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Michael Youssef - The Shrewd Businessman
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Michael Youssef - The Shrewd Businessman
Michael Youssef - The Shrewd Businessman
In a day when so many preachers are saying that we need to ditch the Old Testent, we need to give up the Old Testament, I'm gonna show you in this new book how to read the Bible, that the two, Old and New Testament, are interrelated. You cannot [...]
John Bradshaw - Lessons for All Time; The Wheat and the Tares
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John Bradshaw - Lessons for All Time: The Wheat and the Tares
John Bradshaw - Lessons for All Time: The Wheat and the Tares
This is It Is Written. I'm John Bradshaw. Thanks for joining me. In his book "Blink: The Power of Thinking without Thinking," author Malcolm Gladwell shares a fascinating story. In 1985, the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles spent [...]
Michael Youssef - The Older Son
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Michael Youssef - The Older Son
Michael Youssef - The Older Son
I'm not gonna ask you to raise your hand if you grew up in a legalistic church or in a legalistic home or legalistic family. Now, in case some of you have not and don't even know what legalistic or legalism means, very put simply, is the [...]
Michael Youssef - The Prodigal Son, A Journey from Recklessness to Redemption
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Michael Youssef - The Prodigal Son, A Journey from Recklessness to Redemption
Michael Youssef - The Prodigal Son, A Journey from Recklessness to Redemption
Beloved, the Bible calls parents to lead their children, not the other way around; and I could not help this week as I was writing my notes and I thought about our first grandson. He was 14 months and he was learning to walk, and he just learned [...]
Michael Youssef - The Real Hero in the Prodigal Son
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Michael Youssef - The Real Hero in the Prodigal Son
Michael Youssef - The Real Hero in the Prodigal Son
Luke chapter 15, if you turn to it, beginning at verse 11, where our Lord Jesus Christ tells us what our heavenly Father is like. So many preachers when they preach from this story, they focus on the prodigal, and they stay on the prodigal. [...]
Michael Youssef - Seeking the Lost, The Parables of Lost Sheep and Coin
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Michael Youssef - Seeking the Lost, The Parables of Lost Sheep and Coin
Michael Youssef - Seeking the Lost, The Parables of Lost Sheep and Coin
Back in the summer of 1985, our son, Joshua, was almost seven years old. We were traveling in London, England at that time because I was speaking at a symposium. One day our host decided, we had a day break, to take us on a sightseeing trip, [...]
James Meehan - When Jesus Hid the Truth
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James Meehan - When Jesus Hid the Truth
James Meehan - When Jesus Hid the Truth
Well, welcome my friends to a brand new series, titled "pictures of heaven" wherever you're joining us from. We're so thankful that you are here because Switch is a place where all are welcomed. You, your friends, your family, [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Parables of Jesus, The Talents
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Joyce Meyer - The Parables of Jesus, The Talents
Joyce Meyer - The Parables of Jesus, The Talents
And God tests our faithfulness. He starts by giving us something small and if we're faithful to use that properly then he'll promote us. And then, we'll stay there for a while, and we'll be tested on that level. I can look at my [...]
Joyce Meyer - Parable of the Rich Young Fool - Part 2
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Joyce Meyer - Parable of the Rich Young Fool - Part 2
Joyce Meyer - Parable of the Rich Young Fool - Part 2
The danger of self-will. Luke 12:16. It's the same parable we just read, but I wanna make a point here: "He told them a parable, saying, 'the land of a rich man was fertile and yielded plenty. And he considered and debated within [...]
Joyce Meyer - Parable of the Rich Young Fool - Part 1
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Joyce Meyer - Parable of the Rich Young Fool - Part 1
Joyce Meyer - Parable of the Rich Young Fool - Part 1
Tonight, I want to talk to you about The Parable Of The Rich, Young Fool, and that parable is actually repeated in at least three of the gospels. And so, I believe when we see something over and over, it's very important. I wanna start by [...]
Robert Jeffress - Prescription For A Healthy Heart
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Robert Jeffress - Prescription For A Healthy Heart
Robert Jeffress - Prescription For A Healthy Heart
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Whenever you share the gospel with somebody, there's no predicting how they're going to respond. Some people welcome Jesus with open arms, while others flat out reject [...]
Skip Heitzig - Luke 14:15-15:32
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Skip Heitzig - Luke 14:15-15:32
Skip Heitzig - Luke 14:15-15:32
Turn in your Bible's, please, to the gospel of Luke, chapter 14. And as we're about to partake of the Lord's Table or the Lord's Supper, as we call it, we find ourselves in this chapter at another supper. And it is a supper to [...]
Craig Smith - The Performer
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Craig Smith - The Performer
Craig Smith - The Performer
Welcome to Mission Hills at all of our campuses, including those of you that are joining us at Church Online. So glad you are with us for week number two of our “Reckless” series where we are taking kind of a deep dive into probably the most famous [...]
Robert Jeffress - The Other Story About The Two Sons
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Robert Jeffress - The Other Story About The Two Sons
Robert Jeffress - The Other Story About The Two Sons
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Some people think that being a Christian depends on how many times you go to church, or how many hours you spend reading your Bible. And while church and scriptures are important [...]
Robert Jeffress - Matters of the Heart
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Robert Jeffress - Matters of the Heart
Robert Jeffress - Matters of the Heart
Hi I'm Robert Jefferson and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Jesus was no stranger to rejection. Some accepted his message of salvation with praise and thanksgiving, others ignored it or worse had him sentenced to death for his preaching. [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Sower
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Joyce Meyer - The Sower
Joyce Meyer - The Sower
And today I want to talk to you about the parable of the sower, that is so important in the Word of God, because really, it's a parable about four different kinds of, the Bible says, soil, but it's really talking about, four different [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Good Samaritan
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Joyce Meyer - The Good Samaritan
Joyce Meyer - The Good Samaritan
This is probably one of my very favorite because it's what we call, "The story of the good Samaritan". And so I get to teach you this morning about love, about walking in love and doing the things that God asks us to do. And I can [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Parable Of The Talents
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Joyce Meyer - The Talents
Joyce Meyer - The Talents
Alright, we are talking today, I started, this morning, in the first service about the three parables that are found in Matthew chapter 25. And they are the parable of the ten virgins: the five wise and the five foolish. We found out this morning [...]
Joyce Meyer - The Parable of the Ten Virgins
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Joyce Meyer - The Ten Virgins
Joyce Meyer - The Ten Virgins
You know, the Parables of Jesus are just wonderful. They're stories, but they bring the Gospel to a level where we can fully and completely understand it. I don't like things that sound spiritual but they're way over my head, and when [...]
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Joyce Meyer - The Parable Of The Unforgiving Servant
Joyce Meyer - The Parable Of The Unforgiving Servant
If I said to you, I am going to teach tonight on how much God forgives you no matter what you do, or how often you do it, or how bad the sin is, God forgives you, He completely forgives you without finding fault or without reproaching you and He [...]
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Joyce Meyer - The Lost Son And The Elder Brother
Joyce Meyer - The Lost Son And The Elder Brother
How many of you've ever heard of the story of the prodigal son? Okay, well, we're gonna talk about that tonight, but I wanna tell you the truth. The story is really about a lot more than this one boy who wanted his inheritance, and took [...]
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Joyce Meyer - The Laborers In The Vineyard
Joyce Meyer - The Laborers In The Vineyard
Today I wanna talk about the Parable of the Laborers in the Vineyard and, boy, does this ever teach us a lesson. Beginning in Matthew chapter 20, verses 1 through 16. The Kingdom of Heaven is like an owner of an estate who went out in the morning [...]
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Joyce Meyer - The Cost Of Discipleship
Joyce Meyer - The Cost Of Discipleship
I've been doing some teaching on some of the parables of Jesus, something that I've never done in all my years of teaching, and tonight I'm going to do the "Parable of the cost of discipleship". And we're gonna start in [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Seeing Myself
Joyce Meyer - Seeing Myself
Tonight, I'm gonna teach on three of the parables that are all about prayer. Prayer is astounding. It is absolutely amazing when you think about it, that the God of the universe, the God who can do absolutely anything has invited us to come to [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Parable Of The Sower
Joyce Meyer - Parable Of The Sower
I'm gonna start a series called "Never settle for less than the best". I think a lot of times we settle for less than the best that God has for us. We get weary. We get tired. We get confused and so we don't press in and go for [...]