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Kenneth Copeland - The First And Second Passovers Of Jesus

Kenneth Copeland - The First And Second Passovers Of Jesus
TOPICS: Passover

Kenneth Copeland: Hello everybody, I'm Kenneth Copeland. Let's hurry up and get into this. Praise God. And those of you that have been watching us Monday and Tuesday, you know, where we are, those of you that haven't you catch up and get this later. It's very, very, very, very important. And we've got professor Greg Stephens, instructor of Old Testament studies in Kenneth Copeland Bible college, and his knowledge of the Hebrew language and so forth is just absolutely wonderful to have a man that understands these things and reads the Hebrew language. And it's ah, well, I won't take up any more time. We're talking about that's supper, people call it the last supper, and let's, I want to read this now from first Corinthians chapter 11, verse 23, "I have received of the Lord that which also I delivered unto you that the Lord Jesus, the same night in which he was betrayed, took bread. And when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, take eat. This is my body, which is broken for you. This do in remembrance of me. And after the same manner, also, he took the cup when he had sopped saying this cup is the New Testament, the new covenant in my blood. This you do, as often as you drink it in remembrance of me". He didn't say, when you had to do it, he said, as often as you do it.

Greg Stephens: Do it every day.

Kenneth Copeland: If you do it every day, I'm not where I can every day, but I'd take it a lot and I'll have different purposes and reasons and judging myself and taking covenant for someone I love and, and, and these things and it'll... Oh man, you, you learn so much when you, in particularly, and I learned yesterday from you that I was supposed to do this, but I just, I just did it just, just because I was so hungry for it and just picture myself right there, particularly where it's recorded by the apostle John. And just picture myself there in that room. And I'm with Jesus. And I'm hearing him say these things, Greg, he said this to me. When he asked me to take Genesis 6:3, he asked me if I would do it. If I would live 120 years. And I heard it so plainly. He said, Kenneth, I sacrificed my body for you. I mean, this is Romans 12.

Greg Stephens: Yes, sir.

Kenneth Copeland: I sacrificed my body for you. And he was thanking me for it. Now you're sacrificing your body from mine. Cause this meant, man, I had to go in that exercise room. I had to go to work and, and push this old 83 year old body around. And I was on the treadmill this morning before I came to do this. And I'm just, anyway, let me get out of the way. Now we talked about yesterday, where am I? We talked about yesterday. Greg got us into this covenant meal. So just pick it up right there, Greg.

Greg Stephens: So I know that before you write in and say, you didn't cover everything. I know that, we're kind of talking first century Passover and the first one, not everything. And so just so that, you know, I have a Passover Seder plate with the modern, this is my personal with the modern, you would have an egg in here. There's no egg in Jesus' time. That's that's to symbolize things. So they do things now to symbolize things. I know we're not covering every single aspect of this. I'm covering the aspects so that you can make the connection to your covenant, that he made, he made with you. So as often as you drink this, and often as you do this, you just read that from Corinthians. And I was reading this after the manna that he took the cup and the cup of redemption, this wasn't the cup after supper. There's a full meal that happens that a lot of times you don't realize they still have meals today might be fish...

Kenneth Copeland: I had forgotten about those three cups. I'm so glad you brought that out. Because I had, I had forgotten all about that. And that is so huge. He picked up a cup he wasn't supposed to pick up.

Greg Stephens: Well they picked it up every year and he picked it up though, to show them to, to give them a new thing because he's transitioning to this...

Kenneth Copeland: And he goes back to that...

Greg Stephens: And identifies himself to it. So now this is what we do, sir. When we, when we do and you can see it right here in first Corinthians, we do the same thing. We're identifying ourselves with him. And I love this one phrase, for as often as you eat this bread and drink this cup, you do show the Lord's death till he comes. Now, what happens after he comes? We have a marriage supper of the lamb. Guess what I think we might be doing?

Kenneth Copeland: No kidding. He said, then I'm going to do it again. He said I'm going to do it again.

Greg Stephens: He said, I won't do this again... until you're there. So your next thing is...

Kenneth Copeland: That's going to be the biggest one that's ever happened.

Greg Stephens: So, Brother...

Kenneth Copeland: That may take the whole seven years to get that one done. I don't know.

Greg Stephens: Brother Copeland, He's going to come up the savior of all mankind, King of Kings and Lord of Lords. Sir. He's going to come up to you and serve you the bread and the cup. Yeah, we look back to the cross and thank God for what he did, but my God, I'm looking forward to the day that I'm not worthy to do it, but he's going to stand in front of me with a piece of bread and a cup.

Kenneth Copeland: Ah, you've known me as savior. You've known me as your healer. You've known me as your baptizer. You've known me as your prosperity agent, your Melchizedek, but you're soon going to know me as the great resurrection and the life.

Greg Stephens: Yes, sir! Glory to God! If that doesn't get you up off your chair.

Kenneth Copeland: Oh glory to God.

Greg Stephens: Now look at Hebrews 11 with that same thing. All of these died not obtaining the promise.

Kenneth Copeland: Yes, that's right.

Greg Stephens: It was all the type and shadow. Now we're walking in the redemptive side of this thing, but we've got something in our future that's glorious. Oh, it's glorious. I look forward to the day. But until that day we're going to keep preaching and teaching. Keep laying hands on the sick, proclaiming him until he returns. Because that, I mentioned to you that Afikomen the one that's broken, Isaac buried. That literally means the coming one. So I'm looking for the coming one. That's where my eyes are fixed right now. I'm not a citizen of this place. I am in my flesh. But see, now this goes to my righteousness. This whole dinner goes to my righteousness. While I walk now I'm of this world, but I'm not in it. Positionally, I'm seated with him right now in my spirit.

Kenneth Copeland: Heavenly place.

Greg Stephens: There everything changes, and I'll show you that if I can, this ties, they all connect. This ties to the very first miracle in Cana of Galilee, and it ties to Passover. Can I show you that one real quick? Okay. Luke chapter two was the very first Passover that we have recorded of Jesus. Beginning in verse 41, I'll read this to you. His parents went to Jerusalem every year for the feast of Passover. Well, there it is. And he was 12 years old. He went up to Jerusalem, according to the customer of the feasts. When he had finished the days as they returned, the boy, Jesus lingered behind the Jerusalem. And Joseph and his mother did not know it, but supposing him to have been in the company. They went a day's journey and sought him among their relatives and acquaintances. So when they did find him, they returned to Jerusalem seeking him. Now, so it was that after three days, here we go again, here we go. They found him in the temple, sitting in the midst of the teachers, both listening to him. Matter of fact, that's about how long he will be prior to his crucifixion. Prior to that Passover, he'll be there three, four days, three days with those same teachers of the law, as an adult. Listening to them, asking them the questions. They were astonished at his understanding and his answers. Now look at what Mary says to him. So when they saw him, they were amazed and his mother said to him, son, why have you done this to us? Look, your father and I have sought you anxiously. She's a little worked up. He said to them, why do you seek me? Did you not know that I must be about my father's business? They did not understand the statement which he spoke to them. Then he went down with them and came to Nazareth. Now this is a key phrase and was subject to them. And his mother kept all these things in her heart. And Jesus increased in wisdom and in favor with God and with men. So now how did they not know that he wasn't with them? Well, by this time he's probably got two brothers at least maybe they're five, six, seven, eight that they're taking care of. We know he has two brothers. And so he got kinda, he just stayed back and his brothers they're having to deal with them. What happens next is very interesting is in John chapter two, it's the first miracle he is already, He's been baptized by John. He's conquered Satan in the wilderness by the Word it is written. And what was one of the things that was offered to him? Bread. All right. John chapter two, let me show you this. On the third day, there we go again. On the third day, there's a wedding in Cana of Galilee. Now most weddings in Israel happen on Tuesday. And the reason for that is that's the third day of creation. It's a double blessing on Tuesday. Lord saw it was good. And the word saw it was good. So most Orthodox Jewish weddings happen on Tuesdays because there's a double blessing. And so they just decide, well, let's get married on the day that has a double blessing. All right. So the mother of Jesus was there, both Jesus and His disciples. There's four of them at this point, Andrew, Peter, Philip, and Nathaniel. Okay. And they're in a wedding, verse three, when they ran out of wine, the mother of Jesus said to him, they have no wine. Now, what do we do here? Jesus is the redemptive cup of wine, right? I'll show you something here. He said, woman, this is key phrase. What does your concern have to do with me? And he says, this my hour has not come. Now in that last chapters, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, after Judas has left the room, you're going to see Jesus say, father, my hour has come. He's even pointing at this at the start of his ministry to what the end of his ministry is all about. The hour will come. Okay. Look at this. Now there were six water poets of stone. That's key phrase. According to the manner of the purification of the Jews containing 20 to 30 gallons a piece. Jesus said to them, fill the water pots with water and they filled them up. And of course, you know what happened. The water turned into wine and he master of the feast was thrilled by what had happened. So it says in the scripture, this was the beginning of the signs Jesus did in Cana of Galilee. Now that's the first miracle. Here's something that's very interesting. They find things all the time in Israel. And I always watch what they're finding and discovering because it's revealing the Word. In 2016, about four miles from Nazareth in Cana they found a stone quarry. And in that stone quarry was a cave. You can look this up, biblical archeology review, and they found vessels, but they're not vessels made out of clay or out of glass they're vessels that been hewn out of stone, pure stone vessels. And they held about 20 gallons of water. And it was right there in Cana, right outside of Cana. 2016 they found these. Now here's the thing. Stone vessels are purification vessels. There's no impurities in it like in clay or in glass. There's no impurity. So this is the vessels you would use for purification, for priestly. So what Jesus did here now, there were six water pots of stone. Well, they came from about four miles from there, and they're used as priestly purification. He's already operating as the high priest. This is all symbolism to us, but they, they saw it. They got this thing. Now that takes me to second Timothy chapter 2. Second Timothy chapter 2, but in a great house, there are not only vessels of gold and silver, but also wood and clay. Some for honor, some for dishonor. So he uses vessels of honor in his first miracle. Now, let me jump you way ahead to when he tells the disciples to go into Jerusalem, to find a place for us to have what we know as this last supper, this Passover meal, he says to them, you'll walk into town. Now this is unusual that a man is carrying a water pot. Why would a man be carrying a water pot? Doesn't make sense that a man would carry a water pot? That's woman's work. We know that from John chapter four, woman at the well. Purification. Mount Zion, we know archeologically is where most of the priests lived of the temple. It was a high class neighborhood, Brother Copeland, where they lived, running water. I'm telling you, you go, you can go to the archeology ruins of where those priests lived around Mount Zion up there. And man, I'm telling you, mosaic tiled bathrooms and steam rooms, they believed in prosperity. I'm telling you what. No I'm serious. It was totally different than anywhere else. So he sees a man carrying water. That's a priest carrying a stone water pitcher. And he said, when you find him, he'll tell you where to go. Isn't that something. So these pure vessels were filled with pure water. Now let's talk about that for a second. Water, what does that represent? It represents our spirit from out of your belly shall flow rivers, rivers of living water. So that represents our, my human spirit. Okay. And what happened? It turned to wine. Wine, this is my blood. The wine represents the blood. So even in this first miracle, he's talking about your spirit is going to be transformed and changed by the blood. He's talking about his purpose and his mission. So he's going to fill my spirit up with his presence and it's going to transform. Now, when they rammed that spear into his side, what came out?

Kenneth Copeland: Water and blood.

Greg Stephens: It's all pointing to one person and one sacrifice, and one thing. So even in the beginning of his work it's talking about what's going to happen at the end of his ministry. Isn't that something? So, that's exactly what the sons, his sons will do. It's exactly what happens that night. It's exactly what the priests did. If you look at this back to go to John chapter 2, let me show you , the Passover of the Jews was at hand, Jesus went up to Jerusalem and he found, this is, this is exactly after this Cana of Galilee deal on down in that chapter. Verse 13 of John chapter 2, this is after he talks about Cana of Galilee. The Passover of the Jews was at hand and Jesus went up to Jerusalem and he found on the temple those who sold oxen and sheep and doves and the money changers doing business. When he'd made a whip of cords, he drove them out of the temple with the sheep and the oxen and poured out the changers money and overturn the tables. And he said to those who sold doves, take these things away. Do not make my father's house, a house of merchandise. Then his disciples remembered that it was written zeal for your house has eaten me up. What is he doing? He's purifying that he's removing the leavened from the temple. After the Water for purification thing in Cana, he comes, this is his first second Passover. First one was when he was 12. Here's the second one we have a recording of. And what did he do? He purified the temple. Water for purification. And he's, he's literally doing this. He's removing the leavened. This is my father's house. You're not, we're not having that in this house. Now he's going to do that same thing that last Passover as well. And so he reveals the need for cleansing. Verse 18 says, so the Jews answered and said unto him, what sign do you show us? Since you do these things, Jesus answered and said to them, destroy this temple in three days, I'll raise it up. Then the Jews said, it's taken 46 years to build this temple. And will you raise it up in three? But he says, but he was speaking of the temple of his body. He's prophesying what's going to happen a few years from now, but all of these things are happening at Passover. And it's a type of what's going to happen as we get a little further, the next one, we're probably not going to have time with today, but we'll get to it as John chapter 6 is where we see the next one. And this one happens in the Galilee. In John chapter 3, he's going to do more proof of this. He's going to honor John the Baptist, John the Baptist is going to honor him. The disciples are going to fight amongst them. Jesus is getting bigger than you and John said, no, I'm going to honor him. See what's happening here? It's that honor of that purification. John even said, you should baptize me. I'm not worthy to baptize you. And he says, no, this has to happen. And so John is at that priestly line because of his father. And a matter of fact, some speculate that the camel hair coat, that prayer shawl tallit that he wore was actually a Elisha's. And that had been kept, and his father pulled that out and gave it to him. And he was actually wearing Elijah and Elisha's mantle when he baptized Jesus in the water. And now Elijah is part of the Passover Seder every week. So the next one I'll show you is in John chapter 6, where we have another passage with Jesus. And this time he's not in Jerusalem, but you're seeing a change in ministry begin to happen. And he'll feed the 5,000. It's wonderful to see this.

Kenneth Copeland: That in the sixth chapter of John.

Greg Stephens: Yes, sir.

Kenneth Copeland: That is so precious where he's talking to Phillip, and he said, I already know what I'm going to do. But he pointed out the fact they were not listening. Well, you can't take away all that much from them because he had, they had come out there to rest and they did this, all this mob of people followed them out there as they always did. And these guys are completely worn out, but he's building something in them. You, listen, you listen now, where are we going to get it? It's too much. It's bigger than this. There's a little boy, but what's this?

Greg Stephens: And this is what they're trying to get.

Kenneth Copeland: That's what they're trying.

Greg Stephens: Are we going to get that?

Kenneth Copeland: Where are we going to get that? Praise God.

Greg Stephens: Because it was a Passover and change happens in his ministry right there. We'll talk about that. Glory to God.

Kenneth Copeland: Thank you, Lord. Isn't it good? Praise God.