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Bobby Schuller - Stay Humble, Keep Growing
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Bobby Schuller - Stay Humble, Keep Growing
Bobby Schuller - Stay Humble, Keep Growing
Well, no matter who you are, would you stand with us? Hold your hands out like this as a way of receiving from the Holy Spirit. Let's say this together, I'm not what I do. I'm not what I have. I'm not what people say about me. I am the beloved of [...]
Tony Evans - Growth For Your Journey
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Tony Evans - Growth For Your Journey
Tony Evans - Growth For Your Journey
McDonald's offers to supersize it, Sonic offers to Sonic-size it, Whataburger offers to whata-size it, and Wendy's offers to bigga-size it. In other words, what they say is "We can give you so much more". They offer to supply you with much [...]
Joel Osteen - Win The War Within
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Joel Osteen - Win The War Within
Joel Osteen - Win The War Within
There's a battle taking place inside each one of us. It's a battle between the flesh and the spirit. The flesh shows out in things such as jealousy, pride, compromise. Your flesh is the easy way to live. You don't have to be disciplined. You just do [...]
Joel Osteen - Feed Your Faith
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Joel Osteen - Feed Your Faith
Joel Osteen - Feed Your Faith
I want to talk to you today аbout: Feed Your Faith. You get to choose what grows in your life. What you're feeding is getting stronger. If you're feeding doubt, thinking about what you can't do, and how the obstacles are too big, and how you're at a [...]
Mike Novotny - Why Jesus Allows Bad People Among Us?
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Mike Novotny - Why Jesus Allows Bad People Among Us?
Mike Novotny - Why Jesus Allows Bad People Among Us?
A few years ago, one of my daughters asked me a seemingly simple but actually very complicated question. We were all carrying buckets, wearing our gardening gloves, going around our property, trying to stop the weeds from their hostile takeover [...]
Mike Novotny - Why I Must Give Up My Treasures?
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Mike Novotny - Why I Must Give Up My Treasures?
Mike Novotny - Why I Must Give Up My Treasures?
Back in the year 2010, a very wealthy man named Forrest Fenn hid a million-dollar treasure. First, Fenn apparently owned an art gallery and had become wealthy in the process. But around 2010 he was diagnosed with terminal cancer and so he decided to [...]
Mike Novotny - When Average Moments Are Okay
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Mike Novotny - When Average Moments Are Okay
Mike Novotny - When Average Moments Are Okay
There are some moments in the Christian life that are powerful and they're beautiful and they're memorable. When you can feel like the momentum of the people around you, it like trainwrecks your heart in all the best ways. Those are great moments, [...]
Mike Novotny - What Are the Threats to My Faith?
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Mike Novotny - What Are the Threats to My Faith?
Mike Novotny - What Are the Threats to My Faith?
In my opinion, one of the most exciting things that Jesus ever said was that God's word is like a seed. Now, I don't know a ton about gardening, but here's the little bit that I do know. A seed is one of the smallest things that you come in contact [...]
Greg Laurie - How To Live A Successful Christian Life
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Greg Laurie - How To Live A Successful Christian Life
Greg Laurie - How To Live A Successful Christian Life
We all remember the day that Jesus Christ came into our life, right? It's a big day, a day you don't forget. It was like we went from darkness to light. It's like we went from black and white to color. I remember, I'm old enough to remember when [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Be a Growing Christian
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Adrian Rogers - How to Be a Growing Christian
Adrian Rogers - How to Be a Growing Christian
Would you take God's precious and holy Word and turn with me this morning to First John. And if you're new in the Bible, that's back toward the end of the Bible. First John chapter 2, and in a moment we're going to read there. But, let me ask you a [...]
Rick Warren - How God Grows Our Faith
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Rick Warren - How God Grows Our Faith
Rick Warren - How God Grows Our Faith
I want you to know that in 40 years, preparing this particular message, was the single most difficult message in my life. And here's the reason. Because in my mind, I really wanted to share with you all of the major lessons that I've learned in 40 [...]
John Bradshaw - That's God Growing You
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John Bradshaw - That's God Growing You
John Bradshaw - That's God Growing You
If you were going to cook a pot of beans you'd sort the beans first so that you didn't inadvertently cook bad beans or lumps of dirt; squeeze lemons and you'll likely separate out the seeds. This is Proverbs 17:3, "The refining pot is for [...]
Creflo Dollar - How To Grow In Grace
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Creflo Dollar - How To Grow In Grace
Creflo Dollar - How To Grow In Grace
2 Peter chapter 3:15. In chapter 3 they're talking about the coming of the Lord, and they're getting ready, they're talking about all the things that are happening as a result of the coming of the Lord, and I tell you, we're right there. Jesus is [...]
Creflo Dollar - How To Learn and Grow From Every Opportunity
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Creflo Dollar - How To Learn and Grow From Every Opportunity
Creflo Dollar - How To Learn and Grow From Every Opportunity
We're gonna pick up with the series on "Emotional Maturity" and this is gonna be pretty good for you tonight, I think you can really eat it good. "Emotional Maturity," just in review, it's all about your ability to understand and [...]
Adrian Rogers - Discovering Your Ministry
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Adrian Rogers - Discovering Your Ministry
Adrian Rogers - Discovering Your Ministry
Would you take God's precious, holy, inerrant, infallible Word, the Bible, and turn to one of the great, great chapters in that book, Romans chapter 12. And look up here and let me ask you a question: Why do we exist? Have you ever wondered? [...]
Michael Youssef - I'm Struggling to Stay Spiritually Disciplined. How Can I Get Back on Track?
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Michael Youssef - I'm Struggling to Stay Spiritually Disciplined. How Can I Get
Michael Youssef - I'm Struggling to Stay Spiritually Disciplined. How Can I Get Back on Track?
I've been saying this for years. I need discipline in my life. So does everybody else. We all need discipline. If you have to get up early, if you have to stay up late, stop watching television. If you look at your life, you're gonna discover that [...]
Adrian Rogers - How to Be Strong in the Faith
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Adrian Rogers - How to Be Strong in the Faith
Adrian Rogers - How to Be Strong in the Faith
Would you take God's Word and be finding Romans chapter 4, and as you're finding Romans chapter 4, I want you to imagine something. I want you to imagine two letters that have been placed in the mailbox. One letter is on crisp, embossed stationery, [...]
Charles Stanley - Moving Toward Maturity
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Charles Stanley - Moving Toward Maturity
Charles Stanley - Moving Toward Maturity
When a child is born, you expect that child to grow. And after a few weeks, maybe, or a few months and you think, something's wrong, this child's not growing. Because it's natural for them to grow. When you were born again as a child of God, you [...]
Charles Stanley - The First Step
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Charles Stanley - The First Step
Charles Stanley - The First Step
Do you remember the first time your first child took their first step? Oh, you called your friends and your family and you just said it's wonderful. It's just so awesome that they'd taken their first step, and it was all just beautiful. And next [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Stuck in a Rut
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Dr. Ed Young - Stuck in a Rut
Dr. Ed Young - Stuck in a Rut
You'd be amazed how many times people ask me, how you stay so passionate about life? How do you stay fired up all the time? You seem to have fire in your belly! How does that happen? Ladies and gentlemen, I decided a long time ago that I was going [...]
Allen Jackson - Growing Season - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Growing Season - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Growing Season - Part 2
It's an honor to be with you again. It's growing season in Tennessee, and it's growing season for our spiritual lives, too. I love all the vegetables that come with the summer season, but I'm far more interested in growing spiritually. Well, that's [...]
Allen Jackson - Growing Season - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Growing Season - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Growing Season - Part 1
We don't just do Bible studies about first century culture, we desperately need to understand our faith in light of the 21st century culture. And that's not always simple, or easy, or straightforward, it's much easier to have a polite Bible study [...]
Tony Evans - Pressing On to Maturity
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Tony Evans - Pressing On to Maturity
Tony Evans - Pressing On to Maturity
Thank you. Good evening. It's always a joy and privilege to come to Gateway. We are forever grateful for your pastor, wife, and family as they have been so close to us, as well as this great church, and how you have walk with us through some of the [...]
John Bradshaw - There's Room to Grow
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John Bradshaw - There's Room to Grow
John Bradshaw - There's Room to Grow
You notice in the letters to the seven churches in Revelation that Jesus affirms and chastises most of the churches. To the church at Pergamos Jesus says as he does to each of the churches, "I know your works", and then he points out [...]
TD Jakes - Spiritual Maturity
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TD Jakes - Spiritual Maturity
TD Jakes - Spiritual Maturity
This is what God says about Ishmael. "'Up! Lift up the boy, and hold him fast with your hand, for I will make him into a great nation.' Then God opened her eyes and she saw a well of water. And she went and filled the skin with water and gave [...]
John Bradshaw - Grow and Grow
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John Bradshaw - Grow and Grow
John Bradshaw - Grow and Grow
In Revelation, Jesus tells the church in Ephesus they're in danger of losing everything, spiritually speaking, but that they can retain their standing with God. Jesus says, "Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the [...]
Creflo Dollar - It's Time To Grow Up - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - It's Time To Grow Up - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - It's Time To Grow Up - Part 2
If you have your Bibles this morning, go with me to the Book of Colossians the New Living Translation. In fact, I want to put this on the screen, guys. I want to... this is a long text, but we need to spend some time in it. We're going to pick up [...]
Creflo Dollar - It's Time To Grow Up - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - It's Time To Grow Up - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - It's Time To Grow Up - Part 1
This has been an amazing journey this week where this morning's message is concerned. I knew it was important. I knew that maybe I needed to get a little deeper with it and that if I would just step out by faith and begin the series, then God would [...]
Creflo Dollar - How To Develop In Spiritual Maturity
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Creflo Dollar - How To Develop In Spiritual Maturity
Creflo Dollar - How To Develop In Spiritual Maturity
This morning, we will continue in the subject of, "Maturity Through Pressure". And we've been telling you not to be afraid of trouble, don't be afraid of pressure, that we're learning how to trouble our trouble amen. And so today, we're [...]
Creflo Dollar - How To Mature Through Pressure
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Creflo Dollar - How To Mature Through Pressure
Creflo Dollar - How To Mature Through Pressure
1 Peter chapter 1 verse 6 through 7. We're gonna talk about mentality... maturity, excuse me, "Maturity through pressure," "Maturity through pressure". Now, there's probably no one in here who would say to me, "Oh, but [...]
James Merritt - Fill the Tank
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James Merritt - Fill the Tank
James Merritt - Fill the Tank
Over the next several weeks, and I don't do this very often. I don't try to over polish and under deliver, but over the next several weeks, four weeks to be exact, I'm going to share with you four things that I guarantee you, 'cause they've worked [...]
Skip Heitzig - Building A Forever Faith
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Skip Heitzig - Building A Forever Faith
Skip Heitzig - Building A Forever Faith
Father, thank you that you brought us together. I'm honored to be with brothers and sisters in this atmosphere of faith and love, and, Lord, honoring your name, that's such a positive and such a rewarding venue and place and time to be together. [...]
Christine Caine - Developed, Not Discovered - Part 3
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Christine Caine - Developed, Not Discovered - Part 3
Christine Caine - Developed, Not Discovered - Part 3
I'm so glad that you joined us again, I'm loving this series on being "Developed, Not Discovered". And of course we're focusing around the life of king David, who was anointed in 1st Samuel 16, to be the king of Israel. But he was not [...]
Christine Caine - Developed, Not Discovered - Part 2
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Christine Caine - Developed, Not Discovered - Part 2
Christine Caine - Developed, Not Discovered - Part 2
Hey, everyone. I am so excited that you've joined us again this week. I'm so glad that you have tuned in. You are not here by accident. I know that God is going to speak to you in a mighty way today. You know, last week we finished off talking about [...]
Christine Caine - Developed, Not Discovered - Part 1
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Christine Caine - Developed, Not Discovered - Part 1
Christine Caine - Developed, Not Discovered - Part 1
Hey everyone. I am so excited to be with you today and I am pumped about our subject matter. We're gonna talk about what it is to be developed and not discovered. We got a generation that is waiting to be discovered. Whether it's on the voice or [...]
Doug Batchelor - Seven Steps to Stronger Faith
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Doug Batchelor - Seven Steps to Stronger Faith
Doug Batchelor - Seven Steps to Stronger Faith
"Seven Steps to Stronger Faith," we're going to get right to it. This is one of the most important things I think that we could talk about because faith is essential in being saved. Now, when I went to school, I love history, I didn't do [...]
Doug Batchelor - The Keys to Christian Growth - Part 2
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Doug Batchelor - The Keys to Christian Growth - Part 2
Doug Batchelor - The Keys to Christian Growth - Part 2
I'd like to begin by just sharing a little amazing fact. You know, we like amazing facts here. The bristlecone pine that you find in the White Mountains of California, is the longest living tree in the world. And dendrochronologists have done a [...]
Doug Batchelor - The Keys to Christian Growth - Part 1
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Doug Batchelor - The Keys to Christian Growth - Part 1
Doug Batchelor - The Keys to Christian Growth - Part 1
I heard about some tourists that were visiting a number of sites around Europe and they were traveling together in a van and they'd stop at the different locations, and they didn't have a tour guide with them but they'd inquire about what was [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Journey to Spiritual Maturity - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - The Journey to Spiritual Maturity - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - The Journey to Spiritual Maturity - Part 2
Psalm 103:17-18, "But from everlasting to everlasting the Lord's love is with those who fear him, and his righteousness with their children's children, with those who keep his covenant and remember to obey his precepts". A covenant is an [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Journey to Spiritual Maturity - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - The Journey to Spiritual Maturity - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - The Journey to Spiritual Maturity - Part 1
How many of you want to hear the Word of God today? How many of you are going to listen to it with the thought in mind of obeying it? See, I think a lot of times we just think, "Well, you know, I'm gonna go to church. I need to go to [...]
John Bradshaw - There's No Substitute
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John Bradshaw - There's No Substitute
John Bradshaw - There's No Substitute
There are many ways to reach a person's heart for Jesus; some people respond to hospitality, some come to faith after their health needs are met, some people read their way to faith in Christ, or they get an invite to a church program, and it goes [...]
Jack Graham - The Basic Steps of Spiritual Maturity
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Jack Graham - The Basic Steps of Spiritual Maturity
Jack Graham - The Basic Steps of Spiritual Maturity
This is our series "GOING THE DISTANCE" from the book of Hebrews, "Developing a muscular faith". Spiritual health, of course, is so very vital because spiritual health produces spiritual growth in your life. This past week, about [...]
Matt Hagee - Everyone Has To Grow
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Matt Hagee - Everyone Has To Grow
Matt Hagee - Everyone Has To Grow
John 15:1 through 17 have a conversation that in order to understand it, we have to go where Jesus was and see what he was looking at. That's why we've reconstructed our version of a Cornerstone vineyard here. When Jesus said, "I am the vine [...]
Matt Hagee - Cut It Out
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Matt Hagee - Cut It Out
Matt Hagee - Cut It Out
God's not interested in your attitude: he's interested in your potential. And so he builds your life upon his word. And none of us are free from pruning. Every branch, he either picks it up or he prunes it, because what he's interested in is [...]
John Bradshaw - Momentum
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John Bradshaw - Momentum
John Bradshaw - Momentum
It's good to be with you today. We're gonna have the opportunity today to take the Bible, open it up, and expect God to speak to us from out of His Word. It's always a special time when that happens, so let's pray and ask for God's blessing. Let's [...]
Joyce Meyer - Grow Your Faith - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Grow Your Faith - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Grow Your Faith - Part 2
You know why God doesn't tell us a lot of stuff? Because to be honest, mystery is what makes life exciting. Now, Dave and I kinda have a thing, we're a little turned around backwards. He watches hallmark movies all the time. And I just, God bless [...]
Joyce Meyer - Grow Your Faith - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Grow Your Faith - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Grow Your Faith - Part 1
We have a tendency sometimes, to just kinda sit and hope somethin' good happens. But I want you to release your faith this afternoon. Faith is a force that you have inside your spirit. And you can just let it sit there, or you can release it on [...]
Allen Jackson - Growing Our Faith - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Growing Our Faith - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Growing Our Faith - Part 2
It's time for us to change. Us, not them, us. If God's people will get our hearts right, God will move heaven and earth. We could tell that story over, and over, and over, it's the truth. Personal salvation has been the primary goal. Our discussions [...]
Allen Jackson - Growing Our Faith - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Growing Our Faith - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Growing Our Faith - Part 1
This particular session is entitled, "Growing Our Faith". If you missed Wednesday night, it's worth the time to listen. It's a companion piece to this, and tomorrow's session we'll take it yet another step further. But it is against the [...]
Jack Graham - Fortify Your Faith
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Jack Graham - Fortify Your Faith
Jack Graham - Fortify Your Faith
Take your Bibles and turn to John's gospel chapter 20 and verse 31, it says: "these things are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in His name". Life is in [...]
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