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Craig Groeschel - Small Choices That Keep You Stuck
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Craig Groeschel - Small Choices That Keep You Stuck
Craig Groeschel - Small Choices That Keep You Stuck
How many of you would say, that generally speaking, you want to do what’s right? Raise your hand. You can type in the comment section, I wanna do what’s right. You wanna obey God. I wish I could say I always wanna do what’s right, but a lot of times [...]
Craig Groeschel - God's Not Done With You
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Craig Groeschel - God's Not Done With You
Craig Groeschel - God's Not Done With You
Well, today we're in chapter two of the Book of Jonah, and I want to show you my favorite verse in the entire book of Jonah. Hang on a second. Did I say chapt..? What's chapter I say? Chapter, what chapter are we in? Three! It's been [...]
Louie Giglio - Out of the Ashes To Dream Again
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Louie Giglio - Out of the Ashes To Dream Again
Louie Giglio - Out of the Ashes To Dream Again
If you have scripture today, I would love for you to turn with me to Psalm 126. It's a favorite of ours, and been around our story for a while. Charlie Hall, maybe the father, or one of the fathers of worship in our house, at Passion, wrote a [...]
Mark Batterson - The God of Second Chances
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Mark Batterson - The God of Second Chances
Mark Batterson - The God of Second Chances
It's one of my earliest memories, five years old, give or take. I was at my grandparents' home, most precious people on the planet. Oh, makes me smile thinking about them. They had a home on the Mississippi River, Fridley, Minnesota, and [...]
Rick Warren - Living God's Dream Despite Past Poor Decisions
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Rick Warren - Living God's Dream Despite Past Poor Decisions
Rick Warren - Living God's Dream Despite Past Poor Decisions
If you pull out your message notes, now in the first message in this new series on "Time to Dream and Open Doors" in our campaign, last week I gave you a dozen reasons why you have to know God's dream for your life. If you missed that [...]
Rick Warren - What to Do When You Get Another Chance
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Rick Warren - What to Do When You Get Another Chance
Rick Warren - What to Do When You Get Another Chance
So if you'll take out your message notes inside your program, we're continuing our series on The Manifestation Of Your Life Mission. God has a mission for every life, God doesn't create anything without a purpose. And just as every [...]
Mark Batterson - People of the Second Chance with Prison Fellowship
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Mark Batterson - People of the Second Chance with Prison Fellowship
Mark Batterson - People of the Second Chance with Prison Fellowship
In 2002, Daniel Kahneman was awarded a Nobel Prize for his groundbreaking work in the field of behavioral economics. When he received the award, Kahneman wrote a letter to the Nobel Committee detailing a defining moment in his life. In 1942, his [...]
Matt Hagee - The Courage To Try Again
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Matt Hagee - The Courage To Try Again
Matt Hagee - The Courage To Try Again
The Bible is a book of courage. In Hebrews, you read these words: without faith, it is impossible to please God. And courage is the forerunner of faith. Because courage is never the absence of fear. Courage is doing what you should do in spite of [...]
Frankie Mazzapica - Needing Another Chance
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Frankie Mazzapica - Needing Another Chance
Frankie Mazzapica - Needing Another Chance
Thank you for tuning in today. My name is Frankie Mazzapica. The title of the message is "Needing Another Chance", Needing Another Chance. Moses, one of the characters in the Bible that we, most of us, all know, Moses needed another [...]
Craig Groeschel - Hope for Hurting Marriages
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Craig Groeschel - Hope for Hurting Marriages
Craig Groeschel - Hope for Hurting Marriages
Chris Hodges : Who's glad to be in church today? Anybody? Come on, give Jesus a praise together. Oh, yeah, it's awesome. And a big hello to all of our campuses. Let me just take just a second and say that I love you. I pray for you every [...]
Samuel Rodriguez - There Is A Miracle Behind Your Mess
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Samuel Rodriguez - There Is A Miracle Behind Your Mess
Samuel Rodriguez - There Is A Miracle Behind Your Mess
Before you're seated, all I want you to do is this. I do believe that what we just heard about shouting down the walls even from Nicki Gamble's foundational teaching regarding the impetus. What drives us to do what we do in sharing the [...]
Joyce Meyer - Grace To Start Over with Taylor Madu
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Joyce Meyer - Grace To Start Over with Taylor Madu
Joyce Meyer - Grace To Start Over with Taylor Madu
Ginger Stache : Hi, friends. Welcome to Joyce Meyer's Talk It Out Podcast where my friends and I talk about God's word and the real stuff of life and we hold nothing back. I'm Ginger Stache, with Erin Cluley, Jai, and of course, [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Dawning of a New Day
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Adrian Rogers - The Dawning of a New Day
Adrian Rogers - The Dawning of a New Day
Would you find Luke chapter 22 in the Bible? I want to ask you a personal question. Answer it honestly. Has there ever been a time in your life when you loved Jesus Christ more than you love Him now? Ever a time in your life when you loved Jesus [...]
TD Jakes - A Second Change at a Blessing
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TD Jakes - A Second Change at a Blessing
TD Jakes - A Second Change at a Blessing
Jacob, really, to me, this is just my opinion, was not a great leader, okay? He didn't balance his love, and he was very overt in letting the other brothers know that, "That's my favorite one right there". Well, what am I, swiss [...]
Joel Osteen - The God of Another Chance
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Joel Osteen - The God of Another Chance
Joel Osteen - The God of Another Chance
I want to talk to you today about The God of Another Chance. We all have opportunities that we've missed, times that we failed, we had something important, we knew God's calling was on our life, he'd given us a dream, a great spouse [...]
Joyce Meyer - Does Your Past Define Your Future?
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Joyce Meyer - Does Your Past Define Your Future?
Joyce Meyer - Does Your Past Define Your Future?
Ginger Stache : Hi, friends. Welcome to Joyce Meyer's Talk It Out podcast where my friends and I talk about God's word and the real stuff of life and we hold nothing back. I'm Ginger Stache, with Erin Cluley, Jai, and of course, [...]
Levi Lusko - You Blew It. Now What?
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Levi Lusko - You Blew It. Now What?
Levi Lusko - You Blew It. Now What?
This is the finale of a series of messages called "Thank You, Next". And what we're trying to do is identify what are maybe some of the most loved but least understood passages of scripture in the Bible. And I reached out to my buddy [...]
Jack Graham - Failing Forward
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Jack Graham - Failing Forward
Jack Graham - Failing Forward
Take your Bibles; turn with me to the Gospel of Luke chapter 22. And we're going to pick up our reading first in verse 31. This is around the table of the Lord... that Last Supper: "'Simon, Simon, behold, Satan demanded to have you [...]
Jack Graham - Little Man, Big Change
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Jack Graham - Little Man, Big Change
Jack Graham - Little Man, Big Change
Jesus met a man by the name of Zacchaeus, and changed his life. The story is told in Luke 19, beginning in the first 10 verses. Let's read it again. For some of you, this is the first time you've ever heard this story and I'm telling [...]
Steven Furtick - Bouncing Back From Rock-Bottom
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Steven Furtick - Bouncing Back From Rock-Bottom
Steven Furtick - Bouncing Back From Rock-Bottom
This is an excerpt from “Learning Hope The Hard Way” I was thinking that it has the ability to bounce back. That's exactly what it was designed to do. That's exactly what it's meant for. That's why it's called a bouncy [...]
Joel Osteen - Beautiful In It's Time
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Joel Osteen - Beautiful In It's Time
Joel Osteen - Beautiful In It's Time
I want to talk to you today about Beautiful In Its Time. Solomon was the wisest man that ever lived. He wrote in the book of Ecclesiastes "There is a time for joy, and a time for sadness. A time to harvest, and a time to plant. A time to be [...]
Robert Jeffress - How Can I Know How To Start Over When I've Blown It - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - How Can I Know How To Start Over When I've Blown It -
Robert Jeffress - How Can I Know How To Start Over When I've Blown It - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. So many people in our generation, are living in a private world of endless torment, secretly bearing a burden of guilt. They're resigned, they're reliving their failures [...]
Robert Jeffress - How Can I Know How To Start Over When I've Blown It - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - How Can I Know How To Start Over When I've Blown It -
Robert Jeffress - How Can I Know How To Start Over When I've Blown It - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. As much as we try to avoid it, everybody makes mistakes. Most of them are just minor blunders but some have the potential to damage relationships and alter the course of our [...]
Greg Laurie - A Second Chance In Life
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Greg Laurie - A Second Chance In Life
Greg Laurie - A Second Chance In Life
I don't know if you read that story that was in the news about a man who had a hippo as his pet. He lived in South Africa and this man named the hippo Humphrey and he adopted him when he was a little calf, and according to this man, this 2.000 [...]
Joel Osteen - The God Who Stoops
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Joel Osteen - The God Who Stoops
Joel Osteen - The God Who Stoops
I want to talk to you today about The God Who Stoops. We think if we can live good enough then God will bless us, if we can clean ourselves up, get rid of this bad habit, not fail anymore, then God will show us his favor. The problem is: we [...]
Robert Jeffress - Prepare For The Grand Finale
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Robert Jeffress - Prepare For The Grand Finale
Robert Jeffress - Prepare For The Grand Finale
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Anyone who wants a comfortable retirement appreciates the wisdom of an aggressive savings plan. We store away money in 401(k)'s, mutual funds and stocks in an effort to [...]
Robert Jeffress - Begin Your Second Act Now
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Robert Jeffress - Begin Your Second Act Now
Robert Jeffress - Begin Your Second Act Now
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. In the aftermath of a moral failure, or a devastating loss it can seem like your life is completely over, the curtain has dropped, the lights have gone out and everyone around you [...]
Robert Jeffress - Enjoy Your Intermission
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Robert Jeffress - Enjoy Your Intermission
Robert Jeffress - Enjoy Your Intermission
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". If you're like me then chances are you sometimes struggle with impatience. Well, while periods of waiting are rarely fun, sometimes pauses are absolutely [...]
Robert Jeffress - Don't Mess Up For Free
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Robert Jeffress - Don't Mess Up For Free
Robert Jeffress - Don't Mess Up For Free
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". The great American novelist, F. Scott Fitzgerald once wrote, "There are no second acts in American lives". Well, I'm please to inform you that [...]
Robert Jeffress - Fess Up To Your Mess Up
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Robert Jeffress - Fess Up To Your Mess Up
Robert Jeffress - Fess Up To Your Mess Up
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. No one likes to admit when they're wrong or when they've made a mistake, and that includes me. However, admitting your failure is actually an essential first step to [...]
Robert Jeffress - Although the Script's Been Written, You Can Still Improvise
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Robert Jeffress - Although the Script's Been Written, You Can Still
Robert Jeffress - Although the Script's Been Written, You Can Still Improvise
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. As Christians, we believe that God is sovereign: that means he is in control over everything. But sometimes people take that principle to an extreme, and they think it means [...]
Robert Jeffress - Meet The Divine Director
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Robert Jeffress - Meet The Divine Director
Robert Jeffress - Meet The Divine Director
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome, again, to "Pathway to Victory". Wouldn't it be nice if life had a reset button? I'm sure we've all wished for that at some point in our lives. Well, while we can't undo our [...]
Robert Jeffress - The Curtain Doesn't Come Down When You Mess Up
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Robert Jeffress - The Curtain Doesn't Come Down When You Mess Up
Robert Jeffress - The Curtain Doesn't Come Down When You Mess Up
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Well, aside from Jesus, no man or woman has ever lived a perfect life. Sometimes to our embarrassment, all of us make mistakes, but because of God's grace, our failures [...]
Joyce Meyer - You Can Begin Again
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Joyce Meyer - You Can Begin Again
Joyce Meyer - You Can Begin Again
Father, I pray for all these mighty men of God, that's the way you see them, and that's the way they need to see themselves. And I pray Lord that you would help them to overcome any addictions, help them to forgive people they need to [...]
Billy Graham - Another Road, Another Chance
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Billy Graham - Another Road, Another Chance
Billy Graham - Another Road, Another Chance
I'm going to shorten my message a little bit tonight, because there's a little chill up here. I don't know whether you have it but we have it up here. And I know the stadium has been filled a long time, and you have been sitting here [...]
TD Jakes - Draw It Out Of Me
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TD Jakes - Draw It Out Of Me
TD Jakes - Draw It Out Of Me
He's getting ready to expose you. You've been hidden but now God is getting ready to expose you. Touch somebody and say, "I'm coming out now", yeah. He's getting ready to expose me. I know he's getting ready to [...]
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Joyce Meyer - If at First You Don't Succeed, You're Normal
Joyce Meyer - If at First You Don't Succeed, You're Normal
If at first you don't succeed-you're normal. Amen? Everybody is gonna go outta here feeling better about yourself tonight than you did when you came in. How many of you walked in here tonight feeling guilty about something? Okay, [...]
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Jentezen Franklin - Your Failure Is Not Final
Jentezen Franklin - Your Failure Is Not Final
I want to talk to you for a few moments tonight on something a little bit different. For me, in a conference like this, I've done a lot of these, and our conference and other conferences like this, and I know what I'm supposed to do, but [...]
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John Gray - Do It Again
John Gray - Do It Again
I want you to go to the word. I want you to go to John chapter 21. You know, one of the things that has been heavy on my heart is how do we maintain, build upon, the momentum of the moments that we have, our weekend services from our pastor, words [...]
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John Gray - The Power of Again
John Gray - The Power of Again
A wanna keep our focus on that woman. First of all, it was early in the morning. Jesus is teaching in the synagogue. People are there. But the scribes and pharisees, the people who should be leading worship were too busy plotting and planning [...]
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John Gray - It's Not Over
John Gray - It's Not Over
If he said it here, at the beginning. No matter what happens in the middle, what he said is gon' be there at the end. That's why he is the author, and the finisher of my faith. So no matter the fact, that he said "This sickness will [...]
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Greg Laurie - A Second Chance for America
Greg Laurie - A Second Chance for America
Hi everyone. I am Greg Laurie and I am in central park here in beautiful New York city. I read an article in the paper the other day that pointed out the three things that people search for on Google late at night. Three things. Top three topics. [...]
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TD Jakes — The Personal Touch
TD Jakes — The Personal Touch
The text comes from Jairus's daughter. Jairus is a rich young ruler who has a daughter who has fallen sick, and he does the thing that only rich people really understand. He uses his strength against his weakness. If he were poor, he might not [...]
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Joel Osteen — One More Time
Joel Osteen — One More Time
I want to talk to you today about one more time. When God laid out the plan for your life, it wasn't dependent on you never making a mistake. He didn't say, "Here's my best plan. Now, if you perform perfectly, if you never make a [...]
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Greg Laurie — The God of Second Chances
Greg Laurie — The God of Second Chances
The lure of lust can be powerful. Pastor Greg Laurie has good advice. He says, "Don't feed lust, starve it!". Pastor Greg brings a powerful exposé of sin's danger from his series, "The Greatest Stories Ever Told." Have [...]
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Greg Laurie — A Second Chance for a World Changer
Greg Laurie — A Second Chance for a World Changer
Father, as we're entering in now to this new year with new opportunities, and new challenges, and yes even some new trials. We're so glad that you will walk with us through it. And Lord we want to be used by you in 2017. We want to lead [...]
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Greg Laurie — A Second Chance at Easter
Greg Laurie — A Second Chance at Easter
We're gonna be at John, Chapter 21 for our Easter message of 2017. The title of my message is "A Second Chance at Easter". I love Jordan's story. She went to church on Easter, and she felt like she was home again. Maybe [...]
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Joel Osteen — The Second Touch
Joel Osteen — The Second Touch
I want to talk to you today about "The second touch". In the scripture, some people brought a blind man to Jesus. He'd never been able to see. Jesus made mud in his hands and put it on the man's eyes. Instantly, his eyes were [...]