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Peter Tan-Chi - Authentic Worship
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Peter Tan-Chi - Authentic Worship
Peter Tan-Chi - Authentic Worship
Greetings in the wonderful name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. How are you feeling today? I'm sure all of you by now know that the lockdown has started and we will be completely locked down in Metro Manila. For many of us, our emotional life [...]
Marcus Mecum - Rebuilding The Ruins of Worship
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Marcus Mecum - Rebuilding The Ruins of Worship
Marcus Mecum - Rebuilding The Ruins of Worship
Acts 15:16. Actually, let's look at verse 15. "And with the words of the prophets agree, just as it is written, 'after this I will return and will rebuild the tabernacle of David which was fallen down. I will rebuild its ruins and I will set it [...]
Marcus Mecum - Don't Ignore Judah
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Marcus Mecum - Don't Ignore Judah
Marcus Mecum - Don't Ignore Judah
2 Kings 3, let's look at verse 14. "And Elisha said, 'as the Lord of hosts lives, before whom I stand, surely were it not that I regard the presence of Jehoshaphat king of Judah, I would not look at you, I would not see you," I wouldn't be [...]
Louie Giglio - Worship is a Verb
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Louie Giglio - Worship is a Verb
Louie Giglio - Worship is a Verb
I want to just take us on a journey today, can I do that? I'm asking your permission like if you say no, I'm not gonna do it. But I want to take us on a journey through God's word, because as we go through God's word it's gonna open up your [...]
Louie Giglio - Worship, It's What You Do
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Louie Giglio - Worship, It's What You Do
Louie Giglio - Worship, It's What You Do
When I say "Worship," I think maybe for a lot of people what comes to mind is either Sunday, that would be normal, that's the day we go to worship. That's when the worship service happens. Or possibly church, kinda, goes into that lane or [...]
Adrian Rogers - A Worshipping Church
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Adrian Rogers - A Worshipping Church
Adrian Rogers - A Worshipping Church
Take your Bible, find John chapter 4, and look up here. In these climatic days in which we're living in the life of our church, I have been trying to distill and focus on the things that I have told you for 32 years. What kind of a church should our [...]
Adrian Rogers - Learning Family Worship
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Adrian Rogers - Learning Family Worship
Adrian Rogers - Learning Family Worship
Be finding Exodus chapter 20, when you found it look up here. We're talking today about the Ten Commandments, "A Perfect 10 for Homes that Win". God does not want your home to be a loser. Let me say this about the Ten Commandments. The Ten [...]
Chris Hodges - Worship and Prayer
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Chris Hodges - Worship and Prayer
Chris Hodges - Worship and Prayer
Praise the Lord. Does anybody love Jesus, at first Wednesday? Amen. We have dedicated tonight as a night of prayer and worship for our nation and for God to move in a powerful way at Easter time. Can I hear a good "Amen," everybody? And so [...]
Allen Jackson - Worship and Authority - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Worship and Authority - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Worship and Authority - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you today. We're continuing our discussion on worship, praise, and thanksgiving. We're going to look in the scriptures at some portrayals of worship. Spoiler alert, they're not principally song services. Music may be [...]
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Allen Jackson - Worship and Authority - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Worship and Authority - Part 1
I want to continue the general theme that we began a couple of sessions ago talking about worship, praise, and thanksgiving. In this session, I want to talk a bit about worship and authority. And the genesis for this study for me really was the [...]
James Meehan - Called to Worship
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James Meehan - Called to Worship
James Meehan - Called to Worship
James Meehan : Well, hello there and welcome to "Switch Uncut," woo, woo, woo, woo, woo. My name is James. Kaitlyn Caffery : And my name is Kaitlyn. James Meehan : And today we're talking about? Kaitlyn Caffery : The Bible. James Meehan : [...]
James Meehan - What Is a Life of Worship?
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James Meehan - What Is a Life of Worship?
James Meehan - What Is a Life of Worship?
Well, hello and welcome to week two of our series: "What Difference Do I Make"? where we are going on a journey together to discover what it is that we were created to do as human beings and followers of Jesus. Because no matter where you [...]
Mark Batterson - House of Miracles and Place of Worship
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Mark Batterson - A Place of Worship
Mark Batterson - A Place of Worship
When I was in high school, I drove a car affectionately referred to as the Batmobile. Batterson, Batmobile. But don't let the name fool you. It was a 1984 Dodge Colt, black and white, but I got into fender bender. Only part we could find for that [...]
James Merritt - Worship, Right From the Heart
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James Merritt - Worship, Right From the Heart
James Merritt - Worship, Right From the Heart
This past December, Time Magazine released this cover. It said 2020, had a big red X over that number and a simple phrase, "The worst year ever". I'll tell you, that's the story of the year you do not want to ever revisit. And I don't mind [...]
John Bradshaw - Worthless Worship
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John Bradshaw - Worthless Worship
John Bradshaw - Worthless Worship
When John wrote to the seven churches, paganism was rampant throughout the Roman Empire. Gods such as Apollo, and Diana, and Bacchus, and Neptune were worshiped. Among the ruins of the ancient city of Pergamon is the temple of Trajan, a Roman [...]
Matt Hagee - The Voice of Worship
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Matt Hagee - The Voice of Worship
Matt Hagee - The Voice of Worship
Tonight we're going to conclude our teaching series on worship. And we're going to speak about "The voice of worship," the unity that is involved in worship. You just saw a demonstration of it. You've experienced the demonstration of it [...]
Derek Prince - Access Through Worship
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Derek Prince - Access Through Worship
Derek Prince - Access Through Worship
Come, let us sing for joy to the LORD; let us shout aloud to the Rock of our salvation. Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. Come, let us bow down in worship, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker; for he is [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Sacrifice of Worship
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Creflo Dollar - The Sacrifice of Worship
Creflo Dollar - The Sacrifice of Worship
Now, what we're gonna talk about this morning is worshiping God in this dispensation of grace. Worshiping God in this dispensation of grace. In other words, I'm gonna talk to you about grace-based worship, how to worship change, or what was the [...]
Skip Heitzig - Fact-Checking Your Worship
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Skip Heitzig - Fact-Checking Your Worship
Skip Heitzig - Fact-Checking Your Worship
So we're going to look at the Book of Hebrews chapter 11 and verse 4, where we've left off the first three verses last time. Now, I can remember back to earlier sermons that I made years ago. And I remember reading illustrations in books and then [...]
Creflo Dollar - What Is True Worship? - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - What Is True Worship? - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - What Is True Worship? - Part 2
True worship. True worship. Let's go to this angle and then I'll get started. True worship is our response to grace. Worship is the response of a man to the initiatives of God in grace. Look at Genesis 12 and 7. It's a response. It's a response to [...]
Creflo Dollar - What Is True Worship? - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - What Is True Worship? - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - What Is True Worship? - Part 1
Let's begin here, let's start off this morning just simply by, I want to talk about five little points and see if we can just focus on defining worship. You know, what is it? Because I'm defining, because I hear a lot of stuff, and I'm thinking [...]
Creflo Dollar - Discovering The Essence of Worship - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - Discovering The Essence of Worship - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - Discovering The Essence of Worship - Part 2
Worship is a heart product. It is not a practice product, a training product, a tradition product, it's a heart product. I give him the allegiance of my heart, and from my heart I do this, from my loyalty and my commitment I worship him. Now, let's [...]
Creflo Dollar - Discovering The Essence of Worship - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - Discovering The Essence of Worship - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - Discovering The Essence of Worship - Part 1
If you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of Proverbs chapter 21 and verse 2, Proverbs chapter 21 and verse 2. Read verse 2 out loud together. Ready, read. "Every way of a man is right in his own eyes; but the Lord pondereth the [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 9:18-62
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 9:18-62
Skip Heitzig - Luke 9:18-62
Father, in this place and at this time we confront you, our Father, the living God on the pages of the living Word. We call it that because the writer of Hebrews said, "The Word of God is living and powerful; it is sharper than any two-edged [...]
Skip Heitzig - Hallelujah (Psalm 150)
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Skip Heitzig - Hallelujah (Psalm 150)
Skip Heitzig - Hallelujah (Psalm 150)
Let's turn to Psalm 150 as he begins. I'm going to ask you to do me a favor; could you stand to your feet? We're going to put the words of the psalm upon the screens and we're going to read this psalm together. It says in the Bible that "I will [...]
Robert Jeffress - Straight Talk About Your Worship
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Robert Jeffress - Straight Talk About Your Worship
Robert Jeffress - Straight Talk About Your Worship
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". In his 33 years on earth, Jesus encountered all kinds of people. And do you know which ones bothered him the most? It wasn't the tax collectors. It wasn't the thieves or [...]
Levi Lusko - All Dressed Up and Everywhere to Go
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Levi Lusko - All Dressed Up and Everywhere to Go
Levi Lusko - All Dressed Up and Everywhere to Go
Well, if you have a Bible today, we are going to be in Isaiah chapter 61, Isaiah 61. We were in the car yesterday, and my daughter Clover asked a question of the car. She said, would you guys rather wear a bathing suit all winter or have to wear a [...]
John Bradshaw - The Physiology of Worship
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John Bradshaw - The Physiology of Worship
John Bradshaw - The Physiology of Worship
John Bradshaw : This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. Go to the Bible and you find that the Word of God says a lot about worship, unsurprisingly, as the Bible is God's book. But look in the book of Psalms and you find God [...]
Jack Graham - An Endless Hallelujah
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Jack Graham - An Endless Hallelujah
Jack Graham - An Endless Hallelujah
All of us who are Christians, we want to know what heaven is like. And, of course, we have questions that we can't answer. And we will never comprehend the greatness, the grandeur, the glory of heaven until we're actually there. And yet the Bible [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Worship is a Big Deal to me
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Jentezen Franklin - Worship is a Big Deal to me
Jentezen Franklin - Worship is a Big Deal to me
I want you to look with me in Psalms 137. "By the rivers of Babylon there we sat down. Yes, we wept when we remembered Zion". Here's what I want you to focus on. "We hung our harps up in the willows in the midst of it. For there those [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Sacrificial Worship
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Rabbi Schneider - Sacrificial Worship
Rabbi Schneider - Sacrificial Worship
As we study archeology, we find that even in the most primitive environments, the people groups that we've been able to unearth from rubbles, we find that within these people groups beloved, in their society, there are elaborate systems of [...]
Derek Prince - What It Means To Worship In Spirit And Truth
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Derek Prince - What It Means To Worship In Spirit And Truth
Derek Prince - What It Means To Worship In Spirit And Truth
This excerpt is from: Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship Now let's turn to the words of Jesus about worship in the New Testament. John 4, these are familiar words to Bible readers, John 4. Jesus is talking to the Samaritan woman at Jacob's well. [...]
Derek Prince - Worship Is Not An Utterance But An Attitude
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Derek Prince - Worship Is Not An Utterance But An Attitude
Derek Prince - Worship Is Not An Utterance But An Attitude
This excerpt is from: Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship Now, there's a beautiful passage in Psalm 95, which I believe beautifully depicts the progress into worship. Psalm 95, the first two verses depict loud, jubilant praise. A lot louder than some [...]
Derek Prince - Worship Should Always Be Followed By Service
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Derek Prince - Worship Should Always Be Followed By Service
Derek Prince - Worship Should Always Be Followed By Service
This excerpt is from: Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship I'd like to turn to an example of heavenly worship, which I believe gives us some really important principles, which is found in Isaiah 6:1-3. And in this scene here, Isaiah has a vision of the [...]
Derek Prince - 4 Postures of Worship
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Derek Prince - 4 Postures of Worship
Derek Prince - 4 Postures of Worship
This excerpt is from: Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship This is the third and the last in a series of short talks on the theme of thanksgiving, praise and worship. And the theme of this talk will be worship. Let me just remind you how I sought to [...]
Derek Prince - Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship
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Derek Prince - Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship
Derek Prince - Thanksgiving, Praise and Worship
This first talk tonight will be on the theme of thanksgiving. A lot of people have got the impression that prayer is simply a question of asking God for things. As it were, going to God with your shopping list. That is a very limited and inadequate [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Are You Still In Love With Praise?
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Jentezen Franklin - Are You Still In Love With Praise?
Jentezen Franklin - Are You Still In Love With Praise?
I'm reading today from Psalms 118, I'll begin reading with Verse 24. Would you read it with me at all the campuses if you can. This is the day the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it. Keep going. Save now, I pray, oh, Lord. Oh, Lord, I [...]
Rabbi Schneider - What is True Worship?
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Rabbi Schneider - What is True Worship?
Rabbi Schneider - What is True Worship?
We are in the midst of an extended series now entitled discovering how the Old Testament, which is called in Hebrew, and the New Testament which is called in Hebrew the Tanakh connect. Many of us have wrong perceptions of how the Hebrew Bible [...]
Craig Smith - Worship
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Craig Smith - Worship
Craig Smith - Worship
Before we dig into God’s word this morning, I wanted to celebrate. Something happened last week. We announced last week the launch of our Mill venue, which is designed to make a little bit more space. We actually got a little space this morning [...]
Levi Lusko - Worship That Hurts Like Hell
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Levi Lusko - Worship That Hurts Like Hell
Levi Lusko - Worship That Hurts Like Hell
We have been in a collection of messages. This is now week four in our 35 Days of Hope series that we've called, "Look Up". In this collection of messages, we're asking the question, what do you do when you find yourself in a pit? What do [...]
Jentezen Franklin - Let Us Worship At Free Chapel
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Jentezen Franklin - Let Us Worship At Free Chapel
Jentezen Franklin - Let Us Worship At Free Chapel
Welcome to Kingdom Connection. We have something very special in store for you today. We recently had the honor of hosting Shawn Feucht and the Let Us Worship Tour. This group of worshippers and prayer warriors have been going all over the nation in [...]
Robert Jeffress - Worship Like You've Never Experienced
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Robert Jeffress - Worship Like You've Never Experienced
Robert Jeffress - Worship Like You've Never Experienced
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. People often ask me, pastor, if heaven is forever, then what are we going to do all of that time? It's a fair question and I'm happy to report that there will be many things to do in [...]
Robert Morris - The Foundation of Abandonment
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Robert Morris - The Foundation of Abandonment
Robert Morris - The Foundation of Abandonment
So we're in a series called The Four Living Creatures. It's something that I know you've been wanting to hear for years. I will say it's kind of fun, don't you think? Just say it anyway. Just, Yeah Pastor Robert, it's fun. Okay. And were these four [...]
Robert Jeffress - Up With Worship
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Robert Jeffress - Up With Worship
Robert Jeffress - Up With Worship
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress. And welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Tragically fewer and fewer Christians today see the church as an essential component for their spiritual lives. Church attendance has become an option rather than a necessity. Well, [...]
Sid Roth - I Went into a Heavenly Portal and Accessed Books from Heaven
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Sid Roth - I Went into a Heavenly Portal and Accessed Books from Heaven
Sid Roth - I Went into a Heavenly Portal and Accessed Books from Heaven
Sid Roth : Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest Eddie James says if you are fascinated with God you will have a Jesus encounter. He just got back from Heaven and there is an anointing that will cause [...]
Sid Roth - Heavenly Encounters in Worship
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Sid Roth - Heavenly Encounters in Worship
Sid Roth - Heavenly Encounters in Worship
Sid Roth: Hello. Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. When my guest plays the keyboard, supernatural things happen. The atmosphere is changed supernaturally. I know this will be hard for you to believe, but amazing [...]
Sid Roth - Worship That Ushers in the Presence of God
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Sid Roth - Worship That Ushers in the Presence of God
Sid Roth - Worship That Ushers in the Presence of God
Sid Roth: Hello. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. Most Bible believers can't tell the difference between a professional entertainer, singer and a worshiper. But guess what? God can tell the difference. My guest, who has led [...]
Sid Roth - Songs from Heaven
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Sid Roth - Songs from Heaven
Sid Roth - Songs from Heaven
Sid Roth: Hello. Welcome to my world where it's naturally supernatural. My guest has been number three on the Gospel charts. But that's not why he's here. He's here because he literally hears songs from Heaven. He literally hears not just trumpets, [...]
Joseph Prince - Worship With The Psalms Of David And See Good Days
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Joseph Prince - Worship With The Psalms Of David And See Good Days
Joseph Prince - Worship With The Psalms Of David And See Good Days
Good days are right around the corner when you begin to wield the powerful weapon of worship! In this revelatory sermon by Joseph Prince, learn how you can, like David, go from despair and fear to peace, joy and strength in the Lord as you look to [...]
John Gray - The Price Of A Song
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John Gray - The Price Of A Song
John Gray - The Price Of A Song
I'm John Gray, and welcome to my world. Right at the start, I want to let you know that we're going in on the subject of worship. We're going to squeeze out all the Revelation we can in the time we have today. I'm telling you, the more I studied [...]
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