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Craig Groeschel - When Your Emotions Are Out of Control
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Craig Groeschel - When Your Emotions Are Out of Control
Craig Groeschel - When Your Emotions Are Out of Control
I wonder how many of you have ever watched a movie or a TV series, and then after the whole thing, it ended with no resolution. It didn't make sense. You get to the end of it and you're like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Benefits of a Calm Disposition - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - The Benefits of a Calm Disposition - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - The Benefits of a Calm Disposition - Part 2
Psalms 46 is very interesting. Verse 10. Psalms 46. The calmness fostering creativity and productivity. He says here, "Be still". This is the instruction that God would give. He said, "Be still and know. Be still and know that I am [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Benefits of a Calm Disposition - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - The Benefits of a Calm Disposition - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - The Benefits of a Calm Disposition - Part 1
And if you have your Bibles go with into Proverbs chapter 17, verse 22 through 28, Proverbs 17:22 through 28. Now, I'm gonna go ahead and establish what we're gonna talk about. Very unusual subject, but it's something I think we need to hear about, [...]
Steven Furtick - Why Do I Get So Angry?
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Steven Furtick - Why Do I Get So Angry?
Steven Furtick - Why Do I Get So Angry?
This is an excerpt from: Why I Went Off? Things will happen in your life, and you'll come up on situations that will expose something that you would prefer to hide, and what you do next determines whether you get healed. "Naaman went to his [...]
Joel Osteen - Tame Your Tongue
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Joel Osteen - Tame Your Tongue
Joel Osteen - Tame Your Tongue
One reason people get stuck in life is because they haven't learned to control their mouth. They say hurtful things, they put people down, they argue. They don't realize their mouth is keeping them from rising higher. Your friends may not tell you [...]
Mike Novotny - How Can I Resist Temptation?
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Mike Novotny - How Can I Resist Temptation?
Mike Novotny - How Can I Resist Temptation?
About every month or so, I buzz in at the back door of our local jail. I click that little buzzer, I wait for the intercom, I introduce myself, the door clicks, I walk through the sterile hallway, I fish up to the left, I wait for the doors to open. [...]
Rick Warren - A Faith That Helps Me Filter What I Say
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Rick Warren - A Faith That Helps Me Filter What I Say
Rick Warren - A Faith That Helps Me Filter What I Say
Hi, everybody, I'm Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church, author of "The Purpose Driven Life," and daily speaker for Daily Hope Broadcast. I wanna thank you, Saddleback, and thank you, Daily Hope, for your prayers the last two weeks [...]
Steven Furtick - When Emotions Take Over
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Steven Furtick - When Emotions Take Over
Steven Furtick - When Emotions Take Over
The Great Emoti Con We want somebody else to be responsible for our state of mind. Here's the announcement: your joy is your job. It's your job to have joy. Jesus said, "If you remain in me…" That's your decision. "…my joy will be in [...]
TD Jakes - The Power To Stop
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TD Jakes - The Power To Stop
TD Jakes - The Power To Stop
And when Joshua crosses the Jordan, it is at the peak of a season where the banks are overflowing. But don't let it be lost on you that the Jordan is coming down. In fact, some scholars teach us that the Jordan's literal translation for the word [...]
Rabbi Schneider - One Important Spiritual Discipline to Master
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Rabbi Schneider - One Important Spiritual Discipline to Master
Rabbi Schneider - One Important Spiritual Discipline to Master
John 8:28, "When you lift up the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he, and I do nothing on my own initiative, but I speak these things as the father taught me". What I love about this is that Jesus did not live by his own [...]
John Bradshaw - That's Weakness, Not Strength
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John Bradshaw - That's Weakness, Not Strength
John Bradshaw - That's Weakness, Not Strength
We call it "flying off the handle," "freaking out," "going off the deep end," "going nuts," "going ballistic," "going postal". We say someone "flipped," "lost it," [...]
John Bradshaw - Don't Leave Them to Run Wild
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John Bradshaw - Don't Leave Them to Run Wild
John Bradshaw - Don't Leave Them to Run Wild
At first blush it almost seems like an excessive thing for God to say. Proverbs 23:2, "Put a knife to your throat if you are a man given to appetite". Seems strong, doesn't it? The thing is we've become so used to Indulgence in first world [...]
James Merritt - Self-Control, Caging the Lion
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James Merritt - Self-Control, Caging the Lion
James Merritt - Self-Control, Caging the Lion
Well, I am glad that you're here. I want to welcome those who are at our Sugarloaf Campus, those at our Mill Creek Campus, those who are watching online, those who are watching by TV. We are thrilled that you're with us today. Two of the three [...]
John Hagee - Success For The New Year
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John Hagee - Success For The New Year
John Hagee - Success For The New Year
Turn to Proverbs 25:28, as we talk today about the secret of success for the new year. The question is: are you going to have a happy new year, or will the social, moral and political corruption continue to destroy your peace of mind and hopes for [...]
Jack Graham - Taming the Tongue
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Jack Graham - Taming the Tongue
Jack Graham - Taming the Tongue
Your goal is spiritual maturity, that's what the Book of James is about, growing in your faith and becoming more mature in Christ. That's your goal. A true mark of Christian maturity, life maturity, is how you use your mouth, how you manage your [...]
Charles Stanley - A Life of Self-Discipline
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Charles Stanley - A Life of Self-Discipline
Charles Stanley - A Life of Self-Discipline
Do you want to do your best, be your best, and live a life that is fulfilling? Well, you can, but there is a price to pay. But on the other hand, if you don't live that kind of life, there's still a price to pay. You see, the Christian life's not [...]
Joyce Meyer - Love, Joy and Self-Control
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Joyce Meyer - Love, Joy and Self-Control
Joyce Meyer - Love, Joy and Self-Control
Ginger Stache : Hi friends. Welcome to Joyce Meyer's Talk it Out podcast. Where Joyce teaches the Word of God in her practical, no-nonsense way. And my friends and I, talk about the real stuff of living it, and we hold nothing back. I'm Ginger [...]
Sid Roth - Uncontrollable Anger? This Is What's Causing It
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Sid Roth - Uncontrollable Anger? This Is What's Causing It
Sid Roth - Uncontrollable Anger? This Is What's Causing It
Is it possible for a pastor who loves God, loves his wife, loves his family to beat his wife and child because of uncontrollable anger? Could this type of anger be a generational curse? Next on this edition of it's supernatural. Sid Roth : Hello. [...]
Sid Roth - Are You Struggling with Anger and Rage? with Lisa Bevere
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Sid Roth - Are You Struggling with Anger and Rage? with Lisa Bevere
Sid Roth - Are You Struggling with Anger and Rage? with Lisa Bevere
Sid Roth: Her rage caused her to pick up her son to slam him against the wall. Next on this edition of It's Supernatural! Centuries have come and gone offering wisdom and understanding throughout the ages. Today there should be nothing beyond one's [...]
Joyce Meyer - Anger Management - Part 4
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Joyce Meyer - Anger Management - Part 4
Joyce Meyer - Anger Management - Part 4
Let's just talk about five roots of anger, where does it come from? Were you born angry? No. Doesn't take long, you know? "Bah"! Angry people, first of all, may come from angry families. If you live in an angry house, which I did. How many [...]
Joyce Meyer - Anger Management - Part 3
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Joyce Meyer - Anger Management - Part 3
Joyce Meyer - Anger Management - Part 3
Okay, how many of you realize that sometimes we have issues in our life, things that are hurting us that it really makes no sense that we just keep doing the same thing over and over but yet somehow we just won't let go of our issue? Okay, we wanted [...]
Joyce Meyer - Anger Management - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Anger Management - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Anger Management - Part 2
You know, this whole thing, we can see it get started in the book of Genesis when Cain killed Abel. And matter of fact, I want us to go look at it. It's in Genesis chapter 4. Abel's offering was acceptable to God, but Cain's was not. And I won't get [...]
Joyce Meyer - Anger Management - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Anger Management - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Anger Management - Part 1
Anger Management. Well, I know you all look so sweet, I can't imagine that any of you have a problem with anger, but I sure did for a long time. And I think that many times, we don't even know what we're angry about, or what we think we're angry [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Gift of Self-Control
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Joyce Meyer - The Gift of Self-Control
Joyce Meyer - The Gift of Self-Control
Well, thank you, for joining us today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". Today, I'm gonna be continuing to teach on self-control, which I started yesterday. And I know you are just so happy to hear about this subject. And today, I'm calling the [...]
Craig Smith - Anger Management
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Craig Smith - Anger Management
Craig Smith - Anger Management
CRAIG: Hey, welcome to Mission Hills. So glad that you’re here and before we dive into God’s word this morning, I wanna introduce you to a couple. So I’m gonna ask Kip and Pearl Nanninga to come up. Kip was just hired. He just joined our staff here [...]
Craig Smith - Speech Therapy
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Craig Smith - Speech Therapy
Craig Smith - Speech Therapy
Good morning. Welcome to Mission Hills. We’re gonna start off a little bit differently this morning. We’re gonna start off with math. All right. Here’s what I want you to do. I want you to imagine that every word that you ever say gets written down, [...]
Robert Jeffress - Speech Therapy 101
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Robert Jeffress - Speech Therapy 101
Robert Jeffress - Speech Therapy 101
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress. Welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Most of us have suffered through awkward moments when we've said something we truly regret. Something slipped past our lips and the damage was done. Nothing could reverse what had been [...]
Robert Jeffress - Life's Most Dangerous Emotion
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Robert Jeffress - Life's Most Dangerous Emotion
Robert Jeffress - Life's Most Dangerous Emotion
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". In moments of extreme anger, we are prepared to go to battle against those who've wounded us, backing down doesn't seem to be an option. And the goal was to inflict some [...]
Craig Groeschel - Help! I'm Out of Control
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Craig Groeschel - Help! I'm Out of Control
Craig Groeschel - Help! I'm Out of Control
Hey, well, what I know about you is chances are pretty good you're hoping that something will be different this year. Am I right? Yes. How many of you would love to see something different in 2021? And I'm not just talking about like the end of the [...]
Joyce Meyer - Developing Discipline
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Joyce Meyer - Developing Discipline
Joyce Meyer - Developing Discipline
Welcome to, "Enjoying Everyday Life". Thank you for joining me today. I'm gonna talk about everybody's favorite subject today: discipline and self-control. Now, see, aren't you excited? Now, don't you turn your television off. You need to [...]
Victoria Osteen - Develop Self-Control To Rise Higher With God
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Victoria Osteen - Develop Self-Control To Rise Higher With God
Victoria Osteen - Develop Self-Control To Rise Higher With God
How many of you are making some decisions or plans on what you wanna achieve for 2017? Amen. Setting some goals, maybe you're gonna break some habits, change a few things around. You know, you're excited, something is stirring in your spirit. You're [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Secret to Stable Emotions
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Creflo Dollar - The Secret to Stable Emotions
Creflo Dollar - The Secret to Stable Emotions
Go with me to the book of 3 John, 3 John chapter 2. And tonight, I'm gonna start a pretty lengthy series on, you know, dealing with your emotions. And one of the reasons I thought it was time to do this is because the world going crazy. And I'm just [...]
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David Jeremiah - Personal Discipline
David Jeremiah - Personal Discipline
The Golden State Warriors have a player named Draymond Green who's one of their star players, but his career has really been marked by a lot of emotional outbursts. He gets a lot of technical fouls. In fact, every year during the playoffs, you only [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Victory Demands Self-Control
Joyce Meyer - Victory Demands Self-Control
I'm teaching on discipline and self-control. Ya know, I thought this morning, a good way to talk about discipline is you have to discipline yourself to get out of bed in the morning. And, you have to discipline yourself to go to bed at night. And [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Developing Discipline And Self-Control
Joyce Meyer - Developing Discipline And Self-Control
First of all, I want us to look at 2 Peter chapter 1, verses 3 through 8. I really felt from the Lord that this is what I was supposed to teach here. Not just here for you, but I'm sure for a lot of people that will get this on television at just [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Freedom Of Self-Control
Joyce Meyer - Freedom Of Self-Control
Let me say it again. It's doing what's right when we don't particularly feel like doing what's right that's gonna produce the best results in our life, or I like to say it like this, choosing to do what's right when the right thing is still not [...]
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David Jeremiah - A Life of Self-Discipline
David Jeremiah - A Life of Self-Discipline
The last characteristic of the fruit of the Spirit is self-control. Let's face it, if you wanna love more but you don't have any self-control, you won't do it. If you want to have greater generosity in your life, you don't have any self-control, you [...]
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Charles Stanley - The Battle for Self-Control
Charles Stanley - The Battle for Self-Control
Is there any area of your life that you would consider as being out of control? What about your finances? Are they out of control? What about your moral life? Would you say that's out of control? What about your relationship with other people? Is it [...]