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Rabbi Schneider - Soroti, Ushered into Repentance
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Rabbi Schneider - Soroti, Ushered into Repentance
Rabbi Schneider - Soroti, Ushered into Repentance
Rabbi Schneider: I want to close today with the word of repentance to you. How many of us pastors today and how many of you leaders are guilty of preaching the Word of God to your people, but then you're not adequately applying it to your own [...]
Louie Giglio - Repent
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Louie Giglio - Repent!
Louie Giglio - Repent!
Today, we’ve worked our way to Revelation 15, and I’d love for us to read this chapter and just work our way through where we are today. Welcome back to Revelation by the way, we’re jumping in at this exciting juncture, «Seven Angels with Seven [...]
Greg Laurie - The Sinner's Prayer
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Greg Laurie - The Sinner's Prayer
Greg Laurie - The Sinner's Prayer
Father, you've said when two or more are gathered together in your name, you're there in the midst of them. Now, as we open up your Word and talk about matters of eternity, the meaning of our lives, I pray that you will speak to [...]
Adrian Rogers - Calling America Back to God
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Adrian Rogers - Calling America Back to God
Adrian Rogers - Calling America Back to God
Would you be finding the book of Nehemiah, please, in the Old Testament, and when you found it turn to chapter 1, and then when you found that let me speak with you for just a moment. Before I read the Scripture to you we're going to read, in [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Repent, God Restores
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Peter Tan-Chi - Repent, God Restores
Peter Tan-Chi - Repent, God Restores
Father God, we thank you for all the fathers. We thank you. If not. You, the father, will not know how to be a practical, proper father. So, I pray that you would lead all of us fathers to become more and more like Christ so that we can represent [...]
John Bradshaw - One Foot in the Church, One Foot in the World
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John Bradshaw - One Foot in the Church, One Foot in the World
John Bradshaw - One Foot in the Church, One Foot in the World
John Bradshaw : So when you were back, were you back or did you?... Heidi Tompkins : No, I was like one foot in the church and one foot in the world still. I joined the church choir and I decided I was going to be involved in church, but because of [...]
Jack Graham - Don't Lose Your Victory
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Jack Graham - Don't Lose Your Victory
Jack Graham - Don't Lose Your Victory
There is no person that God cannot save! There is no promise that God will not keep! There is nothing that our God cannot do! Take God's Word and turn to Joshua chapter 7. What a privilege! I hope we don't take that for granted, that [...]
James Merritt - What Does Repentance Mean?
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James Merritt - What Does Repentance Mean?
James Merritt - What Does Repentance Mean?
I want to begin by, first of all welcoming those who are online, thank you for coming, appreciate you being here. I'm a golfer. Many of you know, I love to play golf. Golf can do one of two things, it'll help you better your religion, or [...]
Mark Batterson - Unashamed, The Shame Game
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Mark Batterson - Unashamed, The Shame Game
Mark Batterson - Unashamed, The Shame Game
Good morning. I flew in from Colorado yesterday. So I'm acclimatizing to sea level, couple of seconds late on the pulpit, we'll get back in shape. It's so good to see you today. In fact, I just bless you in Jesus' name. So glad [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - True Repentance Brings Breakthrough
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Peter Tan-Chi - True Repentance Brings Breakthrough
Peter Tan-Chi - True Repentance Brings Breakthrough
2018 has just begun, and the fact is: you will face challenges, and many of us will need a spiritual breakthrough. What do I mean by spiritual breakthrough? For example, how many of you struggle, don't raise your hands right now, how many of [...]
John Bradshaw - Go All the Way
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John Bradshaw - Go All the Way
John Bradshaw - Go All the Way
You wouldn't want to go half way up a mountain. Why would anyone paint half a picture? When I was a kid growing up, new owners moved into two big old houses near our home, one was renovated entirely in no time, beautiful, the other one, 40 [...]
James Meehan - The Turning Point
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James Meehan - The Turning Point
James Meehan - The Turning Point
Every great story has a turning point. Every great story has this moment where things are going in one direction, and then all of a sudden everything changes, to go in a different direction. Great example, Peter Parker. Before he got bit by a mutant [...]
Adrian Rogers - The Lost World
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Adrian Rogers - The Lost World
Adrian Rogers - The Lost World
Would you take God's Word; God's holy, inerrant Word; the Bible, and would you open to Romans chapter 1. We're continuing our series, "Foundations for Our Faith". The book of Romans has been called, and well it should, the [...]
Adrian Rogers - It's Prayer Time in America
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Adrian Rogers - It's Prayer Time in America
Adrian Rogers - It's Prayer Time in America
Would you take your Bibles and open to Second Chronicles chapter 7 and verse 14. You will recognize that verse as a time-worn verse. We've heard it over and over again, but we must, in these days, revisit that verse. I wonder if the American [...]
Joseph Prince - Grace Leads To True Repentance
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Joseph Prince - Grace Leads To True Repentance
Joseph Prince - Grace Leads To True Repentance
The topic I want to share today is "Repentance". Say repentance. Now, I can preach it like this, okay, "Repent"! Okay, or I can tell you: Change your mind. All right, you used to think this way; now think this way. Because the [...]
Billy Graham - Are You Offended By The Cross?
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Billy Graham - Are You Offended By The Cross?
Billy Graham - Are You Offended By The Cross?
I want us to turn tonight to the fifth chapter of the book of Galatians. "And I brethren, if I preach works, if I preach legalism, why do I suffer persecution? Then is the offense of the cross ceased". Now we're living at a moment in [...]
Michael Youssef - We Must Repent Every Day
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Michael Youssef - We Must Repent Every Day
Michael Youssef - We Must Repent Every Day
Lorna Dueck : So, Dr. Youssef, we're jumping in again with your wonderful book on Nehemiah. How does one man, in a position of influence, begin on an enormous problem? Dr. Michael Youssef : Well, the reason I wrote the book and the reason I [...]
Derek Prince - Repentance From Dead Works
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Derek Prince - Repentance From Dead Works
Derek Prince - Repentance From Dead Works
Then it's summed up in the 10th verse: Having been designated [or addressed as or called as] a high priest. Having been called by God a high priest in the order of Melchizedek. So we see that to become a high priest Jesus had to be qualified. [...]
Derek Prince - A Prayer of Forgiveness For Our Wrong Attitude Towards Israel
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Derek Prince - A Prayer of Forgiveness For Our Wrong Attitude Towards Israel
Derek Prince - A Prayer of Forgiveness For Our Wrong Attitude Towards Israel
This is an excerpt from: Why Israel? Ruth and I worship in a church in Jerusalem which was established I think in 1840, the first Protestant Church in the Middle East. It is the product of the efforts and the giving and the praying of British [...]
James Merritt - Goodbye to Guilt
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James Merritt - Goodbye to Guilt
James Merritt - Goodbye to Guilt
We're going to look at Psalm 51 and the reason why we're back in this Psalm for a second week is because the song is a very long song and it basically has two parts. So let me kind of go back and review if you were not here last week, or [...]
James Merritt - Seismic Shift
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James Merritt - Seismic Shift
James Merritt - Seismic Shift
We're going to talk about a topic today that frankly most churches today won't touch. They don't talk about it. You never hear it mentioned. It's a word that's very rarely heard in the church anymore. I listen to a lot of, [...]
John Bradshaw - He Was Sorry, But...
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John Bradshaw - He Was Sorry, But...
John Bradshaw - He Was Sorry, But...
In Hebrews chapter 12, the Bible writer encourages his readers to live appropriately before God, urging them not to fall short of the grace of God. And to make his case, he cites the example of someone he describes as a profane person. He's [...]
John Bradshaw - Forward, Not Backward
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John Bradshaw - Forward, Not Backward
John Bradshaw - Forward, Not Backward
Every so often I've spoken to, by people who fear they've committed the unpardonable sin, I tell them right away that if they're asking me about it, then it's virtually certain they have not committed the unpardonable sin. [...]
Robert Jeffress - The Journey Home
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Robert Jeffress - The Journey Home
Robert Jeffress - The Journey Home
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Chances are you can point to a time in your life when you felt closer to God than you do now. Maybe you've had trouble finding time to study your Bible, or you [...]
Doug Batchelor - Real Repentance
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Doug Batchelor - Real Repentance
Doug Batchelor - Real Repentance
You know Jesus said, in the message to the church of Laodicea, and matter of fact I might read that, and you find it in Revelation chapter 3, verse 17. "Because you say, 'I'm rich and have become wealthy, and have need of [...]
Doug Batchelor - Repentance
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Doug Batchelor - Repentance
Doug Batchelor - Repentance
Today we're going to be talking about step number three in this 'Formula for Faith: Understanding the Science of Salvation'. And that third step is Repentance. And it is really one of the most important things that we could be talking [...]
John Bradshaw - Making the Cut
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John Bradshaw - Making the Cut
John Bradshaw - Making the Cut
Figuring there was no way he was going to make the cut, professional golfer Bryson DeChambeau left the golf course, and flew home to Texas. When he left, he was in 90th position, and only 65 players were going to make the cut and play on into the [...]
Allen Jackson - The Practice of Repentance - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - The Practice of Repentance - Part 2
Allen Jackson - The Practice of Repentance - Part 2
Well, in Daniel chapter 9, do you remember Daniel's story? We meet Daniel. He's Jewish, but he's a captive. He's a slave actually in Babylon. Jerusalem has fallen to the Babylonians. The temple is been destroyed. The city is been [...]
Allen Jackson - The Practice of Repentance - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - The Practice of Repentance - Part 1
Allen Jackson - The Practice of Repentance - Part 1
Hey, it's an honor to be with you today. With the help of the Spirit of God, we're learning how to flourish in the midst of some pretty significant trouble. Today we're going to look at a biblical principle. It's a foundational [...]
Allen Jackson - The Power of Repentance
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Allen Jackson - The Power of Repentance
Allen Jackson - The Power of Repentance
I want to take a few sessions with you and see if we can establish a baseline of Christian practice, not uniformity of translations or the music style, but of the fundamental principles that we embrace as Christ followers. See, inconsistency within [...]
Robert Morris - Repentance
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Robert Morris - Repentance
Robert Morris - Repentance
So we are in a series called Good News. I talked to you last week about how the word gospel literally means "good news," but that the word refers to not just the news, but the one who brings the good news, the messenger, and that messenger [...]
Robert Morris - Condemnation
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Robert Morris - Condemnation
Robert Morris - Condemnation
Alright, so I'm going to begin a new series for four weeks called "Good News". And we're going to talk about good news, and obviously we're going to talk about the good news of the gospel, but we're going to go in depth [...]
Derek Prince - This Biblical Practice Might Be The Key To Your Healing
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Derek Prince - This Biblical Practice Might Be The Key To Your Healing
Derek Prince - This Biblical Practice Might Be The Key To Your Healing
This is a clip from the full sermon: Self-Humbling Through Fasting Then there’s another aspect. That’s the vertical, but more difficult still, and perhaps just as important, is the horizontal. In James 5:16 it says, "confess". This [...]
Jack Graham - Little Man, Big Change
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Jack Graham - Little Man, Big Change
Jack Graham - Little Man, Big Change
Jesus met a man by the name of Zacchaeus, and changed his life. The story is told in Luke 19, beginning in the first 10 verses. Let's read it again. For some of you, this is the first time you've ever heard this story and I'm telling [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Overcome Sin
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Rabbi Schneider - Overcome Sin
Rabbi Schneider - Overcome Sin
Shalom uvrachah, peace and blessings. I'm dressed in white today because we're filming an episode on what is considered the most Holy day on God's sacred calendar. We're going to be talking today, beloved ones, about Yom Kippur, [...]
Charles Stanley - A Call to Repentance
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Charles Stanley - A Call to Repentance
Charles Stanley - A Call to Repentance
How many times have you been to the Lord confessing the same old thing over and over and over again? And how many times have you told Him each time how very sorry you were? And how many times, having told Him how very sorry you were, you told Him [...]
David Reagan - A Nation Begging for Destruction, Part 2
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David Reagan - A Nation Begging for Destruction, Part 2
David Reagan - A Nation Begging for Destruction, Part 2
Did you know that there are at least seven major prophetic voices on the scene today who have been anointed by God to call this nation to repentance and to warn it of impending destruction? Who are they and what are their messages? Stay tuned. David [...]
David Reagan - A Nation Begging for Destruction, Part 1
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David Reagan - A Nation Begging for Destruction, Part 1
David Reagan - A Nation Begging for Destruction, Part 1
The America of today is radically different from the nation I grew up in, and the changes have taken place with startling rapidity. Incredibly, in just over 50 years since the decade of the 1960s, we have become a nation in full-blown, open [...]
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Guilt to Repentance - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - Moving From Guilt to Repentance - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Guilt to Repentance - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. A famous Christian psychiatrist once said, the reason most people feel guilty is because they are guilty. Well, most people don't see it that way. Do they? As long as you [...]
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Guilt to Repentance - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - Moving From Guilt to Repentance - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - Moving From Guilt to Repentance - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. The Bible says that all of us have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God. And as a result, our default status before God is guilty. So how can we better position ourselves [...]
Derek Prince - You Cannot Repent Unless God Turns You
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Derek Prince - You Cannot Repent Unless God Turns You
Derek Prince - You Cannot Repent Unless God Turns You
Now I want to say that repentance starts with God. Everything good starts with God, we’re always dependent on the grace of God. Apart from God’s grace, apart from the moving of His Spirit, we cannot repent. This is brought out so clearly in Psalm [...]
Derek Prince - What Happens When You Truly Repent
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Derek Prince - What Happens When You Truly Repent
Derek Prince - What Happens When You Truly Repent
Now we have to go on with the nature of repentance. There is one parable that Jesus told which is the most vivid and perfect illustration of true repentance. It’s the parable of what we call the Prodigal Son. Somebody else has said it should be [...]
Derek Prince - What Did Jesus Preach About Repentance
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Derek Prince - What Did Jesus Preach About Repentance
Derek Prince - What Did Jesus Preach About Repentance
Now I want to emphasize that repentance must go before faith. There is no true faith without repentance. This is emphasized all through the New Testament. In Matthew chapter 3 we read about the ministry of John the Baptist who was sent to prepare [...]
Derek Prince - Through Repentance To Faith
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Derek Prince - Through Repentance To Faith
Derek Prince - Through Repentance To Faith
For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that denying ungodliness and worldly lusts we should live soberly, righteously and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our [...]
Derek Prince - The Full Meaning Of Repentance
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Derek Prince - The Full Meaning Of Repentance
Derek Prince - The Full Meaning Of Repentance
And we’re going to look now at the first one, repentance from dead works. First of all, what are dead works? Most of the modern translations say: works or deeds which lead to death. I don’t believe that’s correct. I believe dead works are anything [...]
Derek Prince - Not Enough Is Said About Repentance
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Derek Prince - Not Enough Is Said About Repentance
Derek Prince - Not Enough Is Said About Repentance
Now, there can be a false repentance, which we in English today call remorse. Judas experienced that, described in Matthew 27. Verse 3 and following: Then Judas, the betrayer of Jesus seeing that he had been condemned, was remorseful, and brought [...]
Derek Prince - God Now Commands All Man Everywhere To Repent
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Derek Prince - God Now Commands All Man Everywhere To Repent
Derek Prince - God Now Commands All Man Everywhere To Repent
And then we look at the ministry of Paul the great apostle of the Gentiles. We’ll see, as it’s recorded in the book of Acts. First of all, Paul found himself in Athens which was a very intellectual and idolatrous city. He ended up by preaching to [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Goodness of God Leads You To Repentance
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Kenneth Copeland - The Goodness of God Leads You To Repentance
Kenneth Copeland - The Goodness of God Leads You To Repentance
— Hello everybody, I'm Kenneth Copeland. This is the Believer's Voice of Victory broadcast. All last week and continuing this week, we're calling attention to the goodness of God. He is a good God. And for those of you that are just [...]
Kenneth Copeland - Repent of Sin To Stay Well
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Kenneth Copeland - Repent of Sin To Stay Well
Kenneth Copeland - Repent of Sin To Stay Well
Healing School, Healing School. And this is our Healing School textbook. We use a lot of scripture. In the Book of Hebrews. Oh, I'll tell you, I love this book. This is one where you can live and just work and listen and live. And it just has [...]
Billy Graham - Time to Come Home
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Billy Graham - Time to Come Home
Billy Graham - Time to Come Home
Now tonight I want you to turn with me to the fifteenth chapter of Luke's Gospel. The fifteenth chapter of Luke's Gospel and here is where Jesus is telling a story. He tells three stories. He always used stories to illustrate spiritual [...]
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