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Kenneth Copeland - Following the Command Authority of God's WORD
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Kenneth Copeland - Following the Command Authority of God's WORD
Kenneth Copeland - Following the Command Authority of God's WORD
Hello everybody, I’m Kenneth Copeland and on this Tuesday, we’re still talking about the Christian Chain of Command. Chain of command is to keep things decently and in order. And it comes to honor and respect. Praise God. So we don’t come to a place [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Know Your Authority in Christ
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Kenneth Copeland - Know Your Authority in Christ
Kenneth Copeland - Know Your Authority in Christ
Hello, everybody. I’m Kenneth Copeland, and this is the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast. Praise God. Every believer has a voice, and it is the Voice of Victory. This is the Kenneth Copeland Bible College gathering up this morning. Welcome [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Power of Attorney to Use the Name of Jesus
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Kenneth Copeland - The Power of Attorney to Use the Name of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - The Power of Attorney to Use the Name of Jesus
Now, what is the power of attorney to use a name. It means… I heard a man put it like this. You go into the bank. Let’s say I go into the bank and I have your name and I say, I represent Ms. So-and-so and I’m here to withdraw $1,000 out of her [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Have Faith In the Name of Jesus
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Kenneth Copeland - Have Faith In the Name of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - Have Faith In the Name of Jesus
Hello everybody, I’m Kenneth Copeland, and this is the Believer’s Voice of Victory broadcast. And we’re here in the Kenneth Copeland Bible College. That thrills me. And our class this morning, talking about command authority of a follower of Jesus [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Gave You the Authority to Be Debt Free
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Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Gave You the Authority to Be Debt Free
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Gave You the Authority to Be Debt Free
And so, if you’ll turn there with me this morning, Romans 13. We’ll read this, seventh verse. «Rendered, therefore, to all their dues, tribute to whom tribute is due, custom to whom custom, fear to whom fear, honor to whom honor. Owe no man anything [...]
Kenneth Copeland - When We Walk In God's Authority, We Are In Great Faith
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Kenneth Copeland - When We Walk In God's Authority, We Are In Great Faith
Kenneth Copeland - When We Walk In God's Authority, We Are In Great Faith
— Hello everyone, we are talking about the command of a follower of Jesus Christ, the Authority of the believer. Hallelujah. And this book is the most precious thing there is, the Holy Bible. The Bible simply means a complication, a hodgepodge of [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The LORD’s Prayer Is a Command Prayer
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Kenneth Copeland - The LORD's Prayer Is a Command Prayer
Kenneth Copeland - The LORD's Prayer Is a Command Prayer
— Now, back at the same time in Hereford, Texas, that victory in salvation, victory. And the ministry of the prophet came across. And I said, "No, no, no, no, no. I'm not going to announce that I am a prophet". I just forgot about it. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Have a Command Authority Attitude
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Kenneth Copeland - Have a Command Authority Attitude
Kenneth Copeland - Have a Command Authority Attitude
— I am stirred up about this. I'm so stirred up. Scripture says stir yourself up. Well, I pretty well stay stirred up. Glory to God over this book, over my Lord and Savior. Amen. So let's go to the book of Acts chapter 4 verse 10. "Be [...]
Kenneth Copeland - You Have the Authority to Use the Name of Jesus Against the Enemy
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Kenneth Copeland - You Have the Authority to Use the Name of Jesus Against the
Kenneth Copeland - You Have the Authority to Use the Name of Jesus Against the Enemy
— Hello, everybody. Welcome to Tuesday's edition of the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. I'm Kenneth Copeland. And, of course, this is Professor Greg Stephens. And we're talking about the command authority of a follower of [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God Gave Command Authority to the Church
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Kenneth Copeland - God Gave Command Authority to the Church
Kenneth Copeland - God Gave Command Authority to the Church
— Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland, and this is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast, and this is Gregory Stephens. Well, Thanksgiving is in the rearview mirror, and 2025, 2025, begin to make decisions now, not New Year's [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority in Your Covenant with God
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Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority in Your Covenant with God
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority in Your Covenant with God
— Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland, and this is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Every believer has a voice, and it is the Voice of Victory. The Lord dropped that in my heart a long, long time ago. Now, this, I won't [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority is in the Name of Jesus
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Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority is in the Name of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority is in the Name of Jesus
— Hello, I'm Kenneth Copeland, and this is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. And once again, Professor Greg Stephens. Greg, it's good to see you again today. — Good to see you, sir. — And I have our Greek Bible here. [...]
Allen Jackson - Disciples With Authority and Power - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Disciples With Authority and Power - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Disciples With Authority and Power - Part 2
You don't have a message until you establish in your heart who Jesus is. It's not about joining a denomination or finding a worship service you like or a preacher that you enjoy or the translation of the Bible that's easier for you to [...]
Allen Jackson - Disciples With Authority and Power - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Disciples With Authority and Power - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Disciples With Authority and Power - Part 1
We're doing a study in the Gospel of Luke. I have encouraged you to consider accepting an additional reading assignment beyond your daily Bible reading. Although our daily Bible reading has been pretty much on point this week, I thought to get [...]
Robert Jeffress - The Most Unpopular Verse in the Bible
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Robert Jeffress - The Most Unpopular Verse in the Bible
Robert Jeffress - The Most Unpopular Verse in the Bible
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". In today's culture, few Bible verses spark more controversy than Ephesians 5:22 which instructs wives to submit to their husbands. Many see this statement as [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Power and Authority to Prosper Comes From God
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Kenneth Copeland - The Power and Authority to Prosper Comes From God
Kenneth Copeland - The Power and Authority to Prosper Comes From God
— Hello, everybody, and I'm stirred up, Greg. — I'm so... — Well, the scripture says, "Stir yourself up," but I pretty well stay stirred up all the time. Amen. Now, let's go back to the songbook. In the 118th Psalm, [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God Gives You Authority In the Place He's Prepared for You
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Kenneth Copeland - God Gives You Authority In the Place He's Prepared for
Kenneth Copeland - God Gives You Authority In the Place He's Prepared for You
— Hello everybody, I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is Professor Greg Stephens in Kenneth Copeland Bible College and all of our class here welcoming you. Now, you're ready to get even more stirred up? Scripture says stir yourself up. So I [...]
Kenneth Copeland - God's Authority Is In the Name of Jesus
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Kenneth Copeland - God's Authority Is In the Name of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - God's Authority Is In the Name of Jesus
— Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. If you hadn't figured it out by now, I'm stirred up. I'm stirred up over this Gospel. I'm stirred up over Jesus and His resurrection and what He did for me and what He's doing [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority Must Be Spoken
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Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority Must Be Spoken
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority Must Be Spoken
Are you stirred up about this? I am stirred up, I'm telling you! January 24th, January the 24th, I will have been doing this 58 years! And I'm more stirred up about it now than I ever have been in my whole life! December the 6th, I'll [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority and Angels
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Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority and Angels
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority and Angels
Welcome, everybody, to Thursday's edition of the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. We're here once again with Professor Greg Stephens, an associate in Kenneth Copeland Bible College. Angels. I was preaching in Beaumont, Texas. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Operated In Delegated Authority
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Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Operated In Delegated Authority
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Operated In Delegated Authority
— Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is Professor Greg Stephens. I call him that because that's what he is, in Kenneth Copeland Bible College, which is an accredited college, and there are other universities that will take our [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Where Does the Believer's Authority Come From?
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Kenneth Copeland - Where Does the Believer's Authority Come From?
Kenneth Copeland - Where Does the Believer's Authority Come From?
Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is Professor Greg Stephens. We want to welcome you to the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Many, many years ago, the Lord said to me, every believer has a voice, and it is the Voice of [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority Is Delegated Authority
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Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority Is Delegated Authority
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority Is Delegated Authority
Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland, and I'm stirred up, praise God. I'm stirred up about this whole business, man. There's a lot to be stirred up about. And for those of you that are not familiar with our broadcast, this is [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Gave You His Authority Over Death
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Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Gave You His Authority Over Death
Kenneth Copeland - Jesus Gave You His Authority Over Death
Hello, I'm Kenneth Copeland, and I'm so stirred up over all of this. I'll tell you, and like the man said, if this doesn't set you on fire, your wood's wet. Amen. So Father, we thank You today for revealing these things to [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Authority to Prosper and Live in THE BLESSING
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Kenneth Copeland - The Authority to Prosper and Live in THE BLESSING
Kenneth Copeland - The Authority to Prosper and Live in THE BLESSING
Remember, we are studying the command of a follower of Jesus Christ. I have no right to wear that. That's the reason it's here. I haven't sworn the oath required to bear this. I swore an oath in 1957 to the Constitution of the United [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Authority to Command THE BLESSING
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Kenneth Copeland - The Authority to Command THE BLESSING
Kenneth Copeland - The Authority to Command THE BLESSING
Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland, and this is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. I'm telling you, I'm so stirred up today. I am stirred up. I'll tell you about daily television. I'm stirred up about Jesus. [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Key to Walking In Command Authority
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Kenneth Copeland - The Key to Walking In Command Authority
Kenneth Copeland - The Key to Walking In Command Authority
Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. Let me remind you of something. You can go to and get all of the outline notes from which I'm preaching and teaching, and go back [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority Must Be Delegated by God
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Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority Must Be Delegated by God
Kenneth Copeland - Command Authority Must Be Delegated by God
Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland, and this is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. And we are discussing and talking about the command authority of a follower of Jesus Christ. The command authority. Ultimate authority, has to [...]
Kenneth Copeland - You Have Command Authority
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Kenneth Copeland - You Have Command Authority
Kenneth Copeland - You Have Command Authority
Hello, everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland, and this is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. October, we're talking about the command authority of a follower of Jesus Christ. You have to take all of the blood covenants to come to [...]
Mark Batterson - Jesus, Exercise Your Authority
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Mark Batterson - Jesus: Exercise Your Authority
Mark Batterson - Jesus: Exercise Your Authority
He could barely keep His eyes open, outta gas, exhausted. Sound asleep the second His head hit that pillow. In His dream, He was in a boat on the sea of Galilee. In His dream a storm started to toss that boat like a bathtub toy. So full of water, it [...]
Allen Jackson - Authority In The Heavens - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Authority In The Heavens - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Authority In The Heavens - Part 2
It's such a privilege to be with you today. We're exploring our identity in Christ, specifically talking about the authority in the heavens that impact us. I hope you know that God has big plans for your life. That doesn't necessarily [...]
Allen Jackson - Authority In The Heavens - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Authority In The Heavens - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Authority In The Heavens - Part 1
I wanna continue. We've been working through this series on clarifying our identity. And on this Palm Sunday weekend, it seemed appropriate. This is the day when the church pauses in our annual calendar to remember Jesus's entry into [...]
Allen Jackson - Worship and Authority - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Worship and Authority - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Worship and Authority - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you today. We're continuing our discussion on worship, praise, and thanksgiving. We're going to look in the scriptures at some portrayals of worship. Spoiler alert, they're not principally song services. [...]
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Allen Jackson - Worship and Authority - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Worship and Authority - Part 1
I want to continue the general theme that we began a couple of sessions ago talking about worship, praise, and thanksgiving. In this session, I want to talk a bit about worship and authority. And the genesis for this study for me really was the [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Power and Authority of the Name of Jesus
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Kenneth Copeland - The Power and Authority of the Name of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - The Power and Authority of the Name of Jesus
Now, we have learned that there's great power in the name of Jesus and that we, being born-again sons of God, and you know there's always people that are, you know, want to pick at it. Well, she's a daughter of God. Well, that's [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Pray In the Name of Jesus
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Kenneth Copeland - Pray In the Name of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - Pray In the Name of Jesus
Welcome, everyone, once again to the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. For those of you that don't know, I'm Kenneth Copeland. Let's go back to the book of Daniel, where we opened yesterday. Now, let's begin reading [...]
Allen Jackson - God's Authority In The World - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - God's Authority In The World - Part 2
Allen Jackson - God's Authority In The World - Part 2
Hey, I'm honored to be with you today. We're going to continue our discussion on God's authority in this world. God is omniscient. He knows everything. He's omnipotent. He's all-powerful. You know, we tend to think of God in [...]
Allen Jackson - God's Authority In The World - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - God's Authority In The World - Part 1
Allen Jackson - God's Authority In The World - Part 1
It's good to be with you today. Our topic is "God's Authority in this World". Most of us have come to know God through some sort of a relationship with church. And one of the unfortunate side effects of that is we tend to think [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Make God's WORD Final Authority for Your Healing
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Kenneth Copeland - Make God's WORD Final Authority for Your Healing
Kenneth Copeland - Make God's WORD Final Authority for Your Healing
8th chapter of the book of Romans. There is... verse 1, there is therefore, say it. Now, no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus. How many in here are in Christ Jesus this morning? That's 100%. Who walk not after the flesh, but after [...]
Allen Jackson - Realms of Authority (Jesus and Politics) - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Realms of Authority (Jesus and Politics) - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Realms of Authority (Jesus and Politics) - Part 2
Now, how do we understand the opposition? It's as complex as you and I are. There's not a single answer. The best way I know to summarize it from what Scripture invites us towards is to think of the opposition in three ways. The Scripture [...]
Allen Jackson - Realms of Authority (Jesus and Politics) - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Realms of Authority (Jesus and Politics) - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Realms of Authority (Jesus and Politics) - Part 1
It's an honor to be with you again. Our topic is effective prayer. Jesus said something really startling to his closest friends just prior to his crucifixion, before his passion began, he said it was better for them if he left because if he [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Problem of Unworthy Authorities
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Adrian Rogers - The Problem of Unworthy Authorities
Adrian Rogers - The Problem of Unworthy Authorities
Would you take God's Word and be finding First Peter chapter 2, as we continue our series on discovering kingdom authority. And if there's ever a day and an age in which we need to discover and to deploy kingdom authority, this is the day [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Behave in a Cave
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Adrian Rogers - How to Behave in a Cave
Adrian Rogers - How to Behave in a Cave
Would you take God's Word and be finding First Samuel chapter 24? And in a moment we're going to read the first seven verses of that chapter, but more verses later on. This is an episode in the life of David. King David was a mighty, [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Authority of the Holy Spirit
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Adrian Rogers - The Authority of the Holy Spirit
Adrian Rogers - The Authority of the Holy Spirit
Would you take God's Word and be finding Romans chapter 5. The book of Romans, sometimes called the, "Constitution of Christianity". And what a great chapter chapter 5 is. It deals with kingdom authority. May I tell you this? Nothing [...]
Adrian Rogers - Strength Through Authority
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Adrian Rogers - Strength Through Authority
Adrian Rogers - Strength Through Authority
Would you be finding Luke Chapter 7? Luke chapter 7. And may I tell you that you could discover no greater truth than the marvelous, wonderful truth of kingdom authority. You could enjoy no greater blessing than to enter into the truth of kingdom [...]
Adrian Rogers - Kingdom Authority
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Adrian Rogers - Kingdom Authority
Adrian Rogers - Kingdom Authority
Be finding Ephesians chapter 1 as we begin this series on "Kingdom Authority," and I'm very, very grateful for the truth that we're going to be sharing together, and if this truth does not light your fire, your wood is wet. What [...]
Tony Evans - Order In The Court
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Tony Evans - Order In The Court
Tony Evans - Order In The Court
We've all either been in a courtroom or seen on television a judge stop the proceedings, bang his gavel, and call for order in the court. The judge is going to do that because there has been a disruption in the proceedings. There has been [...]
Tony Evans - Taking The Devil To Court
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Tony Evans - Taking The Devil To Court
Tony Evans - Taking The Devil To Court
God created you and redeemed you with a purpose in mind. It is your spiritual enemy's job and goal to cause the purpose of your life to break down and to not be realized. As I stated earlier, he comes to destroy. He comes to destroy dreams, [...]
Michael Youssef - Stay Calm, For He Has Got It Under Control
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Michael Youssef - Stay Calm, For He Has Got It Under Control
Michael Youssef - Stay Calm, For He Has Got It Under Control
The joy of seeing your loved ones after a period of separation, that's a great joy. In many ways, Psalm 24, which we'll be looking at in a minute, is an exuberant, enthusiastic way of expressing a reunion. Psalm 24 expresses really a [...]
Tony Evans - Silencing The Accuser
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Tony Evans - Silencing The Accuser
Tony Evans - Silencing The Accuser
The evil one has stood at the door of your life and my life, and he has one overriding purpose, and that is to block God's purpose for you. He wants to stop God's preordained design for your life from you ever experiencing it, or if you do [...]
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