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Rabbi Schneider - Effective Gentleness
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Rabbi Schneider - Effective Gentleness
Rabbi Schneider - Effective Gentleness
Now as we approach chapter four, beloved ones, Paul moves from the theological to the practical. And so we’re moving now into the practical. Now knowing what we know, how should we then live? And so let’s pick up now with this practical application, [...]
Peter Tan-Chi - Beware of Pride, Be Humble
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Peter Tan-Chi - Beware of Pride, Be Humble
Peter Tan-Chi - Beware of Pride, Be Humble
What do you do when you see this sign? I can almost predict when you see this sign, you are going to stay away from that house or that vicinity. You know why? Because you have the warning. What do you think is the most dangerous spiritual toxin that [...]
Andy Stanley - How Love and Humility are Connected
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Andy Stanley - How Love and Humility are Connected
Andy Stanley - How Love and Humility are Connected
If you don't feel good about yourself, it's hard to let others feel good about themselves, right? And if there is something in you that has a hard time allowing them to stay in the spotlight without stepping into saying, well, you know, [...]
Bobby Schuller - Stay Humble, Keep Growing
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Bobby Schuller - Stay Humble, Keep Growing
Bobby Schuller - Stay Humble, Keep Growing
Well, no matter who you are, would you stand with us? Hold your hands out like this as a way of receiving from the Holy Spirit. Let's say this together, I'm not what I do. I'm not what I have. I'm not what people say about me. I [...]
Derek Prince - Humbling Yourself Will Be A Priceless Blessing
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Derek Prince - Humbling Yourself Will Be A Priceless Blessing
Derek Prince - Humbling Yourself Will Be A Priceless Blessing
This is an excerpt from: The Secret Power Of Fasting But I want to speak about humility as an essential condition for effective prayer and I want to take a number of statements to this effect. Let's look, first of all, before we do that, in [...]
Derek Prince - Humble Yourself By Confessing Your Sins
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Derek Prince - Humble Yourself By Confessing Your Sins
Derek Prince - Humble Yourself By Confessing Your Sins
This is an excerpt from: How To Pray For Israel Point number nine about prayer, don't tell God what to do. Have any of you ever done that? All right, let's turn to Isaiah 40 for a moment, just a short passage from Isaiah 40... Isaiah 40, [...]
John Bradshaw - Real Strength
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John Bradshaw - Real Strength
John Bradshaw - Real Strength
What event from the life of King David best illustrates real strength, being gracious towards King Saul, getting a revenge on the Amalekites after they destroyed his home and captured his people, the victory over Absalom perhaps? Let me give you an [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Weakness Makes you Strong
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Dr. Ed Young - Weakness Makes you Strong
Dr. Ed Young - Weakness Makes you Strong
I want you to repeat after me eight words, "When I am weak, then I am strong". Does that make any sense at all? It's a paradox. Weakness, strength. When we're weak, then we are strong? Doesn't that sound like nonsense, silly [...]
Andy Stanley - Chasing Humility
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Andy Stanley - Chasing Humility
Andy Stanley - Chasing Humility
So I wanna begin today with something that's common to all of us. This is actually something that we all, and this is gonna be kind of a strange way to start, something that we all have in common, not just with each other. This is something we [...]
Allen Jackson - Humility, Courage and Leadership - Part 2
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Allen Jackson - Humility, Courage and Leadership - Part 2
Allen Jackson - Humility, Courage and Leadership - Part 2
It's a privilege to be with you. We're gonna continue our study on humility, courage, and leadership. I think we've avoided humility. We thought somehow it was about weakness. I don't believe humility means you don't think [...]
Allen Jackson - Humility, Courage and Leadership - Part 1
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Allen Jackson - Humility, Courage and Leadership - Part 1
Allen Jackson - Humility, Courage and Leadership - Part 1
It's a privilege to be with you. Our topic is humility, courage, and leadership. I'll give you a secret to sustain success in your life, it's humility. It's not typically information or adaptability or resources, if we can [...]
James Merritt - Humility, It's Not About Me
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James Merritt - Humility, It's Not About Me
James Merritt - Humility, It's Not About Me
There was a fifth-grade girl, and she came home from school, she was so pumped and so excited. And her mother said, "What happened"? She said, "Mom, today I was voted the prettiest girl in the class". She said, "Oh, [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Motivation Behind Humility - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - The Motivation Behind Humility - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - The Motivation Behind Humility - Part 2
We gotta quit this little game that we conjured up. "This is the way we go to church, go church. Hallelujah, brother. God bless you, amen. Ooh, I felt that". Ain't nobody got time for that. I'm not preaching a ooh-ah doctrine, I [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Motivation Behind Humility - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - The Motivation Behind Humility - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - The Motivation Behind Humility - Part 1
We've been talking about humility. And I pray that it's something that's becoming very clear in your thinking, and that you're understanding that God is wanting to do some amazing things in your life. Amen? And so if you have [...]
Creflo Dollar - How Grace Teaches Humility - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - How Grace Teaches Humility - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - How Grace Teaches Humility - Part 2
If you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of 1 Peter chapter 5. 1 Peter chapter 5, verses 5 through 7. I think this is our third week as we have been dealing with humility and how grace will teach humility in our lives, and I believe that this [...]
Creflo Dollar - How Grace Teaches Humility - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - How Grace Teaches Humility - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - How Grace Teaches Humility - Part 1
The only condition placed upon man for the enjoyment of all the blessings of grace, only one condition that's placed upon you, to walk in all of the enjoyment of the blessings of grace. It's in Romans chapter 4:16, faith. Watch this. [...]
Creflo Dollar - Defining Humility - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - Defining Humility - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - Defining Humility - Part 2
Now, arrogance, let's talk about that a little bit. Arrogance is also a sign that someone lacks humility. I love how, you know, we preachers do it. "I don't want to brag or nothing, but", and then you go ahead and brag, "I [...]
Creflo Dollar - Defining Humility - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - Defining Humility - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - Defining Humility - Part 1
If you have your Bibles, go with me to the book of 1 Peter chapter 5, 1 Peter chapter 5, and we're gonna begin 5 through 7. Excited about this series because this is a series where we're gonna learn how to give way to God and what he wants [...]
Levi Lusko - My Apron Is My Armor
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Levi Lusko - My Apron Is My Armor
Levi Lusko - My Apron Is My Armor
Welcome to week two of The Table. I want to begin today with a question. Have you ever in life got something that you thought you needed, only to discover it was not at all what you actually wanted? My pastor growing up, he used to always tell these [...]
Craig Smith - The Value of Humility
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Craig Smith - The Value of Humility
Craig Smith - The Value of Humility
So, I wanna talk to you today about the value of humility, which I’m gonna be honest with you, it’s kind of a tricky thing to talk about. Humility is always tricky to talk about because it’s always a possibility. I mean, let me teach you something [...]
Joyce Meyer - Peace, Patience and Humility
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Joyce Meyer - Peace, Patience and Humility
Joyce Meyer - Peace, Patience and Humility
Ginger Stache : Hi everyone. Welcome to Joyce Meyer's Talk it Out podcast, where Joyce teaches the Word of God, in her practical, no-nonsense way. And my friends and I, talk about the real stuff of living it and holding nothing back. I'm [...]
Derek Prince - Have You Humbled Yourself
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Derek Prince - Have You Humbled Yourself
Derek Prince - Have You Humbled Yourself
This is a clip from the full sermon: Self-Humbling Through Fasting Let me just turn for a moment to Joel 2. I want to now look at the prophetic element in prayer and fasting. It’s a very long chapter and I cannot read it all. I hope that some of [...]
Derek Prince - Fear God And Be Humble
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Derek Prince - Fear God And Be Humble
Derek Prince - Fear God And Be Humble
This is a clip from: God's Word Your Inexhaustible Resource Now let me just take a few moments in closing to give you some suggestions as to how to receive the Word of God. I've spoken about what it will do some of the things, there are [...]
Craig Smith - Humility
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Craig Smith - Humility
Craig Smith - Humility
Hey, welcome to Mission Hills. So glad you’re with us, whether you’re joining us in person or online or a Mission Hills Watch Party. So, so good to have you with us. If you are in person, feel free to go ahead and have a seat right now. We’re [...]
TD Jakes - The Spin Cycle
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TD Jakes - The Spin Cycle
TD Jakes - The Spin Cycle
You don't get to celebrate the touch of the Master's hand because the clay is spinning so fast it doesn't even get to enjoy the touch. You know, it is the combination of the spinning and the touch that forms the vessel. The touch [...]
Robert Jeffress - The Way Up Is Down - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - The Way Up Is Down - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - The Way Up Is Down - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Solomon was the richest and wisest man of his day. Yet, in his book of Proverbs, he wrote that true success comes not from being prominent, but from being humble. [...]
Robert Jeffress - The Way Up Is Down - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - The Way Up Is Down - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - The Way Up Is Down - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". Most people think that the surest way to achieve success is to be ambitious, get noticed and climb the ladder to the top. But as we'll discover in the book of [...]
Craig Smith - Arrogance and Humility
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Craig Smith - Arrogance and Humility
Craig Smith - Arrogance and Humility
Good morning. Welcome to Mission Hills, so good to have you here this morning. I’m really glad to be back. I did have a great chance last week to spend some time with my wife’s family. Her parents were celebrating their 50th anniversary. So we got [...]
Robert Morris - The Foundation of Humility
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Robert Morris - The Foundation of Humility
Robert Morris - The Foundation of Humility
I want to give you a little bit of an update on expansion at Gateway Church and where we are, and talk about each campus. Last year about this time we were entering into a capital campaign. Remember, we called it Now Is the Time. We found out in [...]
Robert Jeffress - Choosing Humility Over Pride
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Robert Jeffress - Choosing Humility Over Pride
Robert Jeffress - Choosing Humility Over Pride
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Did you know that God hates pride more than any other sin? It's at the top of his list. Why do you think that's true? Well, it's because pride harms our soul. And [...]
Joyce Meyer - Characteristics of Humility
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Joyce Meyer - Characteristics of Humility
Joyce Meyer - Characteristics of Humility
Well, thank you for joining us today on, "Enjoying Everyday Life". Jesus said, in John 10:10, "The thief comes only to kill, to steal, and destroy, but I came that you might have and enjoy your life and have it in abundance, to the [...]
Derek Prince - Be Clothed With Humility
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Derek Prince - Be Clothed With Humility
Derek Prince - Be Clothed With Humility
The third requirement, I think, is very important and it is stated in 1 Peter chapter 5, verses 5 and 6. 1 Peter 5:5-6 Likewise, you younger people, submit yourselves to your elders. Now, being over 70, of course I can say a hearty AMEN to that. But [...]
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John Hagee - Grace That Yields
John Hagee - Grace That Yields
Read with me Romans 15:1 and 2. Ready? "We then that are strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak, and not to please ourselves. Let every one of us please his neighbor for his good to edification". Verse 3: "For even Christ [...]
David Jeremiah - The Joy of Humility
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David Jeremiah - The Joy of Humility
David Jeremiah - The Joy of Humility
Paul was a prisoner under house arrest in Rome, and he was writing letters to the churches like the church in Philippi, which he had a very, very serious relationship with. He loved the Philippians. He had spent time with them, and they loved him, [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Pride And Humility
Joyce Meyer - Pride And Humility
Tonight, I'm speaking about pride and humility. Now, Andrew Murray wrote a book simply called "Humility". And I recommend it. It's a small book but it's very, very, very powerful. People don't really understand how [...]
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Kenneth Copeland - True Humility Is Casting Your Cares
Kenneth Copeland - True Humility Is Casting Your Cares
KENNETH: Hello everybody. We're Kenneth and Gloria Copeland. Welcome to the Believers Voice of Victory broadcast and welcome to our laughing place. Glory to God. I remember, oh Gloria, I was thinking about when John and Kellie were little, [...]
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David Jeremiah - Facing Life With Humility
David Jeremiah - Facing Life With Humility
Life has its one way of humbling us. When life touches us in every area of our living, sooner or later it will, in some measure, bring us to our knees. Doesn't take very long for someone who's on top to all of a sudden, discover that [...]
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David Jeremiah - A Life of Humility
David Jeremiah - A Life of Humility
Do you know that nobody is born humble? Children, babies, are not humble. They think it's all about them. And they want you to think it's all about them. And unfortunately, many times, we do, don't we? These little creatures who [...]
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Robert Morris — The Principle of Humility
Robert Morris — The Principle of Humility
All right. We are in a series called "Relationship through God's Top Ten", and we're talking about the Ten Commandments now. So, we're going to go to Exodus 20 in a moment, but if you want to be a professional and turn to [...]
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Joel Osteen — Healed Through Humility
Joel Osteen — Healed Through Humility
I want to talk to you today about "Healed through humility". We all have times where we know we're supposed to do something, but it doesn't seem fair to forgive that person that did you wrong, be kind to a neighbor that's [...]