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Peter Tan-Chi - A Life of Worship: Honor God

Peter Tan-Chi - A Life of Worship: Honor God
TOPICS: Worship

You know, I want to continue our series on «Loving God: A life of worship». A life of worship, how do we do that? Today, I want to focus on honoring Him. So a life of worship means what? We honor God. What does it mean to honor God? The reality is this: either we honor God or we bring shame to the Lord. The problem with the time of the people in the Book of Malachi, they were insensitive to their condition. They think they are okay, but they are not okay. Today I want us to focus on how did Malachi used by God to help the people see their own problems? You know, it’s very sad when you don’t see your own problem spiritually. So let me give an example of the book of Malachi. God says, «I love you». What was the response? Huh? «How do You love us»? «How have You loved us»? (Malachi 1:2)

See, they are questioning the love of God. «God says, 'You say 'you are despising My name, ' but they say, 'how did we despise Your name? '» (Malachi 1:6) «You are presenting defiled food. How have we defiled You»? (Malachi 1:7) Ignorant. Just like many Christians today, we think we’re okay. But God is saying you are not okay. «You have wearied the LORD with your words». (Malachi 2:17) You say things and God is saying, «I am sick and tired of your grumbling, your complaining», and you say, «How have we done that»? Look at the next question. «Return to me and I will return to you. How shall we return»? (Malachi 3:7) See, God wants them to repent. But they say, «How»? «Will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing Me». (Malachi 3:18)

God is saying, «You are robbing Me». but they have no clue «How have we robbed You»?. «You have been arrogant against Me yet you say, 'What have we spoken against You»? (Malachi 3:13) So totally ignorant of their own sinfulness. You know what this reminds me of? It reminds me of the Book of Revelation about the believers in Laodicea. What do I mean? Look at Revelation chapter 3. It reminds me of many Christians today. Don’t just focus on the Israelites. This is our problem today. The Bible tells us God’s perspective towards certain believers. Let’s read together. «I know your deeds, that you are neither cold nor hot. I wish you were cold or hot. But you are lukewarm. Neither cold nor hot. I will spit you out of My mouth». (Revelation 3:15–17).

This is a very serious accusation. God is saying, «You guys are not cold, you are not hot». Just like the Israelites. They were no longer worshiping idols. They believe in God, but they don’t really love Him. Is it possible this morning that there are some of you here, you are not hot, you are not cold. You come to worship out of duty. You come here because your wife forced you to come or your children asked you to come. Whatever it is. But your heart is not there. The Bible says you are not hot, nor cold. You are lukewarm. God is saying, «if you are lukewarm, I will spit you out of My mouth». That’s a very drastic statement. So are you ready for the Book of Malachi? How to restore our love, our heart to a life of worship.

Okay, let’s begin. Let’s look at Malachi. chapter 1:1 The oracle of the Word of the LORD to Israel through Malachi. The first word I want you to consider is the word «oracle». Literally, it means the burden of the Lord. God has a burden. It’s heavy in His heart. He sees His people and they are not doing well. And God is telling Malachi the word «Malachi» is the name. It means «the messenger of God». So God speaks to Malachi, to the people about His burden. This is the burden of God to you and to me. What is this burden? Remember, what is worship? Worship is our response to who God is. You know what, they have a problem. God begins with the most important reality. «'I have loved you, ' says the LORD. But you say, 'How have You loved us? '» (Malachi 1:1-2)

You see, to restore your heart for God, You must believe God loves you. So how do you honor God? Number one, to honor God, believe God loves you. But you know what? The Israelites did not think so. That’s why I submit to you What you believe to be true about God is the most important thing. That’s what A.W. Tozer said. You know why? If you had a wrong thinking about God, it’s going to affect you. I want you to imagine if you don’t believe God loves you, why will you love Him? Think about this. If you don’t believe God loves you, why will you trust Him? If you don’t believe God loves you, why will you obey Him? Think about this. If you don’t believe God loves you, why will you commit your life, your family to Him? And that I submit to you, is a real problem. You are not really convinced that God really loves you.

My friend, with all my heart, I pray that you realize God loves you. Because if you don’t start with God loving you, your worship would be shallow, your obedience will be temporal. God loves you. The people say, «How did You love us»? You see, look at the grammar: «I have loved you». That grammar means «I love you and I continue to love you». You know, God’s love is amazing. What do I mean? Let’s look at Malachi chapter 1: 1 and 2. How does God show them He loves them? All right? «I have loved you, says the Lord. But you say, 'How have You loved us? '» So God begins to explain. You know how God explained this? My friend, look at the next verse. «'Was not Esau, Jacob’s brother, ' declares the LORD. 'Yet I have loved Jacob.'» (Malachi 1:2)

Huh, what is God talking about? God is now telling them, «Look in the past, your forefathers, your one uncle, Jacob and Esau. Jacob is your grandfather. I loved Jacob». What does that mean? Read the next verse. «I hated Esau, and I have made his mountains a desolation and appointed his inheritance for the jackals of the wilderness». (Malachi 1:3) You will not know what this verse is talking about unless I share with you a little history. God is now telling them, look at the past between Jacob and Esau. And now He used the word, «I hated Esau». Now, before you guys react, you have to know when the Bible uses that word «I hated Esau»., it’s a comparative word. For example, in the New Testament, God tells us Let’s read that together in Luke Chapter 14:26. How is that word used? «If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his own father, mother, wife and children and brothers and sister, yes, even his own life, he cannot be My disciple».

Now is God talking about literal hatred? No. Theologians call this a comparative word, meaning your love for God must be such that your love for all other people is like what? Hatred. But God never commands us to hate your father, your mother. In fact, God commands us «Love God with all your heart and love one another». (Mark 12:30–31) Are we commanded to love one another? So this is not telling you to hate, but it is telling you your love for God is so much that your love for others is like hatred. Are you communicating? Now let’s go back verse two. «Was not Esau, Jacob’s brother? Yet I have loved Jacob». He is now saying, Jacob and Esau were brothers. Genesis tells us something about God’s love. Let’s read this together. «The Lord said to her, 'Two nations are in your womb. Two peoples will be separated from your body. One people shall be stronger than the other. The older shall serve the younger.'» (Genesis 25:23)

Now, this is God telling Rebekah. God is telling Isaac’s wife. You will have two sons. But the younger one will become the favored one. The older one Esau will now serve Jacob. Now, if you don’t know history, you will not understand what Malachi is talking about. Malachi is saying, do you recall even before Jacob was born? Before Jacob could do anything, before Esau could do anything. God chose Jacob. What is the lesson? The lesson is simply this, ladies and gentlemen, listen. God’s love number one is unconditional. Jacob did not deserve God’s choice because they were not yet born. Number two, God’s love for you and for me is not only unconditional, it is uncoerced. Nobody ever forced God to love you.

Think about it. In fact, somebody once talked to the pastor. «Pastor, how can God hate Esau and love Jacob? How can God hate Esau»? He does not know theology. You know what the professor said, «My son, that doesn’t bother me. You know what bothers me? How in the world will God ever love Jacob»? You know why? The Bible tells us Jacob was a liar, a schemer. In Tagalog, swindler. And yet God loved Jacob. Once you understand how God loves you, not because you deserve it, but it is His sovereign choice. Amazing.

Now, let me explain that story. And He now tells them, look at the past. God chose Jacob. And then look at the future. What is the future? Read Malachi chapter three. «I have made his mountains a desolation appointed his inheritance for the jackals of the wilderness». (Malachi 1:3) My friend, God now tells the Israelites, «Count your blessing. You are now back in the promised land». But look at Esau. Look at the Edomites. Esau is the forefather of the Edomites. Both nations, Israel and Edom, were both deserving judgment. They were all guilty. Israelites are sinners, Edomites are sinners. They both needed to be judged and God judged both of them. Israel was conquered by the Babylonians. Edom was conquered by the Babylonians. They all deserved to be judged. And God explained, «I’m going to judge you. You’ll be scattered all over the world».

There’s a difference. For Israel, for the Israelites, «God says, 'I will bring you back.'» For the Edomites, God did not promise I will restore you. So in the book of Malachi, Edom was eventually destroyed. Today, you don’t have anybody holding an Edomite passport. It is no longer in existence. However, you have people who are holding Israeli passports. Yes or no? Why? God’s love? So God is saying, «If you doubt My love, just look at yourself. You are back in Jerusalem. You are back in the promised land. And you are saying, 'I don’t love you? '» Ladies and gentlemen, will you name three things to your neighbor what you want to thank God for this morning? How many of you in those three things that I asked you to tell your neighbor, how many of you included your problems?

You know, years ago, something bad happened to Alabama. You have this boll weevil. Boll weevil came from Mexico. It reached the United States in the early 1900s. And Alabama, they plant a lot of cotton. So the cotton farmers were devastated by this boll weevil. The harvest, the cotton harvest became so poor, the farmers lost their farm, lost their, they have to be mortgaged everybody was suffering. But because they were suffering, they were forced to look for other crops to plant. You know what they planted? Peanuts. When they began to plant peanuts, they discovered peanuts is very sturdy. The boll weevil does not affect peanuts. And they made more income than planting cotton. They became richer than planting cotton.

So you know what Alabama did? They erected a statue for the weevil. You see? We appreciate the weevil. Now, you have to understand, Alabama and the USA, they are very religious people. They appreciated the bad things. My friend, if you doubt God’s love for you, you don’t need this monument. I suggest you look at another monument, the cross. Every time you doubt God’s love for you. I want you to think of the cross. How God sent His son Jesus to die for you. And if you still doubt God’s love you just focus on the cross. Don’t focus on circumstances. Amen? Praise God! If you want to live a life of worship, the first B: Believe God loves you. Second: Bring God your Best. What do I mean? You see, worship is a byproduct of your belief system.

If you believe God loves you, you believe who God is, then what will you offer Him? You offer Him your best. So let’s read this together. «A son honors his father, a servant his master. If I am a Father, where is My honor? If I a master, where is my respect? ', says the LORD of hosts. 'O priests, you despise My name.' 'How have we despised Your name? '». Let’s read, «You are presenting defiled food upon My altar. 'How have we defiled You? '» Now this is what God is now telling them. «'When you present the blind for a sacrifice, is this not evil? When you present the lame and the sick, is it not evil? Why not offer that to your governor? Would he be pleased with you or would he receive you kindly? ' says the LORD of hosts». (Malachi 1:7-8) He is now telling them, «You are offering to me the blind, the lame, it is not your best. Will you ever do that to the president of your country? Will you ever do that to the Governor of Persia»?

Read the next verse. «'O that one, there would be one among you who would shut the gates that you might not uselessly kindle fire on My altar. I am not pleased with you, ' says the LORD of Hosts, nor will I accept an offering from you.'"(Malachi 1:10) Do you notice the offering? It is a byproduct of who you are and who you are is a byproduct of what you think of God. «I am not pleased with you. I am not pleased with your offering». My friend, read the next verse. «You also say, 'My, how tiresome it is! ' you disdainfully sniff at it». (Malachi 1:13) «You bring what was taken by robbery, what is lame, sick. You bring the offering. Should I receive that from your hand»? (Malachi 1:13)

So, my friend, a life of worship, number one, you must believe. The first B: Believe God loves you. The next B: you Bring your Best. You will only bring your best if you have the right perspective of who God is. Amen? To give God your best is simply do what God wants you to do. What do I mean? God tells His people how to offer sacrifices. In the Book of Leviticus, let me explain to you. «When any of you bring an offering to the Lord, if his offering is a burnt offering from the herd, you shall offer it without defect. Offer it at the doorway of the tent meeting that he, that he may be accepted before the Lord. He shall lay his hand on the head of the burnt offering, that it may be accepted for him to make atonement on his behalf.» (Leviticus 1:2-4)

My friend, the animal sacrificial system was invented number one by God, designed by God. Why? To show us how you and I will receive salvation. This animal sacrificial system about perfect animal, not blind, not lame is very important. It has theological implication. The implication is this. Do you notice according to Leviticus, when you offer the animal, what must you do? Look at verse four. «You shall lay your hand on the head of the offering». It’s called the principle of substitution. The animal must be without defect.

What’s the principle? The principle is this: sin is so serious, you cannot pay for your sin by good works. You can only pay for sin by the death of an animal. Huh? You will not know it makes any sense if you just read the Old Testament because the animal sacrificial system is a picture of the coming of Christ. It’s a picture of the animal taking our sin so that the animal will offer his life. Because sin is so horrible, it can only be paid by death. And the Bible tells us someday somebody perfect will come to die for your sins so that you will receive forgiveness. Do you see the big picture? So it is very crucial that they understand God’s will. God told them, this is how you offer your sacrifice to me. It must be an animal without what? Defect. For what purpose? «It may be accepted for him to make atonement».

The Bible makes no sense if you don’t connect the Old Testament with the New Testament. You see, the New Testament talks about the animal sacrificial system. Look at the book of Hebrews. The Book of Hebrews tells us «It is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins» (Hebrews 10:4). He is now referring to the Old Testament rituals. Those are just symbols, it’s impossible. «Every priest stands daily ministering, offering time after time the same sacrifices which can never take away sins». So what can take away sins? Ah, Jesus.

So read the next verse. «He (Jesus), having offered one sacrifice for sins for all time, sat down at the right hand of God for by one offering He has perfected for all time those who are sanctified». (Hebrews 10:12) He is now saying the Old Testament animal sacrifices is a foreshadowing, it’s a preview of what Jesus will do for us. That is why you must do what God wants you to do to understand the message of animal sacrifices. The principle of substitution is portrayed in the animal sacrificial system. So my question to you is this: what do you offer to God today? Because we don’t need any more animal sacrifices, yes or no? No more because Jesus is the sacrifice. Ahh. Romans 12 tells you what you must do. «I urge you brethren, by the mercies of God, you present your bodies as a living, holy sacrifice acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship». (Romans 12:1)

So you want to please God today, to bring your best? What is your best? «I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God,» Grammatically, it says, look at what God has done for you. Look at how you have received mercy. Look at how you have been saved. And because of that, the Bible says, I now ask you to present your bodies as a living holy sacrifice in other words, God is saying no more animal sacrifices. Jesus is the animal sacrifice. But what about you? You offer your body, living and holy. Why? Look at that verse. What will happen? «…acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship».

Ladies and gentlemen, have you offered your body as a living sacrifice? You know, the sad thing is this, many of us are ignorant of how to live a life of worship. May I suggest, number one, you must believe God loves you. Number two, you bring your best and your best is not leftover. Friends, many of us are not giving God the best year of your life. I’m not asking you to quit your business, but I am asking you to have this mentality. Why don’t I offer my business to the Lord? Why don’t I offer whatever occupation you may have, you’re a doctor, I’m not asking you to quit, but I’m asking you in the medical field, you use it, you dedicate your talent, everything to the Lord. And you use it as an act of worship. It will change the way you make money. It will change the way you prioritize things. Because most of us have this attitude, «Someday when I get old, I will serve the Lord».

My friend, how do you know God will give you the chance to get old? Yes or no? Lastly, I want you to learn the third B. Be consistent in your private, public and family life. No hypocrisy. What do we mean? Let’s look at the Bible. Let’s read Malachi 2: 1-2. «And now this commandment is for you, O priests. If you do not listen, if you do not take it to heart, to give honor to My name,» In other words, you don’t glorify God. You don’t honor Him with your life, «says the LORD of hosts, 'then I will send the curse upon you and I will curse your blessings.'» (Malachi 2:1-2) Oh, wow. Blessings can become a curse. «And indeed, I’ve cursed them already because you are not taking it to heart».

What does that mean? To live consistently, you honor God 24/7. Do you know there are five you’s. What do you mean five you’s? Yes, there are five yous. Number one. What do you think of yourself? Number two, what others think of you. What you want others to think of you. What your family thinks of you. Lastly, what God thinks of you. Are you living a double life? Are we hypocrites? A life of honor is a life of integration. Who you are publicly, who you are in private, what your family sees in you, they are all in sync. You honor God. To honor God does not mean you are perfect. But it means you are not a hypocrite. If you make a mistake, you repent, you admit. You know, most of us are preoccupied with what others think of you.

My friend, I think what is very important is what God thinks of you. So my question, what does God think of you? If you want to honor God, be consistent. Private life, public life, family life. What was their problem? They were not consistent. Malachi 2:7. «The lips of a priest should preserve knowledge. Men should seek instruction from his mouth. He’s the messenger of the Lord». (Malachi 2:7) Are you aware you’re a priest? Now, act like one. How should a priest act? The Bible says in Malachi chapter two, «You are the messenger of the Lord. You deliver God’s message. You have turned aside from the way. You have caused many to stumble by the instructions. You have corrupted the covenant of Levi». (Malachi 2:8)

In other words, ladies and gentlemen, if you want to honor God, live a life of worship, make sure your private life, your public life, your work life and your family life are consistent. You follow God. Let’s read the next verse. «The LORD says, 'What reason? Why are you not happy with our worship? ' Because,» everybody read, «the LORD has been a witness between you and the wife». Number one about the wife, «the wife of your youth, against whom you have dealt treacherously, though she is your companion and your wife by covenant».

Three things about wife. Number one, God is saying she is the wife of your youth. «You have dealt treacherously, though she is your companion». So your wife is a companion and a wife is a covenant object. You promised your wife in good times, in bad times, and then you promised God you will never leave the party in good times, in bad times, and then read the next verse. God is saying, «but not one has done so who has a remnant of the Spirit». (Malachi 2:15) He’s talking about, you guys, you have God’s Spirit in you in theory, but what do that one, people ask me what, what is this one «do while he was seeking a godly offspring.» mean? Many scholars have debated. I’m telling you the whole thrust of this verse is marriage becomes one, when the two become one, it is after a godly offspring. It’s about heritage.

«Take heed in your spirit. Let no one deal treacherously against the wife of your youth», because God is after, what? God is after a godly heritage. «'I hate divorce', says the LORD, the God of Israel». You know, in no uncertain terms. The people were divorcing their wives to marry foreign women. That’s the context in Malachi. And God is saying, «I hate divorce». You know, I want to ask somebody whose life was so messed up, but she’s able to turn around. She’s able to turn around because she met the Lord.

You know, I want to close with Deuteronomy chapter 30 so that you will understand the heart of God. «See, I have set before you today, life and prosperity, death and adversity in that I command you today to love the LORD, your God, to walk in His ways, to keep His commandments, His statutes and His judgments so that you may live and multiply,» everybody, «choose life, in order that you may live. By loving the LORD your God, by obeying His voice». (Deuteronomy 30:15–20) And the only way you can choose life is to follow the Lord. He’s the designer. What do I mean? Many of us don’t understand that God loves you. And He has the best design for your life. Everybody.

What is this? Cell phone. What’s the purpose of the cell phone? It has purposes, right? But it has also guidelines. Can I bring this in the water? No, it was not designed to go under the water. Can I use this to hit a hammer or to hit the nail? It will destroy this. Yes or no? Because by design, it is not meant to be a hammer. By design it is not to be under the water, by design, God knows what is best for you. You are to follow God’s instructions. By design, you are happiest when you surrender your life to God. But you will never be happy, you will never be fulfilled until you surrender your all. And you will not surrender your all if you don’t believe God loves you, if you don’t bring your best, your best is yourself. Surrender that to God and then God will give you the power to live a consistent life. Private, public and family. The Christian life is not hard. It is impossible. It’s impossible to be godly apart from Jesus. Amen?

I know some of you are troubled because you have been bringing shame to the name of Christ. You have defiled your body. You have despised God’s name, by not offering your best to Him. I want you to repent today. Let’s bow down. And if you need to repent, to surrender your life to God, will you quietly where you are raise your hands. Between you and the Lord. Don’t be ashamed of Jesus. Just you and the Lord. I want you to surrender your heart. Pray this prayer with me.

Lord Jesus, here I am. I have to be honest with You, Lord, I doubt Your love for me at times. Today I believe You love me. You died on the cross for me. But I have not given You my best. So, Lord, I give You my life. I give You my ambition. I give You my dreams. I surrender my all to You, Lord Jesus. Do whatever You want to do with my life because You know what’s best for me. Help me to live an authentic life. Not a hypocrite. Help me to bring honor, glory to Your name in whatever I do. Help me not to bring shame to Your name. Help me to guard my tongue. Help me to guard my life. Help me to guard my own Facebook. What I post that it will only bring glory to Your name and not to vent my own personal opinion to bring shame to Your name. Lord Jesus, touch the hearts of those men and women who have raised their hands, assure them of Your forgiveness. Assure them of Your love. In Jesus name, we all pray, amen and amen.