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Rabbi Schneider - God's Master Plan, The Blood Connection
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Rabbi Schneider - God's Master Plan, The Blood Connection
Rabbi Schneider - God's Master Plan, The Blood Connection
I'm going to be talking today about the most important concept in the entire Word of God. We're going to be talking today about the blood of Jesus, the blood of the Lamb. We're going to begin today with the Gospel of John chapter 1, verse 29. Yeshua [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Christ, our Passover Lamb
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Rabbi Schneider - Christ, our Passover Lamb
Rabbi Schneider - Christ, our Passover Lamb
Chag Sameach. That's Hebrew for Happy Holiday. It's the Passover season. This is such an important time of year. You know, Yeshua is the fulfillment of Passover. In fact, Paul calls Him, Christ Our Passover. Our Jesus is the Lamb of God that's come [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Sacrificial Living, Exploring the Significance of Passover and Tithing
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Rabbi Schneider - Sacrificial Living, Exploring the Significance of Passover
Rabbi Schneider - Sacrificial Living, Exploring the Significance of Passover and Tithing
Well, this is an important time of year as it regards to the Lord reminding us about the great themes of our redemption that are reflected in the Appointed Days of the Lord, which are recorded for us in the Torah, the first five books of our Bible. [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Passover, The Seder Connection
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Rabbi Schneider - Passover, The Seder Connection
Rabbi Schneider - Passover, The Seder Connection
Rabbi Schneider : The Passover has begun. And during the course of the Seder, we will drink from our cups and replenish them a total of four times. Let's all raise together the first cup. "With this cup, we commit our observance to the Lord, [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Easter and Passover Differences
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Jonathan Bernis - Easter and Passover Differences
Jonathan Bernis - Easter and Passover Differences
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. We are so glad that you're joining us today. I'm Jonathan Bernis. Today we're gonna be talking about both Easter and Passover. Now, many of you watching at home probably celebrate Easter and [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Celebrate Passover
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Jonathan Bernis - Celebrate Passover
Jonathan Bernis - Celebrate Passover
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. I'm so glad you're joining us today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and today, Ezra Benjamin and I are going to discuss probably the most important biblical feast of the year. I'm talking about Passover, [...]
Adrian Rogers - What If There Had Been No Easter?
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Adrian Rogers - What If There Had Been No Easter?
Adrian Rogers - What If There Had Been No Easter?
Take God's Word and find if you would First Corinthians chapter 15. An unthinkable question; what if there had been no Easter? What if Jesus Christ stayed in that tomb? What if death had conquered, if there'd been no Easter? Well, the apostle Paul [...]
Adrian Rogers - A Dress Rehearsal for Calvary
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Adrian Rogers - A Dress Rehearsal for Calvary
Adrian Rogers - A Dress Rehearsal for Calvary
Take God's Word, find please if you would, the book of Hebrews chapter 11 and in a few moments we're going to look at verses 17 through 19. Now as you hold your Bible in your hand may I tell you, look at me, may I tell you there is no book like the [...]
Adrian Rogers - Turning Hurts into Hallelujahs
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Adrian Rogers - Turning Hurts into Hallelujahs
Adrian Rogers - Turning Hurts into Hallelujahs
Would you be finding Romans chapter 8. In our journey through Romans we've come through chapter 8. We've called Romans the constitution of Christianity. I was in Washington, D.C., and saw the original Constitution of the United States. And in the [...]
Adrian Rogers - Let's Celebrate Passover
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Adrian Rogers - Let's Celebrate Passover
Adrian Rogers - Let's Celebrate Passover
Be finding First Corinthians chapter 5, First Corinthians chapter 5. Let me tell you what I'm going to do today. I'm going to call you today to a celebration. Let's celebrate. You know sometimes we have the idea that salvation is a funeral. It is [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Uncovering the Passover Roots of the Resurrection
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Rabbi Schneider - Uncovering the Passover Roots of the Resurrection
Rabbi Schneider - Uncovering the Passover Roots of the Resurrection
I'm feeling happy because I'm about to preach on the resurrection of Messiah Yeshua. What could lift up our hearts more than that, that Jesus rose from the dead? And when He rose from the dead, beloved one, that gave hope and power and the promise [...]
Adrian Rogers - Redeeming Faith
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Adrian Rogers - Redeeming Faith
Adrian Rogers - Redeeming Faith
Would you open the Word of God to Hebrews chapter 11 and we are going to spend some time together enjoying the Word of God. We're in a series of Bible studies entitled "Champions of Faith". And last week we spoke of Moses. This week, [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Understanding Passover
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Rabbi Schneider - Understanding Passover
Rabbi Schneider - Understanding Passover
In the book of Leviticus, chapter 23, the Lord gives us what he calls his seven appointed holy days, in addition to shabbat which happens of course every week. The first of these holy days takes place in the spring, and it's called [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Don't Miss It! Passover Season 2023
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Rabbi Schneider - Don't Miss It! Passover Season 2023
Rabbi Schneider - Don't Miss It! Passover Season 2023
Shalom beloved ones! We're getting ready to celebrate Passover, it's really interesting and moving that in Judaism we have to prepare to celebrate Passover. And so there's a ritual that many Jewish homes will go through, where they'll actually go on [...]
Jonathan Bernis - A Rabbi Looks at Easter
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Jonathan Bernis - A Rabbi Looks at Easter
Jonathan Bernis - A Rabbi Looks at Easter
Jonathan Bernis : Did you know that every detail of the trial, the crucifixion, and the resurrection of Jesus was actually fulfillment of Bible prophecy that was written hundreds of years before it ever happened? Well, today we want to explore the [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Passover and The Blood of the Lamb
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Rabbi Schneider - Passover and The Blood of the Lamb
Rabbi Schneider - Passover and The Blood of the Lamb
I'm going to be talking today about the most important concept in the entire Word of God. We're going to be talking today about the blood of Jesus, the blood of the Lamb. We are facing an identity crisis in the church today. A recent study showed [...]
Jonathan Bernis - The Observance of Passover
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Jonathan Bernis - The Observance of Passover
Jonathan Bernis - The Observance of Passover
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. I'm so glad you're joining us today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and today, Ezra Benjamin and I are going to discuss probably the most important biblical feast of the year. I'm talking about Passover, [...]
Skip Heitzig - Getting Passed Over
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Skip Heitzig - Getting Passed Over
Skip Heitzig - Getting Passed Over
Good morning, on this happy day. Would you please turn in your Bibles to the Book of Exodus, chapter 12, as we continue to follow the bloodline. Exodus, chapter 12. So there was a senior citizen, an old guy. He was in his 80s, around 80. I'm sorry [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 22:1-46
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 22:1-46
Skip Heitzig - Luke 22:1-46
Luke 22 has seventy-two verses. That's a long chapter. It's like going through two chapters, so we need to get a move on. I was twenty-three years old when I became a temporary resident of Galilee. I moved there from America to become a migrant [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 19
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 19
Skip Heitzig - Luke 19
Lord, even as we approach a meal, and we always want to say thank you, Lord, for this food and bless our bodies with this meal, we pray that as we open up your Word. I think of the words of the prophet who said, "Your words were found, and I [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Are Passover and Jesus Connected?
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Rabbi Schneider - Are Passover and Jesus Connected?
Rabbi Schneider - Are Passover and Jesus Connected?
Well, this is the season of Passover, and, you know, Passover is probably the entry gate for most Christians, for most gentile Christians in terms of coming to understand the Jewish roots of their Christian faith. Many of you perhaps have [...]
Jack Graham - Christ Our Passover
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Jack Graham - Christ Our Passover
Jack Graham - Christ Our Passover
Let me invite you to take God's Word now and turn with me to the book of Exodus, the twelfth chapter, Exodus chapter 12. And once again we are going to remember the Gospel of God and reflect upon the depths of this good news in Christ. The twelfth [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Passover: Redemption, Deliverance, and Freedom
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Rabbi Schneider - Passover: Redemption, Deliverance, and Freedom
Rabbi Schneider - Passover: Redemption, Deliverance, and Freedom
As we approach this, Pesach, or this Passover season, one of the things that I'm wanting to encourage all of us to do is to find relevancy from it, into our lives today. During Passover, we try to imagine Jewish peoples are celebrating what we call [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Celebrate the True Meaning of Passover Whether You're Jew or Gentile
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Rabbi Schneider - Celebrate the True Meaning of Passover Whether You're Jew or
Rabbi Schneider - Celebrate the True Meaning of Passover Whether You're Jew or Gentile
Many Christians first exposure to the Jewish roots of their faith is that they've been to a seminar or to a Messianic Passover Seder, where some Jewish person came and led the congregation in a Seder showing the connection between the ancient [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Meaning of Passover
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Rabbi Schneider - The Meaning of Passover
Rabbi Schneider - The Meaning of Passover
Shalom beloved, peace to you and Chag Sameach! That means Happy Holiday and the reason I say that is because we are in the Passover season. Whether you're born Jewish or Gentile, Passover is important. Of course to ancient Israel, we celebrate [...]
Jonathan Bernis - Observance of Passover
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Jonathan Bernis - Observance of Passover
Jonathan Bernis - Observance of Passover
Jonathan Bernis : Shalom and welcome to Jewish Voice. I'm so glad you're joining us today. I'm Jonathan Bernis, and today, Ezra Benjamin and I are going to discuss probably the most important biblical feast of the year. I'm talking about Passover, [...]
Derek Prince - The New Testament Meaning Of Passover
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Derek Prince - The New Testament Meaning Of Passover
Derek Prince - The New Testament Meaning Of Passover
This is a clip from the full sermon: How To Apply The Blood Of Jesus Now I’m going to show you just exactly how to do that. But I want to take an example from the Old Testament first. I want to take an example from the Passover ceremonies recorded [...]
Derek Prince - How To Apply The Blood Of Jesus
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Derek Prince - How To Apply The Blood Of Jesus
Derek Prince - How To Apply The Blood Of Jesus
Generally speaking in my ministry I like to deal with a theme, not just one topic in one message. I believe that is part of the gifts that God has given me to deal with the truths of the Bible thematically and systematically. And so I was asking God [...]
Jack Graham - The Last Supper
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Jack Graham - The Last Supper
Jack Graham - The Last Supper
I want you to take your Bible and turn with me to the Gospel of Luke. You notice to my left, your right, we have a Lord's Supper table... actually a Passover table, symbolizing the last Passover and the first Supper that our Lord gave us. It is His [...]
Jack Graham - The Passover Plot
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Jack Graham - The Passover Plot
Jack Graham - The Passover Plot
There are conspiracy theories that abound. We're fascinated by these theories of what happened... what about the grassy knolls, were there multiple shooters? Conspiracy theories... We like to read them in literature whether it's fact or fiction. We [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Passover Present - Part 2
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Rabbi Schneider - Passover Present - Part 2
Rabbi Schneider - Passover Present - Part 2
Passover as it's recorded in Exodus 12 and the other surrounding it, they all speak to us not of just what happened to ancient Israel, but about what is happening on earth and in our lives now. We're talking about the ancient Passover because we're [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Passover Present - Part 1
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Rabbi Schneider - Passover Present - Part 1
Rabbi Schneider - Passover Present - Part 1
The same Spirit that redeemed Israel out of Egypt, the same Spirit that the same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead, is at work in your life and my life today in present form. When I say Passover present, I'm not speaking of present as being a [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Passover and the End Times
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Rabbi Schneider - Passover and the End Times
Rabbi Schneider - Passover and the End Times
Shalom Aleichem and peace to you beloved ones. Baruch Hashem, bless the name of the Lord. We're entering into now, one of the most holy times of the year in God's sacred calendar. It's the Feast of Unleavened Bread or Passover. Many believers don't [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Celebrate the Feast of Passover
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Rabbi Schneider - Celebrate the Feast of Passover
Rabbi Schneider - Celebrate the Feast of Passover
This ceremony tells a whole story of redemption and there's so many things I could go into, but I'm gonna fast forward now and I want to talk about the ten plagues that fell upon Egypt. Many of you know the story. God sent Moses before Pharaoh and [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Promises of Passover
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Rabbi Schneider - The Promises of Passover
Rabbi Schneider - The Promises of Passover
Look in front of me here. I have all the different items that we're gonna be participating with, as we go through this Messianic Seder. Now the word Seder is common for some and for others it's a new word. The order of what we do is called the [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Mystery of the Afikomen
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Rabbi Schneider - The Mystery of the Afikomen
Rabbi Schneider - The Mystery of the Afikomen
Rabbi Schneider : Shalom beloved and Baruch Hashem, welcome today to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. Cynthia and I we're excited as we're going to part number 2 of an authentic Messianic Passover Seder. Honey when we were talking just a few minutes [...]
Rabbi Schneider - The Passover Meal
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Rabbi Schneider - The Passover Meal
Rabbi Schneider - The Passover Meal
Cynthia Schneider : Welcome to Discovering the Jewish Jesus. Today we have a special episode where we are celebrating a Messianic Passover Seder. And Rabbi and I are celebrating it with friends and family. Rabbi Schneider : It's such a beautiful [...]
Robert Jeffress - In Remembrance Of Me
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Robert Jeffress - In Remembrance Of Me
Robert Jeffress - In Remembrance Of Me
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". For 1.300 years, the feast of unleavened bread was the most significant feast in the Jewish tradition. It was an annual reminder of a time when God proved himself faithful [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The Third And Fourth Passovers Of Jesus
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Kenneth Copeland - The Third And Fourth Passovers Of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - The Third And Fourth Passovers Of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland: Hello everybody. I'm Kenneth Copeland. Welcome to the believers, voice of victory broadcast. Now those of you that have missed the first half of this week, professor Greg Stevens instructor at Kenneth Copeland, Bible college and [...]
Kenneth Copeland - The First And Second Passovers Of Jesus
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Kenneth Copeland - The First And Second Passovers Of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland - The First And Second Passovers Of Jesus
Kenneth Copeland: Hello everybody, I'm Kenneth Copeland. Let's hurry up and get into this. Praise God. And those of you that have been watching us Monday and Tuesday, you know, where we are, those of you that haven't you catch up and get this [...]
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Charles Stanley - A Night to Remember
Charles Stanley - A Night to Remember
It's not hard to understand why God would send plagues on the Egyptians. Because they had incarcerated, made slaves out of God's chosen people. And it had been going on for a long time. And on nine separate occasions, God sent a plague into Egypt [...]
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Charles Stanley - Risen and Mission Accomplished
Charles Stanley - Risen and Mission Accomplished
Jesus successfully challenged the most powerful force in the world, and that was the Roman Empire. They crucified Him, but they couldn't kill Him. They searched for Him, but they could not find Him. He was on a divine mission and He was going to [...]
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Andy Stanley — The Pilate Chronicles
Andy Stanley — The Pilate Chronicles
At Passover, Jesus gathered his followers and spelled out a new relational arrangement between God and humankind: “As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” But Jesus wasn’t celebratory. He seemed troubled. Initiating this new covenant [...]
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Rabbi Schneider — Unleavened Bread
Rabbi Schneider — Unleavened Bread
I've got a very special episode today, beloved ones. We're gonna be looking into the Tanakh, the Old Testament, at the Feast of Unleavened Bread and looking for application for your life today. We are in the midst now of the Passover season. When we [...]
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Rabbi Schneider — Passover: Seder
Rabbi Schneider — Passover: Seder
Prophecy exists in every book throughout the Old Testament pointing the way to Jesus and Eternity. But perhaps there is no greater blueprint, no larger foreshadowing to Jesus and the End Times than God’s institution of Passover. Join Rabbi Schneider [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Yeshua, The Fulfillment of Passover!
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Rabbi Schneider - Yeshua, The Fulfillment of Passover!
Rabbi Schneider - Yeshua, The Fulfillment of Passover!
This is very important for our lives as believers today, because Yeshua beloved, is the fulfillment of Passover. We read about Passover in its initial historical context in the Book of Exodus that we call in Hebrew, Shemot, chapter number 12. [...]
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Rabbi Schneider - The Gospel In Primitive Form
Rabbi Schneider - The Gospel In Primitive Form
God bless you and Shalom, beloved ones. My name's Rabbi Schneider. Welcome today to this edition of Discovering the Jewish Jesus. We're in the Passover season right now and I've got a word that's important and I'm excited to bring it to you. We're [...]
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Rabbi Schneider — Passover, The Seder
Rabbi Schneider — Passover, The Seder
Shalom, beloved ones, and God bless you, Yedidim. My name is Messianic Rabbi Kirt Schneider. Welcome today to this edition of Discovering the Jewish Jesus. This is the third part in our series on Passover. Beloved, once again, this is the third and [...]
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Rabbi Schneider — Passover and it's Fulfillment
Rabbi Schneider — Passover and it's Fulfillment
I'm excited today, beloved ones, to share with you this Passover season. Do you know, we celebrate freedom and deliverance in our lives just as the ancient Israelites experienced freedom out of Egypt 3,500 years ago? In fact, Jesus is the last and [...]
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Rabbi Schneider — Jesus, The Passover, and You
Rabbi Schneider — Jesus, The Passover, and You
Shalom Yedidim and God bless you, beloved ones. My name's Rabbi Schneider. Welcome to this edition of Discovering the Jewish Jesus. We are now, beloved, in the midst of the Passover season, and so we're gonna be talking today about Yeshua, The [...]
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