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Kenneth Copeland - The Key to Walking In Command Authority

Kenneth Copeland - The Key to Walking In Command Authority
TOPICS: Authority

Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Let me remind you of something. You can go to and get all of the outline notes from which I'm preaching and teaching, and go back and study these things. Study them for yourselves. Don't just use this 30 minutes that we have as your study time. That, well... that doesn't pay off like that. That's what this broadcast is about. This broadcast is to just get you started. And you should pick it up from here and study it and take the scriptures and read the whole neighborhood.

So we're going to go... remember now. We're talking about the command authority, the command authority of the follower of Jesus of Nazareth, command authority, or the authority of the believer. But the Lord dropped that title, the command authority of a follower of Jesus of Nazareth. And that authority is in the Word. Do you realize we have the power of attorney to use his name? Well, that's way down the list here, but that just jumped out of me. So far, I haven't followed this at all, but at least it's here. I just follow what I hear in my spirit. And on the break, I heard the Lord say this.

So the book of Hosea 3:5, "Afterwards shall the children of Israel return and seek Jehovah their God and David their king". They're looking for somebody with authority again. The king, the king had authority. " the Jehovah their God and David their king and shall fear Jehovah and his goodness in the latter days". Chapter 4, "Hear the word of Jehovah, you children of Israel, for the Lord hath a controversy with the inhabitants of the land, because there is no truth". Jesus said, "You'll know the truth and the truth will make you free," but not if there's not any of it. "There is no truth nor mercy, nor knowledge of God in the land by swearing and lying and killing and stealing".

There's none of that. So they're just going crazy just doing whatever the devil tells them to do. Swearing and lying and killing, stealing and committing... Man, I mean, he just started naming off the 10 Commandments right here. Committing adultery, they break out and blood touches blood. "Therefore shall the land mourn and everyone that dwells therein shall languish with the beast of the field and with the fowls of heaven. Yea, the fishes of the sea also taken away. Yet let no man strive, nor don't let anyone strive, nor reprove another. For thy people are as they strive with the priest," the priest were the problem. "Therefore shall thou fall in the day and the prophet also shall fall with thee in the night and I shall destroy thy mother".

He's not talking about your personal mother. Of the nation. "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge because..." there's a because here. "Because thou hast rejected knowledge". Ouch. Nobody wanted to hear from him. The priest weren't preaching it. Because you have rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee. "Thou shalt be no priest to me. Seeing thou has forgotten the law of the Lord thy God, I will also forget your children". Ooh, that's tough. But what was the key here? What is the key? My people are destroyed for a lack of knowledge.

That's still a huge problem today in the Christian world. There is no place, there is no place in the first covenant or the second. There is no place in there. If there is, I can't find it. Oral Roberts couldn't find it. Kenneth Hagin couldn't find it. You know why? It isn't in there. It's like somebody going to a file cabinet and they're starting from the back to the front and from the front to the back. And then you take it all out. It's not in there. It is not in there that Christian people ought to be poor. And it isn't in there that women ought not preach. It was just fine that they can't preach here in the United States, but oh, send them to the mission field and then all of a sudden women can preach.

That's simply a misunderstanding of the way that was said. You continue to read until you see the little mark like on verse six, that little mark, that is a change of direction. And it's a paragraph. You notice there starts a new paragraph. My people are destroyed. Well, you stay with that in the second covenant. You don't start another teaching until you get to there. If we have time some next week, we'll talk about that because there's a lot of command authority there that has been misunderstood, misused and understood. And women have suffered for it. I mean, you don't let a woman preach and teach, say anything in the church. Then all of a sudden you're telling her not to prophesy with her head uncovered.

Now, hey, what's right? This book is right. Amen. This is what's right. And I'm going to say this again for the benefit of those that may be new. This is Holy Bible, King James reference, Kenneth Copeland reference Bible. Holy... Bible just means... one time I had a Shooter's Bible. I mean, it had everything to do with gunpowder. It had everything to do with different bullets and calibers and meters and all that. I mean, that thing was about that big, but it was a Shooter's Bible. A put together of a book all about one subject. I mean, anything it had to do with a shooter: guns, antique guns. And I just decided, I decided I know what guns I have. I hunt and all that kind of thing.

Man, that thing is, I got rid of that, but I never ever gotten rid of one of these. This is Holy Bible because of the blood, because it's God's bond. It is God's Word. He's not a man that he should lie on or the son of man. Has he not said it? Won't he not bring it to pass? Then the Son of man came, could have lied and didn't. It's a Holy Book. This is just as much a manifestation of the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost as it was when Jesus was in the earth, because we have what he said. Amen.

So a lack of knowledge, that word "knowledge", K-N-O-W-L-E-D-G-E comes from the word "knew". He knew not his wife until after her firstborn. She was a virgin. He had no, and the word just simply means intimate relationship with. Well, we have known and believe the love. We have had intimate relationship. When? When you were born again and believe the love that God has for us, for God is love in first John. So now then look down here where it changes again in verse 12. "My people ask counsel at their stocks and their staff declare it unto them for the spirit of whoredoms hath caused them to err, and they have gone a whoring from under their God".

He's talking to a nation here. Well, you could have said that about this nation. She's in trouble, but that's easy for God to fix. At this being an election year, of course, I pray for my partners every meal, but I pray. Now I'll just pray it now for your benefit. I sit down to a meal. I say, Father, I receive my food blessed and sanctified according to the Word of God in prayer. Now the apostle Paul was talking to his son, Timothy, and maybe we have time to go into that. There's a comma in the wrong place in there, and it just messes it all up, but we'll un-mess it.

I pray over my food. I pray my food is blessed and sanctified according to the Word of God in prayer. I thank you this election year that I pray for every... My God in heaven, hallowed be your name. Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. I pray in this election year that your will be done in every city manager, every mayor, every elected sheriff, every elected judge, university, president, and so forth. I pray for a mighty outpouring of your spirit on Oral Roberts University, my alumni, and the Spirit that was in and on Oral Roberts when all of those miracles came.

He said to me, "The tent anointing is coming back big time," and so I pray that, and that your will be done on earth in the judges, the president, and the vice president of the United States in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, whose I am and whom I serve. For you said to me... Now, here, command authority. You said to me when you were on earth, "Whatsoever I ask the Father in Jesus' name, he would give it me, that my joy might be made full". That if I ask anything in his... If I dwell in him and he dwells in me, I ask anything that I will and it will be done for me. That's the book. And I love that I go to bed at night. I love the Lord my God with all my heart, after I tell Gloria, "Goodnight, my love".

I love the Lord my God with all my heart, and all my soul, and all my mind, and all my will, and my neighbor as myself, fulfilling all the law and the prophets. But Lord Jesus, when you were on the earth in the meal that changed heaven and earth, you said, "I give you a new commandment", John 13:34. I give you a new commandment. He's commanding. So we have no right to break it. He had command authority. I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. And all men are all people. You know you're my disciples by the way you love one another. And I believe that.

So love is the curtain rod upon which all the blessing are. And sometimes go right to sleep, sometimes just lay there and pray in the Spirit for a while and get directions. And praise God. But that's... Then George Washington, our first president, could have, I mean he could have gone to any scripture. He could have said anything he was led to say. But he went right to the 17th chapter of the book of Genesis, where God told Abraham and changed his name and entered the covenant with him and said, I'll be your God and you'll be my people. God of many nations. And so he went to that, the God of many nations. And he said, "You'll be our God, we'll be your people".

And he shocked everybody. He kneeled down and kissed his Bible. And looked up and said, "You'll be our God and we'll be your people". And I will remind you class, that Leviticus, do you understand that that is in the Bible? Leviticus 25:10, let liberty ring throughout the land, was on the Liberty Bell. The book of Leviticus was on the Liberty Bell. And the first act of Congress of the United States was to dedicate this land to Almighty God. But 400 years before that, Chaplain Hunt came from the old world and sailed to the new. Made a cross out of the timber of the ship and planted it on what is now Virginia Beach, Virginia. That this land might preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Lord picked this place. Hallelujah. Yes, glory to God.

Where was I, Lord, in the flow of all of this? Lack of knowledge. Well, the lack of knowledge was because they rejected knowledge. They said, "I reject you". This is God speaking. You rejected knowledge, I reject you. I don't reject it. But I have an intimate relationship with this book. And the reason, as you know, that I'm breaking in a new one, I wore that other one out so that, and I believe it was Whitefield that said, when you find a Christian and his Bible... when you find someone, their Bible's falling apart, you find a Christian that isn't. Amen. Glory to God.

Now then, Lord, what do You... all right, let's move on over now. We talked about the rulership of Satan. Let's go to Luke 4. Here is the lineage. And it's always good to study those lineages. I used to skip them all the time, but they're in there for a purpose. It's good to study those and study the people behind them because they're all in there.

And you come down in verse 37, which was the son of Mathusala, which was the son of Enoch, which was the son of Jared, which was the son of Maleleel, and the son of Cainan, which was the son of Enos, which was the son of Seth, which was the son of Adam, which was the son of God. Oh, man, they're all in the book. And you can find them. Jesus, being full of the Holy Ghost, returned from Jordan and was led by the Spirit into the wilderness, being 40 days.

Now I want you to notice what a dog Satan is. I mean, I want to mark this. And I'm telling everybody this is a new Bible. Look at this now. Led by the Spirit into the wilderness, being 40 days tempted of the devil, and in those days he did eat nothing. Six weeks without food. Can you imagine what his body looked like? He's pretty well skin and bones for you and me. Six weeks. And when they were ended after he'd hungered. Well, listen, starvation had set in. Six weeks without food, I've experienced a little of that. And I won't go into that because my fasting doesn't mean a thing in the world to anybody but me. Hunger, starvation had set in.

"And the devil said unto him, if you be the son of God, command this stone that they be made bread". He could have done it. He's the Creator. "Jesus answer him saying, It is written that man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God. And the devil taking him up into a high mountain showed unto him all the kingdoms of the world at a moment's time. And the devil said unto him, all this power will I give thee and the glory of them, for that is delivered unto me, and to whomsoever I will give it". Who gave it to him? Adam. I'll be back in just a moment.