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Mark Batterson - Jesus, Exercise Your Authority
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Mark Batterson - Jesus: Exercise Your Authority
Mark Batterson - Jesus: Exercise Your Authority
He could barely keep His eyes open, outta gas, exhausted. Sound asleep the second His head hit that pillow. In His dream, He was in a boat on the sea of Galilee. In His dream a storm started to toss that boat like a bathtub toy. So full of water, it [...]
Allen Jackson - Authority In The Heavens - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Authority In The Heavens - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Authority In The Heavens - Part 2
It's such a privilege to be with you today. We're exploring our identity in Christ, specifically talking about the authority in the heavens that impact us. I hope you know that God has big plans for your life. That doesn't necessarily mean stadiums [...]
Allen Jackson - Authority In The Heavens - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Authority In The Heavens - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Authority In The Heavens - Part 1
I wanna continue. We've been working through this series on clarifying our identity. And on this Palm Sunday weekend, it seemed appropriate. This is the day when the church pauses in our annual calendar to remember Jesus's entry into Jerusalem. It [...]
Allen Jackson - Worship and Authority - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Worship and Authority - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Worship and Authority - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you today. We're continuing our discussion on worship, praise, and thanksgiving. We're going to look in the scriptures at some portrayals of worship. Spoiler alert, they're not principally song services. Music may be [...]
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Allen Jackson - Worship and Authority - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Worship and Authority - Part 1
I want to continue the general theme that we began a couple of sessions ago talking about worship, praise, and thanksgiving. In this session, I want to talk a bit about worship and authority. And the genesis for this study for me really was the [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Power and Authority of the Name of Jesus
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Kenneth Copeland - The Power and Authority of the Name of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - The Power and Authority of the Name of Jesus
Now, we have learned that there's great power in the name of Jesus and that we, being born-again sons of God, and you know there's always people that are, you know, want to pick at it. Well, she's a daughter of God. Well, that's true. But it's [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Pray In the Name of Jesus
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Kenneth Copeland - Pray In the Name of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - Pray In the Name of Jesus
Welcome, everyone, once again to the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. For those of you that don't know, I'm Kenneth Copeland. Let's go back to the book of Daniel, where we opened yesterday. Now, let's begin reading here at the 10th verse [...]
Allen Jackson - God's Authority In The World - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - God's Authority In The World - Part 2
Allen Jackson - God's Authority In The World - Part 2
Hey, I'm honored to be with you today. We're going to continue our discussion on God's authority in this world. God is omniscient. He knows everything. He's omnipotent. He's all-powerful. You know, we tend to think of God in terms of religious or [...]
Allen Jackson - God's Authority In The World - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - God's Authority In The World - Part 1
Allen Jackson - God's Authority In The World - Part 1
It's good to be with you today. Our topic is "God's Authority in this World". Most of us have come to know God through some sort of a relationship with church. And one of the unfortunate side effects of that is we tend to think of God in [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Make God's WORD Final Authority for Your Healing
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Kenneth Copeland - Make God's WORD Final Authority for Your Healing
Kenneth Copeland - Make God's WORD Final Authority for Your Healing
8th chapter of the book of Romans. There is... verse 1, there is therefore, say it. Now, no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. How many in here are in Christ Jesus this morning? That's 100%. Who walk not after the flesh, but after the [...]
Allen Jackson - Realms of Authority (Jesus and Politics) - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Realms of Authority (Jesus and Politics) - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Realms of Authority (Jesus and Politics) - Part 2
Now, how do we understand the opposition? It's as complex as you and I are. There's not a single answer. The best way I know to summarize it from what Scripture invites us towards is to think of the opposition in three ways. The Scripture teaches us [...]
Allen Jackson - Realms of Authority (Jesus and Politics) - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Realms of Authority (Jesus and Politics) - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Realms of Authority (Jesus and Politics) - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you again. Our topic is effective prayer. Jesus said something really startling to his closest friends just prior to his crucifixion, before his passion began, he said it was better for them if he left because if he left, [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Problem of Unworthy Authorities
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Adrian Rogers - The Problem of Unworthy Authorities
Adrian Rogers - The Problem of Unworthy Authorities
Would you take God's Word and be finding First Peter chapter 2, as we continue our series on discovering kingdom authority. And if there's ever a day and an age in which we need to discover and to deploy kingdom authority, this is the day and this [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Behave in a Cave
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Adrian Rogers - How to Behave in a Cave
Adrian Rogers - How to Behave in a Cave
Would you take God's Word and be finding First Samuel chapter 24? And in a moment we're going to read the first seven verses of that chapter, but more verses later on. This is an episode in the life of David. King David was a mighty, mighty warrior, [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Authority of the Holy Spirit
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Adrian Rogers - The Authority of the Holy Spirit
Adrian Rogers - The Authority of the Holy Spirit
Would you take God's Word and be finding Romans chapter 5. The book of Romans, sometimes called the, "Constitution of Christianity". And what a great chapter chapter 5 is. It deals with kingdom authority. May I tell you this? Nothing is [...]
Adrian Rogers - Strength Through Authority
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Adrian Rogers - Strength Through Authority
Adrian Rogers - Strength Through Authority
Would you be finding Luke Chapter 7? Luke chapter 7. And may I tell you that you could discover no greater truth than the marvelous, wonderful truth of kingdom authority. You could enjoy no greater blessing than to enter into the truth of kingdom [...]
Adrian Rogers - Kingdom Authority
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Adrian Rogers - Kingdom Authority
Adrian Rogers - Kingdom Authority
Be finding Ephesians chapter 1 as we begin this series on "Kingdom Authority," and I'm very, very grateful for the truth that we're going to be sharing together, and if this truth does not light your fire, your wood is wet. What a [...]
Tony Evans - Order In The Court
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Tony Evans - Order In The Court
Tony Evans - Order In The Court
We've all either been in a courtroom or seen on television a judge stop the proceedings, bang his gavel, and call for order in the court. The judge is going to do that because there has been a disruption in the proceedings. There has been something [...]
Tony Evans - Taking The Devil To Court
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Tony Evans - Taking The Devil To Court
Tony Evans - Taking The Devil To Court
God created you and redeemed you with a purpose in mind. It is your spiritual enemy's job and goal to cause the purpose of your life to break down and to not be realized. As I stated earlier, he comes to destroy. He comes to destroy dreams, hopes, [...]
Michael Youssef - Stay Calm, For He Has Got It Under Control
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Michael Youssef - Stay Calm, For He Has Got It Under Control
Michael Youssef - Stay Calm, For He Has Got It Under Control
The joy of seeing your loved ones after a period of separation, that's a great joy. In many ways, Psalm 24, which we'll be looking at in a minute, is an exuberant, enthusiastic way of expressing a reunion. Psalm 24 expresses really a childlike [...]
Tony Evans - Silencing The Accuser
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Tony Evans - Silencing The Accuser
Tony Evans - Silencing The Accuser
The evil one has stood at the door of your life and my life, and he has one overriding purpose, and that is to block God's purpose for you. He wants to stop God's preordained design for your life from you ever experiencing it, or if you do [...]
Tony Evans - The Courtroom of The Kingdom
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Tony Evans - The Courtroom of The Kingdom
Tony Evans - The Courtroom of The Kingdom
Many of us have been ripped off. The enemy has successfully stolen from us that which God has intended for us. Many of us are living lives under the cloud of spiritual theft. He perpetually has stolen our joy. He perpetually steals our [...]
Tony Evans - Heaven's Help On Earth
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Tony Evans - Heaven's Help On Earth
Tony Evans - Heaven's Help On Earth
Our series is called "Reclaiming Your Spiritual Authority". The reason why we call it your spiritual authority is because part of our goal through this series, I want you to get a handle on up there and how it affects down here so that you [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Speak the End Result of God's WORD
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Kenneth Copeland - Speak the End Result of God's WORD
Kenneth Copeland - Speak the End Result of God's WORD
Now, notice this. When Jesus said what he said, "No man eat fruit..." Nine words. "No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And his disciples heard it. And they come to Jerusalem:" He turned his back on it. As far as he's [...]
Derek Prince - Exercise Divine Authority
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Derek Prince - Exercise Divine Authority
Derek Prince - Exercise Divine Authority
Jerusalem is built as a city that is closely compacted together; to which the tribes go up, even the tribes of the Lord – a testimony for Israel – to give thanks to the name of the LORD. - Psalm 122:3-4, NIV For there are set thrones of judgment, [...]
Allen Jackson - Realms of Authority - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Realms of Authority - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Realms of Authority - Part 2
Now, how do we understand the opposition? It's as complex as you and I are. There's not a single answer. The best way I know to summarize it from what Scripture invites us towards is to think of the opposition in three ways. The world, the Scripture [...]
Allen Jackson - Realms of Authority - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Realms of Authority - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Realms of Authority - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you again. Our topic is effective prayer. Jesus said something really startling to his closest friends just prior to his crucifixion, before his passion began, he said it was better for them if he left because if he left, [...]
Derek Prince - You've Been Given Authority
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Derek Prince - You've Been Given Authority
Derek Prince - You've Been Given Authority
This is an excerpt from: The Headship of Jesus - Part 1 Now let's consider the operation of headship. I want to turn to a passage that I think really says it all in one verse. 1 Corinthians 11:3. Paul says: But I want you to know Almost every time [...]
Allen Jackson - Authority and Power - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Authority and Power - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Authority and Power - Part 2
It's good to be with you today. Our topic is "You Are Not Alone". We're gonna look at the apostles. In Acts chapter 1, Jesus goes back to heaven, they're alone. They've been recruited by Jesus to travel with him, to share ministry with [...]
Allen Jackson - Authority and Power - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Authority and Power - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Authority and Power - Part 1
It's good to be with you today. Our topic is "You Are Not Alone". Now, one of the great pressures in life, I think, is that sense of isolation. We feel like everybody else got the handbook on how to do life, and nobody gave me a copy. Did [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Living in the Power and Authority of Christ
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Kenneth Copeland - Living in the Power and Authority of Christ
Kenneth Copeland - Living in the Power and Authority of Christ
— Hello everybody. Welcome to the Believer's Voice of Victory Broadcast. Now we're talking about who we are in Christ. The Anointed one, who he is in us, and the power and the authority that we have as new creatures, new copies. Let's turn over [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - The Mantle of Authority - Part 2
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Samuel Rodriguez - The Mantle of Authority - Part 2
Samuel Rodriguez - The Mantle of Authority - Part 2
Says to God's people, said nothing. They stood silent. Today's complacency is tomorrow's captivity. You are what you tolerate. There is no such thing as comfortable Christianity. truth must never be scarified in the altar of political or cultural [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - The Mantle of Authority - Part 1
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Samuel Rodriguez - The Mantle of Authority - Part 1
Samuel Rodriguez - The Mantle of Authority - Part 1
I wanna land this here right now as expeditiously as possible. So here's the verse 1 Kings 19:19. I wanna illustrate something real quick. Illustrating this, this is Jason Furtick, he's our security chief for our campuses in California. Because when [...]
Derek Prince - The Superiority of Jesus' Name
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Derek Prince - The Superiority of Jesus' Name
Derek Prince - The Superiority of Jesus' Name
We’re going to continue now in Hebrews 1:4. As your outline points out, this is the first of the seven comparisons which are contained. This time it’s a comparison between Jesus and angels. The writer sets out to show how Jesus is absolutely unique [...]
Gregory Dickow - The Believer's Authority
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Gregory Dickow - The Believer's Authority
Gregory Dickow - The Believer's Authority
Well, hey there, beautiful family around the world, welcome to the "Power to Change Today". The greatest work of the devil is to get you to think you're powerless, to get us to doubt and question our power. But Jesus came to destroy the [...]
Gregory Dickow - Winning the War Within
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Gregory Dickow - Winning the War Within
Gregory Dickow - Winning the War Within
I want to talk to you about The War Within. The War Within. You see, there is a lot of things happening around this world, and there's a lot of things happening in this country, things that have broken our hearts, things that have hurt so many [...]
Allen Jackson - Kingdom Authority - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Kingdom Authority - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Kingdom Authority - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you today. We're exploring our authority in the kingdom of God, and we're gonna look very carefully at the authority that is ours in the blood of Jesus. This one idea, the truth in this lesson, can change the trajectory of [...]
Allen Jackson - Kingdom Authority - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Kingdom Authority - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Kingdom Authority - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you today. We're still unpacking this idea that there is a God, and specifically that he's given us authority in his kingdom. That's amazing to me that the Creator of heaven and earth would invest in you and me the authority [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God's Power and Delegated Authority
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Kenneth Copeland - God's Power and Delegated Authority
Kenneth Copeland - God's Power and Delegated Authority
— Hi everyone. I'm Kenneth Copeland. And again, this is Professor Greg Stephens and this is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Father, thank you for the anointing today. Oh thank you dear Jesus. Because of you and because of your name, the [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Carriers of God's Delegated Authority
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Kenneth Copeland - Carriers of God's Delegated Authority
Kenneth Copeland - Carriers of God's Delegated Authority
— Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland, and this is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast, and we're talking about the great God, the king of the universe, the Spirit of power. If the Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, so the Spirit [...]
Sid Roth - How To Operate in Your God-Given Authority
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Sid Roth - How To Operate in Your God-Given Authority
Sid Roth - How To Operate in Your God-Given Authority
Have you been satisfied to live without, I mean, daily miracles from your own prayers? That's not normal. Don't be so satisfied. Today, it changes. Sid Roth : Hello. I'm here with Joe Oden, and, Joe, you're channel surfing one day. You're a drug [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Taking Authority Over All Sickness and Disease
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Kenneth Copeland - Taking Authority Over All Sickness and Disease
Kenneth Copeland - Taking Authority Over All Sickness and Disease
Now, I want to go back a moment. I talked about the funeral last night, grieving over the death, not departure. Death, not sleep. Death of a loved one. I had the Word of the Lord come to me about this and he said, "While the people are there [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Comprehending God's Authority
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Rabbi Schneider - Comprehending God's Authority
Rabbi Schneider - Comprehending God's Authority
As we pick up today, we come to the place in Jewish history where Hannah had brought her boy Samuel to the house of the Lord. He had just got done being weaned. She presented him to the priests there, Eli, and together they dedicated Samuel to the [...]
Derek Prince - The Most Effective Way To Release God's Authority Over A Situation
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Derek Prince - The Most Effective Way To Release God's Authority Over A
Derek Prince - The Most Effective Way To Release God's Authority Over A Situation
This is excerpt from: The Power Of Proclamation Now, that's trembling at the Word. That's the first thing that happened with Moses. He suddenly realized the power that was in his rod and he ran from it. He was overawed. The second thing that he did [...]
Craig Smith - The Power of Submission
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Craig Smith - The Power of Submission
Craig Smith - The Power of Submission
Hey, thank you for joining us today, we are actually in the exact halfway point today on our journey through the Ten Commandments, which I think is a good time to tell you two things you may not know about the Ten Commandments. Two things that are [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Why the Devil Is Afraid of You
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Kenneth Copeland - Why the Devil Is Afraid of You
Kenneth Copeland - Why the Devil Is Afraid of You
Open your Bibles with me, please. First of all, to Luke's gospel, the 18th chapter, the 18th verse. Are you there? And a certain ruler asked Jesus saying, "Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life"? Jesus said unto him, [...]
Leon Fontaine - Authority in His Name
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Leon Fontaine - Authority in His Name
Leon Fontaine - Authority in His Name
I remember as a young boy and, you know, we're not always proud of the things we do in life, but I remember an older couple in our church, and he didn't have all of his teeth. He couldn't afford dentistry and he was a very skinny guy and his wife [...]
Leon Fontaine - Already Yours
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Leon Fontaine - Already Yours
Leon Fontaine - Already Yours
Hey, everybody. It's so good to have you with me. We're going to dive into God's Word and Holy Spirit is going to teach you and I the things of God's Word. And when you hear God's Word, it contains life. And so it's going to change and impact and [...]
Leon Fontaine - Rise Up
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Leon Fontaine - Rise Up
Leon Fontaine - Rise Up
Hey everybody, it is so good to have you with me today. I want to dive into the powerful Word of God. And, there is something about the Word that has changed my life. Years ago, when I watched Christianity and religion and I got a chance to kind of [...]
Bill Winston - Living on Top of the World
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Bill Winston - Living on Top of the World
Bill Winston - Living on Top of the World
Hello, this is Bill Winston. Welcome to the Believer's Walk of Faith, where we walk by faith and not by sight. Well, it's God's will that we live on top of every situation. I call it living on top of the world. Praise God. From your finances to [...]
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