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Adrian Rogers - When We All Get to Heaven
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Adrian Rogers - When We All Get to Heaven
Adrian Rogers - When We All Get to Heaven
Would you take your Bibles and find First John chapter 3? We're making our way through this wonderful book of First John, this epistle written by the beloved apostle, and we're calling this Bible study: "The Sweetest Fellowship this Side of [...]
Michael Youssef - The Structure of Heaven
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Michael Youssef - The Structure of Heaven
Michael Youssef - The Structure of Heaven
Question: "Why would Satan want to target pastors for failure"? I'm sure you've probably thought about it. Why would he be so concerned on leading evangelical leaders for failure? Answer: "Because Satan knows the importance of a [...]
Michael Youssef - Who is Going to Heaven? (Enduring Wisdom)
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Michael Youssef - Who is Going to Heaven? (Enduring Wisdom)
Michael Youssef - Who is Going to Heaven? (Enduring Wisdom)
Beloved, labels have never saved anyone. Labels have never taken anyone to heaven. And our passage for today in Luke 13 beginning at verse 23, some unknown person asked Jesus, "Lord, will those who are saved be few"? Listen carefully to [...]
Mike Novotny - Where Is Heaven?
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Mike Novotny - Where Is Heaven?
Mike Novotny - Where Is Heaven?
The other day I got a really great question from a grade school girl at our church. And it's a question maybe you've wondered about in your life too. The question was, "Where is heaven"? She had heard me talk about heaven as not being [...]
John Hagee - A Place Called Heaven
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John Hagee - A Place Called Heaven
John Hagee - A Place Called Heaven
If you have your Bibles, please turn to John 14:1 through 3, as we talk today about "A place called heaven". "Newsweek" recently carried a story that very few preachers are talking about heaven because they're reticent to talk [...]
Greg Laurie - Will I Get To Heaven?
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Greg Laurie - Will I Get To Heaven?
Greg Laurie - Will I Get To Heaven?
You know, I remember before I was a Christian, I thought when you died, you simply ceased to exist, and that freaked me out. Because I thought, "How can I simply no longer exist"? This is actually what I looked like at that stage. I don't [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Heaven is Fun
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Dr. Ed Young - Heaven is Fun
Dr. Ed Young - Heaven is Fun
Google "heaven" and you know what you'll see? Miles and miles of white clouds. You may see an angel or a cherub with a little halo around. You may see a harp of some kind but on and on and on and on you get the world's picture of heaven [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Will We Know People in Heaven?
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Dr. Ed Young - Will We Know People in Heaven?
Dr. Ed Young - Will We Know People in Heaven?
Perhaps you noticed in the news that 007, Roger Moore, died this past Tuesday. He was 89 years old. He made, what, seven or eight different movies, all of them very popular? He was a man with a gun. He was a man who was a spy for Great Britain but [...]
Dr. Ed Young - What Will Heaven Look Like?
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Dr. Ed Young - What Will Heaven Look Like?
Dr. Ed Young - What Will Heaven Look Like?
Revelation, I was in seminary, I took a class on Revelation for an entire year. The first day of class, our professor Dr. McDowell said, "If anyone puts on S on Revelation, you're gonna flunk the course". It's Revelation, the last book of [...]
Dr. Ed Young - Heaven Is Real
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Dr. Ed Young - Heaven Is Real
Dr. Ed Young - Heaven Is Real
Every second three people die. Every minute 180 people die. Every hour 1,1000 people die. Every day 250,000 people leave this earth. The mortality rate is 100%. A hundred percent. And therefore when we cease to function as a living person in this [...]
Michael Youssef - Peering Into the Courts of Heaven
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Michael Youssef - Peering Into the Courts of Heaven
Michael Youssef - Peering Into the Courts of Heaven
Immediately prior to a coming judgment, you find a huge increase in the perversion, in the corruption, in hostility toward the Lord and his followers. All these things tend to reach a fever pitch immediately prior to a coming judgment. You're going [...]
Adrian Rogers - A Place Called Heaven
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Adrian Rogers - A Place Called Heaven
Adrian Rogers - A Place Called Heaven
Turn in your Bibles to John chapter 14 verses 1 through 3, the dear Lord Jesus said, "Let not your heart be troubled. Ye believe in God, believe also in Me. In My Father's house are many mansions. If it were not so, I would have told you. I go [...]
Adrian Rogers - A Guided Tour Through Heaven
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Adrian Rogers - A Guided Tour Through Heaven
Adrian Rogers - A Guided Tour Through Heaven
Be finding Revelation chapter 21. We're making our way now through to the end of the book. And today we're taking a guided tour through Heaven. Many of you have visited Yosemite, one of the most magnificent natural parks in all of America and really [...]
Michael Youssef - Who is Going to Heaven?
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Michael Youssef - Who is Going to Heaven?
Michael Youssef - Who is Going to Heaven?
There is no subject that is more confusing and people are confused about than the question of who goes to heaven. It really is. There are so many conflicting views and opinions on the subject, and everyone who holds a view forcefully and strongly [...]
Sid Roth - These Kids See Amazing Visions from Heaven
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Sid Roth - These Kids See Amazing Visions from Heaven
Sid Roth - These Kids See Amazing Visions from Heaven
They can be the most influential and powerful people you know. Our children. To these kids angelic visitations and heavenly visions are normal. See how the younger generation is changing the world by bringing adults and other children into the [...]
Robert Jeffress - Our Bodies In Heaven
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Robert Jeffress - Our Bodies In Heaven
Robert Jeffress - Our Bodies In Heaven
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. In 1 Corinthians 15, the apostle Paul writes that one day all Christians will receive a new heavenly body to inhabit for all eternity. That's some wonderful news. So what will our [...]
Jentezen Franklin - A Place Called Heaven
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Jentezen Franklin - A Place Called Heaven
Jentezen Franklin - A Place Called Heaven
I want you right now to look at 1 Samuel 20:3: "Then David took an oath again, and said, 'Your father certainly knows that I have found favor in your eyes, and he has said, 'do not let Jonathon know this, lest he be grieved.' But truly, as the [...]
John Bradshaw - Heaven, Hell and the Health Laws
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John Bradshaw - Heaven, Hell and the Health Laws
John Bradshaw - Heaven, Hell and the Health Laws
— Welcome to "Line Upon Line" brought to you by It Is Written. This is where we get to answer your Bible questions. And I'll tell you right up front, if you have a question you would like answered, please email it to us [...]
Sid Roth - I Died. What God Showed Me in Heaven Will Shock You
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Sid Roth - I Died. What God Showed Me in Heaven Will Shock You
Sid Roth - I Died. What God Showed Me in Heaven Will Shock You
My guest died on the operating table. She experienced excruciating pain constantly for 14 years, so when God offered her a choice, she did not want to return. Then she saw what would happen if she did not come back. I believe you are the main reason [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Reality of Heaven and Hell - Part 2
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Creflo Dollar - The Reality of Heaven and Hell - Part 2
Creflo Dollar - The Reality of Heaven and Hell - Part 2
We've been talking about the reality of heaven and hell. And last week, we talked about hell. And tonight, we're gonna talk about heaven. It's really, really gonna be an amazing thing for you to join me in the Scriptures tonight to see all the [...]
Creflo Dollar - The Reality of Heaven and Hell - Part 1
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Creflo Dollar - The Reality of Heaven and Hell - Part 1
Creflo Dollar - The Reality of Heaven and Hell - Part 1
I'm gonna start a series that it's gonna sound a little awkward, but I'm gonna talk about tonight and next week "The Reality of Heaven and Hell". And the reason why I believe the Spirit of God, he spoke this to my heart, he says, "I [...]
Jack Graham - The Glory of Heaven
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Jack Graham - The Glory of Heaven
Jack Graham - The Glory of Heaven
Romans 5, verse 1 says this: "Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. Through Him we have obtained access by faith into this grace in which we stand". We not only are saved by [...]
Jack Graham - The Beauty of Heaven
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Jack Graham - The Beauty of Heaven
Jack Graham - The Beauty of Heaven
You can't think of heaven without trying to imagine its beauty, its magnificence. I heard about a mother and a child that were walking outside, a beautiful evening, the stars were glistening like diamonds in the dark and the girl was just taken in [...]
Jack Graham - The Activity of Heaven
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Jack Graham - The Activity of Heaven
Jack Graham - The Activity of Heaven
You ought to be excited about what God is planning, what Jesus is preparing for you. Now of course, the questions come. You know, what is heaven going to be like? And, particularly, what will we do in heaven? After all, eternity is a long, long [...]
Jack Graham - The Community of Heaven
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Jack Graham - The Community of Heaven
Jack Graham - The Community of Heaven
Turn to the book of Revelation, chapter 4 of the Revelation. John was given a glimpse of glory. He was allowed to see into our future and speak of God's plans for our lives in eternity. And not only the end of the world, but beyond this world. It's [...]
Jack Graham - The Reality of Heaven
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Jack Graham - The Reality of Heaven
Jack Graham - The Reality of Heaven
Good morning everyone and let me ask that you take your Bibles and turn to John's Gospel, the fourteenth chapter. And we begin our series on HEAVEN: five weeks on heaven. Today the "Reality of Heaven". We'll be talking going forward, about [...]
Jack Graham - Finally Home
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Jack Graham - Finally Home
Jack Graham - Finally Home
It's been a long journey really, step by step through Revelation, beginning at chapter one and now we come to the last two chapters: Revelation 21, Revelation 22. We are on our way home! After the millennial reign of Christ, one thousand years [...]
Jack Graham - Paradise
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Jack Graham - Paradise
Jack Graham - Paradise
Let me ask you a question: Do you know for certain that if you were to die today that you would go to heaven? Maybe you wonder: Can you know? Is it possible to know? The answer? Absolutely yes, you can know. In fact God's Word is written: [...]
Sid Roth - What He Saw in Heaven Will Wreck You
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Sid Roth - What He Saw in Heaven Will Wreck You
Sid Roth - What He Saw in Heaven Will Wreck You
Sid Roth : Randy Kay trained employees in Fortune 500 corporations, founded four companies, authored seven books. Randy, it's hard to believe, having come to know you, that you were a really fervent agnostic at some time. But at 25, everything [...]
Jack Graham - An Endless Hallelujah
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Jack Graham - An Endless Hallelujah
Jack Graham - An Endless Hallelujah
All of us who are Christians, we want to know what heaven is like. And, of course, we have questions that we can't answer. And we will never comprehend the greatness, the grandeur, the glory of heaven until we're actually there. And yet the Bible [...]
Jack Graham - Heaven, Really?
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Jack Graham - Heaven, Really?
Jack Graham - Heaven, Really?
Heaven is awesome! Wonderful. Beyond our imagination! The place that our Lord is preparing for us defies description. And as believers and followers of the Lord Jesus, we are on our way to a place that we've never been before. Now I don't know about [...]
Sid Roth - THIS is What a Heaven Portal Looks Like
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Sid Roth - THIS is What a Heaven Portal Looks Like
Sid Roth - THIS is What a Heaven Portal Looks Like
My guest operates under the same shaft of Heavenly light or portal that Jesus walked under. He says it's available to all believers. Interested? Sid Roth : Jerame Nelson, I want you to explain, what is this shaft of light, this portal that Jesus [...]
Sid Roth - These People Visit Heaven and See Each Other There
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Sid Roth - These People Visit Heaven and See Each Other There
Sid Roth - These People Visit Heaven and See Each Other There
Sid Roth : Hello, Sid Roth, your investigative reporter here with David Herzog. I mean you can't turn on television without some weight loss thing, but what happens when a young Jewish man that had a radical experience in a place in Jerusalem [...]
Sid Roth - Amazing Secrets Jesus Showed Me in Heaven
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Sid Roth - Amazing Secrets Jesus Showed Me in Heaven
Sid Roth - Amazing Secrets Jesus Showed Me in Heaven
My guest has had so many visions of Heaven, and she has learned so many Heavenly secrets. Now she's been charged to share these secrets so that you can implement them on Earth. Your faith will soar! Sid Roth : Recently, Laurie Ditto was on our other [...]
Sid Roth - Jesus Takes Rabbi to Heaven to Tell Him THIS
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Sid Roth - Jesus Takes Rabbi to Heaven to Tell Him THIS
Sid Roth - Jesus Takes Rabbi to Heaven to Tell Him THIS
Rabbi Jason Sobel was taken to heaven, heard music beyond this world, and told about the next move of God. Sid Roth : I've got a Jewish rabbi from New Jersey that studied at a yeshiva in Israel, and boldly says that Jesus, Yeshua, is the Messiah, [...]
Sid Roth - Jesus Takes Her to Heaven to See the Future and Beyond
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Sid Roth - Jesus Takes Her to Heaven to See the Future and Beyond
Sid Roth - Jesus Takes Her to Heaven to See the Future and Beyond
My guest says the next decade will be payback for all that you have suffered, next. Sid Roth : You know, every time I get together with Donna Rigney, there are two things that always happen. The first is, the presence of God is tangible. I mean, it [...]
Sid Roth - Angel Secrets I Discovered on My Visit to Heaven
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Sid Roth - Angel Secrets I Discovered on My Visit to Heaven
Sid Roth - Angel Secrets I Discovered on My Visit to Heaven
My guest died, went to heaven, but was sent back for many reasons. But one of the major reasons was to reveal the secrets of angels. Did you know that your entire future was written in advance, and there's books that have exactly what you're [...]
Sid Roth - I Walked into Jesus' Eyes in Heaven and Saw This
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Sid Roth - I Walked into Jesus' Eyes in Heaven and Saw This
Sid Roth - I Walked into Jesus' Eyes in Heaven and Saw This
My guest was shown God's plan for his life in Heaven. He wants to teach you how to take a peek at your heavenly book of life. Interested? Sid Roth : Hi, I am here with Dr. Kevin Zadai. For those of you that don't know Kevin, in 1992, he was having a [...]
Sid Roth - Don't Let This Happen to You When You Get to Heaven
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Sid Roth - Don't Let This Happen to You When You Get to Heaven
Sid Roth - Don't Let This Happen to You When You Get to Heaven
When you get to Heaven, your biggest regret may be that you could have re-scripted your life, and not only avoided most of the bad, but changed it for the good, for the better, for your marriage, for your family, for your career, your health, your [...]
Sid Roth - I'm in Heaven and Jesus Says I Want to Show You Something
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Sid Roth - I'm in Heaven and Jesus Says I Want to Show You Something
Sid Roth - I'm in Heaven and Jesus Says I Want to Show You Something
The first thing that happened to me when I was in Heaven is, the Lord gave me a good length of time, because He had to talk to me about something, but He gave me a length of time to enjoy the atmosphere of Heaven. And again, like being in revival, [...]
Sid Roth - This Atheist Saw HEAVEN
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Sid Roth - This Atheist Saw HEAVEN
Sid Roth - This Atheist Saw HEAVEN
What happens to a Jewish atheist who's transported to the heavenlies, then finds out God and the Bible, they're real. Next on this edition of "It's Supernatural"! Sid Roth : Hello. I'm Sid Roth your investigative reporter, and I'm here [...]
Sid Roth - Stories of People Who Died and Came Back
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Sid Roth - Stories of People Who Died and Came Back
Sid Roth - Stories of People Who Died and Came Back
Hello! Sid Roth here. Welcome to my world, where it's naturally supernatural! My guest was an agnostic engineer that studied over 1,000 people for 35 years that had near-death experiences. Some saw Heaven; some saw Hell. Now he challenges anyone, [...]
David Reagan - Glenn Meredith on Heavenly Rewards
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David Reagan - Glenn Meredith on Heavenly Rewards
David Reagan - Glenn Meredith on Heavenly Rewards
What kind of rewards will believers receive at the judgment seat of Jesus? And will they be rewards to be enjoyed eternally? Also, is it improper for Christians to be motivated by the promise of rewards? For the answers to these and other questions [...]
David Reagan - Dennis Pollock on Heaven
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David Reagan - Dennis Pollock on Heaven
David Reagan - Dennis Pollock on Heaven
What will Heaven be like? Will we have new bodies, or will we be ethereal spirits? Will we know each other? Will we be living in a spiritual world in the heavens or a tangible world on a new earth? These and many other questions about Heaven are [...]
Rabbi Schneider - What Gets Us Into Heaven?
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Rabbi Schneider - What Gets Us Into Heaven?
Rabbi Schneider - What Gets Us Into Heaven?
I am concluding today this expositional series on The Covenants of Scripture. You all that have been with me these last five weeks now, I know that you've got this now; the relationship between the Abrahamic, Mosaic and New Covenants. We're gonna [...]
Robert Jeffress - Worship Like You've Never Experienced
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Robert Jeffress - Worship Like You've Never Experienced
Robert Jeffress - Worship Like You've Never Experienced
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. People often ask me, pastor, if heaven is forever, then what are we going to do all of that time? It's a fair question and I'm happy to report that there will be many things to do in [...]
Robert Jeffress - Heaven Can't Wait
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Robert Jeffress - Heaven Can't Wait
Robert Jeffress - Heaven Can't Wait
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to "Pathway to Victory". It's hard to imagine a world without your home or your office building or your favorite vacation spot, but the Bible teaches that one day this world and everything in it [...]
Robert Jeffress - Rewards In Heaven - Part 2
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Robert Jeffress - Rewards In Heaven - Part 2
Robert Jeffress - Rewards In Heaven - Part 2
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Romans 2:11 says there is no partiality with God. Aren't you grateful to serve a God who is just and fair? But that doesn't mean life after death will be the same for everyone. In [...]
Robert Jeffress - Rewards In Heaven - Part 1
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Robert Jeffress - Rewards In Heaven - Part 1
Robert Jeffress - Rewards In Heaven - Part 1
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress, and welcome again to Pathway to Victory. Many Christians assume that when we die, heaven will be exactly the same for every believer. Well, you might be surprised to learn that is not true. In fact, the Bible describes a [...]
Robert Jeffress - How Can I Prepare For My Journey To Heaven
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Robert Jeffress - How Can I Prepare For My Journey To Heaven?
Robert Jeffress - How Can I Prepare For My Journey To Heaven?
Hi, I'm Robert Jeffress. Welcome again to Pathway to Victory. One day followers of Jesus Christ will close their eyes for the last time and open them again in the presence of God. So what steps should we be taking right now in order to be ready for [...]
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