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Bill Johnson - Led By The Spirit
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Bill Johnson - Led By The Spirit
Bill Johnson - Led By The Spirit
Romans 8 could probably be a book of the Bible by itself. Maybe you could say that for every chapter, but, some chapters are very dependent on what precedes it, what follows. Romans 8 is just this, I don’t know, it’s just a complete package. Chapter [...]
Adrian Rogers - Lighting the Future
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Adrian Rogers - Lighting the Future
Adrian Rogers - Lighting the Future
I want you to find a familiar passage of Scripture. As a matter of fact, it may be your favorite passage of Scripture, Proverbs 3 verses 5 and 6. And we're going to revisit that passage of Scripture because it is so pertinent for this time of [...]
Steven Furtick - Guided By God's Word
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Steven Furtick - Guided By God's Word
Steven Furtick - Guided By God's Word
This is an excerpt from: Wasted Rain Here's what I want to say to you. How many of you love the Word of God? How many of you believe the Word of God can change your life? How many want the Word of God to work inside of you today? All right. [...]
Levi Lusko - Obedience When It Doesn't Make Sense
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Levi Lusko - Obedience When It Doesn't Make Sense
Levi Lusko - Obedience When It Doesn't Make Sense
Why does God call us to do things that are murky in the moment? Because he's like a good fitness trainer. He knows that if you just do triceps on Tuesday, and biceps on Thursday, and bench press on Wednesday, and you do the same workout regimen [...]
John Bradshaw - You'll Be One Yourself
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John Bradshaw - You'll Be One Yourself
John Bradshaw - You'll Be One Yourself
The children of Israel were miraculously freed from Egypt, they witnessed miracle after miracle, and yet spiritually, they fell apart. As we look at why that happened, you'll find guidance for your own life. Psalm 106, verse 35 says, "But [...]
Rabbi Schneider - How the Holy Spirit Can Guide You
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Rabbi Schneider - How the Holy Spirit Can Guide You
Rabbi Schneider - How the Holy Spirit Can Guide You
You see, God's Spirit is a speaking Spirit. This is why in the book of Acts 2 when the Holy Spirit, when the Ruach HaKodesh was given, in Acts 2, to the church, He manifested Himself above the disciples head as a tongue. A tongue is a speaking [...]
Steven Furtick - Let God Be Your Guide
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Steven Furtick - Let God Be Your Guide
Steven Furtick - Let God Be Your Guide
This is an excerpt from: Now Turn North I think that until what God speaks to me becomes my true north, I will always be lost in my life. "The law forbids you to carry your mat. You can't do that". Your anxiety is always going to [...]
Charles Stanley - Seeking God's Guidance
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Charles Stanley - Seeking God's Guidance
Charles Stanley - Seeking God's Guidance
When you're facing a very important decision in your life, how do you go about making that decision? Well, you may say, "Well, it depends upon how important it is. If it's a very important decision, I may go about it one way. If [...]
Derek Prince - The Word Is Your Guide
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Derek Prince - The Word Is Your Guide
Derek Prince - The Word Is Your Guide
"My son, keep your father's commands and do not forsake your mother's teaching. Bind them upon your heart forever; fasten them around your neck. When you walk, they will guide you; when you sleep, they will watch over you; when you [...]
Steven Furtick - God, I Need Your Guidance
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Steven Furtick - God, I Need Your Guidance
Steven Furtick - God, I Need Your Guidance
This is an excerpt from: He's Still The Shepherd Being in Christ doesn't exempt you from any of the normal challenges of life. We have to stop telling people, "Jesus will make it all right," because what they assume when they [...]
Derek Prince - The Holy Spirit May Sometimes Forbid Us To Go Someplace
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Derek Prince - The Holy Spirit May Sometimes Forbid Us To Go Someplace
Derek Prince - The Holy Spirit May Sometimes Forbid Us To Go Someplace
This is an excerpt from: The Headship of Jesus - Part 2 I'd like to continue for a little while with the second missionary journey of Paul. We get some other examples here of the headship of Jesus exercised through the Holy Spirit. In Acts 16, [...]
James Merritt - Heavenly Guide
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James Merritt - Heavenly Guide
James Merritt - Heavenly Guide
I don't care how successful you may think you are. Let me tell you. Nobody hits on all eight cylinders in every area of their life. It's impossible. You can't do it and the truth of the matter is we just don't have it within [...]
Charles Stanley - God's Guide to a Fruitful Life
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Charles Stanley - God's Guide to a Fruitful Life
Charles Stanley - God's Guide to a Fruitful Life
Do you want your life to be fruitful and feeling fulfilled and contented? And somehow in spite of all the difficulties and obstacles you have to face in life, you want to be able to sense a sense of contentment in your life, and the fact that your [...]
Steven Furtick - How To Recognize God's Guidance In Real Time
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Steven Furtick - How To Recognize God's Guidance In Real Time
Steven Furtick - How To Recognize God's Guidance In Real Time
This is an excerpt from: Blown Away! Life will layer you with dirt. Life will layer you, like Naomi, with bitterness, with experiences that all of a sudden become the focus. The Bible does not say the treasure was sitting in the field waiting to be [...]
Charles Stanley - The Good Shepherd
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Charles Stanley - The Good Shepherd
Charles Stanley - The Good Shepherd
Why do you suppose it's so difficult for us to believe with all of our heart that God loves us and that He cares for us as individuals? Well, there are probably several reasons, and one of them is that we can't quite picture the fact that [...]
John Bradshaw - A Call He Will Never Forget
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John Bradshaw - A Call He Will Never Forget
John Bradshaw - A Call He Will Never Forget
An air traffic controller in Florida received a call recently he will never forget. A passenger on a small Cessna aircraft radioed and said, "I've got a serious situation here: my pilot has gone incoherent, I have no idea how to fly the [...]
Rabbi Schneider - Will God Guide Us?
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Rabbi Schneider - Will God Guide Us?
Rabbi Schneider - Will God Guide Us?
Shalom beloved. Baruch Hashem, bless the name of the Lord. This is Rabbi Schneider. I'm in the old city right outside the walls of the city. I'm going again today to Psalm number 73. It's such a beautiful, powerful prophetic word. I [...]
Derek Prince - Do You Want The Map Or The Guide?
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Derek Prince - Do You Want The Map Or The Guide?
Derek Prince - Do You Want The Map Or The Guide?
This excerpt is from: The Holy Spirit As Guide . Now let me give you just a little parable which I’ve used to try and make this vivid to people. I want to say I’m sharing out of my experience. These things are real to me because I’ve been through [...]
Derek Prince - The Holy Spirit As Guide
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Derek Prince - The Holy Spirit As Guide
Derek Prince - The Holy Spirit As Guide
I've entitled this particular message The Holy Spirit As Guide. In the last message I spoke about five ministries of the Holy Spirit in which He continues the ministry of Jesus in our lives. I spoke about Him as teacher, remembrancer, guide, [...]
Charles Stanley - Finding Clear Guidance
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Charles Stanley - Finding Clear Guidance
Charles Stanley - Finding Clear Guidance
When you face those major decisions in your life, how do you feel? Sometimes you feel a little frustrated, maybe a little fearful. You feel sorta uneasy. Maybe you're not quite sure, little unassured about making the right decision. In fact, it [...]
Charles Stanley - Guidance Through Godly Meditation
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Charles Stanley - Guidance Through Godly Meditation
Charles Stanley - Guidance Through Godly Meditation
Meditation is a vital part of the Christian life. And what I mean by meditation, I mean that period of time you set aside to read the Word of God, talk with Him, listen to Him, seek His guidance and direction for your life. It's a vital part of [...]
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Charles Stanley - Living By God's Guidance
Charles Stanley - Living By God's Guidance
Who or what is guiding your life? Think for just a moment. When you think about a given day in your life, who's really guiding your thinking, your attitude, your wishes, your desires, how you operate, how you work, whatever it might be? Are you [...]
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John Hagee - Conscious and Guidance
John Hagee - Conscious and Guidance
What is Conscience? Conscience is a God-given instrument so that we can determine right from wrong in a spiritual matter. Conscience is the lamp of God, saying, this is the way: walk in it. Conscience doesn't say, well, I need 4.000 people [...]
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Joyce Meyer - Divine Guidance
Joyce Meyer - Divine Guidance
All right, I'm gonna talk to you today about "Divine guidance," or "Hearing God's voice". Probably it's not the top prayer request that we get. The top one that we get is for people's children and their loved [...]
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Joyce Meyer - The Guidance Of The Holy Spirit
Joyce Meyer - The Guidance Of The Holy Spirit
I wanna talk to you today about The Guidance of the Holy Spirit, because one of the things that he offers us is his guidance and his leadership, and we should be so much seeking that and desiring to know what God wants us to do. Because any time we [...]
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John Hagee - Conscience and Guidance
John Hagee - Conscience and Guidance
What is Conscience? Conscience is a God-given instrument so that we can determine right from wrong in a spiritual matter. Conscience is the lamp of God, saying, this is the way: walk in it. Conscience doesn't say, well, I need 4.000 people [...]
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TD Jakes - Guided by the Light
TD Jakes - Guided by the Light
I want you to focus not so much on the birth of Christ, as splendorous and wondrous as it might be, not so much on the swaddling clothes, and the manger, and all the imagery and messages that are drawn from the understanding that the King of Glory [...]