - Gendron and Barger on Defending the Bible and the Church
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David Reagan - Gendron and Barger on Defending the Bible and the Church
David Reagan - Gendron and Barger on Defending the Bible and the Church
Christianity is coming under unprecedented attack in this nation, and now, as never before, Christians need to be equipped and ready to contend for the faith. Our 2019 annual Bible conference was devoted to that theme, and in a moment, we will [...]
David Reagan - Steve Jaslow on the Meaning of Messianic Judaism
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David Reagan - Steve Jaslow on the Meaning of Messianic Judaism
David Reagan - Steve Jaslow on the Meaning of Messianic Judaism
What is Messianic Judaism? Is it a legitimate expression of Christianity, or is it a manifestation of modern day Judaizing, in violation of the Scriptures? Stay tuned for an interview with a Messianic Jewish spiritual leader. David Reagan: Greetings [...]
David Reagan - Tim Wildmon on Christians in Politics
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David Reagan - Tim Wildmon on Christians in Politics
David Reagan - Tim Wildmon on Christians in Politics
Should Christians get involved in politics? And if so, to what extent? For example, should they run for office? Or is politics something too dirty for a Christian to get involved with? Tim Wildmon, the president of the American Family Association is [...]
David Reagan - Christians and Politics
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David Reagan - Christians and Politics
David Reagan - Christians and Politics
Should Christians vote? And if so, what should be their guidelines for voting? Should Christians move beyond voting to full scale participation in politics even running for office? Should Christians get involved in social issues like abortion, [...]
David Reagan - Christianity Under Attack
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David Reagan - Christianity Under Attack
David Reagan - Christianity Under Attack
In America today, Christianity is clearly under attack. Why is this so? How did it come to be? After all, our ancestors came here seeking religious freedom and then proceeded to establish this nation on Christian principles for the glory of God. [...]
Craig Smith - Contagious Christianity
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Craig Smith - Contagious Christianity
Craig Smith - Contagious Christianity
Well, welcome to all of our locations on this Palm Sunday weekend. And if you don’t know what Palm Sunday is, then I’ll fill you in real quick. About 2000 years ago, it was on this weekend that Jesus entered Jerusalem for the last time before his [...]
Craig Smith - Consistent Christians
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Craig Smith - Consistent Christians
Craig Smith - Consistent Christians
Well, hey, welcome to all of our locations. So glad you’re with us. Before we dive in today’s teaching, actually I wanna celebrate something that God’s done in somebody’s life, and they’ve responded to it in faith. Janice is part of our church. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Next Level of Christianity
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Rabbi Schneider - The Next Level of Christianity
Rabbi Schneider - The Next Level of Christianity
Last time I was in chapter number 3, verse 29 and what we have there is a unique statement from John, who said that he was the friend of the bridegroom. Let's look at John chapter 3, verse number 29. John says this, "He who has the bride [...]
Robert Jeffress - Is Christianity the Only Right Religion?
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Robert Jeffress - Is Christianity the Only Right Religion?
Robert Jeffress - Is Christianity the Only Right Religion?
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Over the ages, countless authors have offered their personal opinions about God and heaven. Too many times, their conjecture is based not on fact, but on fiction. Why [...]
Derek Prince - The Doctrinal Foundation Of The Christian Faith
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Derek Prince - The Doctrinal Foundation Of The Christian Faith
Derek Prince - The Doctrinal Foundation Of The Christian Faith
Now I want to go on today by discussing the doctrinal foundation. We’ve looked at the personal foundation which is Jesus Christ. But the New Testament also reveals that there is a doctrinal foundation. This is a revelation which has escaped the [...]
Derek Prince - Christianity Is Not A Set Of Rules
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Derek Prince - Christianity Is Not A Set Of Rules
Derek Prince - Christianity Is Not A Set Of Rules
Now, let’s come to a little bit of definition and here is where we really need clear thinking. In fact, you really need clear thinking all the time! How many of you would agree with that? Well now, we need to discuss briefly the nature of grace. [...]
Sid Roth - How Christianity Went from Jewish to Pagan
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Sid Roth - How Christianity Went from Jewish to Pagan
Sid Roth - How Christianity Went from Jewish to Pagan
Sid Roth : Hello, I'm Sid Roth, your investigative reporter. I'm here with Dr. Howard Morgan, another Jewish man that says you're coming from an orthodox, traditional-type of Jewish background that boldly says that Jesus is his [...]
Robert Jeffress - How Do I Know Christianity Is The Right Religion?
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Robert Jeffress - How Do I Know Christianity Is The Right Religion?
Robert Jeffress - How Do I Know Christianity Is The Right Religion?
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. In our pluralistic society, people from all walks of life are invited to participate in Mormonism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and everything in between. And [...]
Andy Stanley - Not In It To Win It (Christians, Politics, and the Local Church)
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Andy Stanley - Not In It To Win It (Christians, Politics, and the Local Church)
Andy Stanley - Not In It To Win It (Christians, Politics, and the Local Church)
If this is your first time joining us, you could not have chosen a better time because today you are going to learn something important about us, our churches, and why we do what we do the way we do it. Now, as you might imagine, the response to our [...]
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